diff options
authorAshkan Kiani <ashkan.k.kiani@gmail.com>2020-01-02 14:56:58 -0800
committerAshkan Kiani <ashkan.k.kiani@gmail.com>2020-01-02 14:56:58 -0800
commit1e315ad517943d18fc08a9a1da53560150aa0400 (patch)
parentAdd color_picker and refactor. (diff)
Fix tabs to spaces and use a long name.
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 274 deletions
diff --git a/lua/colorizer.lua b/lua/colorizer.lua
index fbf2e11..6867975 100644
--- a/lua/colorizer.lua
+++ b/lua/colorizer.lua
@@ -169,30 +169,30 @@ local function hsl_to_rgb(h, s, l)
local function rgb_to_hsl(r, g, b)
- r = r / 255
- g = g / 255
- b = b / 255
- local c_max = max(r, g, b)
- local c_min = min(r, g, b)
- local chroma = c_max - c_min
- if chroma == 0 then
- return 0, 0, 0
- end
- local l = (c_max + c_min) / 2
- local s = chroma / (1 - math.abs(2*l-1))
- local h
- if c_max == r then
- h = ((g - b) / chroma) % 6
- elseif c_max == g then
- h = (b - r) / chroma + 2;
- elseif c_max == b then
- h = (r - g) / chroma + 4;
- end
- h = floor(h * 60)
- s = floor(s * 100)
- l = floor(l * 100)
- return h, s, l
+ r = r / 255
+ g = g / 255
+ b = b / 255
+ local c_max = max(r, g, b)
+ local c_min = min(r, g, b)
+ local chroma = c_max - c_min
+ if chroma == 0 then
+ return 0, 0, 0
+ end
+ local l = (c_max + c_min) / 2
+ local s = chroma / (1 - math.abs(2*l-1))
+ local h
+ if c_max == r then
+ h = ((g - b) / chroma) % 6
+ elseif c_max == g then
+ h = (b - r) / chroma + 2;
+ elseif c_max == b then
+ h = (r - g) / chroma + 4;
+ end
+ h = floor(h * 60)
+ s = floor(s * 100)
+ l = floor(l * 100)
+ return h, s, l
local function color_name_parser(line, i)
@@ -215,20 +215,18 @@ end
-- Converts a number to its rgb parts
local function num_to_rgb(n)
- n = tonumber(n)
- return band(rshift(n, 16), 0xFF),
- band(rshift(n, 8), 0xFF),
- band(n, 0xFF)
+ n = tonumber(n)
+ return band(rshift(n, 16), 0xFF), band(rshift(n, 8), 0xFF), band(n, 0xFF)
-- Converts a number to its rgb parts
local function rgb_to_num(r, g, b)
- return bor(lshift(band(r, 0xFF), 16), lshift(band(g, 0xFF), 8), band(b, 0xFF))
+ return bor(lshift(band(r, 0xFF), 16), lshift(band(g, 0xFF), 8), band(b, 0xFF))
-- Converts a number to its rgb parts
local function rgb_to_hex(r, g, b)
- return tohex(rgb_to_num(r, g, b), 6)
+ return tohex(rgb_to_num(r, g, b), 6)
local b_hash = ("#"):byte()
@@ -261,16 +259,16 @@ local function rgb_hex_parser(line, i, minlen, maxlen)
if length ~= 4 and length ~= 7 and length ~= 9 then return end
if alpha then
alpha = tonumber(alpha)/255
- local r, g, b = num_to_rgb(v)
+ local r, g, b = num_to_rgb(v)
return 9, rgb_to_hex(floor(r*alpha), floor(g*alpha), floor(b*alpha))
- local rgb_hex = line:sub(i+1, i+length-1)
- if length == 4 then
- local x = tonumber(rgb_hex, 16)
- local r,g,b = band(rshift(x, 8), 0xF), band(rshift(x, 4), 0xF), band(x, 0xF)
- r, g, b = bor(r, lshift(r, 4)), bor(g, lshift(g, 4)), bor(b, lshift(b, 4))
- return 4, rgb_to_hex(r,g,b)
- end
+ local rgb_hex = line:sub(i+1, i+length-1)
+ if length == 4 then
+ local x = tonumber(rgb_hex, 16)
+ local r,g,b = band(rshift(x, 8), 0xF), band(rshift(x, 4), 0xF), band(x, 0xF)
+ r, g, b = bor(r, lshift(r, 4)), bor(g, lshift(g, 4)), bor(b, lshift(b, 4))
+ return 4, rgb_to_hex(r,g,b)
+ end
return 7, rgb_hex
@@ -395,7 +393,7 @@ local function create_highlight(rgb_hex, options)
if mode == 'foreground' then
nvim.ex.highlight(highlight_name, "guifg=#"..rgb_hex)
- -- Guess the foreground color based on the background color's brightness.
+ -- Guess the foreground color based on the background color's brightness.
local r, g, b = num_to_rgb(tonumber(rgb_hex, 16))
local fg_color
if color_is_bright(r,g,b) then
@@ -425,12 +423,12 @@ local function make_matcher(options)
local enable_hsl = options.css or options.css_fns or options.hsl_fn
local matcher_key = bor(
- lshift(enable_names and 1 or 0, 0),
- lshift(enable_RGB and 1 or 0, 1),
- lshift(enable_RRGGBB and 1 or 0, 2),
- lshift(enable_RRGGBBAA and 1 or 0, 3),
- lshift(enable_rgb and 1 or 0, 4),
- lshift(enable_hsl and 1 or 0, 5))
+ lshift(enable_names and 1 or 0, 0),
+ lshift(enable_RGB and 1 or 0, 1),
+ lshift(enable_RRGGBB and 1 or 0, 2),
+ lshift(enable_RRGGBBAA and 1 or 0, 3),
+ lshift(enable_rgb and 1 or 0, 4),
+ lshift(enable_hsl and 1 or 0, 5))
if matcher_key == 0 then return end
@@ -686,243 +684,243 @@ local empty_bar = "▁"
-- returns: bufnr, winnr
local function color_picker(starting, on_change)
- if _picker then
- print("There is already a color picker running.")
- return
- end
- assert(type(on_change) == 'function')
- local api = vim.api
- local bufnr = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
- local function progress_bar(x, m, fill)
- m = m - 1
- local pos = floor(x * m)
- local cursor
- if x == 0 then
- cursor = empty_bar
- elseif floor(x * m) == x * m then
- cursor = full_bar
- else
- cursor = fill and partial_bar or full_bar
- end
- local pre = fill and full_bar or empty_bar
- return pre:rep(pos)..cursor..empty_bar:rep(m - pos)
- end
- local function render_bars(focus, w, rgb, values, limits, styles)
- api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, ns, 0, -1)
- local lines = {
- "#"..rgb_to_hex(unpack(rgb));
- }
- for i = 1, #values do
- local v = values[i]
- local m = limits[i] or 1
- local s = styles[i]
- lines[#lines+1] = progress_bar(v/m, w, s).." = "..v
- end
- api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines)
- api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, ns, 'Underlined', focus + 1, 0, w*#empty_bar)
- end
- local bar_width = 10
- local function clamp(x, x0, x1)
- return min(max(x, x0), x1)
- end
- local mode = 0
- local rgb = {
- focus = 0;
- values = {0, 0, 0};
- limits = {255, 255, 255};
- styles = {false, false, false};
- }
- local hsl = {
- focus = 0;
- values = {0, 0, 0};
- limits = {360, 100, 100};
- styles = {false, true, true};
- }
- function rgb.init(r,g,b)
- rgb.values = {floor(r),floor(g),floor(b)}
- end
- function rgb.rgb()
- return rgb.values
- end
- function hsl.init(r,g,b)
- hsl.values = {rgb_to_hsl(r,g,b)}
- -- hsl.h, hsl.s, hsl.l = rgb_to_hsl(r,g,b)
- hsl.focus = hsl.focus or 0
- end
- function hsl.rgb()
- local h,s,l = unpack(hsl.values)
- return {hsl_to_rgb(h/360, s/100, l/100)}
- end
- local modes = { rgb; hsl; }
- function _picker(S)
- local cmode = modes[mode + 1]
- local changed = false
- if S.focus then
- cmode.focus = clamp(cmode.focus+S.focus, 0, 2)
- elseif S.value then
- local i = cmode.focus+1
- local values = cmode.values
- values[i] = clamp(values[i]+S.value, 0, cmode.limits[i])
- changed = true
- elseif S.mode then
- local values = cmode.rgb()
- mode = (mode + S.mode) % 2
- cmode = modes[mode + 1]
- cmode.init(unpack(values))
- changed = true
- end
- local rgbvals = cmode.rgb()
- if changed then
- on_change(rgbvals)
- end
- render_bars(cmode.focus, bar_width, rgbvals, cmode.values, cmode.limits, cmode.styles)
- -- render_bars(cmode.focus, bar_width, cmode.rgb(), cmode.values, cmode.limits, cmode.styles)
- end
- api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'j', '<cmd>lua _picker{focus=1}<cr>', {noremap=true})
- api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'k', '<cmd>lua _picker{focus=-1}<cr>', {noremap=true})
- api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'l', '<cmd>lua _picker{value=1}<cr>', {noremap=true})
- api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'h', '<cmd>lua _picker{value=-1}<cr>', {noremap=true})
- api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'L', '<cmd>lua _picker{value=10}<cr>', {noremap=true})
- api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'H', '<cmd>lua _picker{value=-10}<cr>', {noremap=true})
- api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', '<TAB>', '<cmd>lua _picker{mode=1}<cr>', {noremap=true})
- api.nvim_buf_attach(bufnr, false, {
- on_detach = function()
- on_change(modes[mode+1].rgb(), true)
- _picker = nil
- end
- })
- if starting then
- assert(type(starting) == 'string')
- -- Make a matcher which works for all inputs.
