path: root/lib/gears/color.lua
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authorache <>2017-03-13 23:17:19 +0100
committerache <>2017-03-13 23:17:19 +0100
commit22d656903563f75678f3634964731ccf93355dfd (patch)
treee3cb6279d95c9764093072d5e946566ea6533799 /lib/gears/color.lua
Init commit
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gears/color.lua')
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gears/color.lua b/lib/gears/color.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0197c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gears/color.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+-- @author Uli Schlachter
+-- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter
+-- @module gears.color
+local setmetatable = setmetatable
+local string = string
+local table = table
+local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1)
+local tonumber = tonumber
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local pairs = pairs
+local type = type
+local lgi = require("lgi")
+local cairo = lgi.cairo
+local Pango = lgi.Pango
+local surface = require("gears.surface")
+local color = { mt = {} }
+local pattern_cache
+--- Create a pattern from a given string.
+-- This function can create solid, linear, radial and png patterns. In general,
+-- patterns are specified as strings formatted as "type:arguments". "arguments"
+-- is specific to the pattern being used. For example, one can use
+-- "radial:50,50,10:55,55,30:0,#ff0000:0.5,#00ff00:1,#0000ff".
+-- Alternatively, patterns can be specified via tables. In this case, the
+-- table's 'type' member specifies the type. For example:
+-- {
+-- type = "radial",
+-- from = { 50, 50, 10 },
+-- to = { 55, 55, 30 },
+-- stops = { { 0, "#ff0000" }, { 0.5, "#00ff00" }, { 1, "#0000ff" } }
+-- }
+-- Any argument that cannot be understood is passed to @{create_solid_pattern}.
+-- Please note that you MUST NOT modify the returned pattern, for example by
+-- calling :set_matrix() on it, because this function uses a cache and your
+-- changes could thus have unintended side effects. Use @{create_pattern_uncached}
+-- if you need to modify the returned pattern.
+-- @see create_pattern_uncached, create_solid_pattern, create_png_pattern,
+-- create_linear_pattern, create_radial_pattern
+-- @tparam string col The string describing the pattern.
+-- @return a cairo pattern object
+-- @function gears.color
+--- Parse a HTML-color.
+-- This function can parse colors like `#rrggbb` and `#rrggbbaa` and also `red`.
+-- Max 4 chars per channel.
+-- @param col The color to parse
+-- @treturn table 4 values representing color in RGBA format (each of them in
+-- [0, 1] range) or nil if input is incorrect.
+-- @usage -- This will return 0, 1, 0, 1
+-- gears.color.parse_color("#00ff00ff")
+function color.parse_color(col)
+ local rgb = {}
+ if string.match(col, "^#%x+$") then
+ local hex_str = col:sub(2, #col)
+ local channels
+ if #hex_str % 3 == 0 then
+ channels = 3
+ elseif #hex_str % 4 == 0 then
+ channels = 4
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ local chars_per_channel = #hex_str / channels
+ if chars_per_channel > 4 then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local dividor = (0x10 ^ chars_per_channel) - 1
+ for idx=1,#hex_str,chars_per_channel do
+ local channel_val = tonumber(hex_str:sub(idx,idx+chars_per_channel-1), 16)
+ table.insert(rgb, channel_val / dividor)
+ end
+ if channels == 3 then
+ table.insert(rgb, 1)
+ end
+ else
+ local c = Pango.Color()
+ if not c:parse(col) then
+ return nil
+ end
+ rgb = {
+ / 0xffff,
+ / 0xffff,
+ / 0xffff,
+ 1.0
+ }
+ end
+ assert(#rgb == 4, col)
+ return unpack(rgb)
+--- Find all numbers in a string
+-- @tparam string s The string to parse
+-- @return Each number found as a separate value
+local function parse_numbers(s)
+ local res = {}
+ for k in string.gmatch(s, "-?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*") do
+ table.insert(res, tonumber(k))
+ end
+ return unpack(res)
+--- Create a solid pattern
+-- @param col The color for the pattern
+-- @return A cairo pattern object
+function color.create_solid_pattern(col)
+ if col == nil then
+ col = "#000000"
+ elseif type(col) == "table" then
+ col = col.color
+ end
+ return cairo.Pattern.create_rgba(color.parse_color(col))
+--- Create an image pattern from a png file
+-- @param file The filename of the file
+-- @return a cairo pattern object
+function color.create_png_pattern(file)
+ if type(file) == "table" then
+ file = file.file
+ end
+ local image = surface.load(file)
+ local pattern = cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(image)
+ pattern:set_extend(cairo.Extend.REPEAT)
+ return pattern
+--- Add stops to the given pattern.
