path: root/awesome/lib/awful/tag.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'awesome/lib/awful/tag.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1505 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/tag.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/tag.lua
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index dbf3a60..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/awful/tag.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1505 +0,0 @@
---- Useful functions for tag manipulation.
--- @author Julien Danjou <>
--- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou
--- @module tag
--- Grab environment we need
-local util = require("awful.util")
-local ascreen = require("awful.screen")
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local object = require("gears.object")
-local timer = require("gears.timer")
-local pairs = pairs
-local ipairs = ipairs
-local table = table
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local capi =
- tag = tag,
- screen = screen,
- mouse = mouse,
- client = client,
- root = root
-local function get_screen(s)
- return s and capi.screen[s]
-local tag = {object = {}, mt = {} }
--- Private data
-local data = {}
-data.history = {}
--- History functions
-tag.history = {}
-tag.history.limit = 20
--- Default values
-local defaults = {}
--- The gap between clients (in points). = 0
--- The default gap_count.
-defaults.gap_single_client = true
--- The default master fill policy.
-defaults.master_fill_policy = "expand"
--- The default master width factor.
-defaults.master_width_factor = 0.5
--- The default master count.
-defaults.master_count = 1
--- The default column count.
-defaults.column_count = 1
--- screen.tags depend on index, it cannot be used by awful.tag
-local function raw_tags(scr)
- local tmp_tags = {}
- for _, t in ipairs(root.tags()) do
- if get_screen(t.screen) == scr then
- table.insert(tmp_tags, t)
- end
- end
- return tmp_tags
---- The number of elements kept in the history.
--- @tfield integer awful.tag.history.limit
--- @tparam[opt=20] integer limit
---- The tag index.
--- The index is the position as shown in the `awful.widget.taglist`.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::index*
--- @property index
--- @param integer
--- @treturn number The tag index.
-function tag.object.set_index(self, idx)
- local scr = get_screen(tag.getproperty(self, "screen"))
- -- screen.tags cannot be used as it depend on index
- local tmp_tags = raw_tags(scr)
- -- sort the tags by index
- table.sort(tmp_tags, function(a, b)
- local ia, ib = tag.getproperty(a, "index"), tag.getproperty(b, "index")
- return (ia or math.huge) < (ib or math.huge)
- end)
- if (not idx) or (idx < 1) or (idx > #tmp_tags) then
- return
- end
- local rm_index = nil
- for i, t in ipairs(tmp_tags) do
- if t == self then
- table.remove(tmp_tags, i)
- rm_index = i
- break
- end
- end
- table.insert(tmp_tags, idx, self)
- for i = idx < rm_index and idx or rm_index, #tmp_tags do
- local tmp_tag = tmp_tags[i]
- tag.object.set_screen(tmp_tag, scr)
- tag.setproperty(tmp_tag, "index", i)
- end
-function tag.object.get_index(query_tag)
- local idx = tag.getproperty(query_tag, "index")
- if idx then return idx end
- -- Get an unordered list of tags
- local tags = raw_tags(query_tag.screen)
- -- Too bad, lets compute it
- for i, t in ipairs(tags) do
- if t == query_tag then
- tag.setproperty(t, "index", i)
- return i
- end
- end
---- Move a tag to an absolute position in the screen[]:tags() table.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.move
--- @param new_index Integer absolute position in the table to insert.
--- @param target_tag The tag that should be moved. If null, the currently
--- selected tag is used.
--- @see index
-function tag.move(new_index, target_tag)
- util.deprecate("Use t.index = new_index instead of awful.tag.move")
- target_tag = target_tag or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- tag.object.set_index(target_tag, new_index)
---- Swap 2 tags
--- @function tag.swap
--- @param tag2 The second tag
--- @see client.swap
-function tag.object.swap(self, tag2)
- local idx1, idx2 = tag.object.get_index(self), tag.object.get_index(tag2)
- local scr2, scr1 = tag.getproperty(tag2, "screen"), tag.getproperty(self, "screen")
- -- If they are on the same screen, avoid recomputing the whole table
- -- for nothing.
- if scr1 == scr2 then
- tag.setproperty(self, "index", idx2)
- tag.setproperty(tag2, "index", idx1)
- else
- tag.object.set_screen(tag2, scr1)
- tag.object.set_index (tag2, idx1)
- tag.object.set_screen(self, scr2)
- tag.object.set_index (self, idx2)
- end
---- Swap 2 tags
--- @deprecated awful.tag.swap
--- @see tag.swap
--- @param tag1 The first tag
--- @param tag2 The second tag
-function tag.swap(tag1, tag2)
- util.deprecate("Use t:swap(tag2) instead of awful.tag.swap")
- tag.object.swap(tag1, tag2)
---- Add a tag.
--- This function allow to create tags from a set of properties:
--- local t = awful.tag.add("my new tag", {
--- screen = screen.primary,
--- layout = awful.layout.suit.max,
--- })
--- @function awful.tag.add
--- @param name The tag name, a string
--- @param props The tags inital properties, a table
--- @return The created tag
--- @see tag.delete
-function tag.add(name, props)
- local properties = props or {}
- -- Be sure to set the screen before the tag is activated to avoid function
- -- connected to property::activated to be called without a valid tag.
- -- set properties cannot be used as this has to be set before the first
- -- signal is sent
- properties.screen = get_screen(properties.screen or ascreen.focused())
- -- Index is also required
- properties.index = properties.index or #raw_tags(properties.screen)+1
- local newtag = capi.tag{ name = name }
- -- Start with a fresh property table to avoid collisions with unsupported data
- = {screen=properties.screen, index=properties.index}
- newtag.activated = true
- for k, v in pairs(properties) do
- -- `rawget` doesn't work on userdata, `:clients()` is the only relevant
- -- entry.
- if k == "clients" or tag.object[k] then
- newtag[k](newtag, v)
- else
- newtag[k] = v
- end
- end
- return newtag
---- Create a set of tags and attach it to a screen.
--- @function
--- @param names The tag name, in a table
--- @param screen The tag screen, or 1 if not set.
--- @param layout The layout or layout table to set for this tags by default.
--- @return A table with all created tags.
-function, screen, layout)
- screen = get_screen(screen or 1)
- local tags = {}
- for id, name in ipairs(names) do
- table.insert(tags, id, tag.add(name, {screen = screen,
- layout = (layout and layout[id]) or
- layout}))
- -- Select the first tag.
- if id == 1 then
- tags[id].selected = true
- end
- end
- return tags
---- Find a suitable fallback tag.
--- @function awful.tag.find_fallback
--- @param screen The screen to look for a tag on. [awful.screen.focused()]
--- @param invalids A table of tags we consider unacceptable. [selectedlist(scr)]
-function tag.find_fallback(screen, invalids)
- local scr = screen or ascreen.focused()
- local t = invalids or scr.selected_tags
- for _, v in pairs(scr.tags) do
- if not util.table.hasitem(t, v) then return v end
- end
---- Delete a tag.
--- To delete the current tag:
--- mouse.screen.selected_tag:delete()
--- @function tag.delete
--- @see awful.tag.add
--- @see awful.tag.find_fallback
--- @tparam[opt=awful.tag.find_fallback()] tag fallback_tag Tag to assign
--- stickied tags to.
--- @tparam[opt=false] boolean force Move even non-sticky clients to the fallback
--- tag.
--- @return Returns true if the tag is successfully deleted.
--- If there are no clients exclusively on this tag then delete it. Any
--- stickied clients are assigned to the optional 'fallback_tag'.
--- If after deleting the tag there is no selected tag, try and restore from
--- history or select the first tag on the screen.
-function tag.object.delete(self, fallback_tag, force)
- -- abort if the taf isn't currently activated
- if not self.activated then return false end
- local target_scr = get_screen(tag.getproperty(self, "screen"))
- local tags = target_scr.tags
- local idx = tag.object.get_index(self)
- local ntags = #tags
- -- We can't use the target tag as a fallback.
- if fallback_tag == self then return false end
- -- No fallback_tag provided, try and get one.
- if fallback_tag == nil then
- fallback_tag = tag.find_fallback(target_scr, {self})
- end
- -- Abort if we would have un-tagged clients.
- local clients = self:clients()
- if #clients > 0 and fallback_tag == nil then return false end
- -- Move the clients we can off of this tag.
- for _, c in pairs(clients) do
- local nb_tags = #c:tags()
- -- If a client has only this tag, or stickied clients with
- -- nowhere to go, abort.
- if (not c.sticky and nb_tags == 1 and not force) then
- return
- -- If a client has multiple tags, then do not move it to fallback
- elseif nb_tags < 2 then
- c:tags({fallback_tag})
- end
- end
- -- delete the tag
- = nil
- self.activated = false
- -- Update all indexes
- for i=idx+1, #tags do
- tag.setproperty(tags[i], "index", i-1)
- end
- -- If no tags are visible (and we did not delete the lasttag), try and
- -- view one. The > 1 is because ntags is no longer synchronized with the
- -- current count.
- if target_scr.selected_tag == nil and ntags > 1 then
- tag.history.restore(target_scr, 1)
- if target_scr.selected_tag == nil then
- local other_tag = tags[tags[1] == self and 2 or 1]
- if other_tag then
- other_tag.selected = true
- end
- end
- end
- return true
---- Delete a tag.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.delete
--- @see tag.delete
--- @param target_tag Optional tag object to delete. [selected()]
--- @param fallback_tag Tag to assign stickied tags to. [~selected()]
--- @return Returns true if the tag is successfully deleted, nil otherwise.
--- If there are no clients exclusively on this tag then delete it. Any
--- stickied clients are assigned to the optional 'fallback_tag'.
--- If after deleting the tag there is no selected tag, try and restore from
--- history or select the first tag on the screen.
-function tag.delete(target_tag, fallback_tag)
- util.deprecate("Use t:delete(fallback_tag) instead of awful.tag.delete")
- return tag.object.delete(target_tag, fallback_tag)
---- Update the tag history.
--- @function awful.tag.history.update
--- @param obj Screen object.
-function tag.history.update(obj)
- local s = get_screen(obj)
- local curtags = s.selected_tags
- -- create history table
- if not data.history[s] then
- data.history[s] = {}
- else
- if data.history[s].current then
- -- Check that the list is not identical
- local identical = #data.history[s].current == #curtags
- if identical then
- for idx, _tag in ipairs(data.history[s].current) do
- if curtags[idx] ~= _tag then
- identical = false
- break
- end
- end
- end
- -- Do not update history the table are identical
- if identical then return end
- end
- -- Limit history
- if #data.history[s] >= tag.history.limit then
- for i = tag.history.limit, #data.history[s] do
- data.history[s][i] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- -- store previously selected tags in the history table
- table.insert(data.history[s], 1, data.history[s].current)
- data.history[s].previous = data.history[s][1]
- -- store currently selected tags
- data.history[s].current = setmetatable(curtags, { __mode = 'v' })
---- Revert tag history.
--- @function awful.tag.history.restore
--- @param screen The screen.
--- @param idx Index in history. Defaults to "previous" which is a special index
--- toggling between last two selected sets of tags. Number (eg 1) will go back
--- to the given index in history.
-function tag.history.restore(screen, idx)
- local s = get_screen(screen or ascreen.focused())
- local i = idx or "previous"
- local sel = s.selected_tags
- -- do nothing if history empty
- if not data.history[s] or not data.history[s][i] then return end
- -- if all tags been deleted, try next entry
- if #data.history[s][i] == 0 then
- if i == "previous" then i = 0 end
- tag.history.restore(s, i + 1)
- return
- end
- -- deselect all tags
- tag.viewnone(s)
- -- select tags from the history entry
- for _, t in ipairs(data.history[s][i]) do
- if t.activated and t.screen then
- t.selected = true
- end
- end
- -- update currently selected tags table
- data.history[s].current = data.history[s][i]
- -- store previously selected tags
- data.history[s].previous = setmetatable(sel, { __mode = 'v' })
- -- remove the reverted history entry
- if i ~= "previous" then table.remove(data.history[s], i) end
- s:emit_signal("tag::history::update")
---- Get a list of all tags on a screen
--- @deprecated awful.tag.gettags
--- @tparam screen s Screen
--- @return A table with all available tags
--- @see screen.tags
-function tag.gettags(s)
- util.deprecate("Use s.tags instead of awful.tag.gettags")
- s = get_screen(s)
- return s and s.tags or {}
---- Find a tag by name
--- @tparam[opt] screen s The screen of the tag
--- @tparam string name The name of the tag
--- @return The tag found, or `nil`
-function tag.find_by_name(s, name)
- local tags = s and s.tags or root.tags()
- for _, t in ipairs(tags) do
- if name == then
- return t
- end
- end
---- The tag screen.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::screen*
--- @property screen
--- @param screen
--- @see screen
-function tag.object.set_screen(t, s)
- s = get_screen(s or ascreen.focused())
- local sel = tag.selected
- local old_screen = get_screen(tag.getproperty(t, "screen"))
- if s == old_screen then return end
- -- Keeping the old index make very little sense when changing screen
- tag.setproperty(t, "index", nil)
- -- Change the screen
- tag.setproperty(t, "screen", s)
- tag.setproperty(t, "index", #s:get_tags(true))
- -- Make sure the client's screen matches its tags
- for _,c in ipairs(t:clients()) do
- c.screen = s --Move all clients
- c:tags({t})
- end
- -- Update all indexes
- for i,t2 in ipairs(old_screen.tags) do
- tag.setproperty(t2, "index", i)
- end
- -- Restore the old screen history if the tag was selected
- if sel then
- tag.history.restore(old_screen, 1)
- end
---- Set a tag's screen
--- @deprecated awful.tag.setscreen
--- @see screen
--- @param s Screen
--- @param t tag object
-function tag.setscreen(s, t)
- -- For API consistency, the arguments have been swapped for Awesome 3.6
- -- this method is already deprecated, so be silent and swap the args
- if type(t) == "number" then
- s, t = t, s
- end
- util.deprecate("Use t.screen = s instead of awful.tag.setscreen(t, s)")
- tag.object.set_screen(t, s)
---- Get a tag's screen
--- @deprecated awful.tag.getscreen
--- @see screen
--- @param[opt] t tag object
--- @return Screen number
-function tag.getscreen(t)
- util.deprecate("Use t.screen instead of awful.tag.getscreen(t)")
- -- A new getter is not required
- t = t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- local prop = tag.getproperty(t, "screen")
- return prop and prop.index
---- Return a table with all visible tags
--- @deprecated awful.tag.selectedlist
--- @param s Screen.
--- @return A table with all selected tags.
--- @see screen.selected_tags
-function tag.selectedlist(s)
- util.deprecate("Use s.selected_tags instead of awful.tag.selectedlist")
- s = get_screen(s or ascreen.focused())
- return s.selected_tags
---- Return only the first visible tag.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.selected
--- @param s Screen.
