#!/bin/env python """dfr - Dump to msgpack Extract words from the Wiktionnary archive. All the parsing is done here. The product of that script is a MessagePack file that store every information in easily editable and dev friendly format. More information on MessagePack (msgpack) : So there is some command line options that script can deal with. + --output The filename of the msgpack file to write. + --input The filename of the decompressed wiktionary dump. + --error The filename that will log errors related to parsing. Wiktionnary is a community edited platform so there is a lot of formatting mistakes. This script will report everything that it doesn't understand in that file. + --ignore By default, this script stops on the first error. But as I say earlier, there is a lot of mistakes in the wiktionary archive dump so this option is intended to ignore errors and just continue. Errors are still logged though. """ import tempfile as tmp import re import sys import msgpack import argparse if __name__ == '__main__': from sectionList import listInfoSection from template import template else: from dfr.sectionList import listInfoSection from dfr.template import template dictMatch = {x['match']: i for (i, x) in enumerate(listInfoSection)} DEFAULT_OUTPUT = 'dfr.msgpk' template_second = ['link', 'bd', 'pc', 'nom w pc', 'w', 'smcp', 'lien', 'ws', 'in', 'siècle2', 'fchim', 'nobr', 'wp', 'r', 'clé de tri', 'contexte', 'emploi', 'l', 'polytonique', 'pron-API', 'registre', 'scmp', 'siècle', 'x', ] template_second_lambda_trd = { 'refnec': (lambda x: '(Référence nécessaire : ' + x + ')'), 'refnéc': (lambda x: '(Référence nécessaire : ' + x + ')'), } template_second_lambda_snd = { 'term': (lambda x: '(' + x.title() + ')'), 'terme': (lambda x: '(' + x.title() + ')'), 'ex': (lambda x: '^{' + x if x else 'e' + '}'), 'exp': (lambda x: '^{' + x if x else 'e' + '}'), 'e': (lambda x: '^{' + x if x else 'e' + '}'), 'er': (lambda x: '^{' + x if x else 'er' + '}'), 'ère': (lambda x: '^{' + x if x else 'ère' + '}'), 'ème': (lambda x: '^{' + x if x else 'ème' + '}'), 'Ier': (lambda x: '^{' + x if x else 'Ier' + '}'), 'III': (lambda x: '^{' + x if x else 'III' + '}'), 'small': (lambda x: '_{' + x if x else '' + '}'), 'indice': (lambda x: '_{' + x if x else '' + '}'), 'graphie': (lambda x: '«' + x if x else '»'), 'petites capitales': (lambda x: x.upper()), 'isbn': (lambda x: 'cf. ISBN ' + x), 'OCLC': (lambda x: 'cf. OCLC ' + x), 'variante de': (lambda x: 'Variante de ' + x), 'variante de': (lambda x: 'Variante de ' + x), 'variante ortho de': (lambda x: 'Variante orthographique de ' + x), 'variante ortho de': (lambda x: 'Variante orthographique de ' + x), 'variante ortho de': (lambda x: 'Variante orthographique de ' + x), 'variante orthographique de': (lambda x: 'Variante orthographique de ' + x), 'sic !': (lambda x: '^{sic ' + x + '}'), 'sic': (lambda x: '^{sic ' + x + '}'), 'incise': (lambda x: '_' + x + '_'), 'n°': (lambda x: 'n°' + x), 'superlatif de': (lambda x: 'Superlatif de' + x), 'vérifier': (lambda x: '(À vérifier : ' + x + ')'), } interdit = " :" def transclusion(trans, info, errorF): trans = trans[2:-2] while '{{' in trans: l0 = trans.rfind('{{') l1 = trans.find('}}', l0) if l1 == -1: break else: l1 += 2 t = trans[l0:l1] t = transclusion(t, info, errorF) trans = trans[:l0] + t + trans[l1:] s = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), trans.split('|'))) if s[0] in template: return template[s[0]] if s[0].lower() in template_second: return s[1] if len(s) > 1 else info['mot'] if s[0].lower().startswith('citation'): cit = s[0].split('/') if len(cit) == 4: return 'Par ' + cit[1] + ', ' + cit[2] + ', ' + cit[3] if len(cit) == 3: return 'Par ' + cit[1] + ', ' + cit[2] if len(cit) == 5: return cit[1] + '/' + cit[2] + '/' + cit[3] + ', ' + cit[4] if len(cit) <= 2: return '' else: return '/'.join(cit[1:]) if s[0].lower() in template_second_lambda_snd: return template_second_lambda_snd[s[0].lower()](s[1] if len(s) > 1 else '') if s[0].lower() in template_second_lambda_trd: return template_second_lambda_trd[s[0].lower()](s[2] if len(s) > 2 else '') if errorF: with open(errorF, 'a') as err: print(s[0], file=err) print("Incompréhension de la transclusion {} du mot {}".format(trans, info['mot']), file=err) return '' def extract(f, w, errorF): infoFin = [] toRead = True goBack = 0 while toRead: toRead = False info = {'mot': w, 'cat-gram': None, 'def': [], 'API': None, 'infos': [], 'genre': '', 'accord': None} # State 0 // Initialisation ! while line := f.readline(): if line.startswith('=== ') or line.startswith('==={'): if re.match('^=== *{{ *S\\|([^|]+)|.*$', line): try: r = re.match('^=== *{{ *S\\|([^|]+)|.