path: root/awesome/lib/wibox/layout/ratio.lua
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authorache <>2017-03-13 23:17:19 +0100
committerache <>2017-03-13 23:17:19 +0100
commit22d656903563f75678f3634964731ccf93355dfd (patch)
treee3cb6279d95c9764093072d5e946566ea6533799 /awesome/lib/wibox/layout/ratio.lua
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1 files changed, 583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/wibox/layout/ratio.lua b/awesome/lib/wibox/layout/ratio.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcae443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awesome/lib/wibox/layout/ratio.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+--- A layout filling all the available space. Each widget is assigned a
+-- ratio (percentage) of the total space. Multiple methods are available to
+-- ajust this ratio.
+--![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_wibox_layout_defaults_ratio.svg)
+-- @usage
+--local w = wibox.widget {
+-- generic_widget( 'first' ),
+-- generic_widget( 'second' ),
+-- generic_widget( 'third' ),
+-- layout = wibox.layout.ratio.horizontal
+--w:ajust_ratio(2, 0.44, 0.33, 0.22)
+-- @author Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
+-- @copyright 2016 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
+-- @classmod wibox.layout.ratio
+local base = require("wibox.widget.base" )
+local flex = require("wibox.layout.flex" )
+local table = table
+local pairs = pairs
+local floor = math.floor
+local util = require("awful.util")
+local ratio = {}
+--Imported documentation
+--- Set a widget at a specific index, replace the current one.
+-- **Signal:** widget::replaced The argument is the new widget and the old one
+-- and the index.
+-- @tparam number index A widget or a widget index
+-- @param widget2 The widget to take the place of the first one
+-- @treturn boolean If the operation is successful
+-- @name set
+-- @class function
+--- Replace the first instance of `widget` in the layout with `widget2`.
+-- **Signal:** widget::replaced The argument is the new widget and the old one
+-- and the index.
+-- @param widget The widget to replace
+-- @param widget2 The widget to replace `widget` with
+-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean recursive Digg in all compatible layouts to find the widget.
+-- @treturn boolean If the operation is successful
+-- @name replace_widget
+-- @class function
+--- Swap 2 widgets in a layout.
+-- **Signal:** widget::swapped The arguments are both widgets and both (new) indexes.
+-- @tparam number index1 The first widget index
+-- @tparam number index2 The second widget index
+-- @treturn boolean If the operation is successful
+-- @name swap
+-- @class function
+--- Swap 2 widgets in a layout.
+-- If widget1 is present multiple time, only the first instance is swapped
+-- **Signal:** widget::swapped The arguments are both widgets and both (new) indexes.
+-- if the layouts not the same, then only `widget::replaced` will be emitted.
+-- @param widget1 The first widget
+-- @param widget2 The second widget
+-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean recursive Digg in all compatible layouts to find the widget.
+-- @treturn boolean If the operation is successful
+-- @name swap_widgets
+-- @class function
+--- Get all direct children of this layout.
+-- @param layout The layout you are modifying.
+-- @property children
+--- Reset a ratio layout. This removes all widgets from the layout.
+-- **Signal:** widget::reset
+-- @param layout The layout you are modifying.
+-- @name reset
+-- @class function
+-- Compute the sum of all ratio (ideally, it should be 1)
+local function gen_sum(self, i_s, i_e)
+ local sum, new_w = 0,0
+ for i = i_s or 1, i_e or #self._private.widgets do
+ if self._private.ratios[i] then
+ sum = sum + self._private.ratios[i]
+ else
+ new_w = new_w + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return sum, new_w
+-- The ratios are expressed as percentages. For this to work, the sum of all
+-- ratio must be 1. This function attempt to ajust them. Space can be taken
+-- from or added to a ratio when widgets are being added or removed. If a
+-- specific ratio must be enforced for a widget, it has to be done with the
+-- `ajust_ratio` method after each insertion or deletion
+local function normalize(self)
+ local count = #self._private.widgets
+ if count == 0 then return end
+ -- Instead of adding "if" everywhere, just handle this common case
+ if count == 1 then
+ self._private.ratios = { 1 }
+ return
+ end
+ local sum, new_w = gen_sum(self)
+ local old_count = #self._private.widgets - new_w
+ local to_add = (sum == 0) and 1 or (sum / old_count)
+ -- Make sure all widgets have a ratio
+ for i=1, #self._private.widgets do
+ if not self._private.ratios[i] then
+ self._private.ratios[i] = to_add
+ end
+ end
+ sum = sum + to_add*new_w
+ local delta, new_sum = (1 - sum) / count,0
+ -- Increase or decrease each ratio so it the sum become 1
+ for i=1, #self._private.widgets do
+ self._private.ratios[i] = self._private.ratios[i] + delta
+ new_sum = new_sum + self._private.ratios[i]
+ end
+ -- Floating points is not an exact science, but it should still be close
+ -- to 1.00.
+ assert(new_sum > 0.99 and new_sum < 1.01)
+function ratio:layout(_, width, height)
+ local result = {}
+ local pos,spacing = 0, self._private.spacing
+ for k, v in ipairs(self._private.widgets) do
+ local space
+ local x, y, w, h
+ if self._private.dir == "y" then
+ space = height * self._private.ratios[k]
+ x, y = 0, util.round(pos)
+ w, h = width, floor(space)
+ else
+ space = width * self._private.ratios[k]
+ x, y = util.round(pos), 0
+ w, h = floor(space), height
+ end
+ table.insert(result, base.place_widget_at(v, x, y, w, h))
+ pos = pos + space + spacing
+ -- Make sure all widgets fit in the layout, if they aren't, something
+ -- went wrong
+ if (self._private.dir == "y" and util.round(pos) >= height) or
+ (self._private.dir ~= "y" and util.round(pos) >= width) then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+--- Increase the ratio of "widget"
+-- If the increment produce an invalid ratio (not between 0 and 1), the method
+-- do nothing.
+-- @tparam number index The widget index to change
+-- @tparam number increment An floating point value between -1 and 1 where the
+-- end result is within 0 and 1
+function ratio:inc_ratio(index, increment)
+ if #self._private.widgets == 1 or (not index) or (not self._private.ratios[index])
+ or increment < -1 or increment > 1 then
+ return
+ end
+ assert(self._private.ratios[index])
+ self:set_ratio(index, self._private.ratios[index] + increment)
+--- Increment the ratio of the first instance of `widget`
+-- If the increment produce an invalid ratio (not between 0 and 1), the method
+-- do nothing.
+-- @param widget The widget to ajust
+-- @tparam number increment An floating point value between -1 and 1 where the
+-- end result is within 0 and 1
+function ratio:inc_widget_ratio(widget, increment)
+ if not widget or not increment then return end
+ local index = self:index(widget)
+ self:inc_ratio(index, increment)
+--- Set the ratio of the widget at position `index`
+-- @tparam number index The index of the widget to change
+-- @tparam number percent An floating point value between 0 and 1
+function ratio:set_ratio(index, percent)
+ if not percent or #self._private.widgets == 1 or not index or not self._private.widgets[index]
+ or percent < 0 or percent > 1 then
+ return
+ end
+ local old = self._private.ratios[index]
+ -- Remove what has to be cleared from all widget
+ local delta = ( (percent-old) / (#self._private.widgets-1) )
+ for k in pairs(self._private.widgets) do
+ self._private.ratios[k] = self._private.ratios[k] - delta
+ end
+ -- Set the new ratio
+ self._private.ratios[index] = percent
+ -- As some widgets may now have a slightly negative ratio, normalize again
+ normalize(self)
+ self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
+--- Get the ratio at `index`.
+-- @tparam number index The widget index to query
+-- @treturn number The index (between 0 and 1)
+function ratio:get_ratio(index)
+ if not index then return end
+ return self._private.ratios[index]
+--- Set the ratio of `widget` to `percent`.
+-- @tparam widget widget The widget to ajust.
+-- @tparam number percent A floating point value between 0 and 1.
+function ratio:set_widget_ratio(widget, percent)
+ local index = self:index(widget)
+ self:set_ratio(index, percent)
+--- Update all widgets to match a set of a ratio.
+-- The sum of before, itself and after must be 1 or nothing will be done
+-- @tparam number index The index of the widget to change
+-- @tparam number before The sum of the ratio before the widget
+-- @tparam number itself The ratio for "widget"
+-- @tparam number after The sum of the ratio after the widget
+function ratio:ajust_ratio(index, before, itself, after)
+ if not self._private.widgets[index] or not before or not itself or not after then
+ return
+ end
+ local sum = before + itself + after
+ -- As documented, it is the caller job to come up with valid numbers
+ if math.min(before, itself, after) < 0 then return end
+ if sum > 1.01 or sum < -0.99 then return end
+ -- Compute the before and after offset to be applied to each widgets
+ local before_count, after_count = index-1, #self._private.widgets - index
+ local b, a = gen_sum(self, 1, index-1), gen_sum(self, index+1)
+ local db, da = (before - b)/before_count, (after - a)/after_count
+ -- Apply the new ratio
+ self._private.ratios[index] = itself
+ -- Equality split the delta among widgets before and after
+ for i = 1, index -1 do
+ self._private.ratios[i] = self._private.ratios[i] + db
+ end
+ for i = index+1, #self._private.widgets do
+ self._private.ratios[i] = self._private.ratios[i] + da
+ end
+ -- Remove potential negative ratio
+ normalize(self)
+ self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
+--- Update all widgets to match a set of a ratio
+-- @param widget The widget to ajust
+-- @tparam number before The sum of the ratio before the widget
+-- @tparam number itself The ratio for "widget"
+-- @tparam number after The sum of the ratio after the widget
+function ratio:ajust_widget_ratio(widget, before, itself, after)
+ local index = self:index(widget)
+ self:ajust_ratio(index, before, itself, after)
+--- Add some widgets to the given fixed layout
+-- **Signal:** widget::added The argument are the widgets
+-- @tparam widget ... Widgets that should be added (must at least be one)
+function ratio:add(...)
+ -- No table.pack in Lua 5.1 :-(
+ local args = { n=select('#', ...), ... }
+ assert(args.n > 0, "need at least one widget to add")
+ for i=1, args.n do
+ base.check_widget(args[i])
+ table.insert(self._private.widgets, args[i])
+ end
+ normalize(self)
+ self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
+ self:emit_signal("widget::added", ...)
+--- Remove a widget from the layout
+-- **Signal:** widget::removed The arguments are the widget and the index
+-- @tparam number index The widget index to remove
+-- @treturn boolean index If the operation is successful
+function ratio:remove(index)
+ if not index or not self._private.widgets[index] then return false end
+ local w = self._private.widgets[index]
+ table.remove(self._private.ratios, index)
+ table.remove(self._private.widgets, index)
+ normalize(self)
+ self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
+ self:emit_signal("widget::removed", w, index)
+ return true
+--- Insert a new widget in the layout at position `index`
+-- **Signal:** widget::inserted The arguments are the widget and the index
+-- @tparam number index The position
+-- @param widget The widget
+function ratio:insert(index, widget)
+ if not index or index < 1 or index > #self._private.widgets + 1 then return false end
+ base.check_widget(widget)
+ table.insert(self._private.widgets, index, widget)
+ normalize(self)
+ self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
+ self:emit_signal("widget::inserted", widget, #self._private.widgets)
+local function get_layout(dir, widget1, ...)
+ local ret = flex[dir](widget1, ...)
+ util.table.crush(ret, ratio, true)
+ ret._private.fill_space = nil
+ ret._private.ratios = {}
+ return ret
+--- Returns a new horizontal ratio layout. A ratio layout shares the available space
+-- equally among all widgets. Widgets can be added via :add(widget).
+-- @tparam widget ... Widgets that should be added to the layout.
+function ratio.horizontal(...)
+ return get_layout("horizontal", ...)
+--- Returns a new vertical ratio layout. A ratio layout shares the available space
+-- equally among all widgets. Widgets can be added via :add(widget).
+-- @tparam widget ... Widgets that should be added to the layout.
+function ratio.vertical(...)
+ return get_layout("vertical", ...)
+--Imported documentation
+--- Get a widex index.
+-- @param widget The widget to look for
+-- @param[opt] recursive Also check sub-widgets
+-- @param[opt] ... Aditional widgets to add at the end of the \"path\"
+-- @return The index
+-- @return The parent layout
+-- @return The path between \"self\" and \"widget\"
+-- @function index
+--- Get all direct and indirect children widgets.
+-- This will scan all containers recursively to find widgets
+-- Warning: This method it prone to stack overflow id the widget, or any of its
+-- children, contain (directly or indirectly) itself.
+-- @treturn table The children
+-- @function get_all_children
+--- Set a declarative widget hierarchy description.
+-- See [The declarative layout system](../documentation/
+-- @param args An array containing the widgets disposition
+-- @function setup
+--- Force a widget height.