--- @see screen.selected_tag
-function tag.selected(s)
- util.deprecate("Use s.selected_tag instead of awful.tag.selected")
- s = get_screen(s or ascreen.focused())
- return s.selected_tag
---- The default master width factor
--- @beautiful beautiful.master_width_factor
--- @param number (default: 0.5)
--- @see master_width_factor
--- @see gap
---- The tag master width factor.
--- The master width factor is one of the 5 main properties used to configure
--- the `layout`. Each layout interpret (or ignore) this property differenly.
--- See the layout suit documentation for information about how the master width
--- factor is used.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::mwfact* (deprecated)
--- * *property::master_width_factor*
--- @property master_width_factor
--- @param number Between 0 and 1
--- @see master_count
--- @see column_count
--- @see master_fill_policy
--- @see gap
-function tag.object.set_master_width_factor(t, mwfact)
- if mwfact >= 0 and mwfact <= 1 then
- tag.setproperty(t, "mwfact", mwfact)
- tag.setproperty(t, "master_width_factor", mwfact)
- end
-function tag.object.get_master_width_factor(t)
- return tag.getproperty(t, "master_width_factor")
- or beautiful.master_width_factor
- or defaults.master_width_factor
---- Set master width factor.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.setmwfact
--- @see master_fill_policy
--- @see master_width_factor
--- @param mwfact Master width factor.
--- @param t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.
-function tag.setmwfact(mwfact, t)
- util.deprecate("Use t.master_width_factor = mwfact instead of awful.tag.setmwfact")
- tag.object.get_master_width_factor(t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag, mwfact)
---- Increase master width factor.
--- @function awful.tag.incmwfact
--- @see master_width_factor
--- @param add Value to add to master width factor.
--- @param t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.
-function tag.incmwfact(add, t)
- t = t or t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- tag.object.set_master_width_factor(t, tag.object.get_master_width_factor(t) + add)
---- Get master width factor.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.getmwfact
--- @see master_width_factor
--- @see master_fill_policy
--- @param[opt] t The tag.
-function tag.getmwfact(t)
- util.deprecate("Use t.master_width_factor instead of awful.tag.getmwfact")
- return tag.object.get_master_width_factor(t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag)
---- An ordered list of layouts.
--- `awful.tag.layout` Is usually defined in `rc.lua`. It store the list of
--- layouts used when selecting the previous and next layouts. This is the
--- default:
--- -- Table of layouts to cover with, order matters.
--- awful.layout.layouts = {
--- awful.layout.suit.floating,
--- awful.layout.suit.tile,
--- awful.layout.suit.tile.left,
--- awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom,
--- awful.layout.suit.fair,
--- awful.layout.suit.fair.horizontal,
--- awful.layout.suit.spiral,
--- awful.layout.suit.spiral.dwindle,
--- awful.layout.suit.max,
--- awful.layout.suit.max.fullscreen,
--- awful.layout.suit.magnifier,
--- awful.layout.suit.corner.nw,
--- --,
--- -- awful.layout.suit.corner.sw,
--- --,
--- }
--- @field awful.tag.layouts
---- The tag client layout.
--- This property hold the layout. A layout can be either stateless or stateful.
--- Stateless layouts are used by default by Awesome. They tile clients without
--- any other overhead. They take an ordered list of clients and place them on
--- the screen. Stateful layouts create an object instance for each tags and
--- can store variables and metadata. Because of this, they are able to change
--- over time and be serialized (saved).
--- Both types of layouts have valid usage scenarios.
--- **Stateless layouts:**
--- These layouts are stored in `awful.layout.suit`. They expose a table with 2
--- fields:
--- * **name** (*string*): The layout name. This should be unique.
--- * **arrange** (*function*): The function called when the clients need to be
--- placed. The only parameter is a table or arguments returned by
--- `awful.layout.parameters`
--- **Stateful layouts:**
--- The stateful layouts API is the same as stateless, but they are a function
--- returining a layout instead of a layout itself. They also should have an
--- `is_dynamic = true` property. If they don't, `awful.tag` will create a new
--- instance everytime the layout is set. If they do, the instance will be
--- cached and re-used.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::layout*
--- @property layout
--- @see awful.tag.layouts
--- @tparam layout|function layout A layout table or a constructor function
--- @return The layout
-function tag.object.set_layout(t, layout)
- -- Check if the signature match a stateful layout
- if type(layout) == "function" or (
- type(layout) == "table"
- and getmetatable(layout)
- and getmetatable(layout).__call
- ) then
- if not t.dynamic_layout_cache then
- t.dynamic_layout_cache = {}
- end
- local instance = t.dynamic_layout_cache[layout] or layout(t)
- -- Always make sure the layout is notified it is enabled
- if tag.getproperty(t, "screen").selected_tag == t and instance.wake_up then
- instance:wake_up()
- end
- -- Avoid creating the same layout twice, use layout:reset() to reset
- if instance.is_dynamic then
- t.dynamic_layout_cache[layout] = instance
- end
- layout = instance
- end
- tag.setproperty(t, "layout", layout)
- return layout
---- Set layout.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.setlayout
--- @see layout
--- @param layout a layout table or a constructor function
--- @param t The tag to modify
--- @return The layout
-function tag.setlayout(layout, t)
- util.deprecate("Use t.layout = layout instead of awful.tag.setlayout")
- return tag.object.set_layout(t, layout)
---- Define if the tag must be deleted when the last client is untagged.
