path: root/awesome/lib/awful/prompt.lua
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authorache <>2017-04-25 02:24:15 +0000
committerache <>2017-04-25 02:24:15 +0000
commit9a8809f5d7fb61db02f5fbd90edd927d61006455 (patch)
treea023e3f37460df5f25e6dc97f8f8465e81433874 /awesome/lib/awful/prompt.lua
parentChange theme colors (diff)
Big clean up of the config directory
Diffstat (limited to 'awesome/lib/awful/prompt.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 777 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/prompt.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/prompt.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a86475..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/awful/prompt.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
---- Prompt module for awful.
--- By default, `rc.lua` will create one `awful.widget.prompt` per screen called
--- `mypromptbox`. It is used for both the command execution (`mod4+r`) and
--- Lua prompt (`mod4+x`). It can be re-used for random inputs using:
--- -- Create a shortcut function
--- local function echo_test()
--- {
--- prompt = "Echo: ",
--- textbox = mouse.screen.mypromptbox.widget,
--- exe_callback = function(input)
--- if not input or #input == 0 then return end
--- naughty.notify{ text = "The input was: "..input }
--- end
--- }
--- end
--- -- Then **IN THE globalkeys TABLE** add a new shortcut
--- awful.key({ modkey }, "e", echo_test,
--- {description = "Echo a string", group = "custom"}),
--- Note that this assumes an `rc.lua` file based on the default one. The way
--- to access the screen prompt may vary.
--- @author Julien Danjou &lt;;
--- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou
--- @module awful.prompt
--- Grab environment we need
-local assert = assert
-local io = io
-local table = table
-local math = math
-local ipairs = ipairs
-local pcall = pcall
-local capi =
- selection = selection
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1)
-local keygrabber = require("awful.keygrabber")
-local util = require("awful.util")
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local akey = require("awful.key")
-local prompt = {}
---- Private data
-local data = {}
-data.history = {}
-local search_term = nil
-local function itera (inc,a, i)
- i = i + inc
- local v = a[i]
- if v then return i,v end
---- Load history file in history table
--- @param id The data.history identifier which is the path to the filename.
--- @param[opt] max The maximum number of entries in file.
-local function history_check_load(id, max)
- if id and id ~= "" and not data.history[id] then
- data.history[id] = { max = 50, table = {} }
- if max then
- data.history[id].max = max
- end
- local f =, "r")
- if not f then return end
- -- Read history file
- for line in f:lines() do
- if util.table.hasitem(data.history[id].table, line) == nil then
- table.insert(data.history[id].table, line)
- if #data.history[id].table >= data.history[id].max then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- f:close()
- end
-local function is_word_char(c)
- if string.find("[{[(,.:;_-+=@/ ]", c) then
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
-local function cword_start(s, pos)
- local i = pos
- if i > 1 then
- i = i - 1
- end
- while i >= 1 and not is_word_char(s:sub(i, i)) do
- i = i - 1
- end
- while i >= 1 and is_word_char(s:sub(i, i)) do
- i = i - 1
- end
- if i <= #s then
- i = i + 1
- end
- return i
-local function cword_end(s, pos)
- local i = pos
- while i <= #s and not is_word_char(s:sub(i, i)) do
- i = i + 1
- end
- while i <= #s and is_word_char(s:sub(i, i)) do
- i = i + 1
- end
- return i
---- Save history table in history file
--- @param id The data.history identifier
-local function history_save(id)
- if data.history[id] then
- local f =, "w")
- if not f then
- local i = 0
- for d in id:gmatch(".-/") do
- i = i + #d
- end
- util.mkdir(id:sub(1, i - 1))
- f = assert(, "w"))
- end
- for i = 1, math.min(#data.history[id].table, data.history[id].max) do
- f:write(data.history[id].table[i] .. "\n")
- end
- f:close()
- end
---- Return the number of items in history table regarding the id
--- @param id The data.history identifier
--- @return the number of items in history table, -1 if history is disabled
-local function history_items(id)
- if data.history[id] then
- return #data.history[id].table
- else
- return -1
- end
---- Add an entry to the history file
--- @param id The data.history identifier
--- @param command The command to add
-local function history_add(id, command)
- if data.history[id] and command ~= "" then
- local index = util.table.hasitem(data.history[id].table, command)
- if index == nil then
- table.insert(data.history[id].table, command)
- -- Do not exceed our max_cmd
- if #data.history[id].table > data.history[id].max then
- table.remove(data.history[id].table, 1)
- end
- history_save(id)
- else
- -- Bump this command to the end of history
- table.remove(data.history[id].table, index)
- table.insert(data.history[id].table, command)
- history_save(id)
- end
- end
---- Draw the prompt text with a cursor.
