#include "basic_curses.h" void printfc(char* fstrc, int max_length, ...) { int i = 0; int nbC = 0; char* tmp = NULL; int toP = 0; va_list ap; va_start(ap, max_length); while(fstrc[i] && nbC < max_length) { if( strchr( "${<%>}#", fstrc[i]) ) { if( tmp ) { printw("%.*s", toP, tmp); tmp=NULL; toP=0; } switch( fstrc[i] ) { case '$': if( fstrc[i+1] ) { if( isdigit(fstrc[i+1]) ) { if( fstrc[i+1] == '9') { ; }else attrset( COLOR_PAIR(fstrc[i+1]-'0') | A_NORMAL); }else{ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%c isn't a color, skipping", fstrc[i+1]); #endif } }else{ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"end of line by '$', expect a color after '$'"); #endif return; } i+=2; break; case '%': { int j = 1; char format[10] = "%"; while(j < 9 && !strchr("diouxXeEfFgGaAcsp%", format[j] = fstrc[i+j]) ); if( j == 9 ) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"format too long %s...",format); #endif return; } if( strchr("di", format[j] ) ) { printw(format, va_arg(ap, int)); }else if( strchr("ouxX", format[j]) ) { printw(format, va_arg(ap, unsigned int)); }else if( strchr("eE", format[j]) ) { printw(format, va_arg(ap, double)); }else if( strchr("fF", format[j]) ) { printw(format, va_arg(ap, double)); }else if( strchr("gG", format[j]) ) { printw(format, va_arg(ap, double)); }else if( strchr("aA", format[j]) ) { printw(format, va_arg(ap, double)); }else if( strchr("c", format[j]) ) { printw(format, va_arg(ap, int)); }else if( strchr("s", format[j]) ) { printw(format, va_arg(ap, const char*)); }else if( strchr("p", format[j]) ) { printw(format, va_arg(ap, void*)); }else if( strchr("%", format[j]) ) { printw("%%"); } // nbC+= i+=j; } } }else{ if( ! tmp ) tmp = fstrc+i; toP += 1; nbC++; i++; } } if(tmp) printw("%.*s", toP, tmp); fflush(NULL); } void printc(char* fstrc, int max_length) { int i = 0; int nbC = 0; char* tmp = NULL; int toP = 0; while(fstrc[i] && nbC < max_length) { if( strchr( "${<>}#", fstrc[i]) ) { if( tmp ) { printw("%.*s", toP, tmp); tmp=NULL; toP=0; } switch( fstrc[i] ) { case '$': if( fstrc[i+1] ) { if( isdigit(fstrc[i+1]) ) { if( fstrc[i+1] == '9') { ; }else attrset( COLOR_PAIR(fstrc[i+1]-'0') | A_NORMAL); }else{ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%c isn't a color, skipping", fstrc[i+1]); #endif } }else{ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"end of line by '$', expect a color after '$'"); #endif return; } i+=2; } }else{ if( ! tmp ) tmp = fstrc+i; toP += 1; nbC++; i++; } } if(tmp) printw("%.*s", toP, tmp); fflush(NULL); } void mvprintc(int x, int y, char* fstrc, int max_length) { move(y, x); printc(fstrc, max_length); }