path: root/awesome/lib/awful/mouse/init.lua
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authorache <>2017-03-13 23:17:19 +0100
committerache <>2017-03-13 23:17:19 +0100
commit22d656903563f75678f3634964731ccf93355dfd (patch)
treee3cb6279d95c9764093072d5e946566ea6533799 /awesome/lib/awful/mouse/init.lua
Init commit
Diffstat (limited to 'awesome/lib/awful/mouse/init.lua')
1 files changed, 437 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/awesome/lib/awful/mouse/init.lua b/awesome/lib/awful/mouse/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03f7e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/awesome/lib/awful/mouse/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+--- Mouse module for awful
+-- @author Julien Danjou &lt;;
+-- @copyright 2008 Julien Danjou
+-- @module mouse
+-- Grab environment we need
+local layout = require("awful.layout")
+local aplace = require("awful.placement")
+local util = require("awful.util")
+local type = type
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local capi =
+ root = root,
+ mouse = mouse,
+ screen = screen,
+ client = client,
+ mousegrabber = mousegrabber,
+local mouse = {
+ resize = require("awful.mouse.resize"),
+ snap = require("awful.mouse.snap"),
+ drag_to_tag = require("awful.mouse.drag_to_tag")
+mouse.object = {}
+mouse.client = {}
+mouse.wibox = {}
+--- The default snap distance.
+-- @tfield integer awful.mouse.snap.default_distance
+-- @tparam[opt=8] integer default_distance
+-- @see awful.mouse.snap
+--- Enable screen edges snapping.
+-- @tfield[opt=true] boolean awful.mouse.snap.edge_enabled
+--- Enable client to client snapping.
+-- @tfield[opt=true] boolean awful.mouse.snap.client_enabled
+--- Enable changing tag when a client is dragged to the edge of the screen.
+-- @tfield[opt=false] integer awful.mouse.drag_to_tag.enabled
+--- The snap outline background color.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.snap_bg
+-- @tparam color|string|gradient|pattern color
+--- The snap outline width.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.snap_border_width
+-- @param integer
+--- The snap outline shape.
+-- @beautiful beautiful.snap_shape
+-- @tparam function shape A `gears.shape` compatible function
+--- Get the client object under the pointer.
+-- @deprecated awful.mouse.client_under_pointer
+-- @return The client object under the pointer, if one can be found.
+-- @see current_client
+function mouse.client_under_pointer()
+ util.deprecate("Use mouse.current_client instead of awful.mouse.client_under_pointer()")
+ return mouse.object.get_current_client()
+--- Move a client.
+-- @function awful.mouse.client.move
+-- @param c The client to move, or the focused one if nil.
+-- @param snap The pixel to snap clients.
+-- @param finished_cb Deprecated, do not use
+function mouse.client.move(c, snap, finished_cb) --luacheck: no unused args
+ if finished_cb then
+ util.deprecate("The mouse.client.move `finished_cb` argument is no longer"..
+ " used, please use awful.mouse.resize.add_leave_callback(f, 'mouse.move')")
+ end
+ c = c or capi.client.focus
+ if not c
+ or c.fullscreen
+ or c.type == "desktop"
+ or c.type == "splash"
+ or c.type == "dock" then
+ return
+ end
+ -- Compute the offset
+ local coords = capi.mouse.coords()
+ local geo = aplace.centered(capi.mouse,{parent=c, pretend=true})
+ local offset = {
+ x = geo.x - coords.x,
+ y = geo.y - coords.y,
+ }
+ mouse.resize(c, "mouse.move", {
+ placement = aplace.under_mouse,
+ offset = offset,
+ snap = snap
+ })
+mouse.client.dragtotag = { }
+--- Move a client to a tag by dragging it onto the left / right side of the screen.
+-- @deprecated awful.mouse.client.dragtotag.border
+-- @param c The client to move
+function mouse.client.dragtotag.border(c)
+ util.deprecate("Use awful.mouse.snap.drag_to_tag_enabled = true instead "..
+ "of awful.mouse.client.dragtotag.border(c). It will now be enabled.")
+ -- Enable drag to border
+ mouse.snap.drag_to_tag_enabled = true
+ return mouse.client.move(c)
+--- Move the wibox under the cursor.
