path: root/awesome/lib/awful/mouse/snap.lua
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authorache <>2017-04-25 02:24:15 +0000
committerache <>2017-04-25 02:24:15 +0000
commit9a8809f5d7fb61db02f5fbd90edd927d61006455 (patch)
treea023e3f37460df5f25e6dc97f8f8465e81433874 /awesome/lib/awful/mouse/snap.lua
parentChange theme colors (diff)
Big clean up of the config directory
Diffstat (limited to 'awesome/lib/awful/mouse/snap.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/mouse/snap.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/mouse/snap.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 048a679..0000000
--- a/awesome/lib/awful/mouse/snap.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
---- Mouse snapping related functions
--- @author Julien Danjou &lt;;
--- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou
--- @submodule mouse
-local aclient = require("awful.client")
-local resize = require("awful.mouse.resize")
-local aplace = require("awful.placement")
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
-local color = require("gears.color")
-local shape = require("gears.shape")
-local cairo = require("lgi").cairo
-local capi = {
- root = root,
- mouse = mouse,
- screen = screen,
- client = client,
- mousegrabber = mousegrabber,
-local module = {
- default_distance = 8
-local placeholder_w = nil
-local function show_placeholder(geo)
- if not geo then
- if placeholder_w then
- placeholder_w.visible = false
- end
- return
- end
- placeholder_w = placeholder_w or wibox {
- ontop = true,
- bg = color(beautiful.snap_bg or beautiful.bg_urgent or "#ff0000"),
- }
- placeholder_w:geometry(geo)
- local img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.A1, geo.width, geo.height)
- local cr = cairo.Context(img)
- cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.CLEAR)
- cr:set_source_rgba(0,0,0,1)
- cr:paint()
- cr:set_operator(cairo.Operator.SOURCE)
- cr:set_source_rgba(1,1,1,1)
- local line_width = beautiful.snap_border_width or 5
- cr:set_line_width(beautiful.xresources.apply_dpi(line_width))
- local f = beautiful.snap_shape or function()
- cr:translate(line_width,line_width)
- shape.rounded_rect(cr,geo.width-2*line_width,geo.height-2*line_width, 10)
- end
- f(cr, geo.width, geo.height)
- cr:stroke()
- placeholder_w.shape_bounding = img._native
- placeholder_w.visible = true
-local function build_placement(snap, axis)
- return aplace.scale
- + aplace[snap]
- + (
- axis and aplace["maximize_"..axis] or nil
- )
-local function detect_screen_edges(c, snap)
- local coords = capi.mouse.coords()
- local sg = c.screen.geometry
- local v, h = nil
- if math.abs(coords.x) <= snap + sg.x and coords.x >= sg.x then
- h = "left"
- elseif math.abs((sg.x + sg.width) - coords.x) <= snap then
- h = "right"
- end
- if math.abs(coords.y) <= snap + sg.y and coords.y >= sg.y then
- v = "top"
- elseif math.abs((sg.y + sg.height) - coords.y) <= snap then
- v = "bottom"
- end
- return v, h
-local current_snap, current_axis = nil
-local function detect_areasnap(c, distance)
- local old_snap = current_snap
- local v, h = detect_screen_edges(c, distance)
- if v and h then
- current_snap = v.."_"..h
- else
- current_snap = v or h or nil
- end
- if old_snap == current_snap then return end
- current_axis = ((v and not h) and "horizontally")
- or ((h and not v) and "vertically")
- or nil
- -- Show the expected geometry outline
- show_placeholder(
- current_snap and build_placement(current_snap, current_axis)(c, {
- to_percent = 0.5,
- honor_workarea = true,
- pretend = true
- }) or nil
- )
-local function apply_areasnap(c, args)
- if not current_snap then return end
- -- Remove the move offset
- args.offset = {}
- placeholder_w.visible = false
- return build_placement(current_snap, current_axis)(c,{
- to_percent = 0.5,
- honor_workarea = true,
- })
-local function snap_outside(g, sg, snap)
- if g.x < snap + sg.x + sg.width and g.x > sg.x + sg.width then
- g.x = sg.x + sg.width
- elseif g.x + g.width < sg.x and g.x + g.width > sg.x - snap then
- g.x = sg.x - g.width
- end
- if g.y < snap + sg.y + sg.height and g.y > sg.y + sg.height then
- g.y = sg.y + sg.height
- elseif g.y + g.height < sg.y and g.y + g.height > sg.y - snap then
- g.y = sg.y - g.height
- end
- return g
-local function snap_inside(g, sg, snap)
- local edgev = 'none'
- local edgeh = 'none'
- if math.abs(g.x) < snap + sg.x and g.x > sg.x then
- edgev = 'left'
- g.x = sg.x
- elseif math.abs((sg.x + sg.width) - (g.x + g.width)) < snap then
- edgev = 'right'
- g.x = sg.x + sg.width - g.width
- end
- if math.abs(g.y) < snap + sg.y and g.y > sg.y then
- edgeh = 'top'
- g.y = sg.y
- elseif math.abs((sg.y + sg.height) - (g.y + g.height)) < snap then
- edgeh = 'bottom'
- g.y = sg.y + sg.height - g.height
- end
- -- What is the dominant dimension?
