path: root/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit')
8 files changed, 1088 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/corner.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/corner.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b746c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/corner.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+-- Corner layout.
+-- Display master client in a corner of the screen, and slaves in one
+-- column and one row around the master.
+-- See Pull Request for example :
+-- @module awful.layout
+-- @author Alexis Brenon <>
+-- @copyright 2015 Alexis Brenon
+-- Grab environment we need
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local math = math
+local capi = {screen = screen}
+--- The cornernw layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_cornernw
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+--- The cornerne layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_cornerne
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+--- The cornersw layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_cornersw
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+--- The cornerse layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_cornerse
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+-- Actually arrange clients of p.clients for corner layout
+-- @param p Mandatory table containing required informations for layouts
+-- (clients to arrange, workarea geometry, etc.)
+-- @param orientation String indicating in which corner is the master window.
+-- Available values are : NE, NW, SW, SE
+local function do_corner(p, orientation)
+ local t = p.tag or capi.screen[p.screen].selected_tag
+ local wa = p.workarea
+ local cls = p.clients
+ if #cls == 0 then return end
+ local master = {}
+ local column = {}
+ local row = {}
+ -- Use the nmaster field of the tag in a cheaty way
+ local row_privileged = ((cls[1].screen.selected_tag.master_count % 2) == 0)
+ local master_factor = cls[1].screen.selected_tag.master_width_factor
+ master.width = master_factor * wa.width
+ master.height = master_factor * wa.height
+ local number_privileged_win = math.ceil((#cls - 1)/2)
+ local number_unprivileged_win = (#cls - 1) - number_privileged_win
+ -- Define some obvious parameters
+ column.width = wa.width - master.width
+ column.x_increment = 0
+ row.height = wa.height - master.height
+ row.y_increment = 0
+ -- Place master at the right place and move row and column accordingly
+ column.y = wa.y
+ row.x = wa.x
+ if orientation:match('N.') then
+ master.y = wa.y
+ row.y = master.y + master.height
+ elseif orientation:match('S.') then
+ master.y = wa.y + wa.height - master.height
+ row.y = wa.y
+ end
+ if orientation:match('.W') then
+ master.x = wa.x
+ column.x = master.x + master.width
+ elseif orientation:match('.E') then
+ master.x = wa.x + wa.width - master.width
+ column.x = wa.x
+ end
+ -- At this point, master is in a corner
+ -- but row and column are overlayed in the opposite corner...
+ -- Reduce the unprivileged slaves to remove overlay
+ -- and define actual width and height
+ if row_privileged then
+ row.width = wa.width
+ row.number_win = number_privileged_win
+ column.y = master.y
+ column.height = master.height
+ column.number_win = number_unprivileged_win
+ else
+ column.height = wa.height
+ column.number_win = number_privileged_win
+ row.x = master.x
+ row.width = master.width
+ row.number_win = number_unprivileged_win
+ end
+ column.win_height = column.height/column.number_win
+ column.win_width = column.width
+ column.y_increment = column.win_height
+ column.win_idx = 0
+ row.win_width = row.width/row.number_win
+ row.win_height = row.height
+ row.x_increment = row.win_width
+ row.win_idx = 0
+ -- Extend master if there is only a few windows and "expand" policy is set
+ if #cls < 3 then
+ if row_privileged then
+ master.x = wa.x
+ master.width = wa.width
+ else
+ master.y = wa.y
+ master.height = wa.height
+ end
+ if #cls < 2 then
+ if t.master_fill_policy == "expand" then
+ master = wa
+ else
+ master.x = master.x + (wa.width - master.width)/2
+ master.y = master.y + (wa.height - master.height)/2
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i, c in ipairs(cls) do
+ local g
+ -- Handle master window
+ if i == 1 then
+ g = {
+ x = master.x,
+ y = master.y,
+ width = master.width,
+ height = master.height
+ }
+ -- handle column windows
+ elseif i % 2 == 0 then
+ g = {
+ x = column.x + column.win_idx * column.x_increment,
+ y = column.y + column.win_idx * column.y_increment,
+ width = column.win_width,
+ height = column.win_height
+ }
+ column.win_idx = column.win_idx + 1
+ else
+ g = {
+ x = row.x + row.win_idx * row.x_increment,
+ y = row.y + row.win_idx * row.y_increment,
+ width = row.win_width,
+ height = row.win_height
+ }
+ row.win_idx = row.win_idx + 1
+ end
+ p.geometries[c] = g
+ end
+local corner = {}
+corner.row_privileged = false
+--- Corner layout.
