/* * render.c * * Created by buzzert 2019-01-18 */ #include "render.h" #include "resources.h" #include #include #include static const double kLogoBackgroundWidth = 500.0; GBytes* get_data_for_resource(const char *resource_path) { GBytes *result = NULL; GError *error = NULL; GResource *resource = as_get_resource(); result = g_resource_lookup_data( resource, resource_path, G_RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE, &error ); if (error != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error loading resource %s\n", resource_path); } return result; } void set_password_prompt(saver_state_t *state, const char *prompt) { fprintf(stderr, "Prompt: %s\n", prompt); strncpy(state->password_prompt, prompt, kMaxPromptLength - 1); } static void update_single_animation(saver_state_t *state, animation_t *anim) { // Cursor animation if (anim->type == ACursorAnimation) { CursorAnimation *ca = &anim->anim.cursor_anim; if (ca->cursor_animating) { if (!state->is_processing) { const double fade_duration = 0.5; const double progress = anim_progress(anim, fade_duration); state->cursor_opacity = progress; if (anim_complete(anim, progress)) { anim->direction = !anim->direction; anim->start_time = anim_now(); } } else { state->cursor_opacity = 1.0; } } } // Logo animation else if (anim->type == ALogoAnimation) { const double logo_duration = 0.6; const double progress = anim_progress_ease(anim, logo_duration, anim_qubic_ease_out); state->logo_fill_progress = progress; state->password_opacity = progress; set_layer_needs_draw(state, LAYER_LOGO, true); if (anim->direction == OUT) { // When transitioning OUT, background essentially draws over the logo as it wipes out set_layer_needs_draw(state, LAYER_BACKGROUND, true); } // And since the status text fades along with the logo set_layer_needs_draw(state, LAYER_PROMPT, true); anim->completed = anim_complete(anim, progress); } // Background red flash animation else if (anim->type == ARedFlashAnimation) { const double duration = 0.1; const double progress = anim_progress_ease(anim, duration, anim_qubic_ease_out); bool completed = false; if (anim_complete(anim, progress)) { AnimationDirection direction = anim->direction; anim->direction = !direction; anim->anim.redflash_anim.flash_count++; anim->start_time = anim_now(); if (anim->anim.redflash_anim.flash_count > 3) { completed = true; } } anim->completed = completed; state->background_redshift = progress; set_layer_needs_draw(state, LAYER_BACKGROUND, true); } // Spinner animation else if (anim->type == ASpinnerAnimation) { anim->anim.spinner_anim.rotation += 0.27; } } static unsigned next_anim_index(saver_state_t *state, unsigned cur_idx) { unsigned idx = cur_idx + 1; for (; idx < kMaxAnimations; idx++) { animation_t anim = state->animations[idx]; if (anim.type != _EmptyAnimationType) break; } return idx; } animation_key_t schedule_animation(saver_state_t *state, animation_t anim) { anim.start_time = anim_now(); // Find next empty element animation_key_t key = 0; for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < kMaxAnimations; idx++) { animation_t check_anim = state->animations[idx]; if (check_anim.type == _EmptyAnimationType) { key = idx; state->animations[idx] = anim; state->num_animations++; break; } } return key; } void remove_animation(saver_state_t *state, animation_key_t key) { state->animations[key].type = _EmptyAnimationType; } animation_t* get_animation_for_key(saver_state_t *state, animation_key_t anim_key) { animation_t *animation = NULL; if (state->animations[anim_key].type != _EmptyAnimationType) { animation = &state->animations[anim_key]; } return animation; } void update_animations(saver_state_t *state) { unsigned idx = 0; unsigned processed_animations = 0; unsigned completed_animations = 0; while (processed_animations < state->num_animations) { animation_t *anim = &state->animations[idx]; update_single_animation(state, anim); if (anim->completed) { remove_animation(state, idx); if (anim->completion_func != NULL) { anim->completion_func((struct animation_t *)anim, anim->completion_func_context); } completed_animations++; } processed_animations++; idx = next_anim_index(state, idx); if (idx == kMaxAnimations) break; } state->num_animations -= completed_animations; } bool layer_needs_draw(saver_state_t *state, const layer_type_t type) { if (state->dirty_layers & LAYER_BACKGROUND) { // Special case: if the background needs to be drawn, everything on top of it // needs to as well. return true; } return (state->dirty_layers & type); } void set_layer_needs_draw(saver_state_t *state, const layer_type_t type, bool needs_draw) { if (needs_draw) { state->dirty_layers |= type; } else { state->dirty_layers &= ~type; } } RsvgHandle* load_svg_for_resource_path(const char *resource_path) { GError *error = NULL; GBytes *bytes = get_data_for_resource(resource_path); RsvgHandle *handle = NULL; gsize size = 0; gconstpointer data = g_bytes_get_data(bytes, &size); handle = rsvg_handle_new_from_data(data, size, &error); g_bytes_unref(bytes); if (error != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error loading SVG at resource path: %s\n", resource_path); } return handle; } void draw_background(saver_state_t *state, double x, double y, double width, double height) { // Draw background cairo_t *cr = state->ctx; cairo_save(cr); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, (state->background_redshift / 1.5), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, width, height); cairo_fill(cr); cairo_restore(cr); } void draw_logo(saver_state_t *state) { if (state->logo_svg_handle == NULL) { state->logo_svg_handle = load_svg_for_resource_path("/resources/logo.svg"); } cairo_t *cr = state->ctx; // The initial coordinates double fill_height = state->canvas_height; double w_I = kLogoBackgroundWidth, h_I = fill_height, tetha = M_PI/7; // Draw bar background cairo_save(cr); cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, (236.0 / 255.0), (166.0 / 255.0), (70.0 / 255.0)); // The final coordinates int y = - sin(tetha) * w_I, x = tan(tetha) * abs(y), w = w_I * state->logo_fill_progress, h = (h_I + abs(y)) / cos(tetha); // Draw the rectangle cairo_translate(cr, x, y); cairo_rotate(cr, tetha); cairo_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, w, h); cairo_fill(cr); // Rotate back to draw the logo cairo_rotate(cr, -tetha); // Common color -- transparent for logo cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Scale and draw logo RsvgDimensionData dimensions; rsvg_handle_get_dimensions(state->logo_svg_handle, &dimensions); const double padding = 100.0; double scale_factor = ((kLogoBackgroundWidth - (padding * 2.0)) / dimensions.width); double scaled_height = (dimensions.height * scale_factor); double y_position = (state->canvas_height - scaled_height) / 2.0; cairo_translate(cr, padding, y_position); cairo_scale(cr, scale_factor, scale_factor); rsvg_handle_render_cairo(state->logo_svg_handle, cr); cairo_restore(cr); set_layer_needs_draw(state, LAYER_LOGO, false); } void draw_date_field(saver_state_t *state) { const double cursor_height = 40.0; const double cursor_width = 30.0; const double field_x = kLogoBackgroundWidth + 50.0; const double field_y = (state->canvas_height - cursor_height) / 2.0; const double field_padding = 10.0; cairo_t *cr = state->ctx; // Common color for status and password field cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, state->password_opacity); char date[256] = ""; char datePrompt[256] = ""; time_t nowInstant = time(NULL); struct tm* now = localtime(&nowInstant); strftime(date, 256, "%T %a %d/%m/%y", now); sprintf(datePrompt, "%s/%s", date, state->password_prompt); // Measure status text const char *prompt = datePrompt; pango_layout_set_font_description(state->pango_layout, state->status_font); pango_layout_set_text(state->pango_layout, prompt, -1); int t_width, t_height; pango_layout_get_size(state->pango_layout, &t_width, &t_height); double line_height = t_height / PANGO_SCALE; } void draw_password_field(saver_state_t *state) { const double cursor_height = 40.0; const double cursor_width = 30.0; const double field_x = kLogoBackgroundWidth + 50.0; const double field_y = (state->canvas_height - cursor_height) / 2.0; const double field_padding = 10.0; cairo_t *cr = state->ctx; // Common color for status and password field cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, state->password_opacity); char date[256] = ""; char datePrompt[256] = ""; time_t nowInstant = time(NULL); struct tm* now = localtime(&nowInstant); strftime(date, 256, "%T