path: root/awesome/lib/wibox/drawable.lua
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 489 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/drawable.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/drawable.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 330edc3..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/drawable.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
---- Handling of drawables. A drawable is something that can be drawn to.
--- @author Uli Schlachter
--- @copyright 2012 Uli Schlachter
--- @classmod wibox.drawable
-local drawable = {}
-local capi = {
- awesome = awesome,
- root = root,
- screen = screen
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local cairo = require("lgi").cairo
-local color = require("gears.color")
-local object = require("gears.object")
-local surface = require("gears.surface")
-local timer = require("gears.timer")
-local grect = require("gears.geometry").rectangle
-local matrix = require("gears.matrix")
-local hierarchy = require("wibox.hierarchy")
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1)
-local visible_drawables = {}
--- Get the widget context. This should always return the same table (if
--- possible), so that our draw and fit caches can work efficiently.
-local function get_widget_context(self)
- local geom = self.drawable:geometry()
- local s = self._forced_screen
- if not s then
- local sgeos = {}
- for scr in capi.screen do
- sgeos[scr] = scr.geometry
- end
- s = grect.get_by_coord(sgeos, geom.x, geom.y) or capi.screen.primary
- end
- local context = self._widget_context
- local dpi = beautiful.xresources.get_dpi(s)
- if (not context) or context.screen ~= s or context.dpi ~= dpi then
- context = {
- screen = s,
- dpi = dpi,
- drawable = self,
- }
- for k, v in pairs(self._widget_context_skeleton) do
- context[k] = v
- end
- self._widget_context = context
- -- Give widgets a chance to react to the new context
- self._need_complete_repaint = true
- end
- return context
-local function do_redraw(self)
- if not self.drawable.valid then return end
- if self._forced_screen and not self._forced_screen.valid then return end
- local surf = surface.load_silently(self.drawable.surface, false)
- -- The surface can be nil if the drawable's parent was already finalized
- if not surf then return end
- local cr = cairo.Context(surf)
- local geom = self.drawable:geometry();
- local x, y, width, height = geom.x, geom.y, geom.width, geom.height
- local context = get_widget_context(self)
- -- Relayout
- if self._need_relayout or self._need_complete_repaint then
- self._need_relayout = false
- if self._widget_hierarchy and self.widget then
- self._widget_hierarchy:update(context,
- self.widget, width, height, self._dirty_area)
- else
- self._need_complete_repaint = true
- if self.widget then
- self._widget_hierarchy_callback_arg = {}
- self._widget_hierarchy =, self.widget, width, height,
- self._redraw_callback, self._layout_callback, self._widget_hierarchy_callback_arg)
- else
- self._widget_hierarchy = nil
- end
- end
- if self._need_complete_repaint then
- self._need_complete_repaint = false
- self._dirty_area:union_rectangle(cairo.RectangleInt{
- x = 0, y = 0, width = width, height = height
- })
- end
- end
- -- Clip to the dirty area
- if self._dirty_area:is_empty() then
- return
- end
- for i = 0, self._dirty_area:num_rectangles() - 1 do
- local rect = self._dirty_area:get_rectangle(i)
- cr:rectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
- end
- self._dirty_area = cairo.Region.create()
- cr:clip()
- -- Draw the background
- cr:save()
- if not capi.awesome.composite_manager_running then
- -- This is pseudo-transparency: We draw the wallpaper in the background
- local wallpaper = surface.load_silently(capi.root.wallpaper(), false)
- if wallpaper then
- cr.operator = cairo.Operator.SOURCE
- cr:set_source_surface(wallpaper, -x, -y)
- cr:paint()
- end
- cr.operator = cairo.Operator.OVER
- else
- -- This is true transparency: We draw a translucent background
- cr.operator = cairo.Operator.SOURCE
- end
- cr:set_source(self.background_color)
- cr:paint()
- cr:restore()
- -- Paint the background image
- if self.background_image then
- cr:save()
- if type(self.background_image) == "function" then
- self.background_image(context, cr, width, height, unpack(self.background_image_args))
- else
- local pattern = cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(self.background_image)
- cr:set_source(pattern)
- cr:paint()
- end
- cr:restore()
- end
- -- Draw the widget
- if self._widget_hierarchy then
- cr:set_source(self.foreground_color)
- self._widget_hierarchy:draw(context, cr)
- end
- self.drawable:refresh()
- assert(cr.status == "SUCCESS", "Cairo context entered error state: " .. cr.status)
-local function find_widgets(_drawable, result, _hierarchy, x, y)
- local m = _hierarchy:get_matrix_from_device()
- -- Is (x,y) inside of this hierarchy or any child (aka the draw extents)
- local x1, y1 = m:transform_point(x, y)
- local x2, y2, w2, h2 = _hierarchy:get_draw_extents()
- if x1 < x2 or x1 >= x2 + w2 then
- return
- end
- if y1 < y2 or y1 >= y2 + h2 then
- return
- end
- -- Is (x,y) inside of this widget?
