path: root/awesome/lib/wibox/init.lua
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 479 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/init.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/init.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fc89ce..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/init.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
--- @author Uli Schlachter
--- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter
--- @classmod wibox
-local capi = {
- drawin = drawin,
- root = root,
- awesome = awesome,
- screen = screen
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local pairs = pairs
-local type = type
-local object = require("gears.object")
-local grect = require("gears.geometry").rectangle
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local base = require("wibox.widget.base")
---- This provides widget box windows. Every wibox can also be used as if it were
--- a drawin. All drawin functions and properties are also available on wiboxes!
--- wibox
-local wibox = { mt = {}, object = {} }
-wibox.layout = require("wibox.layout")
-wibox.container = require("wibox.container")
-wibox.widget = require("wibox.widget")
-wibox.drawable = require("wibox.drawable")
-wibox.hierarchy = require("wibox.hierarchy")
-local force_forward = {
- shape_bounding = true,
- shape_clip = true,
---Imported documentation
---- Border width.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::border_width*
--- @property border_width
--- @param integer
---- Border color.
--- Please note that this property only support string based 24 bit or 32 bit
--- colors:
--- Red Blue
--- _| _|
--- #FF00FF
--- T‾
--- Green
--- Red Blue
--- _| _|
--- #FF00FF00
--- T‾ ‾T
--- Green Alpha
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::border_color*
--- @property border_color
--- @param string
---- On top of other windows.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::ontop*
--- @property ontop
--- @param boolean
---- The mouse cursor.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::cursor*
--- @property cursor
--- @param string
--- @see mouse
---- Visibility.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::visible*
--- @property visible
--- @param boolean
---- The opacity of the wibox, between 0 and 1.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::opacity*
--- @property opacity
--- @tparam number opacity (between 0 and 1)
---- The window type (desktop, normal, dock, ...).
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::type*
--- @property type
--- @param string
--- @see client.type
---- The x coordinates.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::x*
--- @property x
--- @param integer
---- The y coordinates.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::y*
--- @property y
--- @param integer
---- The width of the wibox.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::width*
--- @property width
--- @param width
---- The height of the wibox.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::height*
--- @property height
--- @param height
---- The wibox screen.
--- @property screen
--- @param screen
---- The wibox's `drawable`.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::drawable*
--- @property drawable
--- @tparam drawable drawable
---- The widget that the `wibox` displays.
--- @property widget
--- @param widget
---- The X window id.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::window*
--- @property window
--- @param string
--- @see client.window
---- The wibox's bounding shape as a (native) cairo surface.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::shape_bounding*
--- @property shape_bounding
--- @param surface._native
---- The wibox's clip shape as a (native) cairo surface.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::shape_clip*
--- @property shape_clip
--- @param surface._native
---- Get or set mouse buttons bindings to a wibox.
--- @param buttons_table A table of buttons objects, or nothing.
--- @function buttons
---- Get or set wibox geometry. That's the same as accessing or setting the x,
--- y, width or height properties of a wibox.
--- @param A table with coordinates to modify.
--- @return A table with wibox coordinates and geometry.
--- @function geometry
---- Get or set wibox struts.
--- @param strut A table with new strut, or nothing
--- @return The wibox strut in a table.
--- @function struts
--- @see client.struts
---- The default background color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.bg_normal
--- @see bg
---- The default foreground (text) color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.fg_normal
--- @see fg
---- Set a declarative widget hierarchy description.
--- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/
--- @param args An array containing the widgets disposition
--- @name setup
--- @class function
---- The background of the wibox.
--- @param c The background to use. This must either be a cairo pattern object,
--- nil or a string that gears.color() understands.
--- @property bg
--- @see gears.color
---- The background image of the drawable.
--- If `image` is a function, it will be called with `(context, cr, width, height)`
--- as arguments. Any other arguments passed to this method will be appended.
--- @param image A background image or a function
--- @property bgimage
--- @see gears.surface
---- The foreground (text) of the wibox.
--- @param c The foreground to use. This must either be a cairo pattern object,
--- nil or a string that gears.color() understands.
--- @property fg
--- @see gears.color
---- Find a widget by a point.
--- The wibox must have drawn itself at least once for this to work.
--- @tparam number x X coordinate of the point
--- @tparam number y Y coordinate of the point
--- @treturn table A sorted table of widgets positions. The first element is the biggest
--- container while the last is the topmost widget. The table contains *x*, *y*,
--- *width*, *height* and *widget*.
--- @name find_widgets
--- @class function
-function wibox:set_widget(widget)
- self._drawable:set_widget(widget)
-function wibox:get_widget()
- return self._drawable.widget
-wibox.setup = base.widget.setup
-function wibox:set_bg(c)
- self._drawable:set_bg(c)
-function wibox:set_bgimage(image, ...)
- self._drawable:set_bgimage(image, ...)