+-- Display master client in a corner of the screen, and slaves in one
+-- column and one row around the master.
+-- @clientlayout awful.layout.suit.corner.nw
+corner.nw = {
+ name = "cornernw",
+ arrange = function (p) return do_corner(p, "NW") end
+ }
+--- Corner layout.
+-- Display master client in a corner of the screen, and slaves in one
+-- column and one row around the master.
+-- @clientlayout = {
+ name = "cornerne",
+ arrange = function (p) return do_corner(p, "NE") end
+ }
+--- Corner layout.
+-- Display master client in a corner of the screen, and slaves in one
+-- column and one row around the master.
+-- @clientlayout awful.layout.suit.corner.sw
+corner.sw = {
+ name = "cornersw",
+ arrange = function (p) return do_corner(p, "SW") end
+ }
+--- Corner layout.
+-- Display master client in a corner of the screen, and slaves in one
+-- column and one row around the master.
+-- @clientlayout = {
+ name = "cornerse",
+ arrange = function (p) return do_corner(p, "SE") end
+ }
+return corner
+-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/fair.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/fair.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..161b6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/fair.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+--- Fair layouts module for awful.
+-- @author Josh Komoroske
+-- @copyright 2012 Josh Komoroske
+-- @module awful.layout
+-- Grab environment we need
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local math = math
+--- The fairh layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_fairh
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+--- The fairv layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_fairv
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+local fair = {}
+local function do_fair(p, orientation)
+ local wa = p.workarea
+ local cls = p.clients
+ -- Swap workarea dimensions, if our orientation is "east"
+ if orientation == 'east' then
+ wa.width, wa.height = wa.height, wa.width
+ wa.x, wa.y = wa.y, wa.x
+ end
+ if #cls > 0 then
+ local rows, cols
+ if #cls == 2 then
+ rows, cols = 1, 2
+ else
+ rows = math.ceil(math.sqrt(#cls))
+ cols = math.ceil(#cls / rows)
+ end
+ for k, c in ipairs(cls) do
+ k = k - 1
+ local g = {}
+ local row, col
+ row = k % rows
+ col = math.floor(k / rows)
+ local lrows, lcols
+ if k >= rows * cols - rows then
+ lrows = #cls - (rows * cols - rows)
+ lcols = cols
+ else
+ lrows = rows
+ lcols = cols
+ end
+ if row == lrows - 1 then
+ g.height = wa.height - math.ceil(wa.height / lrows) * row
+ g.y = wa.height - g.height
+ else
+ g.height = math.ceil(wa.height / lrows)
+ g.y = g.height * row
+ end
+ if col == lcols - 1 then
+ g.width = wa.width - math.ceil(wa.width / lcols) * col
+ g.x = wa.width - g.width
+ else
+ g.width = math.ceil(wa.width / lcols)
+ g.x = g.width * col
+ end
+ g.y = g.y + wa.y
+ g.x = g.x + wa.x
+ -- Swap window dimensions, if our orientation is "east"
+ if orientation == 'east' then
+ g.width, g.height = g.height, g.width
+ g.x, g.y = g.y, g.x
+ end
+ p.geometries[c] = g
+ end
+ end
+--- Horizontal fair layout.
+-- @param screen The screen to arrange.
+fair.horizontal = {} = "fairh"
+function fair.horizontal.arrange(p)
+ return do_fair(p, "east")
+--- Vertical fair layout.
+-- @param screen The screen to arrange. = "fairv"
+function fair.arrange(p)
+ return do_fair(p, "south")
+return fair
+-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/floating.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/floating.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b769435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/floating.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+--- Dummy function for floating layout
+-- @author Gregor Best
+-- @copyright 2008 Gregor Best
+-- @module awful.layout
+-- Grab environment we need
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local capi =
+ mouse = mouse,
+ mousegrabber = mousegrabber
+--- The floating layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_floating
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+local floating = {}
+--- Jump mouse cursor to the client's corner when resizing it.
+floating.resize_jump_to_corner = true
+function floating.mouse_resize_handler(c, corner, x, y)
+ local g = c:geometry()
+ -- Do not allow maximized clients to be resized by mouse
+ local fixed_x = c.maximized_horizontal
+ local fixed_y = c.maximized_vertical
+ local prev_coords = {}
+ local coordinates_delta = {x=0,y=0}
+ if floating.resize_jump_to_corner then
+ -- Warp mouse pointer
+ capi.mouse.coords({ x = x, y = y })
+ else
+ local corner_x, corner_y = x, y
+ local mouse_coords = capi.mouse.coords()
+ x = mouse_coords.x
+ y = mouse_coords.y
+ coordinates_delta = {x=corner_x-x,y=corner_y-y}
+ end
+ (_mouse)
+ if not c.valid then return false end
+ _mouse.x = _mouse.x + coordinates_delta.x
+ _mouse.y = _mouse.y + coordinates_delta.y
+ for _, v in ipairs(_mouse.buttons) do
+ if v then
+ local ng
+ prev_coords = { x =_mouse.x, y = _mouse.y }
+ if corner == "bottom_right" then
+ ng = { width = _mouse.x - g.x,
+ height = _mouse.y - g.y }
+ elseif corner == "bottom_left" then
+ ng = { x = _mouse.x,
+ width = (g.x + g.width) - _mouse.x,
+ height = _mouse.y - g.y }
+ elseif corner == "top_left" then
+ ng = { x = _mouse.x,
+ width = (g.x + g.width) - _mouse.x,
+ y = _mouse.y,
+ height = (g.y + g.height) - _mouse.y }
+ else
+ ng = { width = _mouse.x - g.x,
+ y = _mouse.y,
+ height = (g.y + g.height) - _mouse.y }
+ end
+ if ng.width <= 0 then ng.width = nil end
+ if ng.height <= 0 then ng.height = nil end
+ if fixed_x then ng.width = g.width ng.x = g.x end
+ if fixed_y then ng.height = g.height ng.y = g.y end
+ c:geometry(ng)
+ -- Get real geometry that has been applied
+ -- in case we honor size hints
+ -- XXX: This should be rewritten when size
+ -- hints are available from Lua.
+ local rg = c:geometry()
+ if corner == "bottom_right" then
+ ng = {}
+ elseif corner == "bottom_left" then
+ ng = { x = (g.x + g.width) - rg.width }
+ elseif corner == "top_left" then
+ ng = { x = (g.x + g.width) - rg.width,
+ y = (g.y + g.height) - rg.height }
+ else
+ ng = { y = (g.y + g.height) - rg.height }
+ end
+ c:geometry({ x = ng.x, y = ng.y })
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return prev_coords.x == _mouse.x and prev_coords.y == _mouse.y
+ end, corner .. "_corner")
+function floating.arrange()
+--- The floating layout.
+-- @clientlayout awful.layout.suit.
+ = "floating"
+return floating
+-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/init.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57a49fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+--- Suits for awful
+-- @author Julien Danjou &lt;;
+-- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou
+-- @module awful.layout
+ corner = require("awful.layout.suit.corner");
+ max = require("awful.layout.suit.max");
+ tile = require("awful.layout.suit.tile");
+ fair = require("awful.layout.suit.fair");
+ floating = require("awful.layout.suit.floating");
+ magnifier = require("awful.layout.suit.magnifier");
+ spiral = require("awful.layout.suit.spiral");
+-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/magnifier.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/magnifier.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f30d7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/magnifier.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+--- Magnifier layout module for awful
+-- @author Julien Danjou &lt;;
+-- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou
+-- @module awful.layout
+-- Grab environment we need
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local math = math
+local capi =
+ client = client,
+ screen = screen,
+ mouse = mouse,
+ mousegrabber = mousegrabber
+--- The magnifier layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_magnifier
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+local magnifier = {}
+function magnifier.mouse_resize_handler(c, corner, x, y)
+ capi.mouse.coords({ x = x, y = y })
+ local wa = c.screen.workarea
+ local center_x = wa.x + wa.width / 2
+ local center_y = wa.y + wa.height / 2
+ local maxdist_pow = (wa.width^2 + wa.height^2) / 4
+ local prev_coords = {}
+ (_mouse)
+ if not c.valid then return false end
+ for _, v in ipairs(_mouse.buttons) do
+ if v then
+ prev_coords = { x =_mouse.x, y = _mouse.y }
+ local dx = center_x - _mouse.x
+ local dy = center_y - _mouse.y
+ local dist = dx^2 + dy^2
+ -- New master width factor
+ local mwfact = dist / maxdist_pow
+ c.screen.selected_tag.master_width_factor
+ = math.min(math.max(0.01, mwfact), 0.99)
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return prev_coords.x == _mouse.x and prev_coords.y == _mouse.y
+ end, corner .. "_corner")
+function magnifier.arrange(p)
+ -- Fullscreen?
