# remark-multiple-choise A [remark](https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/) plugin that parse Mardown syntax to add support for line input. ## Syntax You can add a multiple chioise question this way : ```markdown - [x] ! False - [ ] ~ None - [x] = True`); ``` Wich leads to : ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arobase-che/remark-multiple-choice/master/images/example_1.png) ## Example ```markdown Albert NOVEL was the inventor of the : - [ ] = Dynamite - [ ] ! Nichrome - [ ] ! Battery - [ ] ! Hot air balloon ``` ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arobase-che/remark-multiple-choice/master/images/example_2.png) ## Installation Not ready at the moment. ## Licence MIT