path: root/src/dir.tmpl
diff options
authorache <>2020-02-11 19:38:49 +0100
committerache <>2020-02-11 19:38:49 +0100
commitfd455b04fd31a84cfd666b21f5814cd7d48c92d1 (patch)
tree742cba532e32cd1f669a614c010d9081aaa7aed4 /src/dir.tmpl
parentUse template for xml (diff)
New paths
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dir.tmpl')
1 files changed, 520 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dir.tmpl b/src/dir.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c864f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dir.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <head>
+ {{if .Name}}<title>{{ .Name }}</title>{{end}}
+ </head>
+ <body>
+<div class="header"></div>
+<div class="main">
+<section id="navFile"><table><tbody thisOne>
+ {{range .ListFiles}}
+ <tr><td><table style="table-layout:fixed"><tbody><tr><td style='text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;border: none;'><a href="{{ .Path | formatURL }}" title="{{ .Name }}">{{ .Name }}</a></td></tr></tbody></table></td><td>{{ .Size | formatSize }}</td></tr>
+ {{end}}
+ </tbody>
+<section id="navDir">
+ <h2>Dir.</h2>
+ <tbody thisOne>
+ {{range .ListCols}}
+ <tr><td> - <a href="{{ .Path }}" title="{{ .Name }}">{{ .Name | formatName }}</a></td></tr>
+ {{end}}
+<section id="davS">
+ <div class="uploadDiv">
+ <label for="fileinput">Envoyer un fichier : </label><br/>
+ <input id="fileinput" type="file">
+ </div>
+<section id="dav">
+ <div class="moveDiv">
+ <label for="file_move1">Déplaçer : </label><br/>
+ <input id="file_move1" type="input"> <br/>
+ <label for="file_move2">Vers : </label><br/>
+ <input id="file_move2" type="input">
+ </div>
+ <hr/>
+ <div class="mkdirDiv">
+ <label for="mkcol_input">CrΓ©er un dossier : </label><br/>
+ <input id="mkcol_input" type="input">
+ </div>
+ <hr/>
+ <div class="repDiv">
+ RΓ©ponse du server :
+ <div id="bodyServResponse">
+ <select multiple id="multiStatus">
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<div id="footer">Create with love πŸ’Ÿ by <a href="">ache</a></div>
+<script language="javascript">
+const input = document.getElementById('fileinput');
+const mkcol = document.getElementById('mkcol_input');
+const normSize = ( size ) => {
+ let unit = 0;
+ let nb = size;
+ while (nb > 1023.) {
+ unit++;
+ nb /= 1024.;
+ }
+ const unitStr = " KMGTPEZY";
+ if (unit > 0) {
+ return nb.toFixed(2) + unitStr[unit] + "io";
+ }
+ return "" + nb + "o";
+const addFile = (filename, fileURL, fileSize) => {
+ const navFile = document.getElementById('navFile');
+ const tbody = navFile.firstChild.firstChild;
+ const ttd = document.createElement('TD');
+ const table = document.createElement('table');
+ const ttbody = document.createElement('tbody');
+ const ttr = document.createElement('TR');
+ ttbody.appendChild(ttr);
+ table.appendChild(ttbody);
+ ttd.appendChild(table);
+ = "table-layout:fixed";
+ const tr = document.createElement('TR');
+ const name = document.createElement('TD');
+ const link = document.createElement('A');
+ link.href = fileURL;
+ link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(filename));
+ name.appendChild(link);
+ const size = document.createElement('TD');
+ size.appendChild(document.createTextNode(fileSize));
+ = "text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;border: none;";
+ ttr.append(name);
+ tr.appendChild(ttd);
+ tr.appendChild(size);
+ const aFill = document.createElement('a');
+ const a = document.createElement('a');
+ const td = document.createElement('td');
+ const moveInput = document.getElementById('file_move1');
+ a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('πŸ—™'));
+ aFill.appendChild(document.createTextNode('↩'));
+ a.classList.add('delete');
+ aFill.classList.add('fill');
+ a.href = "#";
+ aFill.href = "#";
+ a.onclick = () => false;
+ aFill.onclick = () => false;
+ td.appendChild(aFill);
+ td.appendChild(a);
+ a.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ deleteMethode(fileURL, tr)
+ return false;
+ }, false);
+ aFill.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ moveInput.value = filename;
+ }, false);
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ tbody.appendChild(tr);
+ return tr;
+const addDir = (dirname, dirURL) => {
+ const navDir = document.getElementById('navDir');
+ const tbody = navDir.firstChild.firstChild;
+ const tr = document.createElement('TR');
+ const name = document.createElement('TD');
+ const link = document.createElement('A');
+ link.href = dirURL;
+ link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(dirname));
+ name.appendChild(link);
+ tr.appendChild(name);
+ tbody.appendChild(tr);
+ return tr;
+const updateDirs = (dirPath) => {
+const updateFiles = (dirPath) => {
+const parserXML = (txt) => {
+ let xmlDoc;
+ if (window.DOMParser) {
+ const parser = new DOMParser();
+ xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(txt, "text/xml");
+ }
+ else { // Internet Explorer
+ xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
+ xmlDoc.async = false;
+ xmlDoc.loadXML(txt);
+ }
+ return xmlDoc;
+const upload = (file) => {
+ const l = window.location;
+ let uri = l.protocol + '//' + l.hostname;
+ if( l.port !== '80' ) {
+ uri += ':' + l.port
+ }
+ uri += l.pathname
+ if( uri[uri.length - 1] !== '/' ) {
+ uri += '/'
+ }
+ uri +=
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.file = file;
+ if ( xhr.upload ) {
+ const multiStatus = document.getElementById('multiStatus');
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.classList.add('ok');
+ const statusLine = document.createTextNode("");
+ option.appendChild(statusLine);
+ multiStatus.insertBefore(option, multiStatus.firstChild);
+ xhr.addEventListener('loadend', (e) => {
+ statusLine.nodeValue = "" + xhr.status + " - Uploaded : " +
+ const navFile = document.getElementById('navFile');
+ const rest = navFile.querySelector('tbody');
+ let denyChil = undefined;
+ Array.from(rest.children).forEach( (child) => {
+ console.log(child);
+ let tmp_Element = child;
+ while( tmp_Element && tmp_Element.tagName != 'A') {
+ tmp_Element = tmp_Element.firstElementChild;
+ }
+ if(tmp_Element && tmp_Element.innerHTML ==
+ denyChil = child;
+ });
+ if(denyChil)
+ rest.removeChild(denyChil);
+ addFile(, uri, normSize(file.size));
+ });
+ let i_status = 0;
+ xhr.upload.onprogress = function(e) {
+ const done = e.position || e.loaded, total = e.totalSize ||;
+ const per = (Math.floor(done/total*1000)/10);
+ const c_status = ["β—œ ", " ◝", " β—ž", "β—Ÿ "][i_status%3]
+ statusLine.nodeValue = c_status + ' uploading ' + per + '%';
+ i_status++;
+ };
+ }
+'put', uri, true);
+ xhr.send(file);
+ /*
+ fetch( encodeURI(uri) , {
+ method: 'PUT',
+ headers: {
+ "Content-Type": file.type
+ },
+ body: file
+ }).then(
+ response => {
+ if( response.ok ) {
+ const multiStatus = document.getElementById('multiStatus');
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.classList.add('ok');
+ const statusLine = document.createTextNode(response.status + " - Uploaded : " +;
+ option.appendChild(statusLine);
+ multiStatus.insertBefore(option, multiStatus.firstChild);
+ }
+ console.log(response);
+ }
+ ).then(
+ success => {
+ console.log(success);
+ }
+ ).catch(
+ error => {
+ console.log(error);
+ }
+ );
+ */
+const onSelectFile = () => {
+ let i = 0;
+ for( ; i < input.files.length ; i++) {
+ upload(input.files[i]);
+ }
+const mkcolEvent = (event) => {
+ if( event.key == 'Enter' ) {
+ const l = window.location;
+ const n = mkcol.value;
+ let uri = l.pathname;
+ if( uri[uri.length - 1] !== '/' ) {
+ uri += '/'
+ }
+ uri += n;
+ if( uri[uri.length - 1] !== '/' ) {
+ uri += '/'
+ }
+ mkcolMethode(uri, n);
+ }
+const mkcolMethode = (url, name) => {
+ fetch( url , {
+ method: 'MKCOL',
+ }).then(
+ response => {
+ if( response.ok ) {
+ const multiStatus = document.getElementById('multiStatus');
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.classList.add('ok');
+ let filename = url.split('/');
+ if( filename.length > 0 )
+ filename = filename[filename.length - 1];
+ else
+ filename = url;
+ const statusLine = document.createTextNode(response.status + " - Created πŸ“ : " + filename);
+ option.appendChild(statusLine);
+ multiStatus.insertBefore(option, multiStatus.firstChild);
+ }
+ }
+ ).catch(
+ error => {
+ ;
+ }
+ );
+const deleteMethode = (url, th) => {
+ fetch( url , {
+ method: 'DELETE',
+ }).then(
+ response => {
+ if( response.ok ) {
+ if( th ) th.parentNode.removeChild(th)
+ const multiStatus = document.getElementById('multiStatus');
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.classList.add('ok');
+ let filename = url.split('/');
+ if( filename.length > 0 )
+ filename = filename[filename.length - 1];
+ else
+ filename = url;
+ const statusLine = document.createTextNode(response.status + " - Deleted : " + decodeURI(filename));
+ option.appendChild(statusLine);
+ multiStatus.insertBefore(option, multiStatus.firstChild);
+ }
+ }
+ ).catch(
+ error => {
+ ;
+ }
+ );
+const onPageLoad = () => {
+ const as = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('a'));
+ as.filter( e => e.parentNode.parentNode.tagName == "TR" ).forEach( e => {
+ const aFill = document.createElement('a');
+ const a = document.createElement('a');
+ const td = document.createElement('td');
+ const moveInput = document.getElementById('file_move1');
+ let tr = e.parentNode.parentNode;
+ while( tr && !tr.parentNode.hasAttribute("thisOne") )
+ tr = tr.parentNode;
+ if( !tr )
+ return false;
+ a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('πŸ—™'));
+ aFill.appendChild(document.createTextNode('↩'));
+ a.classList.add('delete');
+ aFill.classList.add('fill');
+ a.href = "#";
+ aFill.href = "#";
+ a.onclick = () => false;
+ aFill.onclick = () => false;
+ aFill.title = e.href.split('/').slice(3).join('/');
+ a.title = '/' + e.href.split('/').slice(3).join('/');
+ td.appendChild(aFill);
+ td.appendChild(a);
+ a.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ deleteMethode('/' + e.href.split('/').slice(3).join('/'), tr)
+ return false;
+ }, false);
+ aFill.addEventListener('click', () => {
+ moveInput.value = e.href.split('/').slice(3).join('/');
+ }, false);
+ if( tr )
+ tr.appendChild(td);
+ });
+mkcol.addEventListener('keydown', mkcolEvent, false);
+input.addEventListener('change', onSelectFile, false);
+window.addEventListener('load', onPageLoad, false);
+body {
+ background: url(/pink_davy.svg);
+ padding-left: 10%;
+ padding-right: 10%;
+.main {
+ background-color: white;
+ border-radius: 25px;
+ margin-top: -8px;
+ padding-top: 20px;
+ padding-bottom: 20px;
+ padding-left: 15px;
+ padding-right: 15px;
+ width: 100%;
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-columns: calc(100% / 5) calc(100% / 2.5 + 100% / 5 ) calc(100%/5);
+ grid-template-areas: "navDir navFile dav"
+ "navDir navFile dav"
+ "navDir davS davS"
+ "navDir f f";
+@media screen and (max-width: 900px) {
+ body {
+ padding-left: 5%;
+ padding-right: 5%;
+ }
+ .main {
+ grid-template-columns: 100%;
+ grid-template-areas: "navDir"
+ "navFile"
+ "dav"
+ "davS"
+ "f"
+ }
+.header {
+ padding: 15%;
+ margin-top: -17px;
+ background: url(/ban_davy.svg);
+ background-size: contain;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+#davS {
+ grid-area: davS;
+ background-color: #0ff0af;
+ margin-top: 0%;
+ padding: 5%;
+#navDir {
+ grid-area: navDir;
+ background-color: #ffa0fc;
+ width: 100%;
+#navDir table {
+ table-layout: fixed;
+ width: 100%;
+#navDir h2 {
+ padding: 3%;
+#navDir table td:first-child{
+ display: inline;
+ word-wrap:break-word;
+#navDir table td {
+ display: inline-block;
+ word-wrap:break-word;
+#navFile {
+ grid-area: navFile;
+ background-color: #00ff64;
+ display: table;
+#navFile table td:first-child {
+#navFile table td {
+ border: 1px solid pink;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+#navFile table {
+ width: 100%;
+#dav {
+ grid-area: dav;
+ background-color: #33CCDD;
+ padding: 5%;
+#dav .mkdirDiv, .moveDiv, .repDiv {
+ margin: 2%;
+#dav input {
+ width: 80%;
+#bodyServResponse {
+ text-indent: 5%;
+ color: white;
+#footer {
+ grid-area: f;
+ background-color: #fcffa0;
+.ok {
+ color: green;
+.delete {
+ color: red;
+.ok:hover {
+ color: #407D30;
+ text-decoration: none;
+#multiStatus {
+ width: 100%;
+.delete:hover {
+ color: #3b4045;
+ text-decoration: none;