- local width, height = _hierarchy:get_size()
- if x1 >= 0 and y1 >= 0 and x1 <= width and y1 <= height then
- -- Get the extents of this widget in the device space
- local x3, y3, w3, h3 = matrix.transform_rectangle(_hierarchy:get_matrix_to_device(),
- 0, 0, width, height)
- table.insert(result, {
- x = x3, y = y3, width = w3, height = h3,
- widget_width = width,
- widget_height = height,
- drawable = _drawable,
- widget = _hierarchy:get_widget(),
- hierarchy = _hierarchy
- })
- end
- for _, child in ipairs(_hierarchy:get_children()) do
- find_widgets(_drawable, result, child, x, y)
- end
---- Find a widget by a point.
--- The drawable must have drawn itself at least once for this to work.
--- @param x X coordinate of the point
--- @param y Y coordinate of the point
--- @treturn table A table containing a description of all the widgets that
--- contain the given point. Each entry is a table containing this drawable as
--- its `.drawable` entry, the widget under `.widget` and the instance of
--- `wibox.hierarchy` describing the size and position of the widget under
--- `.hierarchy`. For convenience, `.x`, `.y`, `.width` and `.height` contain an
--- approximation of the widget's extents on the surface. `widget_width` and
--- `widget_height` contain the exact size of the widget in its own, local
--- coordinate system (which may e.g. be rotated and scaled).
-function drawable:find_widgets(x, y)
- local result = {}
- if self._widget_hierarchy then
- find_widgets(self, result, self._widget_hierarchy, x, y)
- end
- return result
---- Set the widget that the drawable displays
-function drawable:set_widget(widget)
- self.widget = widget
- -- Make sure the widget gets drawn
- self._need_relayout = true
- self.draw()
---- Set the background of the drawable
--- @param c The background to use. This must either be a cairo pattern object,
--- nil or a string that gears.color() understands.
--- @see gears.color
-function drawable:set_bg(c)
- c = c or "#000000"
- local t = type(c)
- if t == "string" or t == "table" then
- c = color(c)
- end
- -- If the background is completely opaque, we don't need to redraw when
- -- the drawable is moved
- -- XXX: This isn't needed when awesome.composite_manager_running is true,
- -- but a compositing manager could stop/start and we'd have to properly
- -- handle this. So for now we choose the lazy approach.
- local redraw_on_move = not color.create_opaque_pattern(c)
- if self._redraw_on_move ~= redraw_on_move then
- self._redraw_on_move = redraw_on_move
- if redraw_on_move then
- self.drawable:connect_signal("property::x", self._do_complete_repaint)
- self.drawable:connect_signal("property::y", self._do_complete_repaint)
- else
- self.drawable:disconnect_signal("property::x", self._do_complete_repaint)
- self.drawable:disconnect_signal("property::y", self._do_complete_repaint)
- end
- end
- self.background_color = c
- self._do_complete_repaint()
---- Set the background image of the drawable
--- If `image` is a function, it will be called with `(context, cr, width, height)`
--- as arguments. Any other arguments passed to this method will be appended.
--- @param image A background image or a function
-function drawable:set_bgimage(image, ...)
- if type(image) ~= "function" then
- image = surface(image)
- end
- self.background_image = image
- self.background_image_args = {...}
- self._do_complete_repaint()
---- Set the foreground of the drawable
--- @param c The foreground to use. This must either be a cairo pattern object,
--- nil or a string that gears.color() understands.
--- @see gears.color
-function drawable:set_fg(c)
- c = c or "#FFFFFF"
- if type(c) == "string" or type(c) == "table" then
- c = color(c)
- end
- self.foreground_color = c
- self._do_complete_repaint()
-function drawable:_force_screen(s)
- self._forced_screen = s
-function drawable:_inform_visible(visible)
- self._visible = visible
- if visible then
- visible_drawables[self] = true
- -- The wallpaper or widgets might have changed
- self:_do_complete_repaint()
- else
- visible_drawables[self] = nil
- end
-local function emit_difference(name, list, skip)
- local function in_table(table, val)
- for _, v in pairs(table) do
- if v.widget == val.widget then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- for _, v in pairs(list) do
- if not in_table(skip, v) then
- v.widget:emit_signal(name,v)
- end
- end
-local function handle_leave(_drawable)
- emit_difference("mouse::leave", _drawable._widgets_under_mouse, {})
- _drawable._widgets_under_mouse = {}
-local function handle_motion(_drawable, x, y)
- if x < 0 or y < 0 or x > _drawable.drawable:geometry().width or y > _drawable.drawable:geometry().height then
- return handle_leave(_drawable)
- end
- -- Build a plain list of all widgets on that point
- local widgets_list = _drawable:find_widgets(x, y)
- -- First, "leave" all widgets that were left
- emit_difference("mouse::leave", _drawable._widgets_under_mouse, widgets_list)
- -- Then enter some widgets
- emit_difference("mouse::enter", widgets_list, _drawable._widgets_under_mouse)
- _drawable._widgets_under_mouse = widgets_list
-local function setup_signals(_drawable)
- local d = _drawable.drawable
- local function clone_signal(name)
- -- When "name" is emitted on wibox.drawin, also emit it on wibox
- d:connect_signal(name, function(_, ...)