--- @tparam table args The table of arguments.
--- @field text The text.
--- @field font The font.
--- @field prompt The text prefix.
--- @field text_color The text color.
--- @field cursor_color The cursor color.
--- @field cursor_pos The cursor position.
--- @field cursor_ul The cursor underline style.
--- @field selectall If true cursor is rendered on the entire text.
-local function prompt_text_with_cursor(args)
- local char, spacer, text_start, text_end, ret
- local text = args.text or ""
- local _prompt = args.prompt or ""
- local underline = args.cursor_ul or "none"
- if args.selectall then
- if #text == 0 then char = " " else char = util.escape(text) end
- spacer = " "
- text_start = ""
- text_end = ""
- elseif #text < args.cursor_pos then
- char = " "
- spacer = ""
- text_start = util.escape(text)
- text_end = ""
- else
- char = util.escape(text:sub(args.cursor_pos, args.cursor_pos))
- spacer = " "
- text_start = util.escape(text:sub(1, args.cursor_pos - 1))
- text_end = util.escape(text:sub(args.cursor_pos + 1))
- end
- local cursor_color = util.ensure_pango_color(args.cursor_color)
- local text_color = util.ensure_pango_color(args.text_color)
- ret = _prompt .. text_start .. "<span background=\"" .. cursor_color ..
- "\" foreground=\"" .. text_color .. "\" underline=\"" .. underline ..
- "\">" .. char .. "</span>" .. text_end .. spacer
- return ret
---- Run a prompt in a box.
--- The following readline keyboard shortcuts are implemented as expected:
--- <kbd>CTRL+A</kbd>, <kbd>CTRL+B</kbd>, <kbd>CTRL+C</kbd>, <kbd>CTRL+D</kbd>,
--- <kbd>CTRL+E</kbd>, <kbd>CTRL+J</kbd>, <kbd>CTRL+M</kbd>, <kbd>CTRL+F</kbd>,
--- <kbd>CTRL+H</kbd>, <kbd>CTRL+K</kbd>, <kbd>CTRL+U</kbd>, <kbd>CTRL+W</kbd>,
--- <kbd>CTRL+BACKSPACE</kbd>, <kbd>SHIFT+INSERT</kbd>, <kbd>HOME</kbd>,
--- <kbd>END</kbd> and arrow keys.
--- The following shortcuts implement additional history manipulation commands
--- where the search term is defined as the substring of the command from first
--- character to cursor position.
--- * <kbd>CTRL+R</kbd>: reverse history search, matches any history entry
--- containing search term.
--- * <kbd>CTRL+S</kbd>: forward history search, matches any history entry
--- containing search term.
--- * <kbd>CTRL+UP</kbd>: ZSH up line or search, matches any history entry
--- starting with search term.
--- * <kbd>CTRL+DOWN</kbd>: ZSH down line or search, matches any history
--- entry starting with search term.
--- * <kbd>CTRL+DELETE</kbd>: delete the currently visible history entry from
--- history file. This does not delete new commands or history entries under
--- user editing.
--- @tparam[opt={}] table args A table with optional arguments
--- @tparam[opt] gears.color args.fg_cursor
--- @tparam[opt] gears.color args.bg_cursor
--- @tparam[opt] gears.color args.ul_cursor
--- @tparam[opt] widget args.prompt
--- @tparam[opt] string args.text
--- @tparam[opt] boolean args.selectall
--- @tparam[opt] string args.font
--- @tparam[opt] boolean args.autoexec
--- @tparam widget args.textbox The textbox to use for the prompt.
