# remark-text-input A [remark](https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/) plugin that parse Mardown syntax to add support for text area. ## Syntax You can add a text area this way : ```markdown [______ Some text. _____] ``` Wich leads to : ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arobase-che/remark-text-input/master/images/example_1.png) ## Installation Easy as npm i : ```shell npm install remark-text-input ``` ## Installation An example of code : ```js const unified = require('unified') const remarkParse = require('remark-parse') const stringify = require('rehype-stringify') const remark2rehype = require('remark-rehype') const textInput = require('remark-text-input') const testFile = `This is a text area : [_____ A editable text here _____]` unified() .use(remarkParse) .use(textInput) .use(remark2rehype) .use(stringify) .process( testFile, (err, file) => { console.log(String(file)); } ); ``` In the file, a text-area should be preceded by an empty line. ## Configuration This plugin support custom HTML attributes : ```markdown [____ Here some text _____]{.row=5 .cols=10} ``` ## Licence MIT