- _drawable:emit_signal(name, ...)
- end)
- end
- clone_signal("button::press")
- clone_signal("button::release")
- clone_signal("mouse::enter")
- clone_signal("mouse::leave")
- clone_signal("mouse::move")
- clone_signal("property::surface")
- clone_signal("property::width")
- clone_signal("property::height")
- clone_signal("property::x")
- clone_signal("property::y")
-function, widget_context_skeleton, drawable_name)
- local ret = object()
- ret.drawable = d
- ret._widget_context_skeleton = widget_context_skeleton
- ret._need_complete_repaint = true
- ret._need_relayout = true
- ret._dirty_area = cairo.Region.create()
- setup_signals(ret)
- for k, v in pairs(drawable) do
- if type(v) == "function" then
- ret[k] = v
- end
- end
- -- Only redraw a drawable once, even when we get told to do so multiple times.
- ret._redraw_pending = false
- ret._do_redraw = function()
- ret._redraw_pending = false
- do_redraw(ret)
- end
- -- Connect our signal when we need a redraw
- ret.draw = function()
- if not ret._redraw_pending then
- timer.delayed_call(ret._do_redraw)
- ret._redraw_pending = true
- end
- end
- ret._do_complete_repaint = function()
- ret._need_complete_repaint = true
- ret:draw()
- end
- -- Do a full redraw if the surface changes (the new surface has no content yet)
- d:connect_signal("property::surface", ret._do_complete_repaint)
- -- Do a normal redraw when the drawable moves. This will likely do nothing
- -- in most cases, but it makes us do a complete repaint when we are moved to
- -- a different screen.
- d:connect_signal("property::x", ret.draw)
- d:connect_signal("property::y", ret.draw)
- -- Currently we aren't redrawing on move (signals not connected).
- -- :set_bg() will later recompute this.
- ret._redraw_on_move = false
- -- Set the default background
- ret:set_bg(beautiful.bg_normal)
- ret:set_fg(beautiful.fg_normal)
- -- Initialize internals
- ret._widgets_under_mouse = {}
- local function button_signal(name)
- d:connect_signal(name, function(_, x, y, button, modifiers)
- local widgets = ret:find_widgets(x, y)
- for _, v in pairs(widgets) do
- -- Calculate x/y inside of the widget
- local lx, ly = v.hierarchy:get_matrix_from_device():transform_point(x, y)
- v.widget:emit_signal(name, lx, ly, button, modifiers,v)
- end
- end)
- end
- button_signal("button::press")
- button_signal("button::release")
- d:connect_signal("mouse::move", function(_, x, y) handle_motion(ret, x, y) end)
- d:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function() handle_leave(ret) end)
- -- Set up our callbacks for repaints
- ret._redraw_callback = function(hierar, arg)
- -- Avoid crashes when a drawable was partly finalized and dirty_area is broken.
- if not ret._visible then
- return
- end
- if ret._widget_hierarchy_callback_arg ~= arg then
- return
- end
- local m = hierar:get_matrix_to_device()
- local x, y, width, height = matrix.transform_rectangle(m, hierar:get_draw_extents())
- local x1, y1 = math.floor(x), math.floor(y)
- local x2, y2 = math.ceil(x + width), math.ceil(y + height)
- ret._dirty_area:union_rectangle(cairo.RectangleInt{
- x = x1, y = y1, width = x2 - x1, height = y2 - y1
- })
- ret:draw()
- end
- ret._layout_callback = function(_, arg)
- if ret._widget_hierarchy_callback_arg ~= arg then
- return
- end
- ret._need_relayout = true
- -- When not visible, we will be redrawn when we become visible. In the
- -- mean-time, the layout does not matter much.
- if ret._visible then
- ret:draw()
- end
- end
- -- Add __tostring method to metatable.
- ret.drawable_name = drawable_name or object.modulename(3)
- local mt = {}
- local orig_string = tostring(ret)
- mt.__tostring = function()
- return string.format("%s (%s)", ret.drawable_name, orig_string)
- end
- ret = setmetatable(ret, mt)
- -- Make sure the drawable is drawn at least once
- ret._do_complete_repaint()
- return ret
--- Redraw all drawables when the wallpaper changes
-capi.awesome.connect_signal("wallpaper_changed", function()
- for d in pairs(visible_drawables) do
- d:_do_complete_repaint()
- end
--- Give drawables a chance to react to screen changes
-local function draw_all()
- for d in pairs(visible_drawables) do
- d:draw()
- end
-screen.connect_signal("property::geometry", draw_all)
-screen.connect_signal("added", draw_all)
-screen.connect_signal("removed", draw_all)
-return setmetatable(drawable, { __call = function(_, ...) return end })
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