- local matcher = make_matcher{css=true}
- local length, rgb_hex = matcher(starting, 1)
- if length then
- modes[mode+1].init(num_to_rgb(tonumber(rgb_hex, 16)))
- else
- print("Invalid starting color:", starting)
- modes[mode+1].init(0, 0, 0)
- end
- else
- modes[mode+1].init(0, 0, 0)
- end
- attach_to_buffer(bufnr)
- api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'undolevels', -1)
- -- TODO(ashkan): skip sending first on_change?
- _picker{}
- local winnr = api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, true, {
- style = 'minimal';
- -- anchor = 'NW';
- width = bar_width + 10;
- relative = 'cursor';
- row = 0; col = 0;
- height = 4;
- })
- return bufnr, winnr
+ print("There is already a color picker running.")
+ return
+ end
+ assert(type(on_change) == 'function')
+ local api = vim.api
+ local bufnr = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
+ local function progress_bar(x, m, fill)
+ m = m - 1
+ local pos = floor(x * m)
+ local cursor
+ if x == 0 then
+ cursor = empty_bar
+ elseif floor(x * m) == x * m then
+ cursor = full_bar
+ else
+ cursor = fill and partial_bar or full_bar
+ end
+ local pre = fill and full_bar or empty_bar
+ return pre:rep(pos)..cursor..empty_bar:rep(m - pos)
+ end
+ local function render_bars(focus, w, rgb, values, limits, styles)
+ api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(bufnr, ns, 0, -1)
+ local lines = {
+ "#"..rgb_to_hex(unpack(rgb));
+ }
+ for i = 1, #values do
+ local v = values[i]
+ local m = limits[i] or 1
+ local s = styles[i]
+ lines[#lines+1] = progress_bar(v/m, w, s).." = "..v
+ end
+ api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines)
+ api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, ns, 'Underlined', focus + 1, 0, w*#empty_bar)
+ end
+ local bar_width = 10
+ local function clamp(x, x0, x1)
+ return min(max(x, x0), x1)
+ end
+ local mode = 0
+ local rgb = {
+ focus = 0;
+ values = {0, 0, 0};
+ limits = {255, 255, 255};
+ styles = {false, false, false};
+ }
+ local hsl = {
+ focus = 0;
+ values = {0, 0, 0};
+ limits = {360, 100, 100};
+ styles = {false, true, true};
+ }
+ function rgb.init(r,g,b)
+ rgb.values = {floor(r),floor(g),floor(b)}
+ end
+ function rgb.rgb()
+ return rgb.values
+ end
+ function hsl.init(r,g,b)
+ hsl.values = {rgb_to_hsl(r,g,b)}
+ -- hsl.h, hsl.s, hsl.l = rgb_to_hsl(r,g,b)
+ hsl.focus = hsl.focus or 0
+ end
+ function hsl.rgb()
+ local h,s,l = unpack(hsl.values)
+ return {hsl_to_rgb(h/360, s/100, l/100)}
+ end
+ local modes = { rgb; hsl; }
+ -- Long name to avoid collisions. Amusing hack for lack of lua callbacks in keymappings.