+-- @param p The cairo pattern to add stops to
+-- @param iterator An iterator that returns strings. Each of those strings
+-- should be in the form place,color where place is in [0, 1].
+local function add_iterator_stops(p, iterator)
+ for k in iterator do
+ local sub = string.gmatch(k, "[^,]+")
+ local point, clr = sub(), sub()
+ p:add_color_stop_rgba(point, color.parse_color(clr))
+ end
+--- Add a list of stops to a given pattern
+local function add_stops_table(pat, arg)
+ for _, stop in ipairs(arg) do
+ pat:add_color_stop_rgba(stop[1], color.parse_color(stop[2]))
+ end
+--- Create a pattern from a string
+local function string_pattern(creator, arg)
+ local iterator = string.gmatch(arg, "[^:]+")
+ -- Create a table where each entry is a number from the original string
+ local args = { parse_numbers(iterator()) }
+ local to = { parse_numbers(iterator()) }
+ -- Now merge those two tables
+ for _, v in pairs(to) do
+ table.insert(args, v)
+ end
+ -- And call our creator function with the values
+ local p = creator(unpack(args))
+ add_iterator_stops(p, iterator)
+ return p
+--- Create a linear pattern object.
+-- The pattern is created from a string. This string should have the following
+-- form: `"x0, y0:x1, y1:<stops>"`
+-- Alternatively, the pattern can be specified as a table:
+-- { type = "linear", from = { x0, y0 }, to = { x1, y1 },
+-- stops = { <stops> } }
+-- `x0,y0` and `x1,y1` are the start and stop point of the pattern.
+-- For the explanation of `<stops>`, see `color.create_pattern`.
+-- @tparam string|table arg The argument describing the pattern.
+-- @return a cairo pattern object
+function color.create_linear_pattern(arg)
+ local pat
+ if type(arg) == "string" then
+ return string_pattern(cairo.Pattern.create_linear, arg)
+ elseif type(arg) ~= "table" then
+ error("Wrong argument type: " .. type(arg))
+ end
+ pat = cairo.Pattern.create_linear(arg.from[1], arg.from[2],[1],[2])
+ add_stops_table(pat, arg.stops)
+ return pat
+--- Create a radial pattern object.
+-- The pattern is created from a string. This string should have the following
+-- form: `"x0, y0, r0:x1, y1, r1:<stops>"`
+-- Alternatively, the pattern can be specified as a table:
+-- { type = "radial", from = { x0, y0, r0 }, to = { x1, y1, r1 },
+-- stops = { <stops> } }
+-- `x0,y0` and `x1,y1` are the start and stop point of the pattern.
+-- `r0` and `r1` are the radii of the start / stop circle.
+-- For the explanation of `<stops>`, see `color.create_pattern`.
+-- @tparam string|table arg The argument describing the pattern
+-- @return a cairo pattern object
+function color.create_radial_pattern(arg)
+ local pat
+ if type(arg) == "string" then
+ return string_pattern(cairo.Pattern.create_radial, arg)
+ elseif type(arg) ~= "table" then
+ error("Wrong argument type: " .. type(arg))
+ end
+ pat = cairo.Pattern.create_radial(arg.from[1], arg.from[2], arg.from[3],
+ add_stops_table(pat, arg.stops)
+ return pat
+--- Mapping of all supported color types. New entries can be added.