--- @tparam function args.exe_callback The callback function to call with command as argument
--- when finished.
--- @tparam function args.completion_callback The callback function to call to get completion.
--- @tparam[opt] string args.history_path File path where the history should be
--- saved, set nil to disable history
--- @tparam[opt] function args.history_max Set the maximum entries in history
--- file, 50 by default
--- @tparam[opt] function args.done_callback The callback function to always call
--- without arguments, regardless of whether the prompt was cancelled.
--- @tparam[opt] function args.changed_callback The callback function to call
--- with command as argument when a command was changed.
--- @tparam[opt] function args.keypressed_callback The callback function to call
--- with mod table, key and command as arguments when a key was pressed.
--- @tparam[opt] function args.keyreleased_callback The callback function to call
--- with mod table, key and command as arguments when a key was pressed.
--- @tparam[opt] table args.hooks The "hooks" argument uses a syntax similar to
--- `awful.key`. It will call a function for the matching modifiers + key.
--- It receives the command (widget text/input) as an argument.
--- If the callback returns a command, this will be passed to the
--- `exe_callback`, otherwise nothing gets executed by default, and the hook
--- needs to handle it.
--- hooks = {
--- -- Apply startup notification properties with Shift-Return.
--- {{"Shift" }, "Return", function(command)
--- awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox:spawn_and_handle_error(
--- command, {floating=true})
--- end},
--- -- Override default behavior of "Return": launch commands prefixed
--- -- with ":" in a terminal.
--- {{}, "Return", function(command)
--- if command:sub(1,1) == ":" then
--- return terminal .. ' -e ' .. command:sub(2)
--- end
--- return command
--- end}
--- }
--- @param textbox The textbox to use for the prompt. [**DEPRECATED**]
--- @param exe_callback The callback function to call with command as argument
--- when finished. [**DEPRECATED**]
--- @param completion_callback The callback function to call to get completion.
--- [**DEPRECATED**]
--- @param[opt] history_path File path where the history should be
--- saved, set nil to disable history [**DEPRECATED**]
--- @param[opt] history_max Set the maximum entries in history
--- file, 50 by default [**DEPRECATED**]
--- @param[opt] done_callback The callback function to always call
--- without arguments, regardless of whether the prompt was cancelled.
--- [**DEPRECATED**]
--- @param[opt] changed_callback The callback function to call
--- with command as argument when a command was changed. [**DEPRECATED**]
--- @param[opt] keypressed_callback The callback function to call
--- with mod table, key and command as arguments when a key was pressed.
--- [**DEPRECATED**]
--- @see gears.color
-function, textbox, exe_callback, completion_callback,
- history_path, history_max, done_callback,
- changed_callback, keypressed_callback)
- local grabber
- local theme = beautiful.get()
- if not args then args = {} end
- local command = args.text or ""
- local command_before_comp
- local cur_pos_before_comp
- local prettyprompt = args.prompt or ""
- local inv_col = args.fg_cursor or theme.fg_focus or "black"
- local cur_col = args.bg_cursor or theme.bg_focus or "white"
- local cur_ul = args.ul_cursor
- local text = args.text or ""
- local font = args.font or theme.font
- local selectall = args.selectall
- local hooks = {}
- -- A function with 9 parameters deserve to die
- if textbox then
- util.deprecate("Use args.textbox instead of the textbox parameter")
- end
- if exe_callback then
- util.deprecate(
- "Use args.exe_callback instead of the exe_callback parameter"
- )
- end
- if completion_callback then
- util.deprecate(
- "Use args.completion_callback instead of the completion_callback parameter"
- )
- end
- if history_path then
- util.deprecate(
- "Use args.history_path instead of the history_path parameter"
- )
- end
- if history_max then
- util.deprecate(
- "Use args.history_max instead of the history_max parameter"
- )
- end
- if done_callback then
- util.deprecate(
- "Use args.done_callback instead of the done_callback parameter"
- )
- end
- if changed_callback then
- util.deprecate(
- "Use args.changed_callback instead of the changed_callback parameter"
- )
- end
- if keypressed_callback then
- util.deprecate(
- "Use args.keypressed_callback instead of the keypressed_callback parameter"
- )
- end
- -- This function has already an absurd number of parameters, allow them
- -- to be set using the args to avoid a "nil, nil, nil, nil, foo" scenario
- keypressed_callback = keypressed_callback or args.keypressed_callback
- changed_callback = changed_callback or args.changed_callback
- done_callback = done_callback or args.done_callback
- history_max = history_max or args.history_max
- history_path = history_path or args.history_path
- completion_callback = completion_callback or args.completion_callback
- exe_callback = exe_callback or args.exe_callback
- textbox = textbox or args.textbox
- search_term=nil
- history_check_load(history_path, history_max)
- local history_index = history_items(history_path) + 1
- -- The cursor position
- local cur_pos = (selectall and 1) or text:wlen() + 1
- -- The completion element to use on completion request.