-function wibox:set_fg(c)
- self._drawable:set_fg(c)
-function wibox:find_widgets(x, y)
- return self._drawable:find_widgets(x, y)
-function wibox:get_screen()
- if self.screen_assigned and self.screen_assigned.valid then
- return self.screen_assigned
- else
- self.screen_assigned = nil
- end
- local sgeos = {}
- for s in capi.screen do
- sgeos[s] = s.geometry
- end
- return grect.get_closest_by_coord(sgeos, self.x, self.y)
-function wibox:set_screen(s)
- s = capi.screen[s or 1]
- if s ~= self:get_screen() then
- self.x = s.geometry.x
- self.y = s.geometry.y
- end
- -- Remember this screen so things work correctly if screens overlap and
- -- (x,y) is not enough to figure out the correct screen.
- self.screen_assigned = s
- self._drawable:_force_screen(s)
-for _, k in pairs{ "buttons", "struts", "geometry", "get_xproperty", "set_xproperty" } do
- wibox[k] = function(self, ...)
- return self.drawin[k](self.drawin, ...)
- end
-local function setup_signals(_wibox)
- local obj
- local function clone_signal(name)
- -- When "name" is emitted on wibox.drawin, also emit it on wibox
- obj:connect_signal(name, function(_, ...)
- _wibox:emit_signal(name, ...)
- end)
- end
- obj = _wibox.drawin
- clone_signal("property::border_color")
- clone_signal("property::border_width")
- clone_signal("property::buttons")
- clone_signal("property::cursor")
- clone_signal("property::height")
- clone_signal("property::ontop")
- clone_signal("property::opacity")
- clone_signal("property::struts")
- clone_signal("property::visible")
- clone_signal("property::width")
- clone_signal("property::x")
- clone_signal("property::y")
- clone_signal("property::geometry")
- clone_signal("property::shape_bounding")
- clone_signal("property::shape_clip")
- obj = _wibox._drawable
- clone_signal("button::press")
- clone_signal("button::release")
- clone_signal("mouse::enter")
- clone_signal("mouse::leave")
- clone_signal("mouse::move")
- clone_signal("property::surface")
---- Create a wibox.
--- @tparam[opt=nil] table args
--- @tparam integer args.border_width Border width.
--- @tparam string args.border_color Border color.
--- @tparam boolean args.ontop On top of other windows.
--- @tparam string args.cursor The mouse cursor.
--- @tparam boolean args.visible Visibility.
--- @tparam number args.opacity The opacity of the wibox, between 0 and 1.
--- @tparam string args.type The window type (desktop, normal, dock, …).
--- @tparam integer args.x The x coordinates.
--- @tparam integer args.y The y coordinates.
--- @tparam integer args.width The width of the wibox.
--- @tparam integer args.height The height of the wibox.
--- @tparam screen args.screen The wibox screen.
--- @tparam wibox.widget args.widget The widget that the wibox displays.
--- @param args.shape_bounding The wibox’s bounding shape as a (native) cairo surface.
--- @param args.shape_clip The wibox’s clip shape as a (native) cairo surface.
--- @tparam color The background of the wibox.
--- @tparam surface args.bgimage The background image of the drawable.
--- @tparam color args.fg The foreground (text) of the wibox.
--- @treturn wibox The new wibox
--- @function .wibox
-local function new(args)
- args = args or {}
- local ret = object()
- local w = capi.drawin(args)
- function w.get_wibox()
- return ret
- end
- ret.drawin = w
- ret._drawable = wibox.drawable(w.drawable, { wibox = ret },
- "wibox drawable (" .. object.modulename(3) .. ")")
- ret._drawable:_inform_visible(w.visible)
- w:connect_signal("property::visible", function()
- ret._drawable:_inform_visible(w.visible)
- end)
- for k, v in pairs(wibox) do
- if type(v) == "function" then
- ret[k] = v
- end
- end
- setup_signals(ret)
- ret.draw = ret._drawable.draw
- -- Set the default background
- ret:set_bg( or beautiful.bg_normal)
- ret:set_fg(args.fg or beautiful.fg_normal)
- -- Add __tostring method to metatable.
- local mt = {}
- local orig_string = tostring(ret)
- mt.__tostring = function()
- return string.format("wibox: %s (%s)",
- tostring(ret._drawable), orig_string)
- end
- ret = setmetatable(ret, mt)
- -- Make sure the wibox is drawn at least once
- ret.draw()
- -- If a value is not found, look in the drawin
- setmetatable(ret, {
- __index = function(self, k)
- if rawget(self, "get_"..k) then
- return self["get_"..k](self)
- else
- return w[k]
- end
- end,
- __newindex = function(self, k,v)
- if rawget(self, "set_"..k) then
- self["set_"..k](self, v)
- elseif w[k] ~= nil or force_forward[k] then
- w[k] = v
- else
- rawset(self, k, v)
- end
- end
- })
- -- Set other wibox specific arguments
- if args.bgimage then
- ret:set_bgimage( args.bgimage )
- end
- if args.widget then
- ret:set_widget ( args.widget )
- end
- if args.screen then
- ret:set_screen ( args.screen )
- end
- return ret
---- Redraw a wibox. You should never have to call this explicitely because it is
--- automatically called when needed.
--- @param wibox
--- @function draw
- return new(...)
--- Extend the luaobject, {
- getter_class = wibox.object,
- setter_class = wibox.object,
- auto_emit = true,
-return setmetatable(wibox,
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