*$', line) r = r.groups() nat = r[0].strip() if nat in dictMatch.keys(): info['cat-gram'] = nat toRead = True break except Exception as e: if errorF: with open(errorF, 'a') as err: print("^[1] Problème à l'initialisation du mot {mot}: {e}", file=err) print(f'line: [{line}]: {e}', file=err) e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("Erreur :", e, file=err) if not toRead: break # State 1 while line := f.readline(): if line.startswith('{{fr-'): e = line.find('}}') if e == -1: continue ex = line[:e] try: infos = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), ex.split('|'))) info['infos'] = infos info['accord'] = infos[0] if len(infos) > 1: info['API'] = infos[1] except e: err = sys.exc_info()[0] print(ex) print("Erreur :", e) print("Erreur :", err) if line.rstrip().startswith("'''"): if '{{pron' in line: p0 = line.find('{{pron') p1 = line.find('}}', p0) if p1 > 0: p1 += 2 p = line[p0:p1] p = p.split('|') info['API'] = p[1] if '{{m}}' in line: info['genre'] = 'mas' elif '{{f}}' in line: info['genre'] = 'fem' if line.startswith('# '): info['def'].append({'def': wikiToMd(line[2:], info, errorF)}) elif line.startswith('#* '): if not info['def']: with open('wiki_err.log', 'a') as err: print("Exemple sans définition pour le mot {}".format( info['mot']), file=err) elif 'ex' in info['def'][-1]: info['def'][-1]['ex'].append(wikiToMd(line[3:], info, errorF)) else: info['def'][-1]['ex'] = [wikiToMd(line[3:], info, errorF)] elif line.startswith('#') and not line.startswith('##'): info['def'].append({'def': wikiToMd(line[1:], info, errorF)}) if line.startswith('==='): goBack = len(line) break if goBack: f.seek(f.tell() - goBack) goBack = 0 toRead = True infoFin.append(info) return infoFin def wikiToMd(line, info, errorF): line = line.strip() # 3 Étapes: # - Links [...] # - Style ''ita'' / '''bold''' # - Template / Transclusion {{info}} = (Informatique) # Template while '{{' in line: l0 = line.rfind('{{') l1 = line.find('}}', l0) if l1 == -1: break else: l1 += 2 trans = line[l0:l1] trans = transclusion(trans, info, errorF) line = line[:l0] + trans + line[l1:] # Links ! while '[[' in line: link0 = line.rfind('[[') link1 = line.find(']]', link0) if link1 == -1: break else: link1 += 2 link = line[link0:link1] link = link[2:-2].split('|') line = line[:link0] + (link[1] if len(link) > 1 else link[0]) + line[link1:] # Style line = line.replace("'''", '*').replace("''", '') return line def extractAll(f, errorF, ignore): title = "" isFr = False hasForbidden = False hasText = False tf = None isEnd = False dict_ = dict() i = 0 clearHTML = re.compile('<.*>', re.IGNORECASE) for line in f: i += 1 if "" in line and tf: tf.seek(0) tmpInfo = extract(tf, title, errorF) dict_[title] = tmpInfo tf.close() tf = None hasForbidden = False hasText = False isFr = False title = "" isEnd = False elif "" in line: tf = None hasForbidden = False hasText = False isFr = False title = "" isEnd = False if isEnd: continue if "" in line: title = line[line.find('>') + 1:] title = title[:title.find('<')] for c in interdit: if c in title: hasForbidden = True if not hasForbidden and "<text bytes=\"" in line and "\" xml:space=\"preserve\">" in line: hasText = True if not hasForbidden and "== {{langue|fr}}" in line and hasText: isFr = True if tf: if not ignore: if errorF: with open(errorF, 'a') as err: print(f"{title}: Erreur tf encore ouvert !", file=err) else: print(f"{title}: Erreur tf encore ouvert !") tf.seek(0) while line2 := tf.readline(): print(line2, end='') print(f"{i}: {line}") exit(-1) else: tf = tmp.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+t") elif not hasForbidden and "== {{langue|" in line: isFr = False if not hasForbidden and isFr and tf: start = "" try: start = line.split()[0] except: pass tLine = clearHTML.sub('', line.replace('<br>', '\n' + start + ' ')) try: ind = tLine.index('</text>') tf.write(tLine[:ind]) isEnd = True except: tf.write(tLine) return dict_ if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='wiktionary dump to msgpack') parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', dest='outputF', action='store_const', const=DEFAULT_OUTPUT, default=DEFAULT_OUTPUT, help='the output filename') parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest='inputF', action='store', help='the input filename, a dump of witionary') parser.add_argument('-e', '--error', dest='errorF', action='store', help='the filename to log errors') parser.add_argument('--ignore', dest='ignoreError', action='store_true', help='the filename to log errors') arg = parser.parse_args() if arg.inputF is None: print('A wiktionary dump is needed', file=sys.stderr) exit(-1) with open(arg.inputF, 'r') as f: res = extractAll(f, arg.errorF, arg.ignoreError) with open(arg.outputF, 'wb') as f: to_w = msgpack.packb(res) f.write(to_w)