+-- @property forced_height
+-- @tparam number|nil height The height (`nil` for automatic)
+--- Force a widget width.
+-- @property forced_width
+-- @tparam number|nil width The width (`nil` for automatic)
+--- The widget opacity (transparency).
+-- @property opacity
+-- @tparam[opt=1] number opacity The opacity (between 0 and 1)
+--- The widget visibility.
+-- @property visible
+-- @param boolean
+--- Set/get a widget's buttons.
+-- @param _buttons The table of buttons that should bind to the widget.
+-- @function buttons
+--- Emit a signal and ensure all parent widgets in the hierarchies also
+-- forward the signal. This is useful to track signals when there is a dynamic
+-- set of containers and layouts wrapping the widget.
+-- @tparam string signal_name
+-- @param ... Other arguments
+-- @function emit_signal_recursive
+--- When the layout (size) change.
+-- This signal is emitted when the previous results of `:layout()` and `:fit()`
+-- are no longer valid. Unless this signal is emitted, `:layout()` and `:fit()`
+-- must return the same result when called with the same arguments.
+-- @signal widget::layout_changed
+-- @see widget::redraw_needed
+--- When the widget content changed.
+-- This signal is emitted when the content of the widget changes. The widget will
+-- be redrawn, it is not re-layouted. Put differently, it is assumed that
+-- `:layout()` and `:fit()` would still return the same results as before.
+-- @signal widget::redraw_needed
+-- @see widget::layout_changed
+--- When a mouse button is pressed over the widget.
+-- @signal button::press
+-- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
+-- the widget.
+-- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
+-- widget.
+-- @tparam number button The button number.
+-- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
+-- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
+-- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
+-- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
+-- the widget.
+-- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
+-- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
+-- managing the widget's geometry.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
+-- in its local coordinate system.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
+-- in its local coordinate system.
+-- @see mouse
+--- When a mouse button is released over the widget.
+-- @signal button::release
+-- @tparam number lx The horizontal position relative to the (0,0) position in
+-- the widget.
+-- @tparam number ly The vertical position relative to the (0,0) position in the
+-- widget.
+-- @tparam number button The button number.
+-- @tparam table mods The modifiers (mod4, mod1 (alt), Control, Shift)
+-- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
+-- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
+-- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
+-- the widget.
+-- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
+-- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
+-- managing the widget's geometry.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
+-- in its local coordinate system.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
+-- in its local coordinate system.
+-- @see mouse
+--- When the mouse enter a widget.
+-- @signal mouse::enter
+-- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
+-- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
+-- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
+-- the widget.
+-- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
+-- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
+-- managing the widget's geometry.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
+-- in its local coordinate system.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
+-- in its local coordinate system.
+-- @see mouse
+--- When the mouse leave a widget.
+-- @signal mouse::leave
+-- @tparam table find_widgets_result The entry from the result of
+-- @{wibox.drawable:find_widgets} for the position that the mouse hit.
+-- @tparam wibox.drawable find_widgets_result.drawable The drawable containing
+-- the widget.
+-- @tparam widget find_widgets_result.widget The widget being displayed.
+-- @tparam wibox.hierarchy find_widgets_result.hierarchy The hierarchy
+-- managing the widget's geometry.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.x An approximation of the X position that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.y An approximation of the Y position that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.width An approximation of the width that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.height An approximation of the height that
+-- the widget is visible at on the surface.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_width The exact width of the widget
+-- in its local coordinate system.
+-- @tparam number find_widgets_result.widget_height The exact height of the widget
+-- in its local coordinate system.
+-- @see mouse
+--Imported documentation
+--- Disconnect to a signal.
+-- @tparam string name The name of the signal
+-- @tparam function func The callback that should be disconnected
+-- @function disconnect_signal
+--- Emit a signal.
+-- @tparam string name The name of the signal
+-- @param ... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected
+-- function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments
+-- that are given to emit_signal()
+-- @function emit_signal
+--- Connect to a signal.
+-- @tparam string name The name of the signal
+-- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
+-- @function connect_signal
+--- Connect to a signal weakly. This allows the callback function to be garbage
+-- collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens.
+-- **Warning:**
+-- Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you
+-- are doing.
+-- @tparam string name The name of the signal
+-- @tparam function func The callback to call when the signal is emitted
+-- @function weak_connect_signal
+return ratio
+-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80