- local ncomp = 1
- if not textbox then
- return
- end
- -- Build the hook map
- for _,v in ipairs(args.hooks or {}) do
- if #v == 3 then
- local _,key,callback = unpack(v)
- if type(callback) == "function" then
- hooks[key] = hooks[key] or {}
- hooks[key][#hooks[key]+1] = v
- else
- assert("The hook's 3rd parameter has to be a function.")
- end
- else
- assert("The hook has to have 3 parameters.")
- end
- end
- textbox:set_font(font)
- textbox:set_markup(prompt_text_with_cursor{
- text = text, text_color = inv_col, cursor_color = cur_col,
- cursor_pos = cur_pos, cursor_ul = cur_ul, selectall = selectall,
- prompt = prettyprompt })
- local function exec(cb, command_to_history)
- textbox:set_markup("")
- history_add(history_path, command_to_history)
- keygrabber.stop(grabber)
- if cb then cb(command) end
- if done_callback then done_callback() end
- end
- -- Update textbox
- local function update()
- textbox:set_font(font)
- textbox:set_markup(prompt_text_with_cursor{
- text = command, text_color = inv_col, cursor_color = cur_col,
- cursor_pos = cur_pos, cursor_ul = cur_ul, selectall = selectall,
- prompt = prettyprompt })
- end
- grabber =
- function (modifiers, key, event)
- -- Convert index array to hash table
- local mod = {}
- for _, v in ipairs(modifiers) do mod[v] = true end
- if event ~= "press" then
- if args.keyreleased_callback then
- args.keyreleased_callback(mod, key, command)
- end
- return
- end
- -- Call the user specified callback. If it returns true as
- -- the first result then return from the function. Treat the
- -- second and third results as a new command and new prompt
- -- to be set (if provided)
- if keypressed_callback then
- local user_catched, new_command, new_prompt =
- keypressed_callback(mod, key, command)
- if new_command or new_prompt then
- if new_command then
- command = new_command
- end
- if new_prompt then
- prettyprompt = new_prompt
- end
- update()
- end
- if user_catched then
- if changed_callback then
- changed_callback(command)
- end
- return
- end
- end
- local filtered_modifiers = {}
- -- User defined cases
- if hooks[key] then
- -- Remove caps and num lock
- for _, m in ipairs(modifiers) do
- if not util.table.hasitem(akey.ignore_modifiers, m) then
- table.insert(filtered_modifiers, m)
- end
- end
- for _,v in ipairs(hooks[key]) do
- if #filtered_modifiers == #v[1] then
- local match = true
- for _,v2 in ipairs(v[1]) do
- match = match and mod[v2]
- end
- if match then
- local cb
- local ret = v[3](command)
- local original_command = command
- if ret then
- command = ret
- cb = exe_callback
- else
- -- No callback.