+ local cmode = modes[mode + 1]
+ local changed = false
+ if S.focus then
+ cmode.focus = clamp(cmode.focus+S.focus, 0, 2)
+ elseif S.value then
+ local i = cmode.focus+1
+ local values = cmode.values
+ values[i] = clamp(values[i]+S.value, 0, cmode.limits[i])
+ changed = true
+ elseif S.mode then
+ local values = cmode.rgb()
+ mode = (mode + S.mode) % 2
+ cmode = modes[mode + 1]
+ cmode.init(unpack(values))
+ changed = true
+ end
+ local rgbvals = cmode.rgb()
+ if changed then
+ on_change(rgbvals)
+ end
+ render_bars(cmode.focus, bar_width, rgbvals, cmode.values, cmode.limits, cmode.styles)
+ end
+ api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'j', '<cmd>lua _PICKER_ASHKAN_KIANI_COPYRIGHT_2020_LONG_NAME_HERE_{focus=1}<cr>', {noremap=true})
+ api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'k', '<cmd>lua _PICKER_ASHKAN_KIANI_COPYRIGHT_2020_LONG_NAME_HERE_{focus=-1}<cr>', {noremap=true})
+ api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'l', '<cmd>lua _PICKER_ASHKAN_KIANI_COPYRIGHT_2020_LONG_NAME_HERE_{value=1}<cr>', {noremap=true})
+ api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'h', '<cmd>lua _PICKER_ASHKAN_KIANI_COPYRIGHT_2020_LONG_NAME_HERE_{value=-1}<cr>', {noremap=true})
+ api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'L', '<cmd>lua _PICKER_ASHKAN_KIANI_COPYRIGHT_2020_LONG_NAME_HERE_{value=10}<cr>', {noremap=true})
+ api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', 'H', '<cmd>lua _PICKER_ASHKAN_KIANI_COPYRIGHT_2020_LONG_NAME_HERE_{value=-10}<cr>', {noremap=true})
+ api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, 'n', '<TAB>', '<cmd>lua _PICKER_ASHKAN_KIANI_COPYRIGHT_2020_LONG_NAME_HERE_{mode=1}<cr>', {noremap=true})
+ api.nvim_buf_attach(bufnr, false, {
+ on_detach = function()
+ on_change(modes[mode+1].rgb(), true)
+ end
+ })
+ if starting then
+ assert(type(starting) == 'string')
+ -- Make a matcher which works for all inputs.
+ local matcher = make_matcher{css=true}
+ local length, rgb_hex = matcher(starting, 1)
+ if length then
+ modes[mode+1].init(num_to_rgb(tonumber(rgb_hex, 16)))
+ else
+ print("Invalid starting color:", starting)
+ modes[mode+1].init(0, 0, 0)
+ end
+ else
+ modes[mode+1].init(0, 0, 0)
+ end
+ attach_to_buffer(bufnr)
+ api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'undolevels', -1)
+ -- TODO(ashkan): skip sending first on_change?
+ local winnr = api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, true, {
+ style = 'minimal';
+ -- anchor = 'NW';
+ width = bar_width + 10;
+ relative = 'cursor';
+ row = 0; col = 0;
+ height = 4;
+ })
+ return bufnr, winnr
-- TODO(ashkan): Match the replacement type to the type of the input.
local function color_picker_on_cursor(config)
- config = config or {}
- assert(type(config) == 'table')
- local match_format = not config.rgb_hex
- local api = vim.api
- local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
- local pos = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
- local row, col = unpack(pos)
- local line = api.nvim_get_current_line()
- local matcher = make_matcher{css=true}
- local start, length, rgb_hex
- -- TODO(ashkan): How much should I backpedal? Is too much a problem? I don't
- -- think it could be since the color must contain the cursor.
- for i = col+1, max(col-50, 1), -1 do
- local l, hex = matcher(line, i)
- -- Check that col is bounded by i and i+l
- if l and (i + l) > col+1 then
- start, length, rgb_hex = i, l, hex
- break
- end
- end
- local function startswith(s, n)
- return s:sub(1, #n) == n
- end
- -- TODO(ashkan): make insertion on no color found configurable.
- -- Currently, it doesn't insert unless you modify something, which is pretty
- -- nice.
- start = start or col+1
- local prefix = line:sub(1, start-1)
- local suffix = line:sub(start+(length or 0))
- local matched = line:sub(start, start+length)
- local formatter = function(rgb)
- return "#"..rgb_to_hex(unpack(rgb))
- end
- if match_format then
- -- TODO(ashkan): make matching the result optional?
- if startswith(matched, "rgba") then
- -- TODO(ashkan): support alpha?
- formatter = function(rgb)
- return string.format("rgba(%d, %d, %d, 1)", unpack(rgb))
- end
- elseif startswith(matched, "rgb") then
- formatter = function(rgb)
- return string.format("rgb(%d, %d, %d)", unpack(rgb))
- end
- elseif startswith(matched, "hsla") then
- formatter = function(rgb)
- return string.format("hsla(%d, %d%%, %d%%, 1)", rgb_to_hsl(unpack(rgb)))
- end
- elseif startswith(matched, "hsl") then
- formatter = function(rgb)
- return string.format("hsl(%d, %d%%, %d%%)", rgb_to_hsl(unpack(rgb)))
- end
- -- elseif startswith(matched, "#") and length == 4 then
- -- elseif startswith(matched, "#") and length == 7 then
- -- else
- end
- end
- -- Disable live previews on long lines.
