path: root/awesome/lib/wibox/widget
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authorache <>2017-04-25 02:24:15 +0000
committerache <>2017-04-25 02:24:15 +0000
commit9a8809f5d7fb61db02f5fbd90edd927d61006455 (patch)
treea023e3f37460df5f25e6dc97f8f8465e81433874 /awesome/lib/wibox/widget
parentChange theme colors (diff)
Big clean up of the config directory
Diffstat (limited to 'awesome/lib/wibox/widget')
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 5109 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/background.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/background.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c35a0b..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/background.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- This class has been moved to `wibox.container.background`
--- @author Uli Schlachter
--- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter
--- @classmod wibox.widget.background
-local util = require("awful.util")
-return util.deprecate_class(
- require("wibox.container.background"),
- "wibox.widget.background",
- "wibox.container.background"
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/base.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/base.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index dd80ec7..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/base.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,694 +0,0 @@
--- @author Uli Schlachter
--- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter
--- @classmod wibox.widget.base
-local object = require("gears.object")
-local cache = require("gears.cache")
-local matrix = require("gears.matrix")
-local protected_call = require("gears.protected_call")
-local util = require("awful.util")
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local pairs = pairs
-local type = type
-local table = table
-local base = {}
--- {{{ Functions on widgets
---- Functions available on all widgets.
-base.widget = {}
---- Set/get a widget's buttons.
--- @tab _buttons The table of buttons that is bound to the widget.
--- @function buttons
-function base.widget:buttons(_buttons)
- if _buttons then
- self._private.widget_buttons = _buttons
- end
- return self._private.widget_buttons
---- Set a widget's visibility.
--- @tparam boolean b Whether the widget is visible.
--- @function set_visible
-function base.widget:set_visible(b)
- if b ~= self._private.visible then
- self._private.visible = b
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- -- In case something ignored fit and drew the widget anyway.
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- end
---- Is the widget visible?
--- @treturn boolean
--- @function get_visible
-function base.widget:get_visible()
- return self._private.visible or false
---- Set a widget's opacity.
--- @tparam number o The opacity to use (a number from 0 (transparent) to 1
--- (opaque)).
--- @function set_opacity
-function base.widget:set_opacity(o)
- if o ~= self._private.opacity then
- self._private.opacity = o
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw")
- end
---- Get the widget's opacity.
--- @treturn number The opacity (between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)).
--- @function get_opacity
-function base.widget:get_opacity()
- return self._private.opacity
---- Set the widget's forced width.
--- @tparam[opt] number width With `nil` the default mechanism of calling the
--- `:fit` method is used.
--- @see fit_widget
--- @function set_forced_width
-function base.widget:set_forced_width(width)
- if width ~= self._private.forced_width then
- self._private.forced_width = width
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
---- Get the widget's forced width.
--- Note that widget instances can be used in different places simultaneously,
--- and therefore can have multiple dimensions.
--- If there is no forced width/height, then the only way to get the widget's
--- actual size is during a `mouse::enter`, `mouse::leave` or button event.
--- @treturn[opt] number The forced width (nil if automatic).
--- @see fit_widget
--- @function get_forced_width
-function base.widget:get_forced_width()
- return self._private.forced_width
---- Set the widget's forced height.
--- @tparam[opt] number height With `nil` the default mechanism of calling the
--- `:fit` method is used.
--- @see fit_widget
--- @function set_height
-function base.widget:set_forced_height(height)
- if height ~= self._private.forced_height then
- self._private.forced_height = height
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
---- Get the widget's forced height.
--- Note that widget instances can be used in different places simultaneously,
--- and therefore can have multiple dimensions.
--- If there is no forced width/height, then the only way to get the widget's
--- actual size is during a `mouse::enter`, `mouse::leave` or button event.
--- @treturn[opt] number The forced height (nil if automatic).
--- @function get_forced_height
-function base.widget:get_forced_height()
- return self._private.forced_height
---- Get the widget's direct children widgets.
--- This method should be re-implemented by the relevant widgets.
--- @treturn table The children
--- @function get_children
-function base.widget:get_children()
- return {}
---- Replace the layout children.
--- The default implementation does nothing, this must be re-implemented by
--- all layout and container widgets.
--- @tab children A table composed of valid widgets.
--- @function set_children
-function base.widget:set_children(children) -- luacheck: no unused
- -- Nothing on purpose
--- It could have been merged into `get_all_children`, but it's not necessary.
-local function digg_children(ret, tlw)
- for _, w in ipairs(tlw:get_children()) do
- table.insert(ret, w)
- digg_children(ret, w)
- end
---- Get all direct and indirect children widgets.
--- This will scan all containers recursively to find widgets.
--- *Warning*: This method it prone to stack overflow if the widget, or any of
--- its children, contains (directly or indirectly) itself.
--- @treturn table The children
--- @function get_all_children
-function base.widget:get_all_children()
- local ret = {}
- digg_children(ret, self)
- return ret
---- Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also
--- forward the signal. This is useful to track signals when there is a dynamic
--- set of containers and layouts wrapping the widget.
--- Note that this function has two flaws:
--- 1. The signal is only forwarded once the widget tree has been built. This
--- happens after all currently scheduled functions have been executed.
--- Therefore, it will not start to work right away.
--- 2. In case the widget is present multiple times in a single widget tree,
--- this function will also forward the signal multiple time (one per upward
--- tree path).
--- @tparam string signal_name
--- @param ... Other arguments
--- @function emit_signal_recursive
-function base.widget:emit_signal_recursive(signal_name, ...)
- -- This is a convenience wrapper, the real implementation is in the
- -- hierarchy.
- self:emit_signal("widget::emit_recursive", signal_name, ...)
---- Get the index of a widget.
--- @tparam widget widget The widget to look for.
--- @tparam[opt] boolean recursive Also check sub-widgets?
--- @tparam[opt] widget ... Additional widgets to add at the end of the "path"
--- @treturn number The index.
--- @treturn widget The parent widget.
--- @treturn table The path between "self" and "widget".
--- @function index
-function base.widget:index(widget, recursive, ...)
- local widgets = self:get_children()
- for idx, w in ipairs(widgets) do
- if w == widget then
- return idx, self, {...}
- elseif recursive then
- local child_idx, l, path = w:index(widget, true, self, ...)
- if child_idx and l then
- return child_idx, l, path
- end
- end
- end
- return nil, self, {}
--- }}}
--- {{{ Caches
--- Indexes are widgets, allow them to be garbage-collected.
-local widget_dependencies = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "kv" })
--- Get the cache of the given kind for this widget. This returns a gears.cache
--- that calls the callback of kind `kind` on the widget.
-local function get_cache(widget, kind)
- if not widget._private.widget_caches[kind] then
- widget._private.widget_caches[kind] =
- return protected_call(widget[kind], widget, ...)
- end)
- end
- return widget._private.widget_caches[kind]
--- Special value to skip the dependency recording that is normally done by
--- base.fit_widget() and base.layout_widget(). The caller must ensure that no
--- caches depend on the result of the call and/or must handle the children's
--- widget::layout_changed signal correctly when using this.
-base.no_parent_I_know_what_I_am_doing = {}
--- Record a dependency from parent to child: The layout of `parent` depends on
--- the layout of `child`.
-local function record_dependency(parent, child)
- if parent == base.no_parent_I_know_what_I_am_doing then
- return
- end
- base.check_widget(parent)
- base.check_widget(child)
- local deps = widget_dependencies[child] or {}
- deps[parent] = true
- widget_dependencies[child] = deps
--- Clear the caches for `widget` and all widgets that depend on it.
-local clear_caches
-function clear_caches(widget)
- local deps = widget_dependencies[widget] or {}
- widget_dependencies[widget] = {}
- widget._private.widget_caches = {}
- for w in pairs(deps) do
- clear_caches(w)
- end
--- }}}
---- Figure out the geometry in the device coordinate space.
--- This gives only tight bounds if no rotations by non-multiples of 90° are
--- used.
--- @function wibox.widget.base.rect_to_device_geometry
-function base.rect_to_device_geometry(cr, x, y, width, height)
- return matrix.transform_rectangle(cr.matrix, x, y, width, height)
---- Fit a widget for the given available width and height.
--- This calls the widget's `:fit` callback and caches the result for later use.
--- Never call `:fit` directly, but always through this function!
--- @tparam widget parent The parent widget which requests this information.
--- @tab context The context in which we are fit.
--- @tparam widget widget The widget to fit (this uses
--- `widget:fit(context, width, height)`).
--- @tparam number width The available width for the widget.
--- @tparam number height The available height for the widget.
--- @treturn number The width that the widget wants to use.
--- @treturn number The height that the widget wants to use.
--- @function wibox.widget.base.fit_widget
-function base.fit_widget(parent, context, widget, width, height)
- record_dependency(parent, widget)
- if not widget._private.visible then
- return 0, 0
- end
- -- Sanitize the input. This also filters out e.g. NaN.
- width = math.max(0, width)
- height = math.max(0, height)
- local w, h = 0, 0
- if then
- w, h = get_cache(widget, "fit"):get(context, width, height)
- else
- -- If it has no fit method, calculate based on the size of children
- local children = base.layout_widget(parent, context, widget, width, height)
- for _, info in ipairs(children or {}) do
- local x, y, w2, h2 = matrix.transform_rectangle(info._matrix,
- 0, 0, info._width, info._height)
- w, h = math.max(w, x + w2), math.max(h, y + h2)
- end
- end
- -- Apply forced size and handle nil's
- w = widget._private.forced_width or w or 0
- h = widget._private.forced_height or h or 0
- -- Also sanitize the output.
- w = math.max(0, math.min(w, width))
- h = math.max(0, math.min(h, height))
- return w, h
---- Lay out a widget for the given available width and height.
--- This calls the widget's `:layout` callback and caches the result for later
--- use. Never call `:layout` directly, but always through this function!
--- However, normally there shouldn't be any reason why you need to use this
--- function.
--- @tparam widget parent The parent widget which requests this information.
--- @tab context The context in which we are laid out.
--- @tparam widget widget The widget to layout (this uses
--- `widget:layout(context, width, height)`).
--- @tparam number width The available width for the widget.
--- @tparam number height The available height for the widget.
--- @treturn[opt] table The result from the widget's `:layout` callback.
--- @function wibox.widget.base.layout_widget
-function base.layout_widget(parent, context, widget, width, height)
- record_dependency(parent, widget)
- if not widget._private.visible then
- return
- end
- -- Sanitize the input. This also filters out e.g. NaN.
- width = math.max(0, width)
- height = math.max(0, height)
- if widget.layout then
- return get_cache(widget, "layout"):get(context, width, height)
- end
---- Handle a button event on a widget.
--- This is used internally and should not be called directly.
--- @function wibox.widget.base.handle_button
-function base.handle_button(event, widget, x, y, button, modifiers, geometry)
- x = x or y -- luacheck: no unused
- local function is_any(mod)
- return #mod == 1 and mod[1] == "Any"
- end
- local function tables_equal(a, b)
- if #a ~= #b then
- return false
- end
- for k, v in pairs(b) do
- if a[k] ~= v then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- -- Find all matching button objects.
- local matches = {}
- for _, v in pairs(widget._private.widget_buttons) do
- local match = true
- -- Is it the right button?
- if v.button ~= 0 and v.button ~= button then match = false end
- -- Are the correct modifiers pressed?
- if (not is_any(v.modifiers)) and (not tables_equal(v.modifiers, modifiers)) then match = false end
- if match then
- table.insert(matches, v)
- end
- end
- -- Emit the signals.
- for _, v in pairs(matches) do
- v:emit_signal(event,geometry)
- end
---- Create widget placement information. This should be used in a widget's
--- `:layout()` callback.
--- @tparam widget widget The widget that should be placed.
--- @param mat A matrix transforming from the parent widget's coordinate
--- system. For example, use matrix.create_translate(1, 2) to draw a
--- widget at position (1, 2) relative to the parent widget.
--- @tparam number width The width of the widget in its own coordinate system.
--- That is, after applying the transformation matrix.
--- @tparam number height The height of the widget in its own coordinate system.
--- That is, after applying the transformation matrix.
--- @treturn table An opaque object that can be returned from `:layout()`.
--- @function wibox.widget.base.place_widget_via_matrix
-function base.place_widget_via_matrix(widget, mat, width, height)
- return {
- _widget = widget,
- _width = width,
- _height = height,
- _matrix = mat
- }
---- Create widget placement information. This should be used for a widget's
--- `:layout()` callback.
--- @tparam widget widget The widget that should be placed.
--- @tparam number x The x coordinate for the widget.
--- @tparam number y The y coordinate for the widget.
--- @tparam number width The width of the widget in its own coordinate system.
--- That is, after applying the transformation matrix.
--- @tparam number height The height of the widget in its own coordinate system.
--- That is, after applying the transformation matrix.
--- @treturn table An opaque object that can be returned from `:layout()`.
--- @function wibox.widget.base.place_widget_at
-function base.place_widget_at(widget, x, y, width, height)
- return base.place_widget_via_matrix(widget, matrix.create_translate(x, y), width, height)
--- Read the table, separate attributes from widgets.
