path: root/awesome/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/keys/vim.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'awesome/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/keys/vim.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/keys/vim.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/keys/vim.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 69d21e9..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/awful/hotkeys_popup/keys/vim.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
---- VIM hotkeys for awful.hotkeys_widget
--- @author Yauheni Kirylau <>
--- @copyright 2014-2015 Yauheni Kirylau
--- @module awful.hotkeys_popup.keys.vim
-local hotkeys_popup = require("awful.hotkeys_popup.widget")
-local vim_rule_any = {name={"vim", "VIM"}}
-for group_name, group_data in pairs({
- ["VIM: motion"] = { color="#009F00", rule_any=vim_rule_any },
- ["VIM: command"] = { color="#aFaF00", rule_any=vim_rule_any },
- ["VIM: command (insert)"] = { color="#cF4F40", rule_any=vim_rule_any },
- ["VIM: operator"] = { color="#aF6F00", rule_any=vim_rule_any },
- ["VIM: find"] = { color="#65cF9F", rule_any=vim_rule_any },
- ["VIM: scroll"] = { color="#659FdF", rule_any=vim_rule_any },
-}) do
- hotkeys_popup.group_rules[group_name] = group_data
-local vim_keys = {
- ["VIM: motion"] = {{
- modifiers = {},
- keys = {
- ['`']="goto mark",
- ['0']='"hard" BOL',
- ['-']="prev line",
- w="next word",
- e="end word",
- ['[']=". misc",
- [']']=". misc",
- ["'"]=". goto mk. BOL",
- b="prev word",
- ["|"]='BOL/goto col',
- ["$"]='EOL',
- ["%"]='goto matching bracket',
- ["^"]='"soft" BOL',
- ["("]='sentence begin',
- [")"]='sentence end',
- ["_"]='"soft" BOL down',
- ["+"]='next line',
- W='next WORD',
- E='end WORD',
- ['{']="paragraph begin",
- ['}']="paragraph end",
- G='EOF/goto line',
- H='move cursor to screen top',
- M='move cursor to screen middle',
- L='move cursor to screen bottom',
- B='prev WORD',
- }
- }, {
- modifiers = {"Ctrl"},
- keys = {
- u="half page up",
- d="half page down",
- b="page up",
- f="page down",
- o="prev mark",
- }
- }},
- ["VIM: operator"] = {{
- modifiers = {},
- keys = {
- ['=']="auto format",
- y="yank",
- d="delete",
- c="change",
- ["!"]='external filter',
- ['<']='unindent',
- ['>']='indent',
- }
- }},
- ["VIM: command"] = {{
- modifiers = {},
- keys = {
- ['~']="toggle case",
- q=". record macro",
- r=". replace char",
- u="undo",
- p="paste after",
- gg="go to the top of file",
- gf="open file under cursor",
- x="delete char",
- v="visual mode",
- m=". set mark",
- ['.']="repeat command",
- ["@"]='. play macro',
- ["&"]='repeat :s',
- Q='ex mode',
- Y='yank line',
- U='undo line',
- P='paste before cursor',
- D='delete to EOL',
- J='join lines',
- K='help',
- [':']='ex cmd line',
- ['"']='. register spec',
- ZZ='quit and save',
- ZQ='quit discarding changes',
- X='back-delete',
- V='visual lines selection',
- }
- }, {
- modifiers = {"Ctrl"},
- keys = {
- w=". window operations",
- r="redo",
- ["["]="normal mode",
- a="increase number",
- x="decrease number",
- g="file/cursor info",
- z="suspend",
- c="cancel/normal mode",
- v="visual block selection",
- }
- }},
- ["VIM: command (insert)"] = {{
- modifiers = {},
- keys = {
- i="insert mode",
- o="open below",
- a="append",
- s="subst char",
- R='replace mode',
- I='insert at BOL',
- O='open above',
- A='append at EOL',
- S='subst line',
- C='change to EOL',
- }
- }},
- ["VIM: find"] = {{
- modifiers = {},
- keys = {
- [';']="repeat t/T/f/F",
- [',']="reverse t/T/f/F",
- ['/']=". find",
- ['?']='. reverse find',
- n="next search match",
- N='prev search match',
- f=". find char",
- F='. reverse find char',
- t=". 'till char",
- T=". reverse 'till char",
- ["*"]='find word under cursor',
- ["#"]='reverse find under cursor',
- }
- }},
- ["VIM: scroll"] = {{
- modifiers = {},
- keys = {
- e="scroll line up",
- y="scroll line down",
- zt="scroll cursor to the top",
- zz="scroll cursor to the center",
- zb="scroll cursor to the bottom",
- }
- }},
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