const visit = require('unist-util-visit'); function dealLabelChildren(listChild) { let t = []; if (listChild[0].type === 'paragraph') { t = listChild[0].children; } t[0].value = t[0].value.trim(); if (listChild[listChild.length - 1].type === 'blockquote') { listChild[listChild.length - 1].type = 'div'; listChild[listChild.length - 1].data = { hName: 'blockquote', hProperties: { className: 'hiden_block_quote', }, }; } t = t.concat(listChild.slice(1)); return t; } function visitList(ast) { let nbMC = 0; return visit(ast, 'list', node => { let isMultipleChoise = true; let nbQ = 0; const tab = []; Array.from(node.children).forEach(nodeC => { if (nodeC.children && nodeC.children[0].type === 'paragraph') { if (nodeC.children[0].children && nodeC.children[0].children[0].value) { if ('~!='.indexOf(nodeC.children[0].children[0].value[0]) < 0) { isMultipleChoise = false; } } else { isMultipleChoise = false; } } else { isMultipleChoise = false; } }); if (isMultipleChoise) { Array.from(node.children).forEach(nodeC => { if (nodeC.children[0].type === 'paragraph') { if (nodeC.children[0].children[0].value[0] === '~') { tab.push(0.5); } else if (nodeC.children[0].children[0].value[0] === '!') { tab.push(0); } else { tab.push(1); } nodeC.children[0].children[0].value = `${nodeC.children[0].children[0].value.slice(1)}\r`; } }); node.type = 'mc'; = { hName: 'fieldset', hProperties: { className: 'mc check', id: `mc_${nbMC}`, }, }; node.children = [{ type: 'list-item-mc', data: { hName: 'ul', }, children: => ({type: 'input-list-item', data: { hName: 'li', }, children: [ {type: 'input-list-input', data: { hName: 'input', hProperties: { checked: x.checked, type: 'checkbox', id: `mc_${nbMC}_${nbQ}`, className: '!~='[tab[nbQ] * 2], }, }}, { type: 'input-list-label', data: { hName: 'label', hProperties: { for: `mc_${nbMC}_${nbQ++}`, }, }, children: dealLabelChildren(x.children), }], })), }, { type: 'field-button', data: { hName: 'input', hProperties: { onclick: `check('mc_${nbMC}',[${String(tab)}])`, value: 'Validate', type: 'button', }, }, }, ]; nbMC++; } return node; }); } /** * Returns the transformer which acst on the MDAST tree and given VFile. * * @link * @link * @link * @return {function} */ function multipleChoise() { /** * @param {object} ast MDAST * @param {vFile} vFile * @param {function} next * @return {object} */ return function (ast, vFile, next) { // Transformer visitList(ast); if (typeof next === 'function') { return next(null, ast, vFile); } return ast; }; } module.exports = multipleChoise;