+ local area = p.workarea
+ local cls = p.clients
+ local focus = p.focus or capi.client.focus
+ local t = p.tag or capi.screen[p.screen].selected_tag
+ local mwfact = t.master_width_factor
+ local fidx
+ -- Check that the focused window is on the right screen
+ if focus and focus.screen ~= p.screen then focus = nil end
+ -- If no window is focused or focused window is not tiled, take the first tiled one.
+ if (not focus or focus.floating) and #cls > 0 then
+ focus = cls[1]
+ fidx = 1
+ end
+ -- Abort if no clients are present
+ if not focus then return end
+ local geometry = {}
+ if #cls > 1 then
+ geometry.width = area.width * math.sqrt(mwfact)
+ geometry.height = area.height * math.sqrt(mwfact)
+ geometry.x = area.x + (area.width - geometry.width) / 2
+ geometry.y = area.y + (area.height - geometry.height) /2
+ else
+ geometry.x = area.x
+ geometry.y = area.y
+ geometry.width = area.width
+ geometry.height = area.height
+ end
+ local g = {
+ x = geometry.x,
+ y = geometry.y,
+ width = geometry.width,
+ height = geometry.height
+ }
+ p.geometries[focus] = g
+ if #cls > 1 then
+ geometry.x = area.x
+ geometry.y = area.y
+ geometry.height = area.height / (#cls - 1)
+ geometry.width = area.width
+ -- We don't know the focus window index. Try to find it.
+ if not fidx then
+ for k, c in ipairs(cls) do
+ if c == focus then
+ fidx = k
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- First move clients that are before focused client.
+ for k = fidx + 1, #cls do
+ p.geometries[cls[k]] = {
+ x = geometry.x,
+ y = geometry.y,
+ width = geometry.width,
+ height = geometry.height
+ }
+ geometry.y = geometry.y + geometry.height
+ end
+ -- Then move clients that are after focused client.
+ -- So the next focused window will be the one at the top of the screen.
+ for k = 1, fidx - 1 do
+ p.geometries[cls[k]] = {
+ x = geometry.x,
+ y = geometry.y,
+ width = geometry.width,
+ height = geometry.height
+ }
+ geometry.y = geometry.y + geometry.height
+ end
+ end
+--- The magnifier layout.
+-- @clientlayout awful.layout.suit.magnifier
+ = "magnifier"
+return magnifier
+-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/max.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/max.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cd1812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/max.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+--- Maximized and fullscreen layouts module for awful
+-- @author Julien Danjou &lt;;
+-- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou
+-- @module awful.layout
+-- Grab environment we need
+local pairs = pairs
+local max = {}
+--- The max layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_max
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+--- The fullscreen layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_fullscreen
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+local function fmax(p, fs)
+ -- Fullscreen?
+ local area
+ if fs then
+ area = p.geometry
+ else
+ area = p.workarea
+ end
+ for _, c in pairs(p.clients) do
+ local g = {
+ x = area.x,
+ y = area.y,
+ width = area.width,
+ height = area.height
+ }
+ p.geometries[c] = g
+ end
+--- Maximized layout.
+-- @clientlayout = "max"
+function max.arrange(p)
+ return fmax(p, false)
+--- Fullscreen layout.
