path: root/doc/colorizer-lua.txt
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/doc/colorizer-lua.txt b/doc/colorizer-lua.txt
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index 84db37f..0000000
--- a/doc/colorizer-lua.txt
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-*colorizer.lua* Highlight color codes like #RRGGBB and others.
-Minimum version of neovim: 0.4.0
-Author: Ashkan Kiani <from-nvim-colorizer.lua@kiani.io>
-INTRODUCTION *colorizer-lua-introduction*
-QUICK START *colorizer-lua-quickstart*
-Establish the an autocmd to highlight all filetypes.
- lua require 'colorizer'.setup()
- " Highlight using all available possible highlight modes in every filetype
- lua require 'colorizer'.setup(nil, { css = true; })
-COMMANDS *colorizer-commands*
-|:ColorizerAttachToBuffer| *:ColorizerAttachToBuffer*
-Attach to the current buffer and start highlighting with the settings as
-specified in setup (or the defaults).
-If the buffer was already attached (i.e. being highlighted), the settings will
-be reloaded with the ones from setup. This is useful for reloading settings
-for just one buffer.
-|:ColorizerDetachFromBuffer| *:ColorizerDetachFromBuffer*
-Stop highlighting the current buffer (detach).
-|:ColorizerReloadAllBuffers| *:ColorizerReloadAllBuffers*
-Reload all buffers that are being highlighted with new settings from the setup
-settings (or the defaults). Shortcut for ColorizerAttachToBuffer on every
-:ColorizerToggle :ColorizerToggle
-Toggle highlighting of the current buffer.
-LUA API DEFINITION *colorizer-lua-api*
-Assumes the module is imported as `colorizer`
-|colorizer-options| *colorizer-options*
- RGB = true; -- #RGB hex codes
- RRGGBB = true; -- #RRGGBB hex codes
- names = true; -- "Name" codes like Blue
- RRGGBBAA = false; -- #RRGGBBAA hex codes
- rgb_fn = false; -- CSS rgb() and rgba() functions
- hsl_fn = false; -- CSS hsl() and hsla() functions
- css = false; -- Enable all CSS features: rgb_fn, hsl_fn, names, RGB, RRGGBB
- css_fn = false; -- Enable all CSS *functions*: rgb_fn, hsl_fn
- -- Available modes: foreground, background
- mode = 'background'; -- Set the display mode.
- virtualtext = '■'; -- the virtual text block
- }
-- 'foreground': sets the foreground text color.
-- 'background': sets the background text color.
-- 'virtualtext': indicate the color behind the virtualtext
-|colorizer.setup| *colorizer.setup*
-Easy to use function if you want the full setup without fine grained control.
-Establishes an autocmd for `FileType`s .
- `filetypes` (optional) filetypes to enable. see examples below
- `default_options` (optional) |colorizer-options|
- colorizer.setup([filetypes=nil], [default_options={}])
- " In your VIMRC
- lua require'colorizer'.setup()
- -- From lua
- -- Attaches to every FileType mode
- require 'colorizer'.setup()
- -- Attach to certain Filetypes, add special configuration for `html`
- -- Use `background` for everything else.
- require 'colorizer'.setup {
- 'css';
- 'javascript';
- html = {
- mode = 'foreground';
- }
- }
- -- Use the `default_options` as the second parameter, which uses
- -- `foreground` for every mode. This is the inverse of the previous
- -- setup configuration.
- require 'colorizer'.setup({
- 'css';
- 'javascript';
- html = { mode = 'background' };
- }, { mode = 'foreground' })
- -- Use the `default_options` as the second parameter, which uses
- -- `foreground` for every mode. This is the inverse of the previous
- -- setup configuration.
- require 'colorizer'.setup {
- '*'; -- Highlight all files, but customize some others.
- css = { rgb_fn = true; }; -- Enable parsing rgb(...) functions in css.
- html = { names = false; } -- Disable parsing "names" like Blue or Gray
- }
- -- Exclude some filetypes from highlighting by using `!`
- require 'colorizer'.setup {
- '*'; -- Highlight all files, but customize some others.
- '!vim'; -- Exclude vim from highlighting.
- -- Exclusion Only makes sense if '*' is specified!
- }
-|colorizer.highlight_buffer| *colorizer.highlight_buffer*
-Highlight starting from `line_start` (0-indexed) for each line described by `lines` in the
-buffer `buf` and attach it to the namespace `ns`.
- `buf` buffer id.
- `ns` the namespace id. Create it with `vim.api.create_namespace`
- `lines` the lines to highlight from the buffer.
- `line_start` should be 0-indexed
- `options` |colorizer-options| to set. REQUIRED!
- colorizer.highlight_buffer(buf[, ns=DEFAULT_NAMESPACE],
- lines, line_start, options)
-|colorizer.attach_to_buffer| *colorizer.attach_to_buffer*
-Attach to a buffer and continuously highlight changes.
-If you don't specify `options`, it will be set from the setup options if
-specified or the default in |colorizer-options|.
- `buf` A value of 0 implies the current buffer.
- `options` (optional) |colorizer-options| to set.
- colorizer.attach_to_buffer(buf[, options={}])
- vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: