path: root/lua/colorizer/matcher.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'lua/colorizer/matcher.lua')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lua/colorizer/matcher.lua b/lua/colorizer/matcher.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dba67c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/colorizer/matcher.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+---Helper functions for colorizer to enable required parsers
+--@module colorizer.matcher
+local Trie = require "colorizer.trie"
+local min, max = math.min, math.max
+local color = require "colorizer.color"
+local color_name_parser = color.name_parser
+local rgba_hex_parser = color.rgba_hex_parser
+local sass = require "colorizer.sass"
+local sass_name_parser = sass.name_parser
+local B_HASH, DOLLAR_HASH = ("#"):byte(), ("$"):byte()
+local parser = {
+ ["_0x"] = color.argb_hex_parser,
+ ["_rgb"] = color.rgb_function_parser,
+ ["_rgba"] = color.rgba_function_parser,
+ ["_hsl"] = color.hsl_function_parser,
+ ["_hsla"] = color.hsla_function_parser,
+local matcher = {}
+---Form a trie stuct with the given prefixes
+---@param matchers table: List of prefixes, {"rgb", "hsl"}
+---@param matchers_trie table: Table containing information regarding non-trie based parsers
+---@return function: function which will just parse the line for enabled parsers
+function matcher.compile(matchers, matchers_trie)
+ local trie = Trie(matchers_trie)
+ local function parse_fn(line, i, buf)
+ -- prefix #
+ if matchers.rgba_hex_parser then
+ if line:byte(i) == B_HASH then
+ return rgba_hex_parser(line, i, matchers.rgba_hex_parser)
+ end
+ end
+ -- prefix $, SASS Colour names
+ if matchers.sass_name_parser then
+ if line:byte(i) == DOLLAR_HASH then
+ return sass_name_parser(line, i, buf)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Prefix 0x, rgba, rgb, hsla, hsl
+ local prefix = trie:longest_prefix(line, i)
+ if prefix then
+ local fn = "_" .. prefix
+ if parser[fn] then
+ return parser[fn](line, i, matchers[fn])
+ end
+ end
+ -- Colour names
+ if matchers.color_name_parser then
+ return color_name_parser(line, i, matchers.color_name_parser)
+ end
+ end
+ return parse_fn
+local MATCHER_CACHE = {}
+---Parse the given options and return a function with enabled parsers.
+--if no parsers enabled then return false
+--Do not try make the function again if it is present in the cache
+---@param options table: options created in `colorizer.setup`
+---@return function|boolean: function which will just parse the line for enabled parsers
+function matcher.make(options)
+ local enable_names = options.css or options.names
+ local enable_sass = options.sass and options.sass.enable
+ local enable_tailwind = options.tailwind
+ local enable_RGB = options.css or options.RGB
+ local enable_RRGGBB = options.css or options.RRGGBB
+ local enable_RRGGBBAA = options.css or options.RRGGBBAA
+ local enable_AARRGGBB = options.AARRGGBB
+ local enable_rgb = options.css or options.css_fns or options.rgb_fn
+ local enable_hsl = options.css or options.css_fns or options.hsl_fn
+ local matcher_key = 0
+ + (enable_names and 1 or 0)
+ + (enable_RGB and 1 or 1)
+ + (enable_RRGGBB and 1 or 2)
+ + (enable_RRGGBBAA and 1 or 3)
+ + (enable_AARRGGBB and 1 or 4)
+ + (enable_rgb and 1 or 5)
+ + (enable_hsl and 1 or 6)
+ + ((enable_tailwind == true or enable_tailwind == "normal") and 1 or 7)
+ + (enable_tailwind == "lsp" and 1 or 8)
+ + (enable_tailwind == "both" and 1 or 9)
+ + (enable_sass and 1 or 10)
+ if matcher_key == 0 then
+ return false
+ end
+ local loop_parse_fn = MATCHER_CACHE[matcher_key]
+ if loop_parse_fn then
+ return loop_parse_fn
+ end
+ local matchers = {}
+ local matchers_prefix = {}
+ matchers.max_prefix_length = 0
+ if enable_names then
+ matchers.color_name_parser = { tailwind = options.tailwind }
+ end
+ if enable_sass then
+ matchers.sass_name_parser = true
+ end
+ local valid_lengths = { [3] = enable_RGB, [6] = enable_RRGGBB, [8] = enable_RRGGBBAA }
+ local minlen, maxlen
+ for k, v in pairs(valid_lengths) do
+ if v then
+ minlen = minlen and min(k, minlen) or k
+ maxlen = maxlen and max(k, maxlen) or k
+ end
+ end
+ if minlen then
+ matchers.rgba_hex_parser = {}
+ matchers.rgba_hex_parser.valid_lengths = valid_lengths
+ matchers.rgba_hex_parser.maxlen = maxlen
+ matchers.rgba_hex_parser.minlen = minlen
+ end
+ if enable_AARRGGBB then
+ table.insert(matchers_prefix, "0x")
+ end
+ if enable_rgb and enable_hsl then
+ table.insert(matchers_prefix, "hsla")
+ table.insert(matchers_prefix, "rgba")
+ table.insert(matchers_prefix, "rgb")
+ table.insert(matchers_prefix, "hsl")
+ elseif enable_rgb then
+ table.insert(matchers_prefix, "rgba")
+ table.insert(matchers_prefix, "rgb")
+ elseif enable_hsl then
+ table.insert(matchers_prefix, "hsla")
+ table.insert(matchers_prefix, "hsl")
+ end
+ loop_parse_fn = matcher.compile(matchers, matchers_prefix)
+ MATCHER_CACHE[matcher_key] = loop_parse_fn
+ return loop_parse_fn
+return matcher