# Set these options in your config.fish (if you want to :]) # # set -g theme_display_user yes # set -g theme_hostname never # set -g theme_hostname always # set -g default_user your_normal_user # Backward compatibility # # Note: Do not depend on these behavior. These can be removed in anytime by the # author in the name of code readability. if set -q theme_hide_hostname # Existing $theme_hostname will always override $theme_hide_hostname if not set -q theme_hostname if [ "theme_hide_hostname" = "yes" ] set -g theme_hostname never end if [ "theme_hide_hostname" = "no" ] set -g theme_hostname always end end end # # Segments functions # set -g current_bg NONE set -g segment_separator \uE0B0 function prompt_segment -d "Function to draw a segment" set -l bg set -l fg if [ -n "$argv[1]" ] set bg $argv[1] else set bg normal end if [ -n "$argv[2]" ] set fg $argv[2] else set fg normal end if [ "$current_bg" != 'NONE' -a "$argv[1]" != "$current_bg" ] set_color -b $bg set_color $current_bg echo -n "$segment_separator " set_color -b $bg set_color $fg else set_color -b $bg set_color $fg echo -n " " end set current_bg $argv[1] if [ -n "$argv[3]" ] echo -n -s $argv[3] " " end end function prompt_finish -d "Close open segments" if [ -n $current_bg ] set_color -b normal set_color $current_bg echo -n "$segment_separator " end set -g current_bg NONE end # # Components # function prompt_virtual_env -d "Display Python virtual environment" if test "$VIRTUAL_ENV" prompt_segment white black (basename $VIRTUAL_ENV) end end function prompt_user -d "Display current user if different from $default_user" set -l BG 444444 set -l FG BCBCBC if [ "$theme_display_user" = "yes" ] if [ "$USER" != "$default_user" -o -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] set USER (whoami) get_hostname if [ $HOSTNAME_PROMPT ] set USER_PROMPT $USER@$HOSTNAME_PROMPT else set USER_PROMPT $USER end prompt_segment $BG $FG $USER_PROMPT end else get_hostname if [ $HOSTNAME_PROMPT ] prompt_segment $BG $FG $HOSTNAME_PROMPT end end end function prompt_cloud -d "Display a Cloud if AWS connection detected" set -g HOSTNAME_PROMPT "" if [ "$AWS_PROFILE" != "" ] prompt_segment 494949 DDDDDD "☸️ $AWS_PROFILE" else if [ "$AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE" != "" ] prompt_segment 494949 BBBBBB "🌩 $AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE" end end end function get_hostname -d "Set current hostname to prompt variable $HOSTNAME_PROMPT if connected via SSH or is root" set -g HOSTNAME_PROMPT "" if [ "$theme_hostname" = "always" -o \( "$theme_hostname" != "never" -a \( -n "$SSH_CLIENT" -o "$USER" = "root" \) \) ] set -g HOSTNAME_PROMPT (hostname) end end function prompt_dir -d "Display the current directory" prompt_segment 1C1C1C FFFFFF (prompt_pwd) end function git_status_summary -d "Deal with git status --porcelain" awk ' BEGIN { untracked=0; unstaged=0; staged=0; ahead=0; behind=0; } { if (!after_first && $0 ~ /^##.+/) { if ( match($0, /ahead ([1-9]+)/) ) { split(substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH), A); ahead=A[2]; } if ( match($0, /behind ([1-9]+)/) ) { split(substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH), A); behind=A[2]; } } else if ($0 ~ /^\?\? .+/) { untracked += 1 } else { if ($0 ~ /^.[^ ] .+/) { unstaged += 1 } if ($0 ~ /^[^ ]. .+/) { staged += 1 } } after_first = 1 } END { if (!seen_header) { } print ahead ";" behind ";" untracked ";" unstaged ";" staged }' end function prompt_git -d "Display the current git state" set -l ref if [ -e .git ] set ref (command git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) if [ $status -gt 0 ] set -l branch (command git show-ref --head -s --abbrev 2> /dev/null |head -n1 2> /dev/null) set ref "➦ $branch " end set branch_symbol \uE0A0 set -l branch (echo $ref | sed "s-refs/heads/-$branch_symbol -") set dirty '' set gstatus ( git status --porcelain -b 2> /dev/null | git_status_summary ) # Check for commit ahead set ahead (echo $gstatus | cut -d ';' -f 1) # Check for commit behind set behind (echo $gstatus | cut -d ';' -f 2) # Check for modified files set unstdg (echo $gstatus | cut -d ';' -f 3) # Check for untracked files set untrkd (echo $gstatus | cut -d ';' -f 4) # Check for staged files set staged (echo $gstatus | cut -d ';' -f 5) if [ $ahead -gt 0 ] set dirty $dirty'↑:'$ahead' ' end if [ $behind -gt 0 ] set dirty $dirty'↓:'$behind' ' end if [ $staged -eq 0 -a $untrkd -eq 0 ] set BG green set PROMPT "$branch $dirty" else set BG yellow # Check if there's any commit in the repo set -l empty 0 git rev-parse --quiet --verify HEAD > /dev/null 2>&1; or set empty 1 set -l target if [ $empty = 1 ] # The repo is empty set dirty 'βˆ…' set target '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904' else # The repo is not emtpy set target 'HEAD' # Check for unstaged change only when the repo is not empty set -l unstaged 0 git diff --no-ext-diff --ignore-submodules=dirty --quiet --exit-code; or set unstaged 1 if [ $unstaged = 1 ]; set dirty $dirty'●'; end end # Check for staged change set -l staged 0 git diff-index --cached --quiet --exit-code --ignore-submodules=dirty $target; or set staged 1 if [ $staged = 1 ]; set dirty $dirty'✚'; end # Check for dirty if [ "$dirty" = "" ] set PROMPT "$branch" else set PROMPT "$branch $dirty" end end prompt_segment $BG black $PROMPT end end function prompt_status -d "the symbols for a non zero exit status, root and background jobs" if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ] prompt_segment black red "✘" end # if superuser (uid == 0) set -l uid (id -u $USER) if [ $uid -eq 0 ] prompt_segment black yellow "⚑" end # Jobs display if [ (jobs -l | wc -l) -gt 0 ] prompt_segment black cyan "βš™" end end function available -a name -d "Check if a function or program is available." type "$name" 2> /dev/null >&2 end function prompt_battery set str (acpi | grep -oP 'Full|Charging|Discharging|\d+%|\d+:\d+' | tr --truncate-set1 '\n' ' ' | read charging percent time) if [ $time = "" ] set time "====" end if [ $charging = "Charging" ] set charging "blue" else if [ $charging = "Discharging" ] set charging "green" else set charging "cyan" end set percent $percent prompt_segment $charging white "$time $percent" end function prompt_time prompt_segment white black (date "+%H:%M:%S") end # # Prompt # function fish_prompt set -g RETVAL $status prompt_time prompt_virtual_env prompt_status prompt_user prompt_dir available git; and prompt_git prompt_cloud prompt_finish end