- if g.width > g.height then
- return g, edgeh
- else
- return g, edgev
- end
---- Snap a client to the closest client or screen edge.
--- @function awful.mouse.snap
--- @param c The client to snap.
--- @param snap The pixel to snap clients.
--- @param x The client x coordinate.
--- @param y The client y coordinate.
--- @param fixed_x True if the client isn't allowed to move in the x direction.
--- @param fixed_y True if the client isn't allowed to move in the y direction.
-function module.snap(c, snap, x, y, fixed_x, fixed_y)
- snap = snap or module.default_distance
- c = c or capi.client.focus
- local cur_geom = c:geometry()
- local geom = c:geometry()
- geom.width = geom.width + (2 * c.border_width)
- geom.height = geom.height + (2 * c.border_width)
- local edge
- geom.x = x or geom.x
- geom.y = y or geom.y
- geom, edge = snap_inside(geom, c.screen.geometry, snap)
- geom = snap_inside(geom, c.screen.workarea, snap)
- -- Allow certain windows to snap to the edge of the workarea.
- -- Only allow docking to workarea for consistency/to avoid problems.
- if c.dockable then
- local struts = c:struts()
- struts['left'] = 0
- struts['right'] = 0
- struts['top'] = 0
- struts['bottom'] = 0
- if edge ~= "none" and c.floating then
- if edge == "left" or edge == "right" then
- struts[edge] = cur_geom.width
- elseif edge == "top" or edge == "bottom" then
- struts[edge] = cur_geom.height
- end
- end
- c:struts(struts)
- end
- for _, snapper in ipairs(aclient.visible(c.screen)) do
- if snapper ~= c then
- local snapper_geom = snapper:geometry()
- snapper_geom.width = snapper_geom.width + (2 * snapper.border_width)
- snapper_geom.height = snapper_geom.height + (2 * snapper.border_width)
- geom = snap_outside(geom, snapper_geom, snap)
- end
- end
- geom.width = geom.width - (2 * c.border_width)
- geom.height = geom.height - (2 * c.border_width)
- -- It's easiest to undo changes afterwards if they're not allowed
- if fixed_x then geom.x = cur_geom.x end
- if fixed_y then geom.y = cur_geom.y end
- return geom
--- Enable edge snapping
-resize.add_move_callback(function(c, geo, args)
- -- Screen edge snapping (areosnap)
- if (module.edge_enabled ~= false)
- and args and (args.snap == nil or args.snap) then
- detect_areasnap(c, 16)
- end
- -- Snapping between clients
- if (module.client_enabled ~= false)
- and args and (args.snap == nil or args.snap) then
- return module.snap(c, args.snap, geo.x, geo.y)
- end
-end, "mouse.move")
--- Apply the aerosnap
-resize.add_leave_callback(function(c, _, args)
- if module.edge_enabled == false then return end
- return apply_areasnap(c, args)
-end, "mouse.move")
-return setmetatable(module, {__call = function(_, ...) return module.snap(...) end})