path: root/wind.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wind.c')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wind.c b/wind.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a09fdce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wind.c
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#include "wind.h"
+static short my_fg = COLOR_WHITE;
+static short my_bg = COLOR_BLACK;
+extern char status[10];
+extern WINDOW *cmd_win;
+extern WINDOW *sep_win;
+void prepare(char* s) {
+ refresh();
+ strcpy(status, s);
+ printStatus();
+ readline_n();
+ clear();
+ curs_set(0);
+void printTagInfoHeader() {
+ attrset( COLOR_PAIR( COLOR_BLUE + 1) | A_BOLD);
+ mvprintc(COLS/2+2, 1, "Title :",15);
+ mvprintc(COLS/2+2, 2, "Artist :",15);
+ mvprintc(COLS/2+2, 3, "Album :",15);
+ mvprintc(COLS/2+2, 4, "Year :",15);
+ mvprintc(COLS/2+2, 5, "Track :",15);
+ mvprintc(COLS/2+2, 6, "Genre :",15);
+ mvprintc(COLS/2+2, 7, "Comment :",15);
+ attrset( COLOR_PAIR( 0 ) | A_NORMAL);
+void printTagInfo(menuC* menu) {
+ static int mustClear = 0;
+ if( mustClear == 1 ) {
+ int x = menu->x;
+ int y = menu->y;
+ int h = menu->h;
+ int w = menu->w;
+ for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
+ move(1+i,COLS/2+14);
+ printw("%*s", COLS/2-14, " ");
+ }
+ mustClear = 0;
+ }
+ itemC* it = menu->list+menu->hl;
+ if( !it->opt ) {
+ char inT[6] = "";
+ mvprintc( COLS/2+14, 1, taglib_tag_title(it->info.tag), COLS/2-14);
+ mvprintc( COLS/2+14, 2, taglib_tag_artist(it->info.tag), COLS/2-14);
+ mvprintc( COLS/2+14, 3, taglib_tag_album (it->info.tag), COLS/2-14);
+ sprintf(inT, "%d", taglib_tag_year (it->info.tag));
+ mvprintc( COLS/2+14, 4, inT, COLS/2-14);
+ sprintf(inT, "%d", taglib_tag_track(it->info.tag));
+ mvprintc( COLS/2+14, 5, inT, COLS/2-14);
+ mvprintc( COLS/2+14, 6, taglib_tag_genre(it->info.tag), COLS/2-14);
+ mvprintc( COLS/2+14, 7, taglib_tag_comment(it->info.tag), COLS/2-14);
+ mustClear = 1;
+ }
+void cleanmenu(menuC* menu) {
+ for(int i = menu->firstElem ; i < menu->h && i < menu->nbElem; i++) {
+ move(menu->y+i,menu->x);
+ printw("%*s", menu->w, " ");
+ }
+ refresh();
+void printmenu(menuC* menu) {
+ int x = menu->x;
+ int y = menu->y;
+ int h = menu->h;
+ int w = menu->w;
+ itemC* it = menu->list;
+ int s = menu->nbElem;
+ if( menu->hl < (menu->firstElem) ) {
+ menu->firstElem-=menu->h/2;
+ if( menu->firstElem < 0 )
+ menu->firstElem = 0;
+ cleanmenu(menu);
+ }
+ if( menu->hl >= (menu->firstElem+menu->h ) ) {
+ attrset(0 | A_NORMAL );
+ menu->firstElem+=menu->h/2;
+ if( menu-> firstElem > menu->nbElem )
+ menu-> firstElem = menu->nbElem;
+ cleanmenu(menu);
+ }
+ for(int i = menu->firstElem ; i < (h+menu->firstElem) && i < s ; i++) {
+ int color = 0, attr = A_NORMAL;
+ if( it[i].opt == 1 )
+ color = COLOR_BLUE+1;
+ if( i == menu->hl )
+ attr = A_REVERSE;
+ if( it[i].selected ) {
+ attr |= A_BOLD;
+ }
+ attrset( COLOR_PAIR(color) | attr);
+ move(y,x);
+ printw("%*s", w, " ");
+ mvprintc(x,y++,it[i].cstr, w);
+ attrset(0 | A_NORMAL);
+ }
+void printStatus(void) {
+ mvprintc(COLS-5,LINES-3," ",4);
+ mvprintc(COLS-5,LINES-3,status,4);
+void resize(void)
+ if (LINES >= 3) {
+ CHECK(wresize, sep_win, 1, COLS);
+ CHECK(wresize, cmd_win, 1, COLS);
+ CHECK(mvwin, sep_win, LINES - 2, 0);
+ CHECK(mvwin, cmd_win, LINES - 1, 0);
+ }
+ // Batch refreshes and commit them with doupdate()
+ CHECK(wnoutrefresh, sep_win);
+ cmd_win_redisplay(true);
+ CHECK(doupdate);
+void resizeMain(menuC* menu) {
+ clear();
+ menu->h = LINES-2;
+ menu->w = COLS/2-1;
+ printmenu(menu);
+ printTagInfoHeader();
+ printTagInfo(menu);
+ printStatus();
+ move(1,COLS/2);
+ vline( ACS_VLINE, LINES-2) ;