- -- TODO(ashkan): enable this when you can to nvim_buf_set_text instead of set_lines.
- -- TODO(ashkan): is 200 a fair number?
- if #line > 200 then
- return color_picker(rgb_hex and "#"..rgb_hex, vim.schedule_wrap(function(rgb, is_last)
- if is_last then
- api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, row-1, row, true, {prefix..formatter(rgb)..suffix})
- end
- end))
- end
- return color_picker(rgb_hex and "#"..rgb_hex, vim.schedule_wrap(function(rgb, is_last)
- -- Since we're modifying it perpetually, we don't need is_last, and this
- -- avoids modifying when nothing has changed.
- if is_last then return end
- api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, row-1, row, true, {prefix..formatter(rgb)..suffix})
- end))
+ config = config or {}
+ assert(type(config) == 'table')
+ local match_format = not config.rgb_hex
+ local api = vim.api
+ local bufnr = api.nvim_get_current_buf()
+ local pos = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
+ local row, col = unpack(pos)
+ local line = api.nvim_get_current_line()
+ local matcher = make_matcher{css=true}
+ local start, length, rgb_hex
+ -- TODO(ashkan): How much should I backpedal? Is too much a problem? I don't
+ -- think it could be since the color must contain the cursor.
+ for i = col+1, max(col-50, 1), -1 do
+ local l, hex = matcher(line, i)
+ -- Check that col is bounded by i and i+l
+ if l and (i + l) > col+1 then
+ start, length, rgb_hex = i, l, hex
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ local function startswith(s, n)
+ return s:sub(1, #n) == n
+ end
+ -- TODO(ashkan): make insertion on no color found configurable.
+ -- Currently, it doesn't insert unless you modify something, which is pretty
+ -- nice.
+ start = start or col+1
+ local prefix = line:sub(1, start-1)
+ local suffix = line:sub(start+(length or 0))
+ local matched = line:sub(start, start+length)
+ local formatter = function(rgb)
+ return "#"..rgb_to_hex(unpack(rgb))
+ end
+ if match_format then
+ -- TODO(ashkan): make matching the result optional?
+ if startswith(matched, "rgba") then
+ -- TODO(ashkan): support alpha?
+ formatter = function(rgb)
+ return string.format("rgba(%d, %d, %d, 1)", unpack(rgb))
+ end
+ elseif startswith(matched, "rgb") then
+ formatter = function(rgb)
+ return string.format("rgb(%d, %d, %d)", unpack(rgb))
+ end
+ elseif startswith(matched, "hsla") then
+ formatter = function(rgb)
+ return string.format("hsla(%d, %d%%, %d%%, 1)", rgb_to_hsl(unpack(rgb)))
+ end
+ elseif startswith(matched, "hsl") then
+ formatter = function(rgb)
+ return string.format("hsl(%d, %d%%, %d%%)", rgb_to_hsl(unpack(rgb)))
+ end
+ -- elseif startswith(matched, "#") and length == 4 then
+ -- elseif startswith(matched, "#") and length == 7 then
+ -- else
+ end
+ end
+ -- Disable live previews on long lines.
+ -- TODO(ashkan): enable this when you can to nvim_buf_set_text instead of set_lines.
+ -- TODO(ashkan): is 200 a fair number?
+ if #line > 200 then
+ return color_picker(rgb_hex and "#"..rgb_hex, vim.schedule_wrap(function(rgb, is_last)
+ if is_last then
+ api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, row-1, row, true, {prefix..formatter(rgb)..suffix})
+ end
+ end))
+ end
+ return color_picker(rgb_hex and "#"..rgb_hex, vim.schedule_wrap(function(rgb, is_last)
+ -- Since we're modifying it perpetually, we don't need is_last, and this
+ -- avoids modifying when nothing has changed.
+ if is_last then return end
+ api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, row-1, row, true, {prefix..formatter(rgb)..suffix})
+ end))
--- @export
return {
- color_picker = color_picker;
- color_picker_on_cursor = color_picker_on_cursor;
+ color_picker = color_picker;
+ color_picker_on_cursor = color_picker_on_cursor;
setup = setup;
is_buffer_attached = is_buffer_attached;
attach_to_buffer = attach_to_buffer;
@@ -930,6 +928,8 @@ return {
highlight_buffer = highlight_buffer;
reload_all_buffers = reload_all_buffers;
get_buffer_options = get_buffer_options;
- create_highlight = create_highlight;
+ create_highlight = create_highlight;
+-- vim:noet sw=2 ts=2