import {readFileSync as file} from 'fs'; import {join} from 'path'; import unified from 'unified'; import test from 'ava'; import raw from 'rehype-raw'; import reParse from 'remark-parse'; import stringify from 'rehype-stringify'; import remark2rehype from 'remark-rehype'; import plugin from '../app'; const render = text => unified() .use(reParse) .use(plugin) .use(remark2rehype) .use(stringify) .processSync(text); const renderRaw = text => unified() .use(reParse) .use(plugin) .use(remark2rehype, {allowDangerousHTML: true}) .use(raw) .use(stringify) .processSync(text); test('snapshot simple', t => { const {contents} = render(file(join(__dirname, ''))); t.snapshot(contents); }); test('snapshot raw', t => { const {contents} = renderRaw(file(join(__dirname, ''))); t.snapshot(contents); }); test('emty', t => { const {contents} = render('[____\n____]');, ''); }); test('emty-raw', t => { const {contents} = renderRaw('[____\n____]');, ''); }); test('simple', t => { const {contents} = render('[____\nHere some text\n____]');, ''); }); test('simple-raw', t => { const {contents} = renderRaw('[____\nHere some text\n____]');, ''); }); test('long', t => { const {contents} = render(` [_______ Here some awesome text ! With severale lines, ... a good text area _______]`);, ``); }); test('long-raw', t => { const {contents} = renderRaw(` [_______ Here some awesome text ! With severale lines, ... a good text area _______]`);, ``); }); test('not a text-area', t => { const {contents} = renderRaw(` [_______some text Oups bad-formated text area _______]`); t.notRegex(contents, /textarea/); }); test.todo('id text'); test.todo('class'); test.todo('classes'); test.todo('key-value'); test.todo('classes key-value id'); test.todo('overwrite class'); test.todo('overwrite id'); test.todo('multiple id'); test.todo('real1'); test.todo('real2'); test.todo('real3');