+-- @function awful.mouse.wibox.move
+--@tparam wibox w The wibox to move, or none to use that under the pointer
+function mouse.wibox.move(w)
+ w = w or mouse.wibox_under_pointer()
+ if not w then return end
+ if not w
+ or w.type == "desktop"
+ or w.type == "splash"
+ or w.type == "dock" then
+ return
+ end
+ -- Compute the offset
+ local coords = capi.mouse.coords()
+ local geo = aplace.centered(capi.mouse,{parent=w, pretend=true})
+ local offset = {
+ x = geo.x - coords.x,
+ y = geo.y - coords.y,
+ }
+ mouse.resize(w, "mouse.move", {
+ placement = aplace.under_mouse,
+ offset = offset
+ })
+--- Get a client corner coordinates.
+-- @deprecated awful.mouse.client.corner
+-- @tparam[opt=client.focus] client c The client to get corner from, focused one by default.
+-- @tparam string corner The corner to use: auto, top_left, top_right, bottom_left,
+-- bottom_right, left, right, top bottom. Default is auto, and auto find the
+-- nearest corner.
+-- @treturn string The corner name
+-- @treturn number x The horizontal position
+-- @treturn number y The vertical position
+function mouse.client.corner(c, corner)
+ util.deprecate(
+ "Use awful.placement.closest_corner(mouse) or awful.placement[corner](mouse)"..
+ " instead of awful.mouse.client.corner"
+ )
+ c = c or capi.client.focus
+ if not c then return end
+ local ngeo = nil
+ if (not corner) or corner == "auto" then
+ ngeo, corner = aplace.closest_corner(mouse, {parent = c})
+ elseif corner and aplace[corner] then
+ ngeo = aplace[corner](mouse, {parent = c})
+ end
+ return corner, ngeo and ngeo.x or nil, ngeo and ngeo.y or nil
+--- Resize a client.
+-- @function awful.mouse.client.resize
+-- @param c The client to resize, or the focused one by default.
+-- @tparam string corner The corner to grab on resize. Auto detected by default.
+-- @tparam[opt={}] table args A set of `awful.placement` arguments
+-- @treturn string The corner (or side) name
+function mouse.client.resize(c, corner, args)
+ c = c or capi.client.focus
+ if not c then return end
+ if c.fullscreen
+ or c.type == "desktop"
+ or c.type == "splash"
+ or c.type == "dock" then
+ return
+ end
+ -- Set some default arguments
+ local new_args = setmetatable(
+ {
+ include_sides = (not args) or args.include_sides ~= false
+ },
+ {
+ __index = args or {}
+ }
+ )
+ -- Move the mouse to the corner
+ if corner and aplace[corner] then
+ aplace[corner](capi.mouse, {parent=c})
+ else
+ local _
+ _, corner = aplace.closest_corner(capi.mouse, {
+ parent = c,
+ include_sides = new_args.include_sides ~= false,
+ })
+ end
+ new_args.corner = corner
+ mouse.resize(c, "mouse.resize", new_args)
+ return corner
+--- Default handler for `request::geometry` signals with "mouse.resize" context.
+-- @signalhandler awful.mouse.resize_handler
+-- @tparam client c The client
+-- @tparam string context The context
+-- @tparam[opt={}] table hints The hints to pass to the handler
+function mouse.resize_handler(c, context, hints)
+ if hints and context and context:find("mouse.*") then
+ -- This handler only handle the floating clients. If the client is tiled,
+ -- then it let the layouts handle it.
+ local t = c.screen.selected_tag
+ local lay = t and t.layout or nil
+ if (lay and lay == layout.suit.floating) or c.floating then
+ c:geometry {
+ x = hints.x,
+ y = hints.y,
+ width = hints.width,
+ height = hints.height,
+ }
+ elseif lay and lay.resize_handler then
+ lay.resize_handler(c, context, hints)
+ end
+ end
+-- Older layouts implement their own mousegrabber.
+-- @tparam client c The client
+-- @tparam table args Additional arguments
+-- @treturn boolean This return false when the resize need to be aborted
+mouse.resize.add_enter_callback(function(c, args) --luacheck: no unused args
+ if c.floating then return end
+ local l = c.screen.selected_tag and c.screen.selected_tag.layout or nil
+ if l == layout.suit.floating then return end
+ if l ~= layout.suit.floating and l.mouse_resize_handler then
+ capi.mousegrabber.stop()
+ local geo, corner = aplace.closest_corner(capi.mouse, {parent=c})
+ l.mouse_resize_handler(c, corner, geo.x, geo.y)
+ return false
+ end
+end, "mouse.resize")
+--- Get the client currently under the mouse cursor.
+-- @property current_client
+-- @tparam client|nil The client
+function mouse.object.get_current_client()
+ local obj = capi.mouse.object_under_pointer()
+ if type(obj) == "client" then
+ return obj
+ end
+--- Get the wibox currently under the mouse cursor.
+-- @property current_wibox
+-- @tparam wibox|nil The wibox
+function mouse.object.get_current_wibox()
+ local obj = capi.mouse.object_under_pointer()
+ if type(obj) == "drawin" and obj.get_wibox then
+ return obj:get_wibox()
+ end
+--- Get the widgets currently under the mouse cursor.
+-- @property current_widgets
+-- @tparam nil|table list The widget list
+-- @treturn table The list of widgets.The first element is the biggest
+-- container while the last is the topmost widget. The table contains *x*, *y*,
+-- *width*, *height* and *widget*.
+-- @see wibox.find_widgets
+function mouse.object.get_current_widgets()
+ local w = mouse.object.get_current_wibox()
+ if w then
+ local geo, coords = w:geometry(), capi.mouse:coords()
+ local list = w:find_widgets(coords.x - geo.x, coords.y - geo.y)
+ local ret = {}
+ for k, v in ipairs(list) do
+ ret[k] = v.widget
+ end
+ return ret, list
+ end
+--- Get the topmost widget currently under the mouse cursor.
+-- @property current_widget
+-- @tparam widget|nil widget The widget
+-- @treturn ?widget The widget
+-- @see wibox.find_widgets
+-- @see current_widget_geometry
+function mouse.object.get_current_widget()
+ local wdgs, geos = mouse.object.get_current_widgets()
+ if wdgs then
+ return wdgs[#wdgs], geos[#geos]
+ end
+--- Get the current widget geometry.
+-- @property current_widget_geometry
+-- @tparam ?table The geometry.
+-- @see current_widget
+function mouse.object.get_current_widget_geometry()
+ local _, ret = mouse.object.get_current_widget()
+ return ret
+--- Get the current widget geometries.
+-- @property current_widget_geometries
+-- @tparam ?table A list of geometry tables.
+-- @see current_widgets
+function mouse.object.get_current_widget_geometries()
+ local _, ret = mouse.object.get_current_widgets()
+ return ret
+--- True if the left mouse button is pressed.
+-- @property is_left_mouse_button_pressed
+-- @param boolean
+--- True if the right mouse button is pressed.
+-- @property is_right_mouse_button_pressed
+-- @param boolean
+--- True if the middle mouse button is pressed.
+-- @property is_middle_mouse_button_pressed
+-- @param boolean
+for _, b in ipairs {"left", "right", "middle"} do
+ mouse.object["is_".. b .."_mouse_button_pressed"] = function()
+ return capi.mouse.coords().buttons[1]
+ end
+capi.client.connect_signal("request::geometry", mouse.resize_handler)
+-- Set the cursor at startup
+-- Implement the custom property handler
+local props = {}
+ if mouse.object["set_"..key] then
+ mouse.object["set_"..key](value)
+ elseif not mouse.object["get_"..key] then
+ props[key] = value
+ else
+ -- If there is a getter, but no setter, then the property is read-only
+ error("Cannot set '" .. tostring(key) .. " because it is read-only")
+ end
+ if mouse.object["get_"..key] then
+ return mouse.object["get_"..key]()
+ else
+ return props[key]
+ end
+--- Get or set the mouse coords.
+--![Usage example](../images/AUTOGEN_awful_mouse_coords.svg)
+--**Usage example output**:
+-- 235
+-- @usage
+-- -- Get the position
+-- -- Change the position
+--mouse.coords {
+-- x = 185,
+-- y = 10
+-- @tparam[opt=nil] table coords_table None or a table with x and y keys as mouse
+-- coordinates.
+-- @tparam[opt=nil] integer coords_table.x The mouse horizontal position
+-- @tparam[opt=nil] integer coords_table.y The mouse vertical position
+-- @tparam[opt=false] boolean silent Disable mouse::enter or mouse::leave events that
+-- could be triggered by the pointer when moving.
+-- @treturn integer table.x The horizontal position
+-- @treturn integer table.y The vertical position
+-- @treturn table table.buttons Table containing the status of buttons, e.g. field [1] is true
+-- when button 1 is pressed.
+-- @function mouse.coords
+return mouse
+-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80