path: root/awesome/lib/gears/debug.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'awesome/lib/gears/debug.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/gears/debug.lua b/awesome/lib/gears/debug.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f72f5..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/gears/debug.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
--- @author Uli Schlachter
--- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter
--- @module gears.debug
-local tostring = tostring
-local print = print
-local type = type
-local pairs = pairs
-local debug = {}
---- Given a table (or any other data) return a string that contains its
--- tag, value and type. If data is a table then recursively call `dump_raw`
--- on each of its values.
--- @param data Value to inspect.
--- @param shift Spaces to indent lines with.
--- @param tag The name of the value.
--- @tparam[opt=10] int depth Depth of recursion.
--- @return a string which contains tag, value, value type and table key/value
--- pairs if data is a table.
-local function dump_raw(data, shift, tag, depth)
- depth = depth == nil and 10 or depth or 0
- local result = ""
- if tag then
- result = result .. tostring(tag) .. " : "
- end
- if type(data) == "table" and depth > 0 then
- shift = (shift or "") .. " "
- result = result .. tostring(data)
- for k, v in pairs(data) do
- result = result .. "\n" .. shift .. dump_raw(v, shift, k, depth - 1)
- end
- else
- result = result .. tostring(data) .. " (" .. type(data) .. ")"
- if depth == 0 and type(data) == "table" then
- result = result .. " […]"
- end
- end
- return result
---- Inspect the value in data.
--- @param data Value to inspect.
--- @param tag The name of the value.
--- @tparam[opt] int depth Depth of recursion.
--- @return string A string that contains the expanded value of data.
-function debug.dump_return(data, tag, depth)
- return dump_raw(data, nil, tag, depth)
---- Print the table (or any other value) to the console.
--- @param data Table to print.
--- @param tag The name of the table.
--- @tparam[opt] int depth Depth of recursion.
-function debug.dump(data, tag, depth)
- print(debug.dump_return(data, tag, depth))
---- Print an warning message
--- @tparam string message The warning message to print
-function debug.print_warning(message)
- io.stderr:write("%Y-%m-%d %T W: ") .. tostring(message) .. "\n")
---- Print an error message
--- @tparam string message The error message to print
-function debug.print_error(message)
- io.stderr:write("%Y-%m-%d %T E: ") .. tostring(message) .. "\n")
-return debug
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