*colorizer.lua* Highlight color codes like #RRGGBB and others. Minimum version of neovim: 0.4.0 Author: Ashkan Kiani ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *colorizer-lua-introduction* ============================================================================== QUICK START *colorizer-lua-quickstart* Establish the an autocmd to highlight all filetypes. > lua require 'colorizer'.setup() " Highlight using all available possible highlight modes in every filetype lua require 'colorizer'.setup(nil, { css = true; }) < ============================================================================== COMMANDS *colorizer-commands* |:ColorizerAttachToBuffer| *:ColorizerAttachToBuffer* Attach to the current buffer and start highlighting with the settings as specified in setup (or the defaults). If the buffer was already attached (i.e. being highlighted), the settings will be reloaded with the ones from setup. This is useful for reloading settings for just one buffer. |:ColorizerDetachFromBuffer| *:ColorizerDetachFromBuffer* Stop highlighting the current buffer (detach). |:ColorizerReloadAllBuffers| *:ColorizerReloadAllBuffers* Reload all buffers that are being highlighted with new settings from the setup settings (or the defaults). Shortcut for ColorizerAttachToBuffer on every buffer. ============================================================================== LUA API DEFINITION *colorizer-lua-api* Assumes the module is imported as `colorizer` |colorizer-options| *colorizer-options* > DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { RGB = true; -- #RGB hex codes RRGGBB = true; -- #RRGGBB hex codes names = true; -- "Name" codes like Blue rgb_fn = false; -- CSS rgb() and rgba() functions hsl_fn = false; -- CSS hsl() and hsla() functions css = false; -- Enable all features above. css_fn = false; -- Enable all CSS *functions*: rgb_fn, hsl_fn -- Available modes: foreground, background mode = 'background'; -- Set the display mode. } < MODES: - 'foreground': sets the foreground text color. - 'background': sets the background text color. |colorizer.setup| *colorizer.setup* Easy to use function if you want the full setup without fine grained control. Establishes an autocmd for `FileType`s . PARAMETERS: `filetypes` (optional) filetypes to enable. see examples below `default_options` (optional) |colorizer-options| > colorizer.setup([filetypes=nil], [default_options={}]) " In your VIMRC lua require'colorizer'.setup() -- From lua -- Attaches to every FileType mode require 'colorizer'.setup() -- Attach to certain Filetypes, add special configuration for `html` -- Use `background` for everything else. require 'colorizer'.setup { 'css'; 'javascript'; html = { mode = 'foreground'; } } -- Use the `default_options` as the second parameter, which uses -- `foreground` for every mode. This is the inverse of the previous -- setup configuration. require 'colorizer'.setup({ 'css'; 'javascript'; html = { mode = 'background' }; }, { mode = 'foreground' }) -- Use the `default_options` as the second parameter, which uses -- `foreground` for every mode. This is the inverse of the previous -- setup configuration. require 'colorizer'.setup { '*'; -- Highlight all files, but customize some others. css = { rgb_fn = true; }; -- Enable parsing rgb(...) functions in css. html = { names = false; } -- Disable parsing "names" like Blue or Gray } < |colorizer.highlight_buffer| *colorizer.highlight_buffer* Highlight starting from `line_start` (0-indexed) for each line described by `lines` in the buffer `buf` and attach it to the namespace `ns`. PARAMETERS: `buf` buffer id. `ns` the namespace id. Create it with `vim.api.create_namespace` `lines` the lines to highlight from the buffer. `line_start` should be 0-indexed `options` |colorizer-options| to set. REQUIRED! > colorizer.highlight_buffer(buf[, ns=DEFAULT_NAMESPACE], lines, line_start, options) < |colorizer.attach_to_buffer| *colorizer.attach_to_buffer* Attach to a buffer and continuously highlight changes. If you don't specify `options`, it will be set from the setup options if specified or the default in |colorizer-options|. PARAMETERS: `buf` A value of 0 implies the current buffer. `options` (optional) |colorizer-options| to set. > colorizer.attach_to_buffer(buf[, options={}]) < vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: