path: root/pack/ache/start
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pack/ache/start')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/pack/ache/start/ b/pack/ache/start/
deleted file mode 100755
index 16669c5..0000000
--- a/pack/ache/start/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-import subprocess
-list_of_plugins = [
-# ale
-# Check for error and format. 👍
- "",
-# coc.nvim
-# A powerfull completion system based on LSP
- ("", "release"),
-# leap.nvim
-# A powerfull visual movement system
- "",
-# A good status line
- "",
-# ☠️ Vimspector
-# Integrate gdb inside vim
-# "",
-# nvim-tree.lua
-# A smart and light file browser
- "",
-# gen_tags.vim
-# To generate tag for C based languages
-# "",
-# hexmode
-# Switch to Hexmode with xxd, not very usefull
- "",
-# Git integration
-# "",
-# Use "cs" to modified a surround character
-# Color matching parentheses
-# Quick comment/uncomment with "gcc"
-# Fix the repeat map, not usefull
-# ""
-# Powerfull align tool, hard to remember
- "",
-# A dark colorscheme
- "",
-# A lighter dark colorscheme
- "",
-# A colection of colorschemes
- "",
-# Fuzzy search and ripgrep integration
- "",
- "",
-# A color integration that is beautifull and quick
- "",
-# Display registers content as auto completion 👍
- "",
-# Rename XML open/close tag when the other one is modified
- "",
-# Grammalecte
-# French corrector integration
- "",
-# Neovim in Firefox
-# ""
-# List of snippets
- "",
-# Add cscope function to neovim
- "",
-# Language specific support
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""
-list_coc_plugins = [
-# C based support
- "coc-clangd",
-# JS support
- "coc-svelte",
- "coc-tsserver",
- "coc-deno",
-# Python support
- "coc-pyright",
-# Web support
- "coc-html",
- "coc-css",
-# Various snippets
- "coc-snippets"
-for plugin in list_of_plugins:
- if type(plugin) is tuple:
-["git", "clone", "--branch", plugin[1], plugin[0], "--depth=1"])
- else:
-["git", "clone", plugin, "--depth=1"])
-# Post install script
-with open('rainbow_parentheses.vim/plugin/rainbow_parentheses.vim', 'a') as f:
- f.write('\n:RainbowParentheses\n')
-print('Post install Rainbow Parentheses done ✔️')
-["make", "hexokinase"], cwd="vim-hexokinase")
-print('Post install Hexakinase done ✔️')
-installCmd = f"+:CocInstall {' '.join(list_coc_plugins)}"["nvim", installCmd])
-print('Coc plugins install done ✔️')
-print("Please check health 🏥")["nvim", "+:checkhealth"])
diff --git a/pack/ache/start/ b/pack/ache/start/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2a8a496..0000000
--- a/pack/ache/start/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-import subprocess
-from pathlib import Path
-for plugin in Path('.').iterdir():
- if (plugin / ".git").exists():
- ret =["git", "pull"], cwd=str(plugin))
- if ret.returncode != 0:
- print(f"Error updating {plugin}")
- continue
- # The option --init is necessery if there is new submodule
- ret =["git", "submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive"], cwd=str(plugin))
- if ret.returncode != 0:
- print(f"Error updating {plugin}")
-# Post install script
-["make", "hexokinase"], cwd="vim-hexokinase")
-print('Post install Hexakinase done ✔️')
-installCmd = "+:CocUpdate"["nvim", installCmd])
-print('Coc plugins update done ✔️')
-print("Please check health 🏥")["nvim", "+:checkhealth"])