--- This is useful to create "throw-away" tags for operation like 50/50
--- side-by-side views.
--- local t = awful.tag.add("Temporary", {
--- screen = client.focus.screen,
--- volatile = true,
--- clients = {
--- client.focus,
--- awful.client.focus.history.get(client.focus.screen, 1)
--- }
--- }
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::volatile*
--- @property volatile
--- @param boolean
--- Volatile accessors are implicit
---- Set if the tag must be deleted when the last client is untagged
--- @deprecated awful.tag.setvolatile
--- @see volatile
--- @tparam boolean volatile If the tag must be deleted when the last client is untagged
--- @param t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.
-function tag.setvolatile(volatile, t)
- util.deprecate("Use t.volatile = volatile instead of awful.tag.setvolatile")
- tag.setproperty(t, "volatile", volatile)
---- Get if the tag must be deleted when the last client closes
--- @deprecated awful.tag.getvolatile
--- @see volatile
--- @param t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.
--- @treturn boolean If the tag will be deleted when the last client is untagged
-function tag.getvolatile(t)
- util.deprecate("Use t.volatile instead of awful.tag.getvolatile")
- return tag.getproperty(t, "volatile") or false
---- The default gap.
--- @beautiful beautiful.useless_gap
--- @param number (default: 0)
--- @see gap
--- @see gap_single_client
---- The gap (spacing, also called `useless_gap`) between clients.
--- This property allow to waste space on the screen in the name of style,
--- unicorns and readability.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::useless_gap*
--- @property gap
--- @param number The value has to be greater than zero.
--- @see gap_single_client
-function tag.object.set_gap(t, useless_gap)
- if useless_gap >= 0 then
- tag.setproperty(t, "useless_gap", useless_gap)
- end
-function tag.object.get_gap(t)
- return tag.getproperty(t, "useless_gap")
- or beautiful.useless_gap
- or
---- Set the spacing between clients
--- @deprecated awful.tag.setgap
--- @see gap
--- @param useless_gap The spacing between clients
--- @param t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.
-function tag.setgap(useless_gap, t)
- util.deprecate("Use = useless_gap instead of awful.tag.setgap")
- tag.object.set_gap(t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag, useless_gap)
---- Increase the spacing between clients
--- @function awful.tag.incgap
--- @see gap
--- @param add Value to add to the spacing between clients
--- @param t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.
-function tag.incgap(add, t)
- t = t or t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- tag.object.set_gap(t, tag.object.get_gap(t) + add)
---- Enable gaps for a single client.
--- @beautiful beautiful.gap_single_client
--- @param boolean (default: true)
--- @see gap
--- @see gap_single_client
---- Enable gaps for a single client.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::gap\_single\_client*
--- @property gap_single_client
--- @param boolean Enable gaps for a single client
-function tag.object.set_gap_single_client(t, gap_single_client)
- tag.setproperty(t, "gap_single_client", gap_single_client == true)
-function tag.object.get_gap_single_client(t)
- local val = tag.getproperty(t, "gap_single_client")
- if val ~= nil then
- return val
- end
- val = beautiful.gap_single_client
- if val ~= nil then
- return val
- end
- return defaults.gap_single_client
---- Get the spacing between clients.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.getgap
--- @see gap
--- @tparam[opt=tag.selected()] tag t The tag.
--- @tparam[opt] int numclients Number of (tiled) clients. Passing this will
--- return 0 for a single client. You can override this function to change
--- this behavior.
-function tag.getgap(t, numclients)
- util.deprecate("Use instead of awful.tag.getgap")
- if numclients == 1 then
- return 0
- end
- return tag.object.get_gap(t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag)
---- The default fill policy.
--- ** Possible values**:
--- * *expand*: Take all the space
--- * *master_width_factor*: Only take the ratio defined by the
--- `master_width_factor`
--- @beautiful beautiful.master_fill_policy
--- @param string (default: "expand")
--- @see master_fill_policy
---- Set size fill policy for the master client(s).
--- ** Possible values**:
--- * *expand*: Take all the space
--- * *master_width_factor*: Only take the ratio defined by the
--- `master_width_factor`
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::master_fill_policy*
--- @property master_fill_policy
--- @param string "expand" or "master_width_factor"
-function tag.object.get_master_fill_policy(t)
- return tag.getproperty(t, "master_fill_policy")
- or beautiful.master_fill_policy
- or defaults.master_fill_policy
---- Set size fill policy for the master client(s)
--- @deprecated awful.tag.setmfpol
--- @see master_fill_policy
--- @tparam string policy Can be set to
--- "expand" (fill all the available workarea) or
--- "master_width_factor" (fill only an area inside the master width factor)
--- @tparam[opt=tag.selected()] tag t The tag to modify
-function tag.setmfpol(policy, t)
- util.deprecate("Use t.master_fill_policy = policy instead of awful.tag.setmfpol")
- t = t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- tag.setproperty(t, "master_fill_policy", policy)
---- Toggle size fill policy for the master client(s)
--- between "expand" and "master_width_factor".
