path: root/awesome/lib/awful/tooltip.lua
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authorache <>2017-04-25 02:24:15 +0000
committerache <>2017-04-25 02:24:15 +0000
commit9a8809f5d7fb61db02f5fbd90edd927d61006455 (patch)
treea023e3f37460df5f25e6dc97f8f8465e81433874 /awesome/lib/awful/tooltip.lua
parentChange theme colors (diff)
Big clean up of the config directory
Diffstat (limited to 'awesome/lib/awful/tooltip.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 616 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/tooltip.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/tooltip.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index cd151c4..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/awful/tooltip.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
---- Tooltip module for awesome objects.
--- A tooltip is a small hint displayed when the mouse cursor
--- hovers a specific item.
--- In awesome, a tooltip can be linked with almost any
--- object having a `:connect_signal()` method and receiving
--- `mouse::enter` and `mouse::leave` signals.
--- How to create a tooltip?
--- ---
--- myclock = wibox.widget.textclock({}, "%T", 1)
--- myclock_t = awful.tooltip({
--- objects = { myclock },
--- timer_function = function()
--- return"Today is %A %B %d %Y\nThe time is %T")
--- end,
--- })
--- How to add the same tooltip to multiple objects?
--- ---
--- myclock_t:add_to_object(obj1)
--- myclock_t:add_to_object(obj2)
--- Now the same tooltip is attached to `myclock`, `obj1`, `obj2`.
--- How to remove a tooltip from several objects?
--- ---
--- myclock_t:remove_from_object(obj1)
--- myclock_t:remove_from_object(obj2)
--- Now the same tooltip is only attached to `myclock`.
--- @author Sébastien Gross &lt;seb•ɱɩɲʋʃ•awesome•ɑƬ•chezwam•ɖɵʈ•org&gt;
--- @copyright 2009 Sébastien Gross
--- @classmod awful.tooltip
-local mouse = mouse
-local timer = require("gears.timer")
-local util = require("awful.util")
-local object = require("gears.object")
-local color = require("gears.color")
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local a_placement = require("awful.placement")
-local abutton = require("awful.button")
-local shape = require("gears.shape")
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local textbox = require("wibox.widget.textbox")
-local dpi = require("beautiful").xresources.apply_dpi
-local cairo = require("lgi").cairo
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1)
-local ipairs = ipairs
-local capi = {mouse=mouse, awesome=awesome}
-local tooltip = { mt = {} }
--- The mouse point is 1x1, so anything aligned based on it as parent
--- geometry will go out of bound. To get the desired placement, it is
--- necessary to swap left with right and top with bottom
-local align_convert = {
- top_left = "bottom_right",
- left = "right",
- bottom_left = "top_right",
- right = "left",
- top_right = "bottom_left",
- bottom_right = "top_left",
- top = "bottom",
- bottom = "top",
--- If the wibox is under the cursor, it will trigger a mouse::leave
-local offset = {
- top_left = {x = 0, y = 0 },
- left = {x = 0, y = 0 },
- bottom_left = {x = 0, y = 0 },
- right = {x = 1, y = 0 },
- top_right = {x = 0, y = 0 },
- bottom_right = {x = 1, y = 1 },
- top = {x = 0, y = 0 },
- bottom = {x = 0, y = 1 },
---- The tooltip border color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.tooltip_border_color
---- The tooltip background color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.tooltip_bg
---- The tooltip foregound (text) color.
--- @beautiful beautiful.tooltip_fg
---- The tooltip font.
--- @beautiful beautiful.tooltip_font
---- The tooltip border width.
--- @beautiful beautiful.tooltip_border_width
---- The tooltip opacity.
--- @beautiful beautiful.tooltip_opacity
---- The default tooltip shape.
--- By default, all tooltips are rectangles, however, by setting this variables,
--- they can default to rounded rectangle or stretched octogons.
--- @beautiful beautiful.tooltip_shape
--- @tparam[opt=gears.shape.rectangle] function shape A `gears.shape` compatible function
--- @see shape
--- @see gears.shape
-local function apply_shape(self)
- local s = self._private.shape
- local wb = self.wibox
- if not s then
- -- Clear the shape
- if wb.shape_bounding then
- wb.shape_bounding = nil
- wb:set_bgimage(nil)
- end
- return
- end
- local w, h = wb.width, wb.height
- -- First, create a A1 mask for the shape bounding itself
- local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.A1, w, h)
- local cr = cairo.Context(img)
- cr:set_source_rgba(1,1,1,1)
- s(cr, w, h, unpack(self._private.shape_args or {}))
- cr:fill()
- wb.shape_bounding = img._native
- -- The wibox background uses ARGB32 border so tooltip anti-aliasing works
- -- when an external compositor is used. This will look better than
- -- the capi.drawin's own border support.
- img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, w, h)
- cr = cairo.Context(img)
- -- Draw the border (multiply by 2, then mask the inner part to save a path)
- local bw = (self._private.border_width
- or beautiful.tooltip_border_width
- or beautiful.border_width or 0) * 2
- -- Fix anti-aliasing
- if bw > 2 and awesome.composite_manager_running then
- bw = bw - 1
- end
- local bc = self._private.border_color
- or beautiful.tooltip_border_color
- or beautiful.border_normal
- or "#ffcb60"
- cr:translate(bw, bw)
- s(cr, w-2*bw, h-2*bw, unpack(self._private.shape_args or {}))
- cr:set_line_width(bw)
- cr:set_source(color(bc))
- cr:stroke_preserve()
- cr:clip()
- local bg =
- or beautiful.tooltip_bg
- or beautiful.bg_focus or "#ffcb60"
- cr:set_source(color(bg))
- cr:paint()
- wb:set_bgimage(img)
-local function apply_mouse_mode(self)
- local w = self:get_wibox()
- local align = self._private.align
- local real_placement = align_convert[align]
- a_placement[real_placement](w, {
- parent = capi.mouse,
- offset = offset[align]
- })
-local function apply_outside_mode(self)
- local w = self:get_wibox()
- local _, position = a_placement.next_to(w, {
- geometry = self._private.widget_geometry,
- preferred_positions = self.preferred_positions,
- honor_workarea = true,
- })
- if position ~= self.current_position then
- -- Re-apply the shape.
- apply_shape(self)
- end
- self.current_position = position
--- Place the tooltip under the mouse.
--- @tparam tooltip self A tooltip object.
-local function set_geometry(self)
- -- calculate width / height
- local n_w, n_h = self.textbox:get_preferred_size(mouse.screen)
- n_w = n_w + self.marginbox.left + self.marginbox.right
- n_h = n_h + + self.marginbox.bottom
- local w = self:get_wibox()
- w:geometry({ width = n_w, height = n_h })
- if self._private.shape then
- apply_shape(self)
- end
- local mode = self.mode
- if mode == "outside" and self._private.widget_geometry then
- apply_outside_mode(self)
- else
- apply_mouse_mode(self)
- end
- a_placement.no_offscreen(w)
--- Show a tooltip.
--- @tparam tooltip self The tooltip to show.
-local function show(self)
- -- do nothing if the tooltip is already shown
- if self._private.visible then return end
- if self.timer then
- if not self.timer.started then
- self:timer_function()
- self.timer:start()
- end
- end
- set_geometry(self)
- self.wibox.visible = true
- self._private.visible = true
- self:emit_signal("property::visible")
--- Hide a tooltip.
--- @tparam tooltip self The tooltip to hide.
-local function hide(self)
- -- do nothing if the tooltip is already hidden
- if not self._private.visible then return end
- if self.timer then
- if self.timer.started then
- self.timer:stop()
- end
- end
- self.wibox.visible = false
- self._private.visible = false
- self:emit_signal("property::visible")
---- The wibox.
--- @property wibox
--- @param `wibox`
-function tooltip:get_wibox()
- if self._private.wibox then
- return self._private.wibox
- end
- local wb = wibox(self.wibox_properties)
- wb:set_widget(self.marginbox)
- -- Close the tooltip when clicking it. This gets done on release, to not
- -- emit the release event on an underlying object, e.g. the titlebar icon.
- wb:buttons(abutton({}, 1, nil, self.hide))
- self._private.wibox = wb
- return wb
---- Is the tooltip visible?
--- @property visible
--- @param boolean
-function tooltip:get_visible()
- return self._private.visible
-function tooltip:set_visible(value)
- if self._private.visible == value then return end
- if value then
- show(self)
- else
- hide(self)
- end
---- The horizontal alignment.
--- The following values are valid:
--- * top_left
--- * left
--- * bottom_left
--- * right
--- * top_right
--- * bottom_right
--- * bottom
--- * top
--- @property align
--- @see beautiful.tooltip_align
---- The default tooltip alignment.
--- @beautiful beautiful.tooltip_align
--- @param string
--- @see align
-function tooltip:get_align()
- return self._private.align
-function tooltip:set_align(value)
- if not align_convert[value] then
- return
- end
- self._private.align = value
- set_geometry(self)
- self:emit_signal("property::align")
---- The shape of the tooltip window.
--- If the shape require some parameters, use `set_shape`.
--- @property shape
--- @see gears.shape
--- @see set_shape
--- @see beautiful.tooltip_shape
---- Set the tooltip shape.
--- All other arguments will be passed to the shape function.
--- @tparam gears.shape s The shape
--- @see shape
--- @see gears.shape
-function tooltip:set_shape(s, ...)
- self._private.shape = s
- self._private.shape_args = {...}
- apply_shape(self)
---- Set the tooltip positioning mode.
--- This affects how the tooltip is placed. By default, the tooltip is `align`ed
--- close to the mouse cursor. It is also possible to place the tooltip relative
--- to the widget geometry.
--- Valid modes are:
--- * "mouse": Next to the mouse cursor
--- * "outside": Outside of the widget
--- @property mode
--- @param string
-function tooltip:set_mode(mode)
- self._private.mode = mode
- set_geometry(self)
- self:emit_signal("property::mode")
-function tooltip:get_mode()
- return self._private.mode or "mouse"
---- The preferred positions when in `outside` mode.
--- If the tooltip fits on multiple sides of the drawable, then this defines the
--- priority
--- The default is:
--- {"top", "right", "left", "bottom"}
--- @property preferred_positions
--- @tparam table preferred_positions The position, ordered by priorities
-function tooltip:get_preferred_positions()
- return self._private.preferred_positions or
- {"top", "right", "left", "bottom"}
-function tooltip:set_preferred_positions(value)
- self._private.preferred_positions = value
- set_geometry(self)
---- Change displayed text.
--- @property text
--- @tparam tooltip self The tooltip object.
--- @tparam string text New tooltip text, passed to
--- `wibox.widget.textbox.set_text`.
-function tooltip:set_text(text)
- self.textbox:set_text(text)
- if self._private.visible then
- set_geometry(self)
- end
---- Change displayed markup.
--- @property markup
--- @tparam tooltip self The tooltip object.
--- @tparam string text New tooltip markup, passed to
--- `wibox.widget.textbox.set_markup`.
-function tooltip:set_markup(text)
- self.textbox:set_markup(text)
- if self._private.visible then
- set_geometry(self)
- end
---- Change the tooltip's update interval.
--- @property timeout
--- @tparam tooltip self A tooltip object.
--- @tparam number timeout The timeout value.
-function tooltip:set_timeout(timeout)
- if self.timer then
- self.timer.timeout = timeout
- end
---- Add tooltip to an object.
--- @tparam tooltip self The tooltip.
--- @tparam gears.object obj An object with `mouse::enter` and
--- `mouse::leave` signals.
--- @function add_to_object
-function tooltip:add_to_object(obj)
- if not obj then return end
- obj:connect_signal("mouse::enter",
- obj:connect_signal("mouse::leave", self.hide)
---- Remove tooltip from an object.
--- @tparam tooltip self The tooltip.
--- @tparam gears.object obj An object with `mouse::enter` and
--- `mouse::leave` signals.
