" misc-bindings.vim " Every miscellaneous key binding will go here. " << That stupid goddamned help key that you will invaribly hit constantly " while aiming for escape >> -- Steve Losh inoremap vnoremap nnoremap "inoremap l " << it's one less key to hit every time I want to save a file >> " -- Steve Losh (again) "nnoremap ; : "vnoremap ; : " From Kalenz's Vim config. Life changing. nnoremap " halfr personnal shortcurts nnoremap \| v nnoremap - s nnoremap w " save nnoremap :w " save and quit nnoremap :x nnoremap ! :tab sball nnoremap :make " I DONT WANT TO USE AN ENCRYPTION KEY " http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3878692/aliasing-a-command-in-vim " cnoreabbrev X ((getcmdtype() is# ':' && getcmdline() is# 'X')?('x'):('X'))