path: root/awesome/lib/menubar/utils.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'awesome/lib/menubar/utils.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/menubar/utils.lua b/awesome/lib/menubar/utils.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f80e86..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/menubar/utils.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
---- Utility module for menubar
--- @author Antonio Terceiro
--- @copyright 2009, 2011-2012 Antonio Terceiro, Alexander Yakushev
--- @module menubar.utils
--- Grab environment
-local io = io
-local table = table
-local ipairs = ipairs
-local string = string
-local screen = screen
-local awful_util = require("awful.util")
-local theme = require("beautiful")
-local lgi = require("lgi")
-local gio = lgi.Gio
-local glib = lgi.GLib
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local debug = require("gears.debug")
-local protected_call = require("gears.protected_call")
-local utils = {}
--- NOTE: This icons/desktop files module was written according to the
--- following specifications:
--- Icons:
--- Desktop files:
--- Options section
---- Terminal which applications that need terminal would open in.
-utils.terminal = 'xterm'
---- The default icon for applications that don't provide any icon in
--- their .desktop files.
-local default_icon = nil
---- Name of the WM for the OnlyShownIn entry in the .desktop file.
-utils.wm_name = "awesome"
--- Private section
-local all_icon_sizes = {
- '128x128' ,
- '96x96',
- '72x72',
- '64x64',
- '48x48',
- '36x36',
- '32x32',
- '24x24',
- '22x22',
- '16x16'
---- List of supported icon formats.
-local icon_formats = { "png", "xpm", "svg" }
---- Check whether the icon format is supported.
--- @param icon_file Filename of the icon.
--- @return true if format is supported, false otherwise.
-local function is_format_supported(icon_file)
- for _, f in ipairs(icon_formats) do
- if icon_file:match('%.' .. f) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
-local icon_lookup_path = nil
---- Get a list of icon lookup paths.
--- @treturn table A list of directories, without trailing slash.
-local function get_icon_lookup_path()
- if not icon_lookup_path then
- local add_if_readable = function(t, path)
- if awful_util.dir_readable(path) then
- table.insert(t, path)
- end
- end
- icon_lookup_path = {}
- local icon_theme_paths = {}
- local icon_theme = theme.icon_theme
- local paths = glib.get_system_data_dirs()
- table.insert(paths, 1, glib.get_user_data_dir())
- table.insert(paths, 1, glib.build_filenamev({glib.get_home_dir(),
- '.icons'}))
- for _,dir in ipairs(paths) do
- local icons_dir = glib.build_filenamev({dir, 'icons'})
- if awful_util.dir_readable(icons_dir) then
- if icon_theme then
- add_if_readable(icon_theme_paths,
- glib.build_filenamev({icons_dir,
- icon_theme}))
- end
- -- Fallback theme.
- add_if_readable(icon_theme_paths,
- glib.build_filenamev({icons_dir, 'hicolor'}))
- end
- end
- for _, icon_theme_directory in ipairs(icon_theme_paths) do
- for _, size in ipairs(all_icon_sizes) do
- add_if_readable(icon_lookup_path,
- glib.build_filenamev({icon_theme_directory,
- size, 'apps'}))
- end
- end
- for _,dir in ipairs(paths)do
- -- lowest priority fallbacks
- add_if_readable(icon_lookup_path,
- glib.build_filenamev({dir, 'pixmaps'}))
- add_if_readable(icon_lookup_path,
- glib.build_filenamev({dir, 'icons'}))
- end
- end
- return icon_lookup_path
---- Lookup an icon in different folders of the filesystem.
--- @tparam string icon_file Short or full name of the icon.
--- @treturn string|boolean Full name of the icon, or false on failure.
-function utils.lookup_icon_uncached(icon_file)
- if not icon_file or icon_file == "" then
- return false
- end
- if icon_file:sub(1, 1) == '/' and is_format_supported(icon_file) then
- -- If the path to the icon is absolute and its format is
- -- supported, do not perform a lookup.
- return awful_util.file_readable(icon_file) and icon_file or nil
- else
- for _, directory in ipairs(get_icon_lookup_path()) do
- if is_format_supported(icon_file) and
- awful_util.file_readable(directory .. "/" .. icon_file) then
- return directory .. "/" .. icon_file
- else
- -- Icon is probably specified without path and format,
- -- like 'firefox'. Try to add supported extensions to
- -- it and see if such file exists.
- for _, format in ipairs(icon_formats) do
- local possible_file = directory .. "/" .. icon_file .. "." .. format
- if awful_util.file_readable(possible_file) then
- return possible_file
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
-local lookup_icon_cache = {}
---- Lookup an icon in different folders of the filesystem (cached).
--- @param icon Short or full name of the icon.
--- @return full name of the icon.
-function utils.lookup_icon(icon)
- if not lookup_icon_cache[icon] and lookup_icon_cache[icon] ~= false then
- lookup_icon_cache[icon] = utils.lookup_icon_uncached(icon)
- end
- return lookup_icon_cache[icon] or default_icon
---- Parse a .desktop file.
--- @param file The .desktop file.
--- @return A table with file entries.
-function utils.parse_desktop_file(file)
- local program = { show = true, file = file }
- local desktop_entry = false
- -- Parse the .desktop file.
- -- We are interested in [Desktop Entry] group only.
- for line in io.lines(file) do
- if line:find("^%s*#") then
- -- Skip comments.
- (function() end)() -- I haven't found a nice way to silence luacheck here
- elseif not desktop_entry and line == "[Desktop Entry]" then
- desktop_entry = true
- else
- if line:sub(1, 1) == "[" and line:sub(-1) == "]" then
- -- A declaration of new group - stop parsing
- break
- end
- -- Grab the values
- for key, value in line:gmatch("(%w+)%s*=%s*(.+)") do
- program[key] = value
- end
- end
- end
- -- In case [Desktop Entry] was not found
- if not desktop_entry then return nil end
- -- In case the (required) 'Name' entry was not found
- if not program.Name or program.Name == '' then return nil end
- -- Don't show program if NoDisplay attribute is false
- if program.NoDisplay and string.lower(program.NoDisplay) == "true" then
- = false
- end
- -- Only show the program if there is no OnlyShowIn attribute
- -- or if it's equal to utils.wm_name
- if program.OnlyShowIn ~= nil and not program.OnlyShowIn:match(utils.wm_name) then
- = false
- end
- -- Look up for a icon.
- if program.Icon then
- program.icon_path = utils.lookup_icon(program.Icon)
- end
- -- Split categories into a table. Categories are written in one
- -- line separated by semicolon.
- if program.Categories then
- program.categories = {}
- for category in program.Categories:gmatch('[^;]+') do
- table.insert(program.categories, category)
- end
- end
- if program.Exec then
- -- Substitute Exec special codes as specified in
- --
- if program.Name == nil then
- program.Name = '['.. file:match("([^/]+)%.desktop$") ..']'
- end
- local cmdline = program.Exec:gsub('%%c', program.Name)
- cmdline = cmdline:gsub('%%[fuFU]', '')
- cmdline = cmdline:gsub('%%k', program.file)
- if program.icon_path then
- cmdline = cmdline:gsub('%%i', '--icon ' .. program.icon_path)
- else
- cmdline = cmdline:gsub('%%i', '')
- end
- if program.Terminal == "true" then
- cmdline = utils.terminal .. ' -e ' .. cmdline
- end
- program.cmdline = cmdline
- end
- return program
---- Parse a directory with .desktop files recursively.
--- @tparam string dir_path The directory path.
--- @tparam function callback Will be fired when all the files were parsed
--- with the resulting list of menu entries as argument.
--- @tparam table callback.programs Paths of found .desktop files.
-function utils.parse_dir(dir_path, callback)
- local function parser(dir, programs)
- local f = gio.File.new_for_path(dir)
- -- Except for "NONE" there is also NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS
- local enum, err = f:async_enumerate_children(query, gio.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE)
- if not enum then
- debug.print_error(err)
- return
- end
- local files_per_call = 100 -- Actual value is not that important
- while true do
- local list, enum_err = enum:async_next_files(files_per_call)
- if enum_err then
- debug.print_error(enum_err)
- return
- end
- for _, info in ipairs(list) do
- local file_type = info:get_file_type()
- local file_path = enum:get_child(info):get_path()
- if file_type == 'REGULAR' then
- local program = utils.parse_desktop_file(file_path)
- if program then
- table.insert(programs, program)
- end
- elseif file_type == 'DIRECTORY' then
- parser(file_path, programs)
- end
- end
- if #list == 0 then
- break
- end
- end
- enum:async_close()
- end
- gio.Async.start(function()
- local result = {}
- parser(dir_path, result)
-, result)
- end)()
---- Compute textbox width.
--- @tparam wibox.widget.textbox textbox Textbox instance.
--- @tparam number|screen s Screen
--- @treturn int Text width.
-function utils.compute_textbox_width(textbox, s)
- s = screen[s or mouse.screen]
- local w, _ = textbox:get_preferred_size(s)
- return w
---- Compute text width.
--- @tparam str text Text.
--- @tparam number|screen s Screen
--- @treturn int Text width.
-function utils.compute_text_width(text, s)
- return utils.compute_textbox_width(wibox.widget.textbox(awful_util.escape(text)), s)
-return utils
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