--- @function remove_from_object
-function tooltip:remove_from_object(obj)
- obj:disconnect_signal("mouse::enter",
- obj:disconnect_signal("mouse::leave", self.hide)
--- Tooltip can be applied to both widgets, wibox and client, their geometry
--- works differently.
-local function get_parent_geometry(arg1, arg2)
- if type(arg2) == "table" and arg2.width then
- return arg2
- elseif type(arg1) == "table" and arg1.width then
- return arg1
- end
---- Create a new tooltip and link it to a widget.
--- Tooltips emit `property::visible` when their visibility changes.
--- @tparam table args Arguments for tooltip creation.
--- @tparam function args.timer_function A function to dynamically set the
--- tooltip text. Its return value will be passed to
--- `wibox.widget.textbox.set_markup`.
--- @tparam[opt=1] number args.timeout The timeout value for
--- `timer_function`.
--- @tparam[opt] table args.objects A list of objects linked to the tooltip.
--- @tparam[opt] number args.delay_show Delay showing the tooltip by this many
--- seconds.
--- @tparam[opt=apply_dpi(5)] integer args.margin_leftright The left/right margin for the text.
--- @tparam[opt=apply_dpi(3)] integer args.margin_topbottom The top/bottom margin for the text.
--- @tparam[opt=nil] gears.shape args.shape The shape
--- @treturn awful.tooltip The created tooltip.
--- @see add_to_object
--- @see timeout
--- @see text
--- @see markup
--- @function awful.tooltip
- local self = object {
- enable_properties = true,
- }
- rawset(self,"_private", {})
- self._private.visible = false
- self._private.align = args.align or beautiful.tooltip_align or "right"
- self._private.shape = args.shape or beautiful.tooltip_shape
- or shape.rectangle
- -- private data
- if args.delay_show then
- local delay_timeout
- delay_timeout = timer { timeout = args.delay_show }
- delay_timeout:connect_signal("timeout", function ()
- show(self)
- delay_timeout:stop()
- end)
- function, geo)
- -- Auto detect clients and wiboxes
- if other.drawable or then
- geo = other:geometry()
- end
- -- Cache the geometry in case it is needed later
- self._private.widget_geometry = get_parent_geometry(other, geo)
- if not delay_timeout.started then
- delay_timeout:start()
- end
- end
- function self.hide()
- if delay_timeout.started then
- delay_timeout:stop()
- end
- hide(self)
- end
- else
- function, geo)
- -- Auto detect clients and wiboxes
- if other.drawable or then
- geo = other:geometry()
- end
- -- Cache the geometry in case it is needed later
- self._private.widget_geometry = get_parent_geometry(other, geo)
- show(self)
- end
- function self.hide()
- hide(self)
- end
- end
- -- export functions
- util.table.crush(self, tooltip, true)
- -- setup the timer action only if needed
- if args.timer_function then
- self.timer = timer { timeout = args.timeout and args.timeout or 1 }
- self.timer_function = function()
- self:set_markup(args.timer_function())
- end
- self.timer:connect_signal("timeout", self.timer_function)
- end
- local fg = beautiful.tooltip_fg or beautiful.fg_focus or "#000000"
- local font = beautiful.tooltip_font or beautiful.font
- -- Set default properties
- self.wibox_properties = {
- visible = false,
- ontop = true,
- border_width = 0,
- fg = fg,
- bg = color.transparent,
- opacity = beautiful.tooltip_opacity or 1,
- }
- self.textbox = textbox()
- self.textbox:set_font(font)
- -- Add margin.
- local m_lr = args.margin_leftright or dpi(5)
- local m_tb = args.margin_topbottom or dpi(3)
- self.marginbox = wibox.container.margin(self.textbox, m_lr, m_lr, m_tb, m_tb)
- -- Add tooltip to objects
- if args.objects then
- for _, obj in ipairs(args.objects) do
- self:add_to_object(obj)
- end
- end
- -- Apply the properties
- for k, v in pairs(args) do
- if tooltip["set_"..k] then
- self[k] = v
- end
- end
- return self
- return
-return setmetatable(tooltip,
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