-local function parse_table(t, leave_empty)
- local max = 0
- local attributes, widgets = {}, {}
- for k,v in pairs(t) do
- if type(k) == "number" then
- if v then
- -- Since `ipairs` doesn't always work on sparse tables, update
- -- the maximum.
- if k > max then
- max = k
- end
- widgets[k] = v
- end
- else
- attributes[k] = v
- end
- end
- -- Pack the sparse table, if the container doesn't support sparse tables.
- if not leave_empty then
- widgets = util.table.from_sparse(widgets)
- max = #widgets
- end
- return max, attributes, widgets
--- Recursively build a container from a declarative table.
-local function drill(ids, content)
- if not content then return end
- -- Alias `widget` to `layout` as they are handled the same way.
- content.layout = content.layout or content.widget
- -- Make sure the layout is not indexed on a function.
- local layout = type(content.layout) == "function" and content.layout() or content.layout
- -- Create layouts based on metatable's __call.
- local l = layout.is_widget and layout or layout()
- -- Get the number of children widgets (including nil widgets).
- local max, attributes, widgets = parse_table(content, l.allow_empty_widget)
- -- Get the optional identifier to create a virtual widget tree to place
- -- in an "access table" to be able to retrieve the widget.
- local id =
- -- Clear the internal attributes.
-, attributes.layout, attributes.widget = nil, nil, nil
- -- Set layout attributes.
- -- This has to be done before the widgets are added because it might affect
- -- the output.
- for attr, val in pairs(attributes) do
- if l["set_"..attr] then
- l["set_"..attr](l, val)
- elseif type(l[attr]) == "function" then
- l[attr](l, val)
- else
- l[attr] = val
- end
- end
- -- Add all widgets.
- for k = 1, max do
- -- ipairs cannot be used on sparse tables.
- local v, id2, e = widgets[k], id, nil
- if v then
- -- It is another declarative container, parse it.
- if not v.is_widget then
- e, id2 = drill(ids, v)
- widgets[k] = e
- end
- base.check_widget(widgets[k])
- -- Place the widget in the access table.
- if id2 then
- l [id2] = e
- ids[id2] = ids[id2] or {}
- table.insert(ids[id2], e)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Replace all children (if any) with the new ones.
- l:set_children(widgets)
- return l, id
--- Only available when the declarative system is used.
-local function get_children_by_id(self, name)
- if rawget(self, "_private") then
- return self._private.by_id[name] or {}
- else
- return rawget(self, "_by_id")[name] or {}
- end
---- Set a declarative widget hierarchy description.
--- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/
--- @tab args A table containing the widget's disposition.
--- @function setup
-function base.widget:setup(args)
- local f,ids = self.set_widget or self.add or self.set_first,{}
- local w, id = drill(ids, args)
- f(self,w)
- if id then
- -- Avoid being dropped by wibox metatable -> drawin
- rawset(self, id, w)
- ids[id] = ids[id] or {}
- table.insert(ids[id], 1, w)
- end
- if rawget(self, "_private") then
- self._private.by_id = ids
- else
- rawset(self, "_by_id", ids)
- end
- rawset(self, "get_children_by_id", get_children_by_id)
---- Create a widget from a declarative description.
--- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/
--- @tab args A table containing the widgets disposition.
--- @function wibox.widget.base.make_widget_declarative
-function base.make_widget_declarative(args)
- local ids = {}
- if (not args.layout) and (not args.widget) then
- args.widget = base.make_widget(nil,
- end
- local w, id = drill(ids, args)
- local mt = getmetatable(w) or {}
- local orig_string = tostring(w)
- -- Add the main id (if any)
- if id then
- ids[id] = ids[id] or {}
- table.insert(ids[id], 1, w)
- end
- if rawget(w, "_private") then
- w._private.by_id = ids
- else
- rawset(w, "_by_id", ids)
- end
- rawset(w, "get_children_by_id", get_children_by_id)
- mt.__tostring = function()
- return string.format("%s (%s)", id or w.widget_name or "N/A", orig_string)
- end
- return setmetatable(w, mt)
---- Create an empty widget skeleton.
--- See [Creating new widgets](../documentation/
--- @tparam[opt] widget proxy If this is set, the returned widget will be a
--- proxy for this widget. It will be equivalent to this widget.
--- This means it looks the same on the screen.
--- @tparam[opt] string widget_name Name of the widget. If not set, it will be
--- set automatically via @{gears.object.modulename}.
--- @tparam[opt={}] table args Widget settings
--- @tparam[opt=false] boolean args.enable_properties Enable automatic getter
--- and setter methods.
--- @tparam[opt=nil] table args.class The widget class
--- @see fit_widget
--- @function wibox.widget.base.make_widget
-function base.make_widget(proxy, widget_name, args)
- args = args or {}
- local ret = object {
- enable_properties = args.enable_properties,
- class = args.class,
- }
- -- Backwards compatibility.
- -- TODO: Remove this
- ret:connect_signal("widget::updated", function()
- ret:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- ret:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- end)
- -- Create a table used to store the widgets internal data.
- rawset(ret, "_private", {})
- -- No buttons yet.
- ret._private.widget_buttons = {}
- -- Widget is visible.
- ret._private.visible = true
- -- Widget is fully opaque.
- ret._private.opacity = 1
- -- Differentiate tables from widgets.
- rawset(ret, "is_widget", true)
- -- Size is not restricted/forced.
- ret._private.forced_width = nil
- ret._private.forced_height = nil
- -- Make buttons work.
- ret:connect_signal("button::press", function(...)
- return base.handle_button("press", ...)
- end)
- ret:connect_signal("button::release", function(...)
- return base.handle_button("release", ...)
- end)
- if proxy then
- rawset(ret, "fit", function(_, context, width, height)
- return base.fit_widget(ret, context, proxy, width, height)
- end)
- rawset(ret, "layout", function(_, _, width, height)
- return { base.place_widget_at(proxy, 0, 0, width, height) }
- end)
- proxy:connect_signal("widget::layout_changed", function()
- ret:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end)
- proxy:connect_signal("widget::redraw_needed", function()
- ret:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- end)
- end
- -- Set up caches.
- clear_caches(ret)
- ret:connect_signal("widget::layout_changed", function()
- clear_caches(ret)
- end)
- -- Add functions.
- for k, v in pairs(base.widget) do
- rawset(ret, k, v)
- end
- -- Add __tostring method to metatable.
- rawset(ret, "widget_name", widget_name or object.modulename(3))
- local mt = getmetatable(ret) or {}
- local orig_string = tostring(ret)
- mt.__tostring = function()
- return string.format("%s (%s)", ret.widget_name, orig_string)
- end
- return setmetatable(ret, mt)
---- Generate an empty widget which takes no space and displays nothing.
--- @function wibox.widget.base.empty_widget
-function base.empty_widget()
- return base.make_widget()
---- Do some sanity checking on a widget.
--- This function raises an error if the widget is not valid.
--- @function wibox.widget.base.check_widget
-function base.check_widget(widget)
- assert(type(widget) == "table", "Type should be table, but is " .. tostring(type(widget)))
- assert(widget.is_widget, "Argument is not a widget!")
- for _, func in pairs({ "connect_signal", "disconnect_signal" }) do
- assert(type(widget[func]) == "function", func .. " is not a function")
- end
-return base
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/checkbox.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/checkbox.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 57bdaa3..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/checkbox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
--- A boolean display widget.
--- If necessary, themes can implement custom shape:
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_checkbox_custom.svg)
--- wibox.widget {
--- checked = true,
--- color = beautiful.bg_normal,
--- paddings = 2,
--- check_shape = function(cr, width, height)
--- local rs = math.min(width, height)
--- cr:move_to( 0 , 0 )
--- cr:line_to( rs , 0 )
--- cr:move_to( 0 , 0 )
--- cr:line_to( 0 , rs )
--- cr:move_to( 0 , rs )
--- cr:line_to( rs , rs )
--- cr:move_to( rs , 0 )
--- cr:line_to( rs , rs )
--- cr:move_to( 0 , 0 )
--- cr:line_to( rs , rs )
--- cr:move_to( 0 , rs )
--- cr:line_to( rs , 0 )
--- end,
--- check_border_color = '#ff0000',
--- check_color = '#00000000',
--- check_border_width = 1,
--- widget = wibox.widget.checkbox
--- }
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_defaults_checkbox.svg)
--- @usage
---wibox.widget {
--- checked = true,
--- color = beautiful.bg_normal,
--- paddings = 2,
--- shape =,
--- widget = wibox.widget.checkbox
--- @author Emmanuel Lepage Valle
--- @copyright 2010 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
--- @classmod wibox.widget.checkbox
-local color = require( "gears.color" )
-local base = require( "wibox.widget.base" )
-local beautiful = require( "beautiful" )
-local shape = require( "gears.shape" )
-local util = require( "awful.util" )
-local checkbox = {}
---- The outer (unchecked area) border width.
--- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_border_width
---- The outer (unchecked area) background color, pattern or gradient.
--- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_bg
---- The outer (unchecked area) border color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_border_color
---- The checked part border color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_check_border_color
---- The checked part border width.
--- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_check_border_width
---- The checked part filling color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_check_color
---- The outer (unchecked area) shape.
--- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- The checked part shape.
--- If none is set, then the `shape` property will be used.
--- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_check_shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- The padding between the outline and the progressbar.
--- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_paddings
--- @tparam[opt=0] table|number paddings A number or a table
--- @tparam[opt=0] number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.bottom
--- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.left
--- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.right
---- The checkbox color.
--- This will be used for the unchecked part border color and the checked part
--- filling color. Note that `check_color` and `border_color` have priority
--- over this property.
--- @beautiful beautiful.checkbox_color
---- The outer (unchecked area) border width.
--- @property border_width
---- The outer (unchecked area) background color, pattern or gradient.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_checkbox_bg.svg)
--- @usage
---wibox.widget {
--- checked = true,
--- color = beautiful.bg_normal,
--- bg = '#ff00ff',
--- border_width = 3,
--- paddings = 4,
--- border_color = '#0000ff',
--- check_color = '#ff0000',
--- check_border_color = '#ffff00',
--- check_border_width = 1,
--- widget = wibox.widget.checkbox
--- @property bg
---- The outer (unchecked area) border color.
--- @property border_color
---- The checked part border color.
--- @property check_border_color
---- The checked part border width.
--- @property check_border_width
---- The checked part filling color.
--- @property check_color
---- The outer (unchecked area) shape.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_checkbox_shape.svg)
--- @usage
---for _, s in ipairs {'rectangle', 'circle', 'losange', 'octogon'} do
--- wibox.widget {
--- checked = true,
--- color = beautiful.bg_normal,
--- paddings = 2,
--- shape = gears.shape[s],
--- widget = wibox.widget.checkbox
--- }
--- @property shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- The checked part shape.
--- If none is set, then the `shape` property will be used.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_checkbox_check_shape.svg)
--- @usage
---for _, s in ipairs {'rectangle', 'circle', 'losange', 'octogon'} do
--- wibox.widget {
--- checked = true,
--- color = beautiful.bg_normal,
--- paddings = 2,
--- check_shape = gears.shape[s],
--- widget = wibox.widget.checkbox
--- }
--- @property check_shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- The padding between the outline and the progressbar.
--- @property paddings
--- @tparam[opt=0] table|number paddings A number or a table
--- @tparam[opt=0] number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.bottom
--- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.left
--- @tparam[opt=0] number paddings.right
---- The checkbox color.
--- This will be used for the unchecked part border color and the checked part
--- filling color. Note that `check_color` and `border_color` have priority
--- over this property.
--- @property color
-local function outline_workarea(self, width, height)
- local offset = (self._private.border_width or
- beautiful.checkbox_border_width or 1)/2
- return {
- x = offset,
- y = offset,
- width = width-2*offset,
- height = height-2*offset
- }
--- The child widget area
-local function content_workarea(self, width, height)
- local padding = self._private.paddings or {}
- local offset = self:get_check_border_width() or 0
- local wa = outline_workarea(self, width, height)
- wa.x = offset + wa.x + (padding.left or 1)
- wa.y = offset + wa.y + ( or 1)
- wa.width = wa.width - (padding.left or 1) - (padding.right or 1) - 2*offset
- wa.height = wa.height - ( or 1) - (padding.bottom or 1) - 2*offset
- return wa
-local function draw(self, _, cr, width, height)
- local size = math.min(width, height)
- local background_shape = self:get_shape() or shape.rectangle
- local border_width = self:get_border_width() or 1
- local main_color = self:get_color()
- local bg = self:get_bg()
- local border_color = self:get_border_color()
- -- If no color is set, it will fallback to the default one
- if border_color or main_color then
- cr:set_source(color(border_color or main_color))
- end
- local wa = outline_workarea(self, size, size)
- cr:translate(wa.x, wa.y)
- background_shape(cr, wa.width, wa.height)
- cr:set_line_width(border_width)
- if bg then
- cr:save()
- cr:set_source(color(bg))
- cr:fill_preserve()
- cr:restore()
- end
- cr:stroke()
- cr:translate(-wa.x, -wa.y)
- -- Draw the checked part
- if self._private.checked then
- local col = self:get_check_color() or main_color
- border_color = self:get_check_border_color()
- border_width = self:get_check_border_width() or 0
- local check_shape = self:get_check_shape() or background_shape
- wa = content_workarea(self, size, size)
- cr:translate(wa.x, wa.y)
- check_shape(cr, wa.width, wa.height)
- if col then
- cr:set_source(color(col))
- end
- if border_width > 0 then
- cr:fill_preserve()
- cr:set_line_width(border_width)
- cr:set_source(color(border_color))
- cr:stroke()
- else
- cr:fill()
- end
- end
-local function fit(_, _, w, h)
- local size = math.min(w, h)
- return size, size
---- If the checkbox is checked.
--- @property checked
--- @param boolean
-for _, prop in ipairs {"border_width", "bg", "border_color", "check_border_color",
- "check_border_width", "check_color", "shape", "check_shape", "paddings",
- "checked", "color" } do
- checkbox["set_"..prop] = function(self, value)
- self._private[prop] = value
- self:emit_signal("property::"..prop)
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- end
- checkbox["get_"..prop] = function(self)
- return self._private[prop] or beautiful["checkbox_"..prop]
- end
---- The checkbox color.
--- @property color
-function checkbox:set_paddings(val)
- self._private.paddings = type(val) == "number" and {
- left = val,
- right = val,
- top = val,
- bottom = val,
- } or val or {}
- self:emit_signal("property::paddings")
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
-local function new(checked, args)
- checked, args = checked or false, args or {}
- local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {
- enable_properties = true,
- })
- util.table.crush(ret, checkbox)
- ret._private.checked = checked
- ret._private.color = args.color and color(args.color) or nil
- rawset(ret, "fit" , fit )
- rawset(ret, "draw", draw)
- return ret
---Imported documentation
---- Get a widex index.
--- @param widget The widget to look for
--- @param[opt] recursive Also check sub-widgets
--- @param[opt] ... Aditional widgets to add at the end of the \"path\"
--- @return The index
--- @return The parent layout
--- @return The path between \"self\" and \"widget\"
--- @function index
---- Get all direct and indirect children widgets.
--- This will scan all containers recursively to find widgets
--- Warning: This method it prone to stack overflow id the widget, or any of its
--- children, contain (directly or indirectly) itself.
--- @treturn table The children
--- @function get_all_children
---- Set a declarative widget hierarchy description.
--- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/
--- @param args An array containing the widgets disposition
--- @function setup
---- Force a widget height.
--- @property forced_height
--- @tparam number|nil height The height (`nil` for automatic)
---- Force a widget width.
--- @property forced_width
--- @tparam number|nil width The width (`nil` for automatic)
---- The widget opacity (transparency).
--- @property opacity
--- @tparam[opt=1] number opacity The opacity (between 0 and 1)
---- The widget visibility.
--- @property visible
--- @param boolean
---- Set/get a widget's buttons.
--- @param _buttons The table of buttons that should bind to the widget.
--- @function buttons
---- Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also
--- forward the signal. This is useful to track signals when there is a dynamic
--- set of containers and layouts wrapping the widget.
--- @tparam string signal_name
--- @param ... Other arguments
--- @function emit_signal_recursive
---- When the layout (size) change.
--- This signal is emitted when the previous results of `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- are no longer valid. Unless this signal is emitted, `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- must return the same result when called with the same arguments.
--- @signal widget::layout_changed
--- @see widget::redraw_needed
---- When the widget content changed.
--- This signal is emitted when the content of the widget changes. The widget will
--- be redrawn, it is not re-layouted. Put differently, it is assumed that
--- `:layout()` and `:fit()` would still return the same results as before.
--- @signal widget::redraw_needed
--- @see widget::layout_changed
---- When a mouse button is pressed over the widget.
--- @signal button::press
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When a mouse button is released over the widget.
--- @signal button::release
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse enter a widget.
--- @signal mouse::enter
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse leave a widget.
--- @signal mouse::leave
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---Imported documentation
---- Disconnect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback that should be disconnected
--- @function disconnect_signal
---- Emit a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @param ... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected
--- function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments
--- that are given to emit_signal()
--- @function emit_signal
---- Connect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function connect_signal
---- Connect to a signal weakly. This allows the callback function to be garbage
--- collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens.
--- **Warning:**
--- Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you
--- are doing.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function weak_connect_signal
-return setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end})
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/graph.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/graph.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c03c726..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/graph.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
---- A graph widget.
--- The graph goes from left to right. To change this to right to left, use
--- a `wibox.container.mirror` widget. This can also be used to have data
--- shown from top to bottom.
--- To add text on top of the graph, use a `wibox.layout.stack` and a
--- `wibox.container.align` widgets.
--- To display the graph vertically, use a `wibox.container.rotate` widget.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_defaults_graph.svg)
--- @usage
---wibox.widget {
--- max_value = 29,
--- widget = wibox.widget.graph
--- @author Julien Danjou &lt;;
--- @copyright 2009 Julien Danjou
--- @classmod wibox.widget.graph
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local ipairs = ipairs
-local math = math
-local table = table
-local type = type
-local color = require("gears.color")
-local base = require("wibox.widget.base")
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local graph = { mt = {} }
---- Set the graph border color.
--- If the value is nil, no border will be drawn.
--- @property border_color
--- @tparam gears.color border_color The border color to set.
--- @see gears.color
---- Set the graph foreground color.
--- @property color
--- @tparam color color The graph color.
--- @see gears.color
---- Set the graph background color.
--- @property background_color
--- @tparam gears.color background_color The graph background color.
--- @see gears.color
---- Set the maximum value the graph should handle.
--- If "scale" is also set, the graph never scales up below this value, but it
--- automatically scales down to make all data fit.
--- @property max_value
--- @param number
---- The minimum value.
--- Note that the min_value is not supported when used along with the stack
--- property.
--- @property min_value
--- @param number
---- Set the graph to automatically scale its values. Default is false.
--- @property scale
--- @param boolean
---- Set the width or the individual steps.
--- Note that it isn't supported when used along with stacked graphs.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_graph_step.svg)
--- @usage
---wibox.widget {
--- max_value = 29,
--- step_width = 3,
--- step_spacing = 1,
--- step_shape = function(cr, width, height)
--- gears.shape.rounded_rect(cr, width, height, 2)
--- end,
--- widget = wibox.widget.graph
--- @property step_width
--- @param[opt=1] number
---- Set the spacing between the steps.
--- Note that it isn't supported when used along with stacked graphs.
--- @property step_spacing
--- @param[opt=0] number
---- The step shape.
--- @property step_shape
--- @param[opt=rectangle] shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- Set the graph to draw stacks. Default is false.
--- @property stack
--- @param boolean
---- Set the graph stacking colors. Order matters.
--- @property stack_colors
--- @param stack_colors A table with stacking colors.
---- The graph background color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.graph_bg
---- The graph foreground color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.graph_fg
---- The graph border color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.graph_border_color
-local properties = { "width", "height", "border_color", "stack",
- "stack_colors", "color", "background_color",
- "max_value", "scale", "min_value", "step_shape",
- "step_spacing", "step_width" }
-function graph.draw(_graph, _, cr, width, height)
- local max_value = _graph._private.max_value
- local min_value = _graph._private.min_value or (
- _graph._private.scale and math.huge or 0)
- local values = _graph._private.values
- local step_shape = _graph._private.step_shape
- local step_spacing = _graph._private.step_spacing or 0
- local step_width = _graph._private.step_width or 1
- cr:set_line_width(1)
- -- Draw the background first
- cr:set_source(color(_graph._private.background_color or beautiful.graph_bg or "#000000aa"))
- cr:paint()
- -- Account for the border width
- cr:save()
- if _graph._private.border_color then
- cr:translate(1, 1)
- width, height = width - 2, height - 2
- end
- -- Draw a stacked graph
- if _graph._private.stack then
- if _graph._private.scale then
- for _, v in ipairs(values) do
- for _, sv in ipairs(v) do
- if sv > max_value then
- max_value = sv
- end
- if min_value > sv then
- min_value = sv
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i = 0, width do
- local rel_i = 0
- local rel_x = i + 0.5
- if _graph._private.stack_colors then
- for idx, col in ipairs(_graph._private.stack_colors) do
- local stack_values = values[idx]
- if stack_values and i < #stack_values then
- local value = stack_values[#stack_values - i] + rel_i
- cr:move_to(rel_x, height * (1 - (rel_i / max_value)))
- cr:line_to(rel_x, height * (1 - (value / max_value)))
- cr:set_source(color(col or beautiful.graph_fg or "#ff0000"))
- cr:stroke()
- rel_i = value
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if _graph._private.scale then
- for _, v in ipairs(values) do
- if v > max_value then
- max_value = v
- end
- if min_value > v then
- min_value = v
- end
- end
- end
- -- Draw the background on no value
- if #values ~= 0 then
- -- Draw reverse
- for i = 0, #values - 1 do
- local value = values[#values - i]
- if value >= 0 then
- local x = i*step_width + ((i-1)*step_spacing) + 0.5
- value = (value - min_value) / max_value
- cr:move_to(x, height * (1 - value))
- if step_shape then
- cr:translate(step_width + (i>1 and step_spacing or 0), height * (1 - value))
- step_shape(cr, step_width, height)
- cr:translate(0, -(height * (1 - value)))
- elseif step_width > 1 then
- cr:rectangle(x, height * (1 - value), step_width, height)
- else
- cr:line_to(x, height)
- end
- end
- end
- cr:set_source(color(_graph._private.color or beautiful.graph_fg or "#ff0000"))
- if step_shape or step_width > 1 then
- cr:fill()
- else
- cr:stroke()
- end
- end
- end
- -- Undo the cr:translate() for the border and step shapes
- cr:restore()
- -- Draw the border last so that it overlaps already drawn values
- if _graph._private.border_color then
- -- We decremented these by two above
- width, height = width + 2, height + 2
- -- Draw the border
- cr:rectangle(0.5, 0.5, width - 1, height - 1)
- cr:set_source(color(_graph._private.border_color or beautiful.graph_border_color or "#ffffff"))
- cr:stroke()
- end
- return _graph._private.width, _graph._private.height
---- Add a value to the graph
--- @param value The value to be added to the graph
--- @param group The stack color group index.
-function graph:add_value(value, group)
- value = value or 0
- local values = self._private.values
- local max_value = self._private.max_value
- value = math.max(0, value)
- if not self._private.scale then
- value = math.min(max_value, value)
- end
- if self._private.stack and group then
- if not self._private.values[group]
- or type(self._private.values[group]) ~= "table"
- then
- self._private.values[group] = {}
- end
- values = self._private.values[group]
- end
- table.insert(values, value)
- local border_width = 0
- if self._private.border_color then border_width = 2 end
- -- Ensure we never have more data than we can draw
- while #values > self._private.width - border_width do
- table.remove(values, 1)
- end
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- return self
---- Clear the graph.
-function graph:clear()
- self._private.values = {}
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- return self
---- Set the graph height.
--- @param height The height to set.
-function graph:set_height(height)
- if height >= 5 then
- self._private.height = height
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
- return self
---- Set the graph width.
--- @param width The width to set.
-function graph:set_width(width)
- if width >= 5 then
- self._private.width = width
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
- return self
--- Build properties function
-for _, prop in ipairs(properties) do
- if not graph["set_" .. prop] then
- graph["set_" .. prop] = function(_graph, value)
- if _graph._private[prop] ~= value then
- _graph._private[prop] = value
- _graph:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- end
- return _graph
- end
- end
- if not graph["get_" .. prop] then
- graph["get_" .. prop] = function(_graph)
- return _graph._private[prop]
- end
- end
---- Create a graph widget.
--- @param args Standard widget() arguments. You should add width and height
--- key to set graph geometry.
--- @return A new graph widget.
--- @function wibox.widget.graph
- args = args or {}
- local width = args.width or 100
- local height = args.height or 20
- if width < 5 or height < 5 then return end
- local _graph = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {enable_properties = true})
- _graph._private.width = width
- _graph._private.height = height
- _graph._private.values = {}
- _graph._private.max_value = 1
- -- Set methods
- _graph.add_value = graph["add_value"]
- _graph.clear = graph["clear"]
- _graph.draw = graph.draw
- =
- for _, prop in ipairs(properties) do
- _graph["set_" .. prop] = graph["set_" .. prop]
- _graph["get_" .. prop] = graph["get_" .. prop]
- end
- return _graph
- return
---Imported documentation
---- Get a widex index.
--- @param widget The widget to look for
--- @param[opt] recursive Also check sub-widgets
--- @param[opt] ... Aditional widgets to add at the end of the \"path\"
--- @return The index
--- @return The parent layout
--- @return The path between \"self\" and \"widget\"
--- @function index
---- Get all direct and indirect children widgets.
--- This will scan all containers recursively to find widgets
--- Warning: This method it prone to stack overflow id the widget, or any of its
--- children, contain (directly or indirectly) itself.
--- @treturn table The children
--- @function get_all_children
---- Set a declarative widget hierarchy description.
--- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/
--- @param args An array containing the widgets disposition
--- @function setup
---- Force a widget height.
--- @property forced_height
--- @tparam number|nil height The height (`nil` for automatic)
---- Force a widget width.
--- @property forced_width
--- @tparam number|nil width The width (`nil` for automatic)
---- The widget opacity (transparency).