--- @function awful.tag.togglemfpol
--- @see master_fill_policy
--- @tparam tag t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.
-function tag.togglemfpol(t)
- t = t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- if tag.getmfpol(t) == "expand" then
- tag.setproperty(t, "master_fill_policy", "master_width_factor")
- else
- tag.setproperty(t, "master_fill_policy", "expand")
- end
---- Get size fill policy for the master client(s)
--- @deprecated awful.tag.getmfpol
--- @see master_fill_policy
--- @tparam[opt=tag.selected()] tag t The tag
--- @treturn string Possible values are
--- "expand" (fill all the available workarea, default one) or
--- "master_width_factor" (fill only an area inside the master width factor)
-function tag.getmfpol(t)
- util.deprecate("Use t.master_fill_policy instead of awful.tag.getmfpol")
- t = t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- return tag.getproperty(t, "master_fill_policy")
- or beautiful.master_fill_policy
- or defaults.master_fill_policy
---- The default number of master windows.
--- @beautiful beautiful.master_count
--- @param integer (default: 1)
--- @see master_count
---- Set the number of master windows.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::nmaster* (deprecated)
--- * *property::master_count* (deprecated)
--- @property master_count
--- @param integer nmaster Only positive values are accepted
-function tag.object.set_master_count(t, nmaster)
- if nmaster >= 0 then
- tag.setproperty(t, "nmaster", nmaster)
- tag.setproperty(t, "master_count", nmaster)
- end
-function tag.object.get_master_count(t)
- return tag.getproperty(t, "master_count")
- or beautiful.master_count
- or defaults.master_count
--- @deprecated awful.tag.setnmaster
--- @see master_count
--- @param nmaster The number of master windows.
--- @param[opt] t The tag.
-function tag.setnmaster(nmaster, t)
- util.deprecate("Use t.master_count = nmaster instead of awful.tag.setnmaster")
- tag.object.set_master_count(t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag, nmaster)
---- Get the number of master windows.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.getnmaster
--- @see master_count
--- @param[opt] t The tag.
-function tag.getnmaster(t)
- util.deprecate("Use t.master_count instead of awful.tag.setnmaster")
- t = t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- return tag.getproperty(t, "master_count") or 1
---- Increase the number of master windows.
--- @function awful.tag.incnmaster
--- @see master_count
--- @param add Value to add to number of master windows.
--- @param[opt] t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.
--- @tparam[opt=false] boolean sensible Limit nmaster based on the number of
--- visible tiled windows?
-function tag.incnmaster(add, t, sensible)
- t = t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- if sensible then
- local screen = get_screen(tag.getproperty(t, "screen"))
- local ntiled = #screen.tiled_clients
- local nmaster = tag.object.get_master_count(t)
- if nmaster > ntiled then
- nmaster = ntiled
- end
- local newnmaster = nmaster + add
- if newnmaster > ntiled then
- newnmaster = ntiled
- end
- tag.object.set_master_count(t, newnmaster)
- else
- tag.object.set_master_count(t, tag.object.get_master_count(t) + add)
- end
---- Set the tag icon.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::icon*
--- @property icon
--- @tparam path|surface icon The icon
--- accessors are implicit.
---- Set the tag icon
--- @deprecated awful.tag.seticon
--- @see icon
--- @param icon the icon to set, either path or image object
--- @param _tag the tag
-function tag.seticon(icon, _tag)
- util.deprecate("Use t.icon = icon instead of awful.tag.seticon")
- _tag = _tag or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- tag.setproperty(_tag, "icon", icon)
---- Get the tag icon
--- @deprecated awful.tag.geticon
--- @see icon
--- @param _tag the tag
-function tag.geticon(_tag)
- util.deprecate("Use t.icon instead of awful.tag.geticon")
- _tag = _tag or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- return tag.getproperty(_tag, "icon")
---- The default number of columns.
--- @beautiful beautiful.column_count
--- @param integer (default: 1)
--- @see column_count
---- Set the number of columns.
--- **Signal:**
--- * *property::ncol* (deprecated)
--- * *property::column_count*
--- @property column_count
--- @tparam integer ncol Has to be greater than 1
-function tag.object.set_column_count(t, ncol)
- if ncol >= 1 then
- tag.setproperty(t, "ncol", ncol)
- tag.setproperty(t, "column_count", ncol)
- end
-function tag.object.get_column_count(t)
- return tag.getproperty(t, "column_count")
- or beautiful.column_count
- or defaults.column_count
---- Set number of column windows.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.setncol
--- @see column_count
--- @param ncol The number of column.
--- @param t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.
-function tag.setncol(ncol, t)
- util.deprecate("Use t.column_count = new_index instead of awful.tag.setncol")
- t = t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- if ncol >= 1 then
- tag.setproperty(t, "ncol", ncol)
- tag.setproperty(t, "column_count", ncol)
- end
---- Get number of column windows.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.getncol
--- @see column_count
--- @param[opt] t The tag.
