path: root/lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'lua')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/lua/colorizer.lua b/lua/colorizer.lua
index 65d1c64..94bf00a 100644
--- a/lua/colorizer.lua
+++ b/lua/colorizer.lua
@@ -143,61 +143,32 @@ local function highlight_buffer(buf, ns, lines, line_start, options)
for current_linenum, line in ipairs(lines) do
-- @todo it's possible to skip processing the new code if the attributes hasn't changed.
current_linenum = current_linenum - 1 + line_start
- local i = 1
- while i < #line do
- if options.rgb_fn then
- -- TODO this can have improved performance by either reusing my trie or
- -- doing a byte comp.
- line:gsub("()rgb%(%s*(%d+%%?)%s*,%s*(%d+%%?)%s*,%s*(%d+%%?)%s*%)()", function(match_start, r,g,b, match_end)
- if r:sub(-1,-1) == "%" then r = math.floor(r:sub(1,-2)/100*255) end
- if g:sub(-1,-1) == "%" then g = math.floor(g:sub(1,-2)/100*255) end
- if b:sub(-1,-1) == "%" then b = math.floor(b:sub(1,-2)/100*255) end
- local rgb_hex = ("%02x%02x%02x"):format(r,g,b)
- if #rgb_hex ~= 6 then
- return
- end
- local highlight_name = create_highlight(rgb_hex, options)
- nvim.buf_add_highlight(buf, ns, highlight_name, current_linenum, match_start-1, match_end-1)
- end)
- end
- local byte = line:byte(i)
- -- # indicates an #RGB or #RRGGBB code
- if byte == b_hash then
- i = i + 1
- if #line >= i + 5 then
- local invalid = false
- for n = i, i+5 do
- byte = line:byte(n)
- if not byte_is_hex(byte) then
- invalid = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not invalid then
- local rgb_hex = line:sub(i, i+5)
- local highlight_name = create_highlight(rgb_hex, options)
- -- Subtract one because 0-indexed, subtract another 1 for the '#'
- nvim.buf_add_highlight(buf, ns, highlight_name, current_linenum, i-1-1, i+6-1)
- i = i + 5
- end
- elseif #line >= i + 2 then
- local invalid = false
- for n = i, i+2 do
- byte = line:byte(n)
- if not byte_is_hex(byte) then
- invalid = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not invalid then
- local rgb_hex = line:sub(i, i+2)
- local highlight_name = create_highlight(rgb_hex, options)
- -- Subtract one because 0-indexed, subtract another 1 for the '#'
- nvim.buf_add_highlight(buf, ns, highlight_name, current_linenum, i-1-1, i+3-1)
- i = i + 2
- end
+ if options.rgb_fn then
+ -- TODO this can have improved performance by either reusing my trie or
+ -- doing a byte comp.
+ line:gsub("()rgb%(%s*(%d+%%?)%s*,%s*(%d+%%?)%s*,%s*(%d+%%?)%s*%)()", function(match_start, r,g,b, match_end)
+ if r:sub(-1,-1) == "%" then r = math.floor(r:sub(1,-2)/100*255) end
+ if g:sub(-1,-1) == "%" then g = math.floor(g:sub(1,-2)/100*255) end
+ if b:sub(-1,-1) == "%" then b = math.floor(b:sub(1,-2)/100*255) end
+ local rgb_hex = ("%02x%02x%02x"):format(r,g,b)
+ if #rgb_hex ~= 6 then
+ return
- elseif not options.no_names then
+ local highlight_name = create_highlight(rgb_hex, options)
+ nvim.buf_add_highlight(buf, ns, highlight_name, current_linenum, match_start-1, match_end-1)
+ end)
+ end
+ line:gsub("()#([%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F])()", function(match_start, rgb_hex, match_end)
+ local highlight_name = create_highlight(rgb_hex, options)
+ nvim.buf_add_highlight(buf, ns, highlight_name, current_linenum, match_start-1, match_end-1)
+ end)
+ line:gsub("()#([%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F][%da-fA-F])()", function(match_start, rgb_hex, match_end)
+ local highlight_name = create_highlight(rgb_hex, options)
+ nvim.buf_add_highlight(buf, ns, highlight_name, current_linenum, match_start-1, match_end-1)
+ end)
+ if not options.no_names then
+ local i = 1
+ while i < #line do
-- TODO skip if the remaining length is less than the shortest length
-- of an entry in our trie.
local prefix = COLOR_TRIE:longest_prefix(line:sub(i))
@@ -210,8 +181,6 @@ local function highlight_buffer(buf, ns, lines, line_start, options)
i = i + 1
- else
- i = i + 1