+-- @clientlayout awful.layout.suit.max.fullscreen
+max.fullscreen = {} = "fullscreen"
+function max.fullscreen.arrange(p)
+ return fmax(p, true)
+return max
+-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/spiral.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/spiral.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a7eb9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/spiral.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+--- Dwindle and spiral layouts
+-- @author Uli Schlachter &lt;;
+-- @copyright 2009 Uli Schlachter
+-- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou
+-- @module awful.layout
+-- Grab environment we need
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local math = math
+--- The spiral layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_spiral
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+--- The dwindle layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_dwindle
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+local spiral = {}
+local function do_spiral(p, _spiral)
+ local wa = p.workarea
+ local cls = p.clients
+ local n = #cls
+ local old_width, old_height = wa.width, 2 * wa.height
+ for k, c in ipairs(cls) do
+ if k % 2 == 0 then
+ wa.width, old_width = math.ceil(old_width / 2), wa.width
+ if k ~= n then
+ wa.height, old_height = math.floor(wa.height / 2), wa.height
+ end
+ else
+ wa.height, old_height = math.ceil(old_height / 2), wa.height
+ if k ~= n then
+ wa.width, old_width = math.floor(wa.width / 2), wa.width
+ end
+ end
+ if k % 4 == 0 and _spiral then
+ wa.x = wa.x - wa.width
+ elseif k % 2 == 0 then
+ wa.x = wa.x + old_width
+ elseif k % 4 == 3 and k < n and _spiral then
+ wa.x = wa.x + math.ceil(old_width / 2)
+ end
+ if k % 4 == 1 and k ~= 1 and _spiral then
+ wa.y = wa.y - wa.height
+ elseif k % 2 == 1 and k ~= 1 then
+ wa.y = wa.y + old_height
+ elseif k % 4 == 0 and k < n and _spiral then
+ wa.y = wa.y + math.ceil(old_height / 2)
+ end
+ local g = {
+ x = wa.x,
+ y = wa.y,
+ width = wa.width,
+ height = wa.height
+ }
+ p.geometries[c] = g
+ end
+--- Dwindle layout.
+-- @clientlayout awful.layout.suit.spiral.dwindle
+spiral.dwindle = {} = "dwindle"
+function spiral.dwindle.arrange(p)
+ return do_spiral(p, false)
+--- Spiral layout.
+-- @clientlayout = "spiral"
+function spiral.arrange(p)
+ return do_spiral(p, true)
+return spiral
+-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/tile.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/tile.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fa263c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awesome/lib/awful/layout/suit/tile.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+--- Tiled layouts module for awful
+-- @author Donald Ephraim Curtis &lt;;
+-- @author Julien Danjou &lt;;
+-- @copyright 2009 Donald Ephraim Curtis
+-- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou
+-- @module awful.layout
+-- Grab environment we need
+local tag = require("awful.tag")
+local client = require("awful.client")
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local math = math
+local capi =
+ mouse = mouse,
+ screen = screen,
+ mousegrabber = mousegrabber
+local tile = {}
+--- The tile layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_tile
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+--- The tile top layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_tiletop
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+--- The tile bottom layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_tilebottom
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+--- The tile left layout layoutbox icon.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.layout_tileleft
+-- @param surface
+-- @see gears.surface
+--- Jump mouse cursor to the client's corner when resizing it.
+tile.resize_jump_to_corner = true
+local function mouse_resize_handler(c, _, _, _, orientation)
+ orientation = orientation or "tile"
+ local wa = c.screen.workarea
+ local mwfact = c.screen.selected_tag.master_width_factor
+ local cursor
+ local g = c:geometry()
+ local offset = 0
+ local corner_coords
+ local coordinates_delta = {x=0,y=0}
+ if orientation == "tile" then
+ cursor = "cross"
+ if g.height+15 > wa.height then
+ offset = g.height * .5
+ cursor = "sb_h_double_arrow"
+ elseif not (g.y+g.height+15 > wa.y+wa.height) then
+ offset = g.height