-function tag.getncol(t)
- util.deprecate("Use t.column_count instead of awful.tag.getncol")
- t = t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- return tag.getproperty(t, "column_count") or 1
---- Increase number of column windows.
--- @function awful.tag.incncol
--- @param add Value to add to number of column windows.
--- @param[opt] t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.
--- @tparam[opt=false] boolean sensible Limit column_count based on the number
--- of visible tiled windows?
-function tag.incncol(add, t, sensible)
- t = t or ascreen.focused().selected_tag
- if sensible then
- local screen = get_screen(tag.getproperty(t, "screen"))
- local ntiled = #screen.tiled_clients
- local nmaster = tag.object.get_master_count(t)
- local nsecondary = ntiled - nmaster
- local ncol = tag.object.get_column_count(t)
- if ncol > nsecondary then
- ncol = nsecondary
- end
- local newncol = ncol + add
- if newncol > nsecondary then
- newncol = nsecondary
- end
- tag.object.set_column_count(t, newncol)
- else
- tag.object.set_column_count(t, tag.object.get_column_count(t) + add)
- end
---- View no tag.
--- @function awful.tag.viewnone
--- @tparam[opt] int|screen screen The screen.
-function tag.viewnone(screen)
- screen = screen or ascreen.focused()
- local tags = screen.tags
- for _, t in pairs(tags) do
- t.selected = false
- end
---- View a tag by its taglist index.
--- This is equivalent to `screen.tags[i]:view_only()`
--- @function awful.tag.viewidx
--- @see screen.tags
--- @param i The **relative** index to see.
--- @param[opt] screen The screen.
-function tag.viewidx(i, screen)
- screen = get_screen(screen or ascreen.focused())
- local tags = screen.tags
- local showntags = {}
- for _, t in ipairs(tags) do
- if not tag.getproperty(t, "hide") then
- table.insert(showntags, t)
- end
- end
- local sel = screen.selected_tag
- tag.viewnone(screen)
- for k, t in ipairs(showntags) do
- if t == sel then
- showntags[util.cycle(#showntags, k + i)].selected = true
- end
- end
- screen:emit_signal("tag::history::update")
---- Get a tag's index in the gettags() table.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.getidx
--- @see index
--- @param query_tag The tag object to find. [selected()]
--- @return The index of the tag, nil if the tag is not found.
-function tag.getidx(query_tag)
- util.deprecate("Use t.index instead of awful.tag.getidx")
- return tag.object.get_index(query_tag or ascreen.focused().selected_tag)
---- View next tag. This is the same as tag.viewidx(1).
--- @function awful.tag.viewnext
--- @param screen The screen.
-function tag.viewnext(screen)
- return tag.viewidx(1, screen)
---- View previous tag. This is the same a tag.viewidx(-1).
--- @function awful.tag.viewprev
--- @param screen The screen.
-function tag.viewprev(screen)
- return tag.viewidx(-1, screen)
---- View only a tag.
--- @function tag.view_only
--- @see selected
-function tag.object.view_only(self)
- local tags = self.screen.tags
- -- First, untag everyone except the viewed tag.
- for _, _tag in pairs(tags) do
- if _tag ~= self then
- _tag.selected = false
- end
- end
- -- Then, set this one to selected.
- -- We need to do that in 2 operations so we avoid flickering and several tag
- -- selected at the same time.
- self.selected = true
- capi.screen[self.screen]:emit_signal("tag::history::update")
---- View only a tag.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.viewonly
--- @see tag.view_only
--- @param t The tag object.
-function tag.viewonly(t)
- util.deprecate("Use t:view_only() instead of awful.tag.viewonly")
- tag.object.view_only(t)
---- View only a set of tags.
--- @function awful.tag.viewmore
--- @param tags A table with tags to view only.
--- @param[opt] screen The screen of the tags.
-function tag.viewmore(tags, screen)
- screen = get_screen(screen or ascreen.focused())
- local screen_tags = screen.tags
- for _, _tag in ipairs(screen_tags) do
- if not util.table.hasitem(tags, _tag) then
- _tag.selected = false
- end
- end
- for _, _tag in ipairs(tags) do
- _tag.selected = true
- end
- screen:emit_signal("tag::history::update")
---- Toggle selection of a tag
--- @function awful.tag.viewtoggle
--- @see selected
--- @tparam tag t Tag to be toggled
-function tag.viewtoggle(t)
- t.selected = not t.selected
- capi.screen[tag.getproperty(t, "screen")]:emit_signal("tag::history::update")
---- Get tag data table.
--- Do not use.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.getdata
--- @tparam tag _tag The tag.
--- @return The data table.
-function tag.getdata(_tag)
- return
---- Get a tag property.
--- Use `_tag.prop` directly.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.getproperty
--- @tparam tag _tag The tag.
--- @tparam string prop The property name.
--- @return The property.
-function tag.getproperty(_tag, prop)
- if not _tag then return end -- FIXME: Turn this into an error?
- if then
- return[prop]
- end
---- Set a tag property.
--- This properties are internal to awful. Some are used to draw taglist, or to
--- handle layout, etc.
--- Use `_tag.prop = value`
--- @deprecated awful.tag.setproperty
--- @param _tag The tag.