+color.types = {
+ solid = color.create_solid_pattern,
+ png = color.create_png_pattern,
+ linear = color.create_linear_pattern,
+ radial = color.create_radial_pattern
+--- Create a pattern from a given string.
+-- For full documentation of this function, please refer to
+-- `color.create_pattern`. The difference between `color.create_pattern`
+-- and this function is that this function does not insert the generated
+-- objects into the pattern cache. Thus, you are allowed to modify the
+-- returned object.
+-- @see create_pattern
+-- @param col The string describing the pattern.
+-- @return a cairo pattern object
+function color.create_pattern_uncached(col)
+ -- If it already is a cairo pattern, just leave it as that
+ if cairo.Pattern:is_type_of(col) then
+ return col
+ end
+ col = col or "#000000"
+ if type(col) == "string" then
+ local t = string.match(col, "[^:]+")
+ if color.types[t] then
+ local pos = string.len(t)
+ local arg = string.sub(col, pos + 2)
+ return color.types[t](arg)
+ end
+ elseif type(col) == "table" then
+ local t = col.type
+ if color.types[t] then
+ return color.types[t](col)
+ end
+ end
+ return color.create_solid_pattern(col)
+--- Create a pattern from a given string, same as `gears.color`.
+-- @see gears.color
+function color.create_pattern(col)
+ if cairo.Pattern:is_type_of(col) then
+ return col
+ end
+ return pattern_cache:get(col or "#000000")
+--- Check if a pattern is opaque.
+-- A pattern is transparent if the background on which it gets drawn (with
+-- operator OVER) doesn't influence the visual result.
+-- @param col An argument that `create_pattern` accepts.
+-- @return The pattern if it is surely opaque, else nil
+function color.create_opaque_pattern(col)
+ local pattern = color.create_pattern(col)
+ local kind = pattern:get_type()
+ if kind == "SOLID" then
+ local _, _, _, _, alpha = pattern:get_rgba()
+ if alpha ~= 1 then
+ return
+ end
+ return pattern
+ elseif kind == "SURFACE" then
+ local status, surf = pattern:get_surface()
+ if status ~= "SUCCESS" or surf.content ~= "COLOR" then
+ -- The surface has an alpha channel which *might* be non-opaque
+ return
+ end
+ -- Only the "NONE" extend mode is forbidden, everything else doesn't
+ -- introduce transparent parts
+ if pattern:get_extend() == "NONE" then
+ return
+ end
+ return pattern
+ elseif kind == "LINEAR" then
+ local _, stops = pattern:get_color_stop_count()
+ -- No color stops or extend NONE -> pattern *might* contain transparency
+ if stops == 0 or pattern:get_extend() == "NONE" then
+ return
+ end
+ -- Now check if any of the color stops contain transparency
+ for i = 0, stops - 1 do
+ local _, _, _, _, _, alpha = pattern:get_color_stop_rgba(i)
+ if alpha ~= 1 then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ return pattern
+ end
+ -- Unknown type, e.g. mesh or raster source or unsupported type (radial
+ -- gradients can do weird self-intersections)
+--- Fill non-transparent area of an image with a given color.
+-- @param image Image or path to it.
+-- @param new_color New color.
+-- @return Recolored image.
+function color.recolor_image(image, new_color)
+ if type(image) == 'string' then
+ image = surface.duplicate_surface(image)
+ end
+ local cr = cairo.Context.create(image)
+ cr:set_source(color.create_pattern(new_color))
+ cr:mask(cairo.Pattern.create_for_surface(image), 0, 0)
+ return image
+function, ...)
+ return color.create_pattern(...)
+pattern_cache = require("gears.cache").new(color.create_pattern_uncached)
+--- No color
+color.transparent = color.create_pattern("#00000000")
+return setmetatable(color,
+-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80