- cb = function() end
- end
- exec(cb, original_command)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Get out cases
- if (mod.Control and (key == "c" or key == "g"))
- or (not mod.Control and key == "Escape") then
- keygrabber.stop(grabber)
- textbox:set_markup("")
- history_save(history_path)
- if done_callback then done_callback() end
- return false
- elseif (mod.Control and (key == "j" or key == "m"))
- or (not mod.Control and key == "Return")
- or (not mod.Control and key == "KP_Enter") then
- exec(exe_callback, command)
- -- We already unregistered ourselves so we don't want to return
- -- true, otherwise we may unregister someone else.
- return
- end
- -- Control cases
- if mod.Control then
- selectall = nil
- if key == "a" then
- cur_pos = 1
- elseif key == "b" then
- if cur_pos > 1 then
- cur_pos = cur_pos - 1
- end
- elseif key == "d" then
- if cur_pos <= #command then
- command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1) .. command:sub(cur_pos + 1)
- end
- elseif key == "p" then
- if history_index > 1 then
- history_index = history_index - 1
- command = data.history[history_path].table[history_index]
- cur_pos = #command + 2
- end
- elseif key == "n" then
- if history_index < history_items(history_path) then
- history_index = history_index + 1
- command = data.history[history_path].table[history_index]
- cur_pos = #command + 2
- elseif history_index == history_items(history_path) then
- history_index = history_index + 1
- command = ""
- cur_pos = 1
- end
- elseif key == "e" then
- cur_pos = #command + 1
- elseif key == "r" then
- search_term = search_term or command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1)
- for i,v in (function(a,i) return itera(-1,a,i) end), data.history[history_path].table, history_index do
- if v:find(search_term,1,true) ~= nil then
- command=v
- history_index=i
- cur_pos=#command+1
- break
- end
- end
- elseif key == "s" then
- search_term = search_term or command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1)
- for i,v in (function(a,i) return itera(1,a,i) end), data.history[history_path].table, history_index do
- if v:find(search_term,1,true) ~= nil then
- command=v
- history_index=i
- cur_pos=#command+1
- break
- end
- end
- elseif key == "f" then
- if cur_pos <= #command then
- cur_pos = cur_pos + 1
- end
- elseif key == "h" then
- if cur_pos > 1 then
- command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 2) .. command:sub(cur_pos)
- cur_pos = cur_pos - 1
- end
- elseif key == "k" then
- command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1)
- elseif key == "u" then
- command = command:sub(cur_pos, #command)
- cur_pos = 1
- elseif key == "Up" then
- search_term = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1) or ""
- for i,v in (function(a,i) return itera(-1,a,i) end), data.history[history_path].table, history_index do
- if v:find(search_term,1,true) == 1 then
- command=v
- history_index=i
- break
- end
- end
- elseif key == "Down" then
- search_term = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1) or ""
- for i,v in (function(a,i) return itera(1,a,i) end), data.history[history_path].table, history_index do
- if v:find(search_term,1,true) == 1 then
- command=v
- history_index=i
- break
- end
- end
- elseif key == "w" or key == "BackSpace" then
- local wstart = 1
- local wend = 1
- local cword_start_pos = 1
- local cword_end_pos = 1
- while wend < cur_pos do
- wend = command:find("[{[(,.:;_-+=@/ ]", wstart)
- if not wend then wend = #command + 1 end
- if cur_pos >= wstart and cur_pos <= wend + 1 then
- cword_start_pos = wstart
- cword_end_pos = cur_pos - 1
- break
- end
- wstart = wend + 1
- end
- command = command:sub(1, cword_start_pos - 1) .. command:sub(cword_end_pos + 1)
- cur_pos = cword_start_pos
- elseif key == "Delete" then
- -- delete from history only if:
- -- we are not dealing with a new command
- -- the user has not edited an existing entry
- if command == data.history[history_path].table[history_index] then
- table.remove(data.history[history_path].table, history_index)