--- @param prop The property name.
--- @param value The value.
-function tag.setproperty(_tag, prop, value)
- if not then
- = {}
- end
- if[prop] ~= value then
-[prop] = value
- _tag:emit_signal("property::" .. prop)
- end
---- Tag a client with the set of current tags.
--- @deprecated awful.tag.withcurrent
--- @param c The client to tag.
-function tag.withcurrent(c)
- util.deprecate("Use c:to_selected_tags() instead of awful.tag.selectedlist")
- -- It can't use c:to_selected_tags() because awful.tag is loaded before
- -- awful.client
- local tags = {}
- for _, t in ipairs(c:tags()) do
- if get_screen(tag.getproperty(t, "screen")) == get_screen(c.screen) then
- table.insert(tags, t)
- end
- end
- if #tags == 0 then
- tags = c.screen.selected_tags
- end
- if #tags == 0 then
- tags = c.screen.tags
- end
- if #tags ~= 0 then
- c:tags(tags)
- end
-local function attached_connect_signal_screen(screen, sig, func)
- screen = get_screen(screen)
- capi.tag.connect_signal(sig, function(_tag)
- if get_screen(tag.getproperty(_tag, "screen")) == screen then
- func(_tag)
- end
- end)
---- Add a signal to all attached tags and all tags that will be attached in the
--- future. When a tag is detached from the screen, its signal is removed.
--- @function awful.tag.attached_connect_signal
--- @screen The screen concerned, or all if nil.
--- @tparam[opt] string Signal
--- @tparam[opt] function Callback
-function tag.attached_connect_signal(screen, ...)
- if screen then
- attached_connect_signal_screen(screen, ...)
- else
- capi.tag.connect_signal(...)
- end
--- Register standard signals.
-capi.client.connect_signal("property::screen", function(c)
- -- First, the delayed timer is necessary to avoid a race condition with
- -- awful.rules. It is also messing up the tags before the user have a chance
- -- to set them manually.
- timer.delayed_call(function()
- local tags, new_tags = c:tags(), {}
- for _, t in ipairs(tags) do
- if t.screen == c.screen then
- table.insert(new_tags, t)
- end
- end
- if #new_tags == 0 then
- c:emit_signal("request::tag", nil, {reason="screen"})
- elseif #new_tags < #tags then
- c:tags(new_tags)
- end
- end)
--- Keep track of the number of urgent clients.
-local function update_urgent(t, modif)
- local count = tag.getproperty(t, "urgent_count") or 0
- count = (count + modif) >= 0 and (count + modif) or 0
- tag.setproperty(t, "urgent" , count > 0)
- tag.setproperty(t, "urgent_count", count )
--- Update the urgent counter when a client is tagged.
-local function client_tagged(c, t)
- if c.urgent then
- update_urgent(t, 1)
- end
--- Update the urgent counter when a client is untagged.
-local function client_untagged(c, t)
- if c.urgent then
- update_urgent(t, -1)
- end
- if #t:clients() == 0 and tag.getproperty(t, "volatile") then
- tag.object.delete(t)
- end
--- Count the urgent clients.
-local function urgent_callback(c)
- for _,t in ipairs(c:tags()) do
- update_urgent(t, c.urgent and 1 or -1)
- end
-capi.client.connect_signal("property::urgent", urgent_callback)
-capi.client.connect_signal("untagged", client_untagged)
-capi.client.connect_signal("tagged", client_tagged)
-capi.tag.connect_signal("request::select", tag.object.view_only)
---- True when a tagged client is urgent
--- @signal property::urgent
--- @see client.urgent
---- The number of urgent tagged clients
--- @signal property::urgent_count
--- @see client.urgent
-capi.screen.connect_signal("tag::history::update", tag.history.update)
-capi.screen.connect_signal("removed", function(s)
- -- First give other code a chance to move the tag to another screen
- for _, t in pairs(s.tags) do
- t:emit_signal("request::screen")
- end
- -- Everything that's left: Tell everyone that these tags go away (other code
- -- could e.g. save clients)
- for _, t in pairs(s.tags) do
- t:emit_signal("removal-pending")
- end
- -- Give other code yet another change to save clients
- for _, c in pairs(capi.client.get(s)) do
- c:emit_signal("request::tag", nil, { reason = "screen-removed" })
- end
- -- Then force all clients left to go somewhere random
- local fallback = nil
- for other_screen in capi.screen do
- if #other_screen.tags > 0 then
- fallback = other_screen.tags[1]
- break
- end
- end
- for _, t in pairs(s.tags) do
- t:delete(fallback, true)
- end
- -- If any tag survived until now, forcefully get rid of it
- for _, t in pairs(s.tags) do
- t.activated = false
- if then
- = nil
- end
- end
- return
--- Extend the luaobject
--- `awful.tag.setproperty` currently handle calling the setter method itself
--- while `awful.tag.getproperty`., {
- getter_class = tag.object,
- setter_class = tag.object,
- getter_fallback = tag.getproperty,
- setter_fallback = tag.setproperty,
-return setmetatable(tag,
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80