--- @property opacity
--- @tparam[opt=1] number opacity The opacity (between 0 and 1)
---- The widget visibility.
--- @property visible
--- @param boolean
---- Set/get a widget's buttons.
--- @param _buttons The table of buttons that should bind to the widget.
--- @function buttons
---- Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also
--- forward the signal. This is useful to track signals when there is a dynamic
--- set of containers and layouts wrapping the widget.
--- @tparam string signal_name
--- @param ... Other arguments
--- @function emit_signal_recursive
---- When the layout (size) change.
--- This signal is emitted when the previous results of `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- are no longer valid. Unless this signal is emitted, `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- must return the same result when called with the same arguments.
--- @signal widget::layout_changed
--- @see widget::redraw_needed
---- When the widget content changed.
--- This signal is emitted when the content of the widget changes. The widget will
--- be redrawn, it is not re-layouted. Put differently, it is assumed that
--- `:layout()` and `:fit()` would still return the same results as before.
--- @signal widget::redraw_needed
--- @see widget::layout_changed
---- When a mouse button is pressed over the widget.
--- @signal button::press
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When a mouse button is released over the widget.
--- @signal button::release
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse enter a widget.
--- @signal mouse::enter
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse leave a widget.
--- @signal mouse::leave
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---Imported documentation
---- Disconnect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback that should be disconnected
--- @function disconnect_signal
---- Emit a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @param ... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected
--- function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments
--- that are given to emit_signal()
--- @function emit_signal
---- Connect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function connect_signal
---- Connect to a signal weakly. This allows the callback function to be garbage
--- collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens.
--- **Warning:**
--- Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you
--- are doing.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function weak_connect_signal
-return setmetatable(graph,
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/imagebox.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/imagebox.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index bdfa499..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/imagebox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_defaults_imagebox.svg)
--- @usage
---wibox.widget {
--- image = beautiful.awesome_icon,
--- resize = false,
--- widget = wibox.widget.imagebox
--- @author Uli Schlachter
--- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter
--- @classmod wibox.widget.imagebox
-local base = require("wibox.widget.base")
-local surface = require("gears.surface")
-local util = require("awful.util")
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local type = type
-local print = print
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1)
-local imagebox = { mt = {} }
--- Draw an imagebox with the given cairo context in the given geometry.
-function imagebox:draw(_, cr, width, height)
- if not self._private.image then return end
- if width == 0 or height == 0 then return end
- if not self._private.resize_forbidden then
- -- Let's scale the image so that it fits into (width, height)
- local w = self._private.image:get_width()
- local h = self._private.image:get_height()
- local aspect = width / w
- local aspect_h = height / h
- if aspect > aspect_h then aspect = aspect_h end
- cr:scale(aspect, aspect)
- end
- -- Set the clip
- if self._private.clip_shape then
- cr:clip(self._private.clip_shape(cr, width, height, unpack(self._private.clip_args)))
- end
- cr:set_source_surface(self._private.image, 0, 0)
- cr:paint()
--- Fit the imagebox into the given geometry
-function imagebox:fit(_, width, height)
- if not self._private.image then
- return 0, 0
- end
- local w = self._private.image:get_width()
- local h = self._private.image:get_height()
- if w > width then
- h = h * width / w
- w = width
- end
- if h > height then
- w = w * height / h
- h = height
- end
- if h == 0 or w == 0 then
- return 0, 0
- end
- if not self._private.resize_forbidden then
- local aspect = width / w
- local aspect_h = height / h
- -- Use the smaller one of the two aspect ratios.
- if aspect > aspect_h then aspect = aspect_h end
- w, h = w * aspect, h * aspect
- end
- return w, h
---- Set an imagebox' image
--- @property image
--- @param image Either a string or a cairo image surface. A string is
--- interpreted as the path to a png image file.
--- @return true on success, false if the image cannot be used
-function imagebox:set_image(image)
- if type(image) == "string" then
- image = surface.load(image)
- if not image then
- print(debug.traceback())
- return false
- end
- end
- image = surface.load(image)
- if image then
- local w = image.width
- local h = image.height
- if w <= 0 or h <= 0 then
- return false
- end
- end
- if self._private.image == image then
- -- The image could have been modified, so better redraw
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- return
- end
- self._private.image = image
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- return true
---- Set a clip shape for this imagebox
--- A clip shape define an area where the content is displayed and one where it
--- is trimmed.
--- @property clip_shape
--- @param clip_shape A `gears_shape` compatible shape function
--- @see gears.shape
--- @see set_clip_shape
---- Set a clip shape for this imagebox
--- A clip shape define an area where the content is displayed and one where it
--- is trimmed.
--- Any other parameters will be passed to the clip shape function
--- @param clip_shape A `gears_shape` compatible shape function
--- @see gears.shape
--- @see clip_shape
-function imagebox:set_clip_shape(clip_shape, ...)
- self._private.clip_shape = clip_shape
- self._private.clip_args = {...}
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
---- Should the image be resized to fit into the available space?
--- @property resize
--- @param allowed If false, the image will be clipped, else it will be resized
--- to fit into the available space.
-function imagebox:set_resize(allowed)
- self._private.resize_forbidden = not allowed
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
---- Returns a new imagebox.
--- Any other arguments will be passed to the clip shape function
--- @param image the image to display, may be nil
--- @param resize_allowed If false, the image will be clipped, else it will be resized
--- to fit into the available space.
--- @param clip_shape A `gears.shape` compatible function
--- @treturn table A new `imagebox`
--- @function wibox.widget.imagebox
-local function new(image, resize_allowed, clip_shape)
- local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {enable_properties = true})
- util.table.crush(ret, imagebox, true)
- if image then
- ret:set_image(image)
- end
- if resize_allowed ~= nil then
- ret:set_resize(resize_allowed)
- end
- ret._private.clip_shape = clip_shape
- ret._private.clip_args = {}
- return ret
- return new(...)
---Imported documentation
---- Get a widex index.
--- @param widget The widget to look for
--- @param[opt] recursive Also check sub-widgets
--- @param[opt] ... Aditional widgets to add at the end of the \"path\"
--- @return The index
--- @return The parent layout
--- @return The path between \"self\" and \"widget\"
--- @function index
---- Get all direct and indirect children widgets.
--- This will scan all containers recursively to find widgets
--- Warning: This method it prone to stack overflow id the widget, or any of its
--- children, contain (directly or indirectly) itself.
--- @treturn table The children
--- @function get_all_children
---- Set a declarative widget hierarchy description.
--- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/
--- @param args An array containing the widgets disposition
--- @function setup
---- Force a widget height.
--- @property forced_height
--- @tparam number|nil height The height (`nil` for automatic)
---- Force a widget width.
--- @property forced_width
--- @tparam number|nil width The width (`nil` for automatic)
---- The widget opacity (transparency).
--- @property opacity
--- @tparam[opt=1] number opacity The opacity (between 0 and 1)
---- The widget visibility.
--- @property visible
--- @param boolean
---- Set/get a widget's buttons.
--- @param _buttons The table of buttons that should bind to the widget.
--- @function buttons
---- Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also
--- forward the signal. This is useful to track signals when there is a dynamic
--- set of containers and layouts wrapping the widget.
--- @tparam string signal_name
--- @param ... Other arguments
--- @function emit_signal_recursive
---- When the layout (size) change.
--- This signal is emitted when the previous results of `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- are no longer valid. Unless this signal is emitted, `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- must return the same result when called with the same arguments.
--- @signal widget::layout_changed
--- @see widget::redraw_needed
---- When the widget content changed.
--- This signal is emitted when the content of the widget changes. The widget will
--- be redrawn, it is not re-layouted. Put differently, it is assumed that
--- `:layout()` and `:fit()` would still return the same results as before.
--- @signal widget::redraw_needed
--- @see widget::layout_changed
---- When a mouse button is pressed over the widget.
--- @signal button::press
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When a mouse button is released over the widget.
--- @signal button::release
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse enter a widget.
--- @signal mouse::enter
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse leave a widget.
--- @signal mouse::leave
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---Imported documentation
---- Disconnect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback that should be disconnected
--- @function disconnect_signal
---- Emit a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @param ... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected
--- function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments
--- that are given to emit_signal()
--- @function emit_signal
---- Connect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function connect_signal
---- Connect to a signal weakly. This allows the callback function to be garbage
--- collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens.
--- **Warning:**
--- Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you
--- are doing.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function weak_connect_signal
-return setmetatable(imagebox,
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/init.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/init.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 43c6fc0..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/init.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
--- @author Uli Schlachter
--- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter
--- @classmod wibox.widget
-local base = require("wibox.widget.base")
-return setmetatable({
- base = base;
- textbox = require("wibox.widget.textbox");
- imagebox = require("wibox.widget.imagebox");
- background = require("wibox.widget.background");
- systray = require("wibox.widget.systray");
- textclock = require("wibox.widget.textclock");
- progressbar = require("wibox.widget.progressbar");
- graph = require("wibox.widget.graph");
- checkbox = require("wibox.widget.checkbox");
- piechart = require("wibox.widget.piechart");
- slider = require("wibox.widget.slider");
-}, {__call = function(_, args) return base.make_widget_declarative(args) end})
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/piechart.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/piechart.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a1c185..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/piechart.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
--- Display percentage in a circle.
--- Note that this widget makes no attempts to prevent overlapping labels or
--- labels drawn outside of the widget boundaries.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_defaults_piechart.svg)
--- @usage
---wibox.widget {
--- data_list = {
--- { 'L1', 100 },
--- { 'L2', 200 },
--- { 'L3', 300 },
--- },
--- border_width = 1,
--- colors = {
--- beautiful.bg_normal,
--- beautiful.bg_highlight,
--- beautiful.border_color,
--- },
--- widget = wibox.widget.piechart
--- @author Emmanuel Lepage Valle
--- @copyright 2012 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
--- @classmod wibox.widget.piechart
-local color = require( "gears.color" )
-local base = require( "wibox.widget.base" )
-local beautiful = require( "beautiful" )
-local util = require( "awful.util" )
-local pie = require( "gears.shape" ).pie
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1)
-local module = {}
-local piechart = {}
-local function draw_label(cr,angle,radius,center_x,center_y,text)
- local edge_x = center_x+(radius/2)*math.cos(angle)
- local edge_y = center_y+(radius/2)*math.sin(angle)
- cr:move_to(edge_x, edge_y)
- cr:rel_line_to(radius*math.cos(angle), radius*math.sin(angle))
- local x,y = cr:get_current_point()
- cr:rel_line_to(x > center_x and radius/2 or -radius/2, 0)
- local ext = cr:text_extents(text)
- cr:rel_move_to(
- (x>center_x and radius/2.5 or (-radius/2.5 - ext.width)),
- ext.height/2
- )
- cr:show_text(text) --TODO eventually port away from the toy API
- cr:stroke()
- cr:arc(edge_x, edge_y,2,0,2*math.pi)
- cr:arc(x+(x>center_x and radius/2 or -radius/2),y,2,0,2*math.pi)
- cr:fill()
-local function compute_sum(data)
- local ret = 0
- for _, entry in ipairs(data) do
- ret = ret + entry[2]
- end
- return ret
-local function draw(self, _, cr, width, height)
- if not self._private.data_list then return end
- local radius = (height > width and width or height) / 4
- local sum, start, count = compute_sum(self._private.data_list),0,0
- local has_label = self._private.display_labels ~= false
- -- Labels need to be drawn later so the original source is kept
- -- use get_source() wont work are the reference cannot be set from Lua(?)
- local labels = {}
- local border_width = self:get_border_width() or 1
- local border_color = self:get_border_color()
- border_color = border_color and color(border_color)
- -- Draw the pies
- cr:save()
- cr:set_line_width(border_width)
- -- Alternate from a given sets or colors
- local colors = self:get_colors()
- local col_count = colors and #colors or 0
- for _, entry in ipairs(self._private.data_list) do
- local k, v = entry[1], entry[2]
- local end_angle = start + 2*math.pi*(v/sum)
- local col = colors and color(colors[math.fmod(count,col_count)+1]) or nil
- pie(cr, width, height, start, end_angle, radius)
- if col then
- cr:save()
- cr:set_source(color(col))
- end
- if border_width > 0 then
- if col then
- cr:fill_preserve()
- cr:restore()
- end
- -- By default, it uses the fg color
- if border_color then
- cr:set_source(border_color)
- end
- cr:stroke()
- elseif col then
- cr:fill()
- cr:restore()
- end
- -- Store the label position for later
- if has_label then
- table.insert(labels, {
- --[[angle ]] start+(end_angle-start)/2,
- --[[radius ]] radius,
- --[[center_x]] width/2,
- --[[center_y]] height/2,
- --[[text ]] k,
- })
- end
- start,count = end_angle,count+1
- end
- cr:restore()
- -- Draw the labels
- if has_label then
- for _, v in ipairs(labels) do
- draw_label(cr, unpack(v))
- end
- end
-local function fit(_, _, width, height)
- return width, height
---- The pie chart data list.
--- @property data_list
--- @tparam table data_list Sorted table where each entry has a label as its
--- first value and a number as its second value.
---- The pie chart data.
--- @property data
--- @tparam table data Labels as keys and number as value.
---- The border color.
--- If none is set, it will use current foreground (text) color.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_piechart_border_color.svg)
--- @property border_color
--- @param color
--- @see gears.color
---- The pie elements border width.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_piechart_border_width.svg)
--- @property border_width
--- @tparam[opt=1] number border_width
---- The pie chart colors.
--- If no color is set, only the border will be drawn. If less colors than
--- required are set, colors will be re-used in order.
--- @property colors
--- @tparam table colors A table of colors, one for each elements
--- @see gears.color
---- The border color.
--- If none is set, it will use current foreground (text) color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.piechart_border_color
--- @param color
--- @see gears.color
---- If the pie chart has labels.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_piechart_label.svg)
--- @property display_labels
--- @param[opt=true] boolean
---- The pie elements border width.
--- @beautiful beautiful.piechart_border_width
--- @tparam[opt=1] number border_width
---- The pie chart colors.
--- If no color is set, only the border will be drawn. If less colors than
--- required are set, colors will be re-used in order.
--- @beautiful beautiful.piechart_colors
--- @tparam table colors A table of colors, one for each elements
--- @see gears.color
-for _, prop in ipairs {"data_list", "border_color", "border_width", "colors",
- "display_labels"
- } do
- piechart["set_"..prop] = function(self, value)
- self._private[prop] = value
- self:emit_signal("property::"..prop)
- if prop == "data_list" then
- self:emit_signal("property::data")
- end
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- end
- piechart["get_"..prop] = function(self)
- return self._private[prop] or beautiful["piechart_"..prop]
- end
-function piechart:set_data(value)
- local list = {}
- for k, v in pairs(value) do
- table.insert(list, { k, v })
- end
- self:set_data_list(list)
-function piechart:get_data()
- local list = {}
- for _, entry in ipairs(self:get_data_list()) do
- list[entry[1]] = entry[2]
- end
- return list
-local function new(data_list)
- local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {
- enable_properties = true,
- })
- util.table.crush(ret, piechart)
- rawset(ret, "fit" , fit )
- rawset(ret, "draw", draw)
- ret:set_data_list(data_list)
- return ret
---Imported documentation
---- Get a widex index.
--- @param widget The widget to look for
--- @param[opt] recursive Also check sub-widgets
--- @param[opt] ... Aditional widgets to add at the end of the \"path\"
--- @return The index
--- @return The parent layout
--- @return The path between \"self\" and \"widget\"
--- @function index
---- Get all direct and indirect children widgets.
--- This will scan all containers recursively to find widgets
--- Warning: This method it prone to stack overflow id the widget, or any of its
--- children, contain (directly or indirectly) itself.
--- @treturn table The children
--- @function get_all_children
---- Set a declarative widget hierarchy description.
--- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/
--- @param args An array containing the widgets disposition
--- @function setup
---- Force a widget height.
--- @property forced_height
--- @tparam number|nil height The height (`nil` for automatic)
---- Force a widget width.
--- @property forced_width
--- @tparam number|nil width The width (`nil` for automatic)
---- The widget opacity (transparency).
--- @property opacity
--- @tparam[opt=1] number opacity The opacity (between 0 and 1)
---- The widget visibility.
--- @property visible
--- @param boolean
---- Set/get a widget's buttons.
--- @param _buttons The table of buttons that should bind to the widget.
--- @function buttons
---- Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also
--- forward the signal. This is useful to track signals when there is a dynamic
--- set of containers and layouts wrapping the widget.
--- @tparam string signal_name
--- @param ... Other arguments
--- @function emit_signal_recursive
---- When the layout (size) change.
--- This signal is emitted when the previous results of `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- are no longer valid. Unless this signal is emitted, `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- must return the same result when called with the same arguments.
--- @signal widget::layout_changed
--- @see widget::redraw_needed
---- When the widget content changed.
--- This signal is emitted when the content of the widget changes. The widget will
--- be redrawn, it is not re-layouted. Put differently, it is assumed that
--- `:layout()` and `:fit()` would still return the same results as before.
--- @signal widget::redraw_needed
--- @see widget::layout_changed
---- When a mouse button is pressed over the widget.
--- @signal button::press
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When a mouse button is released over the widget.
--- @signal button::release
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse enter a widget.
--- @signal mouse::enter
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse leave a widget.
--- @signal mouse::leave
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---Imported documentation
---- Disconnect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback that should be disconnected
--- @function disconnect_signal
---- Emit a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @param ... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected
--- function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments
--- that are given to emit_signal()
--- @function emit_signal
---- Connect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function connect_signal
---- Connect to a signal weakly. This allows the callback function to be garbage
--- collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens.
--- **Warning:**
--- Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you
--- are doing.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function weak_connect_signal
-return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end })
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/progressbar.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/progressbar.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 943c49f..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/progressbar.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,754 +0,0 @@
---- A progressbar widget.
--- To add text on top of the progressbar, a `wibox.layout.stack` can be used:
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_progressbar_text.svg)
--- wibox.widget {
--- {
--- max_value = 1,
--- value = 0.5,
--- forced_height = 20,
--- forced_width = 100,
--- paddings = 1,
--- border_width = 1,
--- border_color = beautiful.border_color,
--- widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
--- },
--- {
--- text = '50%',
--- widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
--- },
--- layout = wibox.layout.stack
--- }
--- To display the progressbar vertically, use a `wibox.container.rotate` widget:
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_progressbar_vertical.svg)
--- wibox.widget {
--- {
--- max_value = 1,
--- value = 0.33,
--- widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
--- },
--- forced_height = 100,
--- forced_width = 20,
--- direction = 'east',
--- layout = wibox.container.rotate,
--- }
--- By default, this widget will take all the available size. To prevent this,
--- a `wibox.container.constraint` widget or the `forced_width`/`forced_height`
--- properties have to be used.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_defaults_progressbar.svg)
--- @usage
---wibox.widget {
--- max_value = 1,
--- value = 0.33,
--- forced_height = 20,
--- forced_width = 100,
--- shape = gears.shape.rounded_bar,
--- border_width = 2,
--- border_color = beautiful.border_color,
--- widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
--- @author Julien Danjou &lt;;
--- @copyright 2009 Julien Danjou
--- @classmod wibox.widget.progressbar
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local ipairs = ipairs
-local math = math
-local util = require("awful.util")
-local base = require("wibox.widget.base")
-local color = require("gears.color")
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local shape = require("gears.shape")
-local progressbar = { mt = {} }
---- The progressbar border color.
--- If the value is nil, no border will be drawn.
--- @property border_color
--- @tparam gears.color color The border color to set.
--- @see gears.color
---- The progressbar border width.
--- @property border_width
---- The progressbar inner border color.
--- If the value is nil, no border will be drawn.
--- @property bar_border_color
--- @tparam gears.color color The border color to set.
--- @see gears.color
---- The progressbar inner border width.
--- @property bar_border_width
---- The progressbar foreground color.
--- @property color
--- @tparam gears.color color The progressbar color.
--- @see gears.color
---- The progressbar background color.
--- @property background_color
--- @tparam gears.color color The progressbar background color.
--- @see gears.color
---- The progressbar inner shape.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_progressbar_bar_shape.svg)
--- @usage
---for _, shape in ipairs {'rounded_bar', 'octogon', 'hexagon', 'powerline' } do
--- l:add(wibox.widget {
--- value = 0.33,
--- bar_shape = gears.shape[shape],
--- bar_border_color = beautiful.border_color,
--- bar_border_width = 1,
--- border_width = 2,
--- border_color = beautiful.border_color,
--- paddings = 1,
--- widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
--- })
--- @property bar_shape
--- @tparam[opt=gears.shape.rectangle] gears.shape shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- The progressbar shape.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_progressbar_shape.svg)
--- @usage
---for _, shape in ipairs {'rounded_bar', 'octogon', 'hexagon', 'powerline' } do
--- l:add(wibox.widget {
--- value = 0.33,
--- shape = gears.shape[shape],
--- border_width = 2,
--- border_color = beautiful.border_color,
--- widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
--- })
--- @property shape
--- @tparam[opt=gears.shape.rectangle] gears.shape shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- Set the progressbar to draw vertically.
--- This doesn't do anything anymore, use a `wibox.container.rotate` widget.
--- @deprecated set_vertical
--- @tparam boolean vertical
---- Force the inner part (the bar) to fit in the background shape.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_progressbar_clip.svg)
--- @usage
---wibox.widget {
--- value = 75,
--- max_value = 100,
--- border_width = 2,
--- border_color = beautiful.border_color,
--- color = beautiful.border_color,
--- shape = gears.shape.rounded_bar,
--- bar_shape = gears.shape.rounded_bar,
--- clip = false,
--- forced_height = 30,
--- forced_width = 100,
--- paddings = 5,
--- margins = {
--- top = 12,
--- bottom = 12,
--- },
--- widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
--- @property clip
--- @tparam[opt=true] boolean clip
---- The progressbar to draw ticks. Default is false.
--- @property ticks
--- @param boolean
---- The progressbar ticks gap.
--- @property ticks_gap
--- @param number
---- The progressbar ticks size.
--- @property ticks_size
--- @param number
---- The maximum value the progressbar should handle.
--- @property max_value
--- @param number
---- The progressbar background color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.progressbar_bg
---- The progressbar foreground color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.progressbar_fg
---- The progressbar shape.
--- @beautiful beautiful.progressbar_shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- The progressbar border color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.progressbar_border_color
---- The progressbar outer border width.
--- @beautiful beautiful.progressbar_border_width
---- The progressbar inner shape.
--- @beautiful beautiful.progressbar_bar_shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- The progressbar bar border width.
--- @beautiful beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_width
---- The progressbar bar border color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_color
---- The progressbar margins.
--- Note that if the `clip` is disabled, this allows the background to be smaller
--- than the bar.
--- See the `clip` example.
--- @tparam[opt=0] (table|number|nil) margins A table for each side or a number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.bottom
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.left
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.right
--- @property margins
--- @see clip
---- The progressbar padding.
--- Note that if the `clip` is disabled, this allows the bar to be taller
--- than the background.
--- See the `clip` example.
--- @tparam[opt=0] (table|number|nil) padding A table for each side or a number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number padding.bottom
--- @tparam[opt=0] number padding.left
--- @tparam[opt=0] number padding.right
--- @property paddings
--- @see clip
---- The progressbar margins.
--- Note that if the `clip` is disabled, this allows the background to be smaller
--- than the bar.
--- @tparam[opt=0] (table|number|nil) margins A table for each side or a number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.bottom
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.left
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.right
--- @beautiful beautiful.progressbar_margins
--- @see clip
---- The progressbar padding.
--- Note that if the `clip` is disabled, this allows the bar to be taller
--- than the background.
--- @tparam[opt=0] (table|number|nil) padding A table for each side or a number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number padding.bottom
--- @tparam[opt=0] number padding.left
--- @tparam[opt=0] number padding.right
--- @beautiful beautiful.progressbar_paddings
--- @see clip
-local properties = { "border_color", "color" , "background_color",
- "value" , "max_value" , "ticks",
- "ticks_gap" , "ticks_size", "border_width",
- "shape" , "bar_shape" , "bar_border_width",
- "clip" , "margins" , "bar_border_color",
- "paddings",
- }
-function progressbar.draw(pbar, _, cr, width, height)
- local ticks_gap = pbar._private.ticks_gap or 1
- local ticks_size = pbar._private.ticks_size or 4
- -- We want one pixel wide lines
- cr:set_line_width(1)
- local max_value = pbar._private.max_value
- local value = math.min(max_value, math.max(0, pbar._private.value))
- if value >= 0 then
- value = value / max_value
- end
- local border_width = pbar._private.border_width
- or beautiful.progressbar_border_width or 0
- local bcol = pbar._private.border_color or beautiful.progressbar_border_color
- border_width = bcol and border_width or 0
- local bg = pbar._private.background_color or
- beautiful.progressbar_bg or "#ff0000aa"
- local bg_width, bg_height = width, height
- local clip = pbar._private.clip ~= false and beautiful.progressbar_clip ~= false
- -- Apply the margins
- local margin = pbar._private.margins or beautiful.progressbar_margins
- if margin then
- if type(margin) == "number" then
- cr:translate(margin, margin)
- bg_width, bg_height = bg_width - 2*margin, bg_height - 2*margin
- else
- cr:translate(margin.left or 0, or 0)
- bg_height = bg_height -
- ( or 0) - (margin.bottom or 0)
- bg_width = bg_width -
- (margin.left or 0) - (margin.right or 0)
- end
- end
- -- Draw the background shape
- if border_width > 0 then
- -- Cairo draw half of the border outside of the path area
- cr:translate(border_width/2, border_width/2)
- bg_width, bg_height = bg_width - border_width, bg_height - border_width
- cr:set_line_width(border_width)
- end
- local background_shape = pbar._private.shape or
- beautiful.progressbar_shape or shape.rectangle
- background_shape(cr, bg_width, bg_height)
- cr:set_source(color(bg))
- local over_drawn_width = bg_width + border_width
- local over_drawn_height = bg_height + border_width
- if border_width > 0 then
- cr:fill_preserve()
- -- Draw the border
- cr:set_source(color(bcol))
- cr:stroke()
- over_drawn_width = over_drawn_width - 2*border_width
- over_drawn_height = over_drawn_height - 2*border_width
- else
- cr:fill()
- end
- -- Undo the translation
- cr:translate(-border_width/2, -border_width/2)
- -- Make sure the bar stay in the shape
- if clip then
- background_shape(cr, bg_width, bg_height)
- cr:clip()
- cr:translate(border_width, border_width)
- else
- -- Assume the background size is irrelevant to the bar itself
- if type(margin) == "number" then
- cr:translate(-margin, -margin)
- else
- cr:translate(-(margin.left or 0), -( or 0))
- end
- over_drawn_height = height
- over_drawn_width = width
- end
- -- Apply the padding
- local padding = pbar._private.paddings or beautiful.progressbar_paddings
- if padding then
- if type(padding) == "number" then
- cr:translate(padding, padding)
- over_drawn_height = over_drawn_height - 2*padding
- over_drawn_width = over_drawn_width - 2*padding
- else
- cr:translate(padding.left or 0, or 0)
- over_drawn_height = over_drawn_height -
- ( or 0) - (padding.bottom or 0)
- over_drawn_width = over_drawn_width -
- (padding.left or 0) - (padding.right or 0)
- end
- end
- over_drawn_width = math.max(over_drawn_width , 0)
- over_drawn_height = math.max(over_drawn_height, 0)
- local rel_x = over_drawn_width * value
- -- Draw the progressbar shape
- local bar_shape = pbar._private.bar_shape or
- beautiful.progressbar_bar_shape or shape.rectangle
- local bar_border_width = pbar._private.bar_border_width or
- beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_width or pbar._private.border_width or
- beautiful.progressbar_border_width or 0
- local bar_border_color = pbar._private.bar_border_color or
- beautiful.progressbar_bar_border_color
- bar_border_width = bar_border_color and bar_border_width or 0
- over_drawn_width = over_drawn_width - bar_border_width
- over_drawn_height = over_drawn_height - bar_border_width
- cr:translate(bar_border_width/2, bar_border_width/2)
- bar_shape(cr, rel_x, over_drawn_height)
- cr:set_source(color(pbar._private.color or beautiful.progressbar_fg or "#ff0000"))
- if bar_border_width > 0 then
- cr:fill_preserve()
- cr:set_source(color(bar_border_color))
- cr:set_line_width(bar_border_width)
- cr:stroke()
- else
- cr:fill()
- end
- if pbar._private.ticks then
- for i=0, width / (ticks_size+ticks_gap)-border_width do
- local rel_offset = over_drawn_width / 1 - (ticks_size+ticks_gap) * i
- if rel_offset <= rel_x then
- cr:rectangle(rel_offset,
- border_width,
- ticks_gap,
- over_drawn_height)
- end
- end
- cr:set_source(color(pbar._private.background_color or "#000000aa"))
- cr:fill()
- end
-function progressbar:fit(_, width, height)
- return width, height
---- Set the progressbar value.
--- @param value The progress bar value between 0 and 1.
-function progressbar:set_value(value)
- value = value or 0
- self._private.value = value
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- return self
-function progressbar:set_max_value(max_value)
- self._private.max_value = max_value
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
---- Set the progressbar height.
--- This method is deprecated. Use a `wibox.container.constraint` widget or
--- `forced_height`.
--- @param height The height to set.
--- @deprecated set_height
-function progressbar:set_height(height)
- util.deprecate("Use a `wibox.container.constraint` widget or `forced_height`")
- self:set_forced_height(height)
---- Set the progressbar width.
--- This method is deprecated. Use a `wibox.container.constraint` widget or
--- `forced_width`.
--- @param width The width to set.
--- @deprecated set_width
-function progressbar:set_width(width)
- util.deprecate("Use a `wibox.container.constraint` widget or `forced_width`")
- self:set_forced_width(width)
--- Build properties function
-for _, prop in ipairs(properties) do
- if not progressbar["set_" .. prop] then
- progressbar["set_" .. prop] = function(pbar, value)
- pbar._private[prop] = value
- pbar:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- return pbar
- end
- end
-function progressbar:set_vertical(value) --luacheck: no unused_args
- util.deprecate("Use a `wibox.container.rotate` widget")
---- Create a progressbar widget.
--- @param args Standard widget() arguments. You should add width and height
--- key to set progressbar geometry.
--- @return A progressbar widget.
--- @function wibox.widget.progressbar
- args = args or {}
- local pbar = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {
- enable_properties = true,
- })
- pbar._private.width = args.width or 100
- pbar._private.height = args.height or 20
- pbar._private.value = 0
- pbar._private.max_value = 1
- util.table.crush(pbar, progressbar, true)
- return pbar
- return
---Imported documentation
---- Get a widex index.
--- @param widget The widget to look for
--- @param[opt] recursive Also check sub-widgets
--- @param[opt] ... Aditional widgets to add at the end of the \"path\"
--- @return The index
--- @return The parent layout
--- @return The path between \"self\" and \"widget\"
--- @function index
---- Get all direct and indirect children widgets.
--- This will scan all containers recursively to find widgets
--- Warning: This method it prone to stack overflow id the widget, or any of its
--- children, contain (directly or indirectly) itself.
--- @treturn table The children
--- @function get_all_children
---- Set a declarative widget hierarchy description.
--- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/
--- @param args An array containing the widgets disposition
--- @function setup
---- Force a widget height.
--- @property forced_height
--- @tparam number|nil height The height (`nil` for automatic)
---- Force a widget width.
--- @property forced_width
--- @tparam number|nil width The width (`nil` for automatic)
---- The widget opacity (transparency).
--- @property opacity
--- @tparam[opt=1] number opacity The opacity (between 0 and 1)
---- The widget visibility.
--- @property visible
--- @param boolean
---- Set/get a widget's buttons.
--- @param _buttons The table of buttons that should bind to the widget.
--- @function buttons
---- Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also
--- forward the signal. This is useful to track signals when there is a dynamic
--- set of containers and layouts wrapping the widget.
--- @tparam string signal_name
--- @param ... Other arguments
--- @function emit_signal_recursive
---- When the layout (size) change.
--- This signal is emitted when the previous results of `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- are no longer valid. Unless this signal is emitted, `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- must return the same result when called with the same arguments.
--- @signal widget::layout_changed
--- @see widget::redraw_needed
---- When the widget content changed.
--- This signal is emitted when the content of the widget changes. The widget will
--- be redrawn, it is not re-layouted. Put differently, it is assumed that
--- `:layout()` and `:fit()` would still return the same results as before.
--- @signal widget::redraw_needed
--- @see widget::layout_changed
---- When a mouse button is pressed over the widget.
--- @signal button::press
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When a mouse button is released over the widget.
--- @signal button::release
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse enter a widget.
--- @signal mouse::enter
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse leave a widget.
--- @signal mouse::leave
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---Imported documentation
---- Disconnect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback that should be disconnected
--- @function disconnect_signal
---- Emit a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @param ... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected
--- function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments
--- that are given to emit_signal()
--- @function emit_signal
---- Connect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function connect_signal
---- Connect to a signal weakly. This allows the callback function to be garbage
--- collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens.
--- **Warning:**
--- Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you
--- are doing.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function weak_connect_signal
-return setmetatable(progressbar,
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/slider.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/slider.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fd590c6..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/slider.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,709 +0,0 @@
--- An interactive mouse based slider widget.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_defaults_slider.svg)
--- @usage
---wibox.widget {
--- bar_shape = gears.shape.rounded_rect,
--- bar_height = 3,
--- bar_color = beautiful.border_color,
--- handle_color = beautiful.bg_normal,
--- handle_shape =,
--- handle_border_color = beautiful.border_color,
--- handle_border_width = 1,
--- value = 25,
--- widget = wibox.widget.slider,
--- @author Grigory Mishchenko &lt;;
--- @author Emmanuel Lepage Vallee &lt;;
--- @copyright 2015 Grigory Mishchenko, 2016 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
--- @classmod wibox.widget.slider
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local type = type
-local color = require("gears.color")
-local util = require("awful.util")
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local base = require("wibox.widget.base")
-local shape = require("gears.shape")
-local capi = {
- mouse = mouse,
- mousegrabber = mousegrabber,
- root = root,
-local slider = {mt={}}
---- The slider handle shape.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_slider_handle_shape.svg)
--- @property handle_shape
--- @tparam[opt=gears shape rectangle] gears.shape shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- The slider handle color.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_slider_handle_color.svg)
--- @property handle_color
--- @param color
---- The slider handle margins.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_slider_handle_margins.svg)
--- @property handle_margins
--- @tparam[opt={}] table margins
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.left
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.right
--- @tparam[opt=0] number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.bottom
---- The slider handle width.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_slider_handle_width.svg)
--- @property handle_width
--- @param number
---- The handle border_color.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_slider_handle_border.svg)
--- @property handle_border_color
--- @param color
---- The handle border width.
--- @property handle_border_width
--- @param[opt=0] number
---- The bar (background) shape.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_slider_bar_shape.svg)
--- @property bar_shape
--- @tparam[opt=gears shape rectangle] gears.shape shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- The bar (background) height.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_slider_bar_height.svg)
--- @property bar_height
--- @param number
---- The bar (background) color.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_slider_bar_color.svg)
--- @property bar_color
--- @param color
---- The bar (background) margins.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_slider_bar_margins.svg)
--- @property bar_margins
--- @tparam[opt={}] table margins
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.left
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.right
--- @tparam[opt=0] number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.bottom
---- The bar (background) border width.
--- @property bar_border_width
--- @param[opt=0] numbergb
---- The bar (background) border_color.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_slider_bar_border.svg)
--- @property bar_border_color
--- @param color
---- The slider value.
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_slider_value.svg)
--- @property value
--- @param[opt=0] number
---- The slider minimum value.
--- @property minimum
--- @param[opt=0] number
---- The slider maximum value.
--- @property maximum
--- @param[opt=100] number
---- The bar (background) border width.
--- @beautiful beautiful.slider_bar_border_width
--- @param number
---- The bar (background) border color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.slider_bar_border_color
--- @param color
---- The handle border_color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.slider_handle_border_color
--- @param color
---- The handle border width.
--- @beautiful beautiful.slider_handle_border_width
--- @param number
---- The handle .
--- @beautiful beautiful.slider_handle_width
--- @param number
--- @beautiful beautiful.slider_handle_color
--- @param color
---- The handle shape.
--- @beautiful beautiful.slider_handle_shape
--- @tparam[opt=gears shape rectangle] gears.shape shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- The bar (background) shape.
--- @beautiful beautiful.slider_bar_shape
--- @tparam[opt=gears shape rectangle] gears.shape shape
--- @see gears.shape
---- The bar (background) height.
--- @beautiful beautiful.slider_bar_height
--- @param number
---- The bar (background) margins.
--- @beautiful beautiful.slider_bar_margins
--- @tparam[opt={}] table margins
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.left
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.right
--- @tparam[opt=0] number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.bottom
---- The slider handle margins.
--- @beautiful beautiful.slider_handle_margins
--- @tparam[opt={}] table margins
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.left
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.right
--- @tparam[opt=0] number
--- @tparam[opt=0] number margins.bottom
---- The bar (background) color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.slider_bar_color
--- @param color
-local properties = {
- -- Handle
- handle_shape = shape.rectangle,
- handle_color = false,
- handle_margins = {},
- handle_width = false,
- handle_border_width = 0,
- handle_border_color = false,
- -- Bar
- bar_shape = shape.rectangle,
- bar_height = false,
- bar_color = false,
- bar_margins = {},
- bar_border_width = 0,
- bar_border_color = false,
- -- Content
- value = 0,
- minimum = 0,
- maximum = 100,
--- Create the accessors
-for prop in pairs(properties) do
- slider["set_"..prop] = function(self, value)
- local changed = self._private[prop] ~= value
- self._private[prop] = value
- if changed then
- self:emit_signal("property::"..prop)
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- end
- end
- slider["get_"..prop] = function(self)
- -- Ignoring the false's is on purpose
- return self._private[prop] == nil
- and properties[prop]
- or self._private[prop]
- end
--- Add some validation to set_value
-function slider:set_value(value)
- value = math.min(value, self:get_maximum())
- value = math.max(value, self:get_minimum())
- local changed = self._private.value ~= value
- self._private.value = value
- if changed then
- self:emit_signal( "property::value" )
- self:emit_signal( "widget::redraw_needed" )
- end
-local function get_extremums(self)
- local min = self._private.minimum or properties.minimum
- local max = self._private.maximum or properties.maximum
- local interval = max - min
- return min, max, interval
-function slider:draw(_, cr, width, height)
- local bar_height = self._private.bar_height
- -- If there is no background, then skip this
- local bar_color = self._private.bar_color
- or beautiful.slider_bar_color
- if bar_color then
- cr:set_source(color(bar_color))
- end
- local margins = self._private.bar_margins
- or beautiful.slider_bar_margins
- local x_offset, right_margin, y_offset = 0, 0
- if margins then
- if type(margins) == "number" then
- bar_height = bar_height or (height - 2*margins)
- x_offset, y_offset = margins, margins
- right_margin = margins
- else
- bar_height = bar_height or (
- height - ( or 0) - (margins.bottom or 0)
- )
- x_offset, y_offset = margins.left or 0, or 0
- right_margin = margins.right or 0
- end
- else
- bar_height = bar_height or beautiful.slider_bar_height or height
- y_offset = (height - bar_height)/2
- end
- cr:translate(x_offset, y_offset)
- local bar_shape = self._private.bar_shape
- or beautiful.slider_bar_shape
- or properties.bar_shape
- local bar_border_width = self._private.bar_border_width
- or beautiful.slider_bar_border_width
- or properties.bar_border_width
- bar_shape(cr, width - x_offset - right_margin, bar_height or height)
- if bar_color then
- if bar_border_width == 0 then
- cr:fill()
- else
- cr:fill_preserve()
- end
- end
- -- Draw the bar border
- if bar_border_width > 0 then
- local bar_border_color = self._private.bar_border_color
- or beautiful.slider_bar_border_color
- or properties.bar_border_color
- cr:set_line_width(bar_border_width)
- if bar_border_color then
- cr:save()
- cr:set_source(color(bar_border_color))
- cr:stroke()
- cr:restore()
- else
- cr:stroke()
- end
- end
- cr:translate(-x_offset, -y_offset)
- -- Paint the handle
- local handle_color = self._private.handle_color
- or beautiful.slider_handle_color
- -- It is ok if there is no color, it will be inherited
- if handle_color then
- cr:set_source(color(handle_color))
- end
- local handle_height, handle_width = height, self._private.handle_width
- or beautiful.slider_handle_width
- or height/2
- local handle_shape = self._private.handle_shape
- or beautiful.slider_handle_shape
- or properties.handle_shape
- -- Lets get the margins for the handle
- margins = self._private.handle_margins
- or beautiful.slider_handle_margins
- x_offset, y_offset = 0, 0
- if margins then
- if type(margins) == "number" then
- x_offset, y_offset = margins, margins
- handle_width = handle_width - 2*margins
- handle_height = handle_height - 2*margins
- else
- x_offset, y_offset = margins.left or 0, or 0
- handle_width = handle_width -
- (margins.left or 0) - (margins.right or 0)
- handle_height = handle_height -
- ( or 0) - (margins.bottom or 0)
- end
- end
- local value = self._private.value or self._private.min or 0
- -- Get the widget size back to it's non-transfored value
- local min, _, interval = get_extremums(self)
- local rel_value = ((value-min)/interval) * (width-handle_width)
- cr:translate(x_offset + rel_value, y_offset)
- local handle_border_width = self._private.handle_border_width
- or beautiful.slider_handle_border_width
- or properties.handle_border_width or 0
- handle_shape(cr, handle_width, handle_height)
- if handle_border_width > 0 then
- cr:fill_preserve()
- else
- cr:fill()
- end
- -- Draw the handle border
- if handle_border_width > 0 then
- local handle_border_color = self._private.handle_border_color
- or beautiful.slider_handle_border_color
- or properties.handle_border_color
- if handle_border_color then
- cr:set_source(color(handle_border_color))
- end
- cr:set_line_width(handle_border_width)
- cr:stroke()
- end
-function slider:fit(_, width, height)
- -- Use all the space, this should be used with a constraint widget
- return width, height
--- Move the handle to the correct location
-local function move_handle(self, width, x, _)
- local _, _, interval = get_extremums(self)
- self:set_value(math.floor((x*interval)/width))
-local function mouse_press(self, x, y, button_id, _, geo)
- if button_id ~= 1 then return end
- local matrix_from_device = geo.hierarchy:get_matrix_from_device()
- -- Sigh. geo.width/geo.height is in device space. We need it in our own
- -- coordinate system
- local width = geo.widget_width
- move_handle(self, width, x, y)
- -- Calculate a matrix transforming from screen coordinates into widget coordinates
- local wgeo = geo.drawable.drawable:geometry()
- local matrix = matrix_from_device:translate(-wgeo.x, -wgeo.y)
- if not mouse.buttons[1] then
- return false
- end
- -- Calculate the point relative to the widget
- move_handle(self, width, matrix:transform_point(mouse.x, mouse.y))
- return true
- end,"fleur")
---- Create a slider widget.
--- @tparam[opt={}] table args
--- @function wibox.widget.slider
-local function new(args)
- local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {
- enable_properties = true,
- })
- util.table.crush(ret._private, args or {})
- util.table.crush(ret, slider, true)
- ret:connect_signal("button::press", mouse_press)
- return ret
-function, ...)
- return new(...)
---Imported documentation
---- Get a widex index.
--- @param widget The widget to look for
--- @param[opt] recursive Also check sub-widgets
--- @param[opt] ... Aditional widgets to add at the end of the \"path\"
--- @return The index
--- @return The parent layout
--- @return The path between \"self\" and \"widget\"
--- @function index
---- Get all direct and indirect children widgets.
--- This will scan all containers recursively to find widgets
--- Warning: This method it prone to stack overflow id the widget, or any of its
--- children, contain (directly or indirectly) itself.
--- @treturn table The children
--- @function get_all_children
---- Set a declarative widget hierarchy description.
--- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/
--- @param args An array containing the widgets disposition
--- @function setup
---- Force a widget height.
--- @property forced_height
--- @tparam number|nil height The height (`nil` for automatic)
---- Force a widget width.
--- @property forced_width
--- @tparam number|nil width The width (`nil` for automatic)
---- The widget opacity (transparency).
--- @property opacity
--- @tparam[opt=1] number opacity The opacity (between 0 and 1)
---- The widget visibility.
--- @property visible
--- @param boolean
---- Set/get a widget's buttons.
--- @param _buttons The table of buttons that should bind to the widget.
--- @function buttons
---- Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also
--- forward the signal. This is useful to track signals when there is a dynamic
--- set of containers and layouts wrapping the widget.
--- @tparam string signal_name
--- @param ... Other arguments
--- @function emit_signal_recursive
---- When the layout (size) change.
--- This signal is emitted when the previous results of `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- are no longer valid. Unless this signal is emitted, `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- must return the same result when called with the same arguments.
--- @signal widget::layout_changed
--- @see widget::redraw_needed
---- When the widget content changed.
--- This signal is emitted when the content of the widget changes. The widget will
--- be redrawn, it is not re-layouted. Put differently, it is assumed that
--- `:layout()` and `:fit()` would still return the same results as before.
--- @signal widget::redraw_needed
--- @see widget::layout_changed
---- When a mouse button is pressed over the widget.
--- @signal button::press
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When a mouse button is released over the widget.
--- @signal button::release
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse enter a widget.
--- @signal mouse::enter
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse leave a widget.
--- @signal mouse::leave
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---Imported documentation
---- Disconnect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback that should be disconnected
--- @function disconnect_signal
---- Emit a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @param ... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected
--- function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments
--- that are given to emit_signal()
--- @function emit_signal
---- Connect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function connect_signal
---- Connect to a signal weakly. This allows the callback function to be garbage
--- collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens.
--- **Warning:**
--- Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you
--- are doing.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function weak_connect_signal
-return setmetatable(slider,
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/systray.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/systray.lua
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index e83347c..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/systray.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
--- @author Uli Schlachter
--- @copyright 2010 Uli Schlachter
--- @classmod wibox.widget.systray
-local wbase = require("wibox.widget.base")
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local util = require("awful.util")
-local capi = {
- awesome = awesome,
- screen = screen
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local error = error
-local abs = math.abs
-local systray = { mt = {} }
-local instance = nil
-local horizontal = true
-local base_size = nil
-local reverse = false
-local display_on_screen = "primary"
---- The systray background color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.bg_systray
--- @param string The color (string like "#ff0000" only)
---- The systray icon spacing.
--- @beautiful beautiful.systray_icon_spacing
--- @tparam[opt=0] integer The icon spacing
-local function should_display_on(s)
- if display_on_screen == "primary" then
- return s == capi.screen.primary
- end
- return s == display_on_screen
-function systray:draw(context, cr, width, height)
- if not should_display_on(context.screen) then
- return
- end
- local x, y, _, _ = wbase.rect_to_device_geometry(cr, 0, 0, width, height)
- local num_entries = capi.awesome.systray()
- local bg = beautiful.bg_systray or beautiful.bg_normal or "#000000"
- local spacing = beautiful.systray_icon_spacing or 0
- if context and not context.wibox then
- error("The systray widget can only be placed inside a wibox.")
- end
- -- Figure out if the cairo context is rotated
- local dir_x, dir_y = cr:user_to_device_distance(1, 0)
- local is_rotated = abs(dir_x) < abs(dir_y)
- local in_dir, ortho, base
- if horizontal then
- in_dir, ortho = width, height
- is_rotated = not is_rotated
- else
- ortho, in_dir = width, height
- end
- if ortho * num_entries <= in_dir then
- base = ortho
- else
- base = in_dir / num_entries
- end
- capi.awesome.systray(context.wibox.drawin, math.ceil(x), math.ceil(y),
- base, is_rotated, bg, reverse, spacing)
-function systray:fit(context, width, height)
- if not should_display_on(context.screen) then
- return 0, 0
- end
- local num_entries = capi.awesome.systray()
- local base = base_size
- local spacing = beautiful.systray_icon_spacing or 0
- if num_entries == 0 then
- return 0, 0
- end
- if base == nil then
- if width < height then
- base = width
- else
- base = height
- end
- end
- base = base + spacing
- if horizontal then
- return base * num_entries - spacing, base
- end
- return base, base * num_entries - spacing
--- Check if the function was called like :foo() or .foo() and do the right thing
-local function get_args(self, ...)
- if self == instance then
- return ...
- end
- return self, ...
---- Set the size of a single icon.
--- If this is set to nil, then the size is picked dynamically based on the
--- available space. Otherwise, any single icon has a size of `size`x`size`.
--- @tparam integer|nil size The base size
-function systray:set_base_size(size)
- base_size = get_args(self, size)
- if instance then
- instance:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
---- Decide between horizontal or vertical display.
--- @tparam boolean horiz Use horizontal mode?
-function systray:set_horizontal(horiz)
- horizontal = get_args(self, horiz)
- if instance then
- instance:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
---- Should the systray icons be displayed in reverse order?
--- @tparam boolean rev Display in reverse order
-function systray:set_reverse(rev)
- reverse = get_args(self, rev)
- if instance then
- instance:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- end
---- Set the screen that the systray should be displayed on.
--- This can either be a screen, in which case the systray will be displayed on
--- exactly that screen, or the string `"primary"`, in which case it will be
--- visible on the primary screen. The default value is "primary".
--- @tparam screen|"primary" s The screen to display on.
-function systray:set_screen(s)
- display_on_screen = get_args(self, s)
- if instance then
- instance:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
---- Create the systray widget.
--- Note that this widget can only exist once.
--- @tparam boolean revers Show in the opposite direction
--- @treturn table The new `systray` widget
--- @function wibox.widget.systray
-local function new(revers)
- local ret = wbase.make_widget()
- util.table.crush(ret, systray, true)
- if revers then
- ret:set_reverse(true)
- end
- capi.awesome.connect_signal("systray::update", function()
- ret:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- ret:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- end)
- capi.screen.connect_signal("primary_changed", function()
- if display_on_screen == "primary" then
- ret:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
- end)
- return ret
- if not instance then
- instance = new(...)
- end
- return instance
-return setmetatable(systray,
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/textbox.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/textbox.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index add35e9..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/textbox.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
---![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_widget_defaults_textbox.svg)
--- @usage
--- markup = 'This <i>is</i> a <b>textbox</b>!!!',
--- align = 'center',
--- valign = 'center',
--- widget = wibox.widget.textbox
--- @author Uli Schlachter
--- @author dodo
--- @copyright 2010, 2011 Uli Schlachter, dodo
--- @classmod wibox.widget.textbox
-local base = require("wibox.widget.base")
-local gdebug = require("gears.debug")
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local lgi = require("lgi")
-local util = require("awful.util")
-local Pango = lgi.Pango
-local PangoCairo = lgi.PangoCairo
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local textbox = { mt = {} }
---- The textbox font.
--- @beautiful beautiful.font
---- Set the DPI of a Pango layout
-local function setup_dpi(box, dpi)
- if box._private.dpi ~= dpi then
- box._private.dpi = dpi
- box._private.ctx:set_resolution(dpi)
- box._private.layout:context_changed()
- end
---- Setup a pango layout for the given textbox and dpi
-local function setup_layout(box, width, height, dpi)
- box._private.layout.width = Pango.units_from_double(width)
- box._private.layout.height = Pango.units_from_double(height)
- setup_dpi(box, dpi)
--- Draw the given textbox on the given cairo context in the given geometry
-function textbox:draw(context, cr, width, height)
- setup_layout(self, width, height, context.dpi)
- cr:update_layout(self._private.layout)
- local _, logical = self._private.layout:get_pixel_extents()
- local offset = 0
- if self._private.valign == "center" then
- offset = (height - logical.height) / 2
- elseif self._private.valign == "bottom" then
- offset = height - logical.height
- end
- cr:move_to(0, offset)
- cr:show_layout(self._private.layout)
-local function do_fit_return(self)
- local _, logical = self._private.layout:get_pixel_extents()
- if logical.width == 0 or logical.height == 0 then
- return 0, 0
- end
- return logical.width, logical.height
--- Fit the given textbox
-function textbox:fit(context, width, height)
- setup_layout(self, width, height, context.dpi)
- return do_fit_return(self)
---- Get the preferred size of a textbox.
--- This returns the size that the textbox would use if infinite space were
--- available.
--- @tparam integer|screen s The screen on which the textbox will be displayed.
--- @treturn number The preferred width.
--- @treturn number The preferred height.
-function textbox:get_preferred_size(s)
- return self:get_preferred_size_at_dpi(beautiful.xresources.get_dpi(s))
---- Get the preferred height of a textbox at a given width.
--- This returns the height that the textbox would use when it is limited to the
--- given width.
--- @tparam number width The available width.
--- @tparam integer|screen s The screen on which the textbox will be displayed.
--- @treturn number The needed height.
-function textbox:get_height_for_width(width, s)
- return self:get_height_for_width_at_dpi(width, beautiful.xresources.get_dpi(s))
---- Get the preferred size of a textbox.
--- This returns the size that the textbox would use if infinite space were
--- available.
--- @tparam number dpi The DPI value to render at.
--- @treturn number The preferred width.
--- @treturn number The preferred height.
-function textbox:get_preferred_size_at_dpi(dpi)
- local max_lines = 2^20
- setup_dpi(self, dpi)
- self._private.layout.width = -1 -- no width set
- self._private.layout.height = -max_lines -- show this many lines per paragraph
- return do_fit_return(self)
---- Get the preferred height of a textbox at a given width.
--- This returns the height that the textbox would use when it is limited to the
--- given width.
--- @tparam number width The available width.
--- @tparam number dpi The DPI value to render at.
--- @treturn number The needed height.
-function textbox:get_height_for_width_at_dpi(width, dpi)
- local max_lines = 2^20
- setup_dpi(self, dpi)
- self._private.layout.width = Pango.units_from_double(width)
- self._private.layout.height = -max_lines -- show this many lines per paragraph
- local _, h = do_fit_return(self)
- return h
---- Set the text of the textbox (with
--- [Pango markup](
--- @tparam string text The text to set. This can contain pango markup (e.g.
--- `<b>bold</b>`). You can use `awful.util.escape` to escape
--- parts of it.
--- @treturn[1] boolean true
--- @treturn[2] boolean false
--- @treturn[2] string Error message explaining why the markup was invalid.
-function textbox:set_markup_silently(text)
- if self._private.markup == text then
- return true
- end
- local attr, parsed = Pango.parse_markup(text, -1, 0)
- -- In case of error, attr is false and parsed is a GLib.Error instance.
- if not attr then
- return false, parsed.message or tostring(parsed)
- end
- self._private.markup = text
- self._private.layout.text = parsed
- self._private.layout.attributes = attr
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- return true
---- Set the text of the textbox (with
--- [Pango markup](
--- @property markup
--- @tparam string text The text to set. This can contain pango markup (e.g.
--- `<b>bold</b>`). You can use `awful.util.escape` to escape
--- parts of it.
--- @see text
-function textbox:set_markup(text)
- local success, message = self:set_markup_silently(text)
- if not success then
- gdebug.print_error(message)
- end
-function textbox:get_markup()
- return self._private.markup
---- Set a textbox' text.
--- @property text
--- @param text The text to display. Pango markup is ignored and shown as-is.
--- @see markup
-function textbox:set_text(text)
- if self._private.layout.text == text and self._private.layout.attributes == nil then
- return
- end
- self._private.markup = nil
- self._private.layout.text = text
- self._private.layout.attributes = nil
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
-function textbox:get_text()
- return self._private.layout.text
---- Set a textbox' ellipsize mode.
--- @property ellipsize
--- @param mode Where should long lines be shortened? "start", "middle" or "end"
-function textbox:set_ellipsize(mode)
- local allowed = { none = "NONE", start = "START", middle = "MIDDLE", ["end"] = "END" }
- if allowed[mode] then
- if self._private.layout:get_ellipsize() == allowed[mode] then
- return
- end
- self._private.layout:set_ellipsize(allowed[mode])
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
---- Set a textbox' wrap mode.
--- @property wrap
--- @param mode Where to wrap? After "word", "char" or "word_char"
-function textbox:set_wrap(mode)
- local allowed = { word = "WORD", char = "CHAR", word_char = "WORD_CHAR" }
- if allowed[mode] then
- if self._private.layout:get_wrap() == allowed[mode] then
- return
- end
- self._private.layout:set_wrap(allowed[mode])
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
---- The textbox' vertical alignment
--- @property valign
--- @param mode Where should the textbox be drawn? "top", "center" or "bottom"
-function textbox:set_valign(mode)
- local allowed = { top = true, center = true, bottom = true }
- if allowed[mode] then
- if self._private.valign == mode then
- return
- end
- self._private.valign = mode
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
---- Set a textbox' horizontal alignment.
--- @property align
--- @param mode Where should the textbox be drawn? "left", "center" or "right"
-function textbox:set_align(mode)
- local allowed = { left = "LEFT", center = "CENTER", right = "RIGHT" }
- if allowed[mode] then
- if self._private.layout:get_alignment() == allowed[mode] then
- return
- end
- self._private.layout:set_alignment(allowed[mode])
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
---- Set a textbox' font
--- @property font
--- @param font The font description as string
-function textbox:set_font(font)
- self._private.layout:set_font_description(beautiful.get_font(font))
- self:emit_signal("widget::redraw_needed")
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
---- Create a new textbox.
--- @tparam[opt=""] string text The textbox content
--- @tparam[opt=false] boolean ignore_markup Ignore the pango/HTML markup
--- @treturn table A new textbox widget
--- @function wibox.widget.textbox
-local function new(text, ignore_markup)
- local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {enable_properties = true})
- util.table.crush(ret, textbox, true)
- ret._private.dpi = -1
- ret._private.ctx = PangoCairo.font_map_get_default():create_context()
- ret._private.layout =
- ret:set_ellipsize("end")
- ret:set_wrap("word_char")
- ret:set_valign("center")
- ret:set_align("left")
- ret:set_font(beautiful and beautiful.font)
- if text then
- if ignore_markup then
- ret:set_text(text)
- else
- ret:set_markup(text)
- end
- end
- return ret
-function, ...)
- return new(...)
---Imported documentation
---- Get a widex index.
--- @param widget The widget to look for
--- @param[opt] recursive Also check sub-widgets
--- @param[opt] ... Aditional widgets to add at the end of the \"path\"
--- @return The index
--- @return The parent layout
--- @return The path between \"self\" and \"widget\"
--- @function index
---- Get all direct and indirect children widgets.
--- This will scan all containers recursively to find widgets
--- Warning: This method it prone to stack overflow id the widget, or any of its
--- children, contain (directly or indirectly) itself.
--- @treturn table The children
--- @function get_all_children
---- Set a declarative widget hierarchy description.
--- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/
--- @param args An array containing the widgets disposition
--- @function setup
---- Force a widget height.
--- @property forced_height
--- @tparam number|nil height The height (`nil` for automatic)
---- Force a widget width.
--- @property forced_width
--- @tparam number|nil width The width (`nil` for automatic)
---- The widget opacity (transparency).
--- @property opacity
--- @tparam[opt=1] number opacity The opacity (between 0 and 1)
---- The widget visibility.
--- @property visible
--- @param boolean
---- Set/get a widget's buttons.
--- @param _buttons The table of buttons that should bind to the widget.
--- @function buttons
---- Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also
--- forward the signal. This is useful to track signals when there is a dynamic
--- set of containers and layouts wrapping the widget.
--- @tparam string signal_name
--- @param ... Other arguments
--- @function emit_signal_recursive
---- When the layout (size) change.
--- This signal is emitted when the previous results of `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- are no longer valid. Unless this signal is emitted, `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- must return the same result when called with the same arguments.
--- @signal widget::layout_changed
--- @see widget::redraw_needed
---- When the widget content changed.
--- This signal is emitted when the content of the widget changes. The widget will
--- be redrawn, it is not re-layouted. Put differently, it is assumed that
--- `:layout()` and `:fit()` would still return the same results as before.
--- @signal widget::redraw_needed
--- @see widget::layout_changed
---- When a mouse button is pressed over the widget.
--- @signal button::press
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When a mouse button is released over the widget.
--- @signal button::release
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse enter a widget.
--- @signal mouse::enter
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse leave a widget.
--- @signal mouse::leave
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---Imported documentation
---- Disconnect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback that should be disconnected
--- @function disconnect_signal
---- Emit a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @param ... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected
--- function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments
--- that are given to emit_signal()
--- @function emit_signal
---- Connect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function connect_signal
---- Connect to a signal weakly. This allows the callback function to be garbage
--- collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens.
--- **Warning:**
--- Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you
--- are doing.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function weak_connect_signal
-return setmetatable(textbox,
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/textclock.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/textclock.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c688028..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/wibox/widget/textclock.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
---- Text clock widget.
--- @author Julien Danjou &lt;;
--- @copyright 2009 Julien Danjou
--- @classmod wibox.widget.textclock
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local os = os
-local textbox = require("wibox.widget.textbox")
-local timer = require("gears.timer")
-local DateTime = require("lgi").GLib.DateTime
-local textclock = { mt = {} }
---- This lowers the timeout so that it occurs "correctly". For example, a timeout
--- of 60 is rounded so that it occurs the next time the clock reads ":00 seconds".
-local function calc_timeout(real_timeout)
- return real_timeout - os.time() % real_timeout
---- Create a textclock widget. It draws the time it is in a textbox.
--- @tparam[opt=" %a %b %d, %H:%M "] string format The time format.
--- @tparam[opt=60] number timeout How often update the time (in seconds).
--- @treturn table A textbox widget.
--- @function wibox.widget.textclock
-function, timeout)
- format = format or " %a %b %d, %H:%M "
- timeout = timeout or 60
- local w = textbox()
- local t
- function w._private.textclock_update_cb()
- w:set_markup(DateTime.new_now_local():format(format))
- t.timeout = calc_timeout(timeout)
- t:again()
- return true -- Continue the timer
- end
- t = timer.weak_start_new(timeout, w._private.textclock_update_cb)
- t:emit_signal("timeout")
- return w
- return
---Imported documentation
---- Get a widex index.
--- @param widget The widget to look for
--- @param[opt] recursive Also check sub-widgets
--- @param[opt] ... Aditional widgets to add at the end of the \"path\"
--- @return The index
--- @return The parent layout
--- @return The path between \"self\" and \"widget\"
--- @function index
---- Get all direct and indirect children widgets.
--- This will scan all containers recursively to find widgets
--- Warning: This method it prone to stack overflow id the widget, or any of its
--- children, contain (directly or indirectly) itself.
--- @treturn table The children
--- @function get_all_children
---- Set a declarative widget hierarchy description.
--- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/
--- @param args An array containing the widgets disposition
--- @function setup
---- Force a widget height.
--- @property forced_height
--- @tparam number|nil height The height (`nil` for automatic)
---- Force a widget width.
--- @property forced_width
--- @tparam number|nil width The width (`nil` for automatic)
---- The widget opacity (transparency).
--- @property opacity
--- @tparam[opt=1] number opacity The opacity (between 0 and 1)
---- The widget visibility.
--- @property visible
--- @param boolean
---- Set/get a widget's buttons.
--- @param _buttons The table of buttons that should bind to the widget.
--- @function buttons
---- Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also
--- forward the signal. This is useful to track signals when there is a dynamic
--- set of containers and layouts wrapping the widget.
--- @tparam string signal_name
--- @param ... Other arguments
--- @function emit_signal_recursive
---- When the layout (size) change.
--- This signal is emitted when the previous results of `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- are no longer valid. Unless this signal is emitted, `:layout()` and `:fit()`
--- must return the same result when called with the same arguments.
--- @signal widget::layout_changed
--- @see widget::redraw_needed
---- When the widget content changed.
--- This signal is emitted when the content of the widget changes. The widget will
--- be redrawn, it is not re-layouted. Put differently, it is assumed that
--- `:layout()` and `:fit()` would still return the same results as before.
--- @signal widget::redraw_needed
--- @see widget::layout_changed
---- When a mouse button is pressed over the widget.
--- @signal button::press
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When a mouse button is released over the widget.
--- @signal button::release
--- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
--- the widget.
--- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
--- widget.
--- @tparam number button The button number.
--- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse enter a widget.
--- @signal mouse::enter
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---- When the mouse leave a widget.
--- @signal mouse::leave
--- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
--- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
--- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
--- the widget.
--- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
--- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
--- managing the widget's geometry.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
--- the widget is visible at on the surface.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
--- in its local coordinate system.
--- @see mouse
---Imported documentation
---- Disconnect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback that should be disconnected
--- @function disconnect_signal
---- Emit a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @param ... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected
--- function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments
--- that are given to emit_signal()
--- @function emit_signal
---- Connect to a signal.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function connect_signal
---- Connect to a signal weakly. This allows the callback function to be garbage
--- collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens.
--- **Warning:**
--- Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you
--- are doing.
--- @tparam string name The name of the signal
--- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
--- @function weak_connect_signal
-return setmetatable(textclock,
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