- if history_index <= history_items(history_path) then
- command = data.history[history_path].table[history_index]
- cur_pos = #command + 2
- elseif history_index > 1 then
- history_index = history_index - 1
- command = data.history[history_path].table[history_index]
- cur_pos = #command + 2
- else
- command = ""
- cur_pos = 1
- end
- end
- end
- elseif mod.Mod1 or mod.Mod3 then
- if key == "b" then
- cur_pos = cword_start(command, cur_pos)
- elseif key == "f" then
- cur_pos = cword_end(command, cur_pos)
- elseif key == "d" then
- command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1) .. command:sub(cword_end(command, cur_pos))
- elseif key == "BackSpace" then
- local wstart = cword_start(command, cur_pos)
- command = command:sub(1, wstart - 1) .. command:sub(cur_pos)
- cur_pos = wstart
- end
- else
- if completion_callback then
- if key == "Tab" or key == "ISO_Left_Tab" then
- if key == "ISO_Left_Tab" then
- if ncomp == 1 then return end
- if ncomp == 2 then
- command = command_before_comp
- textbox:set_font(font)
- textbox:set_markup(prompt_text_with_cursor{
- text = command_before_comp, text_color = inv_col, cursor_color = cur_col,
- cursor_pos = cur_pos, cursor_ul = cur_ul, selectall = selectall,
- prompt = prettyprompt })
- return
- end
- ncomp = ncomp - 2
- elseif ncomp == 1 then
- command_before_comp = command
- cur_pos_before_comp = cur_pos
- end
- local matches
- command, cur_pos, matches = completion_callback(command_before_comp, cur_pos_before_comp, ncomp)
- ncomp = ncomp + 1
- key = ""
- -- execute if only one match found and autoexec flag set
- if matches and #matches == 1 and args.autoexec then
- exec(exe_callback)
- return
- end
- else
- ncomp = 1
- end
- end
- -- Typin cases
- if mod.Shift and key == "Insert" then
- local selection = capi.selection()
- if selection then
- -- Remove \n
- local n = selection:find("\n")
- if n then
- selection = selection:sub(1, n - 1)
- end
- command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1) .. selection .. command:sub(cur_pos)
- cur_pos = cur_pos + #selection
- end
- elseif key == "Home" then
- cur_pos = 1
- elseif key == "End" then
- cur_pos = #command + 1
- elseif key == "BackSpace" then
- if cur_pos > 1 then
- command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 2) .. command:sub(cur_pos)
- cur_pos = cur_pos - 1
- end
- elseif key == "Delete" then
- command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1) .. command:sub(cur_pos + 1)
- elseif key == "Left" then
- cur_pos = cur_pos - 1
- elseif key == "Right" then
- cur_pos = cur_pos + 1
- elseif key == "Up" then
- if history_index > 1 then
- history_index = history_index - 1
- command = data.history[history_path].table[history_index]
- cur_pos = #command + 2
- end
- elseif key == "Down" then
- if history_index < history_items(history_path) then
- history_index = history_index + 1
- command = data.history[history_path].table[history_index]
- cur_pos = #command + 2
- elseif history_index == history_items(history_path) then
- history_index = history_index + 1
- command = ""
- cur_pos = 1
- end
- else
- -- wlen() is UTF-8 aware but #key is not,
- -- so check that we have one UTF-8 char but advance the cursor of # position
- if key:wlen() == 1 then
- if selectall then command = "" end
- command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 1) .. key .. command:sub(cur_pos)
- cur_pos = cur_pos + #key
- end
- end
- if cur_pos < 1 then
- cur_pos = 1
- elseif cur_pos > #command + 1 then
- cur_pos = #command + 1
- end
- selectall = nil
- end
- local success = pcall(update)
- while not success do
- -- Setting the text failed. Most likely reason is that the user
- -- entered a multibyte character and pressed backspace which only
- -- removed the last byte. Let's remove another byte.
- if cur_pos <= 1 then
- -- No text left?!
- break
- end
- command = command:sub(1, cur_pos - 2) .. command:sub(cur_pos)
- cur_pos = cur_pos - 1
- success = pcall(update)
- end
- if changed_callback then
- changed_callback(command)
- end
- end)
-return prompt
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