+ end
+ corner_coords = { x = wa.x + wa.width * mwfact, y = g.y + offset }
+ elseif orientation == "left" then
+ cursor = "cross"
+ if g.height+15 >= wa.height then
+ offset = g.height * .5
+ cursor = "sb_h_double_arrow"
+ elseif not (g.y+g.height+15 > wa.y+wa.height) then
+ offset = g.height
+ end
+ corner_coords = { x = wa.x + wa.width * (1 - mwfact), y = g.y + offset }
+ elseif orientation == "bottom" then
+ cursor = "cross"
+ if g.width+15 >= wa.width then
+ offset = g.width * .5
+ cursor = "sb_v_double_arrow"
+ elseif not (g.x+g.width+15 > wa.x+wa.width) then
+ offset = g.width
+ end
+ corner_coords = { y = wa.y + wa.height * mwfact, x = g.x + offset}
+ else
+ cursor = "cross"
+ if g.width+15 >= wa.width then
+ offset = g.width * .5
+ cursor = "sb_v_double_arrow"
+ elseif not (g.x+g.width+15 > wa.x+wa.width) then
+ offset = g.width
+ end
+ corner_coords = { y = wa.y + wa.height * (1 - mwfact), x= g.x + offset }
+ end
+ if tile.resize_jump_to_corner then
+ capi.mouse.coords(corner_coords)
+ else
+ local mouse_coords = capi.mouse.coords()
+ coordinates_delta = {
+ x = corner_coords.x - mouse_coords.x,
+ y = corner_coords.y - mouse_coords.y,
+ }
+ end
+ local prev_coords = {}
+ (_mouse)
+ if not c.valid then return false end
+ _mouse.x = _mouse.x + coordinates_delta.x
+ _mouse.y = _mouse.y + coordinates_delta.y
+ for _, v in ipairs(_mouse.buttons) do
+ if v then
+ prev_coords = { x =_mouse.x, y = _mouse.y }
+ local fact_x = (_mouse.x - wa.x) / wa.width
+ local fact_y = (_mouse.y - wa.y) / wa.height
+ local new_mwfact
+ local geom = c:geometry()
+ -- we have to make sure we're not on the last visible client where we have to use different settings.
+ local wfact
+ local wfact_x, wfact_y
+ if (geom.y+geom.height+15) > (wa.y+wa.height) then
+ wfact_y = (geom.y + geom.height - _mouse.y) / wa.height
+ else
+ wfact_y = (_mouse.y - geom.y) / wa.height
+ end
+ if (geom.x+geom.width+15) > (wa.x+wa.width) then
+ wfact_x = (geom.x + geom.width - _mouse.x) / wa.width
+ else
+ wfact_x = (_mouse.x - geom.x) / wa.width
+ end
+ if orientation == "tile" then
+ new_mwfact = fact_x
+ wfact = wfact_y
+ elseif orientation == "left" then
+ new_mwfact = 1 - fact_x
+ wfact = wfact_y
+ elseif orientation == "bottom" then
+ new_mwfact = fact_y
+ wfact = wfact_x
+ else
+ new_mwfact = 1 - fact_y
+ wfact = wfact_x
+ end
+ c.screen.selected_tag.master_width_factor
+ = math.min(math.max(new_mwfact, 0.01), 0.99)
+ client.setwfact(math.min(math.max(wfact,0.01), 0.99), c)
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return prev_coords.x == _mouse.x and prev_coords.y == _mouse.y
+ end, cursor)
+local function tile_group(gs, cls, wa, orientation, fact, group)
+ -- get our orientation right
+ local height = "height"
+ local width = "width"
+ local x = "x"
+ local y = "y"
+ if orientation == "top" or orientation == "bottom" then
+ height = "width"
+ width = "height"
+ x = "y"
+ y = "x"
+ end
+ -- make this more generic (not just width)
+ local available = wa[width] - (group.coord - wa[x])
+ -- find our total values
+ local total_fact = 0
+ local min_fact = 1
+ local size = group.size
+ for c = group.first,group.last do
+ -- determine the width/height based on the size_hint
+ local i = c - group.first +1
+ local size_hints = cls[c].size_hints
+ local size_hint = size_hints["min_"..width] or size_hints["base_"..width] or 0
+ size = math.max(size_hint, size)
+ -- calculate the height
+ if not fact[i] then
+ fact[i] = min_fact
+ else
+ min_fact = math.min(fact[i],min_fact)
+ end
+ total_fact = total_fact + fact[i]
+ end
+ size = math.max(1, math.min(size, available))
+ local coord = wa[y]
+ local used_size = 0
+ local unused = wa[height]
+ for c = group.first,group.last do
+ local geom = {}
+ local hints = {}
+ local i = c - group.first +1
+ geom[width] = size
+ geom[height] = math.max(1, math.floor(unused * fact[i] / total_fact))
+ geom[x] = group.coord
+ geom[y] = coord
+ gs[cls[c]] = geom
+ hints.width, hints.height = cls[c]:apply_size_hints(geom.width, geom.height)
+ coord = coord + hints[height]
+ unused = unused - hints[height]
+ total_fact = total_fact - fact[i]
+ used_size = math.max(used_size, hints[width])
+ end
+ return used_size
+local function do_tile(param, orientation)
+ local t = param.tag or capi.screen[param.screen].selected_tag
+ orientation = orientation or "right"
+ -- This handles all different orientations.
+ local width = "width"
+ local x = "x"
+ if orientation == "top" or orientation == "bottom" then
+ width = "height"
+ x = "y"
+ end
+ local gs = param.geometries
+ local cls = param.clients
+ local nmaster = math.min(t.master_count, #cls)
+ local nother = math.max(#cls - nmaster,0)
+ local mwfact = t.master_width_factor
+ local wa = param.workarea
+ local ncol = t.column_count
+ local data = tag.getdata(t).windowfact
+ if not data then
+ data = {}
+ tag.getdata(t).windowfact = data
+ end
+ local coord = wa[x]
+ local place_master = true
+ if orientation == "left" or orientation == "top" then
+ -- if we are on the left or top we need to render the other windows first
+ place_master = false
+ end
+ local grow_master = t.master_fill_policy == "expand"
+ -- this was easier than writing functions because there is a lot of data we need
+ for _ = 1,2 do
+ if place_master and nmaster > 0 then
+ local size = wa[width]
+ if nother > 0 or not grow_master then
+ size = math.min(wa[width] * mwfact, wa[width] - (coord - wa[x]))
+ end
+ if nother == 0 and not grow_master then
+ coord = coord + (wa[width] - size)/2
+ end
+ if not data[0] then
+ data[0] = {}
+ end
+ coord = coord + tile_group(gs, cls, wa, orientation, data[0], {first=1, last=nmaster, coord = coord, size = size})
+ end
+ if not place_master and nother > 0 then
+ local last = nmaster
+ -- we have to modify the work area size to consider left and top views
+ local wasize = wa[width]
+ if nmaster > 0 and (orientation == "left" or orientation == "top") then
+ wasize = wa[width] - wa[width]*mwfact
+ end
+ for i = 1,ncol do
+ -- Try to get equal width among remaining columns
+ local size = math.min( (wasize - (coord - wa[x])) / (ncol - i + 1) )
+ local first = last + 1
+ last = last + math.floor((#cls - last)/(ncol - i + 1))
+ -- tile the column and update our current x coordinate
+ if not data[i] then
+ data[i] = {}
+ end
+ coord = coord + tile_group(gs, cls, wa, orientation, data[i], { first = first, last = last, coord = coord, size = size })
+ end
+ end
+ place_master = not place_master
+ end
+--- The main tile algo, on the right.
+-- @param screen The screen number to tile.
+-- @clientlayout
+tile.right = {} = "tile"
+tile.right.arrange = do_tile
+function tile.right.mouse_resize_handler(c, corner, x, y)
+ return mouse_resize_handler(c, corner, x, y)
+--- The main tile algo, on the left.
+-- @param screen The screen number to tile.
+-- @clientlayout awful.layout.suit.tile.left
+tile.left = {} = "tileleft"
+function tile.left.arrange(p)
+ return do_tile(p, "left")
+function tile.left.mouse_resize_handler(c, corner, x, y)
+ return mouse_resize_handler(c, corner, x, y, "left")
+--- The main tile algo, on the bottom.
+-- @param screen The screen number to tile.
+-- @clientlayout awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom
+tile.bottom = {} = "tilebottom"
+function tile.bottom.arrange(p)
+ return do_tile(p, "bottom")
+function tile.bottom.mouse_resize_handler(c, corner, x, y)
+ return mouse_resize_handler(c, corner, x, y, "bottom")
+--- The main tile algo, on the top.
+-- @param screen The screen number to tile.
+-- @clientlayout = {} = "tiletop"
+ return do_tile(p, "top")
+function, corner, x, y)
+ return mouse_resize_handler(c, corner, x, y, "top")
+tile.arrange = tile.right.arrange
+tile.mouse_resize_handler = tile.right.mouse_resize_handler =
+return tile
+-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80