#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define TODO_STATE 0 #define DONE_STATE 1 #define STANDBY_STATE 2 #define MISSED_STATE 3 #define USAGE_STRING "Usage : todo [CMD] || todo [SENTENCE]" "\n" \ "Where CMD can be :" "\n" \ " show to show the todo list" "\n" \ " -- todo" "\n" \ " add [ITEM] to add a item" "\n" \ " remove [STRS] to remove an item" "\n" \ " -- rm" "\n" \ " check [STRS] to validate an item" "\n" \ " -- ck" "\n" \ " standby [STRS] to put an item in standby" "\n" \ " -- st | sb" "\n" \ " uncheck [STRS] to devalidate an item" "\n" \ " -- uck" "\n" \ " miss [STRS] to set a item as missed" "\n" \ " set [STRS] to priorise an item" "\n" \ " [10 levels of priority 0-9]" "\n" \ " checked [STRS] to show only checked items" "\n" \ " unchecked [STRS] to show only unchecked items" "\n" \ " edit [STRS] to edit items" "\n" \ " -- e" "\n" \ " clean to remove finshed items" "\n" \ " -- clear | cl" "\n" \ "" "\n" \ "Where SENTENCE must be a sentence starting by a upper latin letter" "\n" \ "" "\n" \ " [STRS] is a list of strings. The action will be applicated to" "\n" \ " every items who contains all the strings of the list." "\n" \ "" "\n" \ " [ITEM] is a list of strings who formed a todo-item" "\n" struct todo { int priorite; string str; int etat; }; bool color; todo todoFromCmd(string line) { todo tmp; tmp.etat = 0; istringstream streamLine(line); streamLine >> tmp.priorite; if( streamLine.good() == false) { tmp.priorite = 4; streamLine.clear(); getline(streamLine, tmp.str); tmp.str = string(" ") + tmp.str; } else { getline(streamLine, tmp.str); if( tmp.str[0] != ' ' ) tmp.str = " " + tmp.str; } return tmp; } todo todoFromLine(string line) { todo tmp; istringstream streamLine(line); streamLine >> tmp.priorite; streamLine >> tmp.etat; getline(streamLine, tmp.str); return tmp; } ostream& operator<<( ostream& os, const todo& todoTask) { os << " - "; switch(todoTask.etat ) { case DONE_STATE: os << "[" << (color ? "\e[32m✓\e[0m" : "x") << "] "; break; case TODO_STATE: os << "[" << " " << "] "; break; case STANDBY_STATE: os << "[" << (todoTask.etat ? (color ? "\e[33m~\e[0m" : "~") : " ") << "] "; break; case MISSED_STATE: os << "[" << (todoTask.etat ? (color ? "\e[34m#\e[0m" : "#") : " ") << "] "; break; } if( todoTask.priorite == 1 && color) os << "\e[31m"; else if( todoTask.priorite == 2 && color) os << "\e[36m"; else if( todoTask.priorite == 3 && color) os << "\e[32m"; os << todoTask.str; color && os << "\e[0m"; os << endl; return os; } template void modifyTODO( vector& listTodo, int argc, char* argv[], Functor modif ) { for (auto it = begin(listTodo); it != end(listTodo); ++it) { bool active = true; for( int i = 0 ; i < argc && active ; i++ ) if( it->str.find(argv[i]) == string::npos) active = false; if( active ) { cout << " # " << it->str << endl; modif(*it); } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { color = false; vector listTodo; int action = -1; int startArgv = 2; color = isatty(fileno(stdout)); if( argc > 1 ) { // Si la première lettre est une majuscule bool ok = false; const char* accents[] = {"É", "È", "Ê","À","Â","Ç"}; for(size_t t = 0 ; t < sizeof accents /sizeof *accents ; t++) { if( strncmp(argv[1], accents[t], 2 ) == 0 ) { ok = true; } } if( (isalpha(argv[1][0]) && toupper(argv[1][0]) == argv[1][0]) || ok ) { action = 1; startArgv = 1; }else if( !strcmp( argv[1], "show") ) { action = 0; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "add") ) { action = 1; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "remove") || !strcmp( argv[1], "rm") ) { action = 2; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "check") || !strcmp( argv[1], "ck") ) { action = 3; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "uncheck") || !strcmp( argv[1], "uck") ) { action = 9; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "standby") || !strcmp( argv[1], "st") || !strcmp( argv[1], "sb") ) { action = 10; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "miss") ) { action = 11; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "set") || !(strcmp(argv[1], "s")) ) { if( argc > 2 && argv[2][0] >= '0' && argv[2][0] <= '9' ) action = 4; else cout << "Erreur : Priorité non interprétable" << endl; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "get") ) { if( argc > 2 && argv[2][0] >= '0' && argv[2][0] <= '9' ) action = 5,color = false; else cout << "Erreur : Priorité non interprétable" << endl; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "checked") ) { action = 6; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "clean") || !strcmp( argv[1], "clear") || !strcmp( argv[1], "cl") ) { action = 7; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "unchecked") || !strcmp( argv[1], "todo") ) { action = 8; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "edit") || !strcmp( argv[1], "mod") || !strcmp( argv[1], "e") ) { action = 12; }else if ( !strcmp( argv[1], "move") || !strcmp( argv[1], "mv") ) { action = 13; }else {} } else action = 0; if( action == -1 ) { cout << USAGE_STRING << endl; } else { ifstream file(".todo.txt", ios::in); if( file ) { string line; while( getline(file, line) ) { listTodo.push_back(todoFromLine(line)); } file.close(); } else if(action != 1 ){ return 1; } switch( action ) { case 0: // Show for (auto it = begin(listTodo); it != end(listTodo); ++it) cout << *it; return 0; case 1: // Add { string sargv(""); for( int i = startArgv ; i < argc ; i++) { sargv += " "; sargv += argv[i]; } if( sargv == "" ) { cout << "Chaine vide" << endl; break; } else { todo tmpTodo = todoFromCmd(sargv); for ( int i = listTodo.size()-1; i >= 0 ; --i) if( listTodo.at(i).str == tmpTodo.str ) { cerr << "Erreur doublon" << endl; exit(-1); break; } listTodo.push_back(tmpTodo); } break; } case 2: // Rm { for ( int i = listTodo.size()-1; i >= 0 ; --i) { bool active = true; for( int j = 2 ; j < argc && active ; j++ ) if( listTodo.at(i).str.find(argv[j]) == string::npos) active = false; if( active ) { cout << " - " << listTodo.at(i).str << endl; listTodo.erase(begin(listTodo)+i); active = true; } } break; } case 3: // check modifyTODO( listTodo, argc-2, argv+2, [](todo& it) { it.etat = DONE_STATE; }); break; case 4: // set { int priority = atoi(argv[2]); modifyTODO( listTodo, argc-3, argv+3, [priority](todo& it) { it.priorite = priority; }); } break; case 5: // s for (auto it = begin(listTodo); it != end(listTodo); ++it) if( it->priorite == atoi(argv[2]) ) cout << *it; return 0; case 6: // Checked for (auto it = begin(listTodo); it != end(listTodo); ++it) if( it->etat ) cout << *it; return 0; case 7: // Clean { for ( int i = listTodo.size()-1; i >= 0 ; --i) { if( listTodo.at(i).etat == DONE_STATE || listTodo.at(i).etat == MISSED_STATE) { cout << " - " << listTodo.at(i).str << endl; listTodo.erase(begin(listTodo)+i); } } break; } case 8: // Unchecked for (auto it = begin(listTodo); it != end(listTodo); ++it) if( !it->etat ) cout << *it; return 0; case 9: // uncheck modifyTODO( listTodo, argc-2, argv+2, [](todo& it) { it.etat = TODO_STATE; }); break; case 10: // standby modifyTODO( listTodo, argc-2, argv+2, [](todo& it) { it.etat = STANDBY_STATE; }); break; case 11: // miss modifyTODO( listTodo, argc-2, argv+2, [](todo& it) { it.etat = MISSED_STATE; }); break; case 12: // Edit for (auto it = begin(listTodo); it != end(listTodo); ++it) { bool active = true; for( int i = 2 ; i < argc && active ; i++ ) if( it->str.find(argv[i]) == string::npos) active = false; if( active ) { const char* defaultEditor = "vim", * const envEditor = getenv("EDITOR"), * const visEditor = getenv("VISUAL"); if( envEditor && envEditor[0] ) { defaultEditor = envEditor; } if( visEditor && visEditor[0] ) { defaultEditor = visEditor; } FILE* tmp = NULL; char fileName[] = "todo.cpp_XXXXXX"; int fd = mkstemp(fileName); if( strlen( it->str.c_str() ) > 0 ) { write(fd, it->str.c_str()+1, strlen(it->str.c_str()) -1 ); } close(fd); char* cmd = new char[ 2 + strlen(defaultEditor) + strlen(fileName) ]; sprintf( cmd, "%s %s", defaultEditor, fileName); system(cmd); ifstream file(fileName, ios::in); if( file ) { string line; bool first = true; while( getline(file, line) ) { if( ! first ) { first = false; cerr << "Erreur : Edition multi-lignes" << "Seule la première ligne serra " " prise en compte" << endl; break; } it->str = string(" ") + line; } file.close(); }else { cerr << "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier " "temporaire" << fileName << endl; } unlink( fileName ); delete[] cmd; cout << " # " << it->str << endl; } } break; case 13: // Move cout << "Merde !" << endl; { const char* defaultEditor = "vim", * const envEditor = getenv("EDITOR"), * const visEditor = getenv("VISUAL"); if( envEditor && envEditor[0] ) { defaultEditor = envEditor; } if( visEditor && visEditor[0] ) { defaultEditor = visEditor; } size_t ordreNbElem = 0, nbElem_tmp = listTodo.size(); while( nbElem_tmp > 0 ) ordreNbElem++, nbElem_tmp/=10; FILE* tmp = NULL; char* indexString = new char[ordreNbElem + 1 + 2 ]; // '#' "\n\0" char fileName[] = "todo.cpp_XXXXXX"; int fd = mkstemp(fileName), currentIndex = 1; for (auto it = begin(listTodo); it != end(listTodo); ++it) { if( strlen( it->str.c_str() ) > 0 ) { write(fd, it->str.c_str()+1, strlen(it->str.c_str()) -1 ); sprintf(indexString, "#%d\n\r", currentIndex); write(fd, indexString, strlen(indexString) -1 ); currentIndex++; } } delete[] indexString; close(fd); char* cmd = new char[ 2 + strlen(defaultEditor) + strlen(fileName) ]; bool endReach = false; sprintf( cmd, "%s %s", defaultEditor, fileName); system(cmd); ifstream file(fileName, ios::in); if( file ) { string line; auto it = begin(listTodo); while( getline(file, line) ) { string newDesc = ""; int correspondIndex = -1; if( line.find("#") ) { int coupe = line.rfind("#"); newDesc = line.substr(0, coupe); correspondIndex = stoi( line.substr(coupe+1) ); } if( it == end(listTodo) ) { cerr << "Erreur : Trop de lignes" << "Seule les premières lignes serront " " prises en compte" << endl; break; // for the moment } it->str = " " + newDesc; it->priorite = listTodo[correspondIndex].priorite; it->etat = listTodo[correspondIndex].etat; ++it; } file.close(); } else { cerr << "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier " "temporaire" << fileName << endl; } delete[] cmd; unlink( fileName ); } break; default: cout << "Erreur : Action incomprise" << endl; } ofstream fileO(".todo.txt", ios::out); if( fileO ) { for (auto it = begin(listTodo); it != end(listTodo); ++it) fileO << it->priorite << " " << it->etat << it->str << endl; fileO.close(); } else { cout << "Erreur : Aucune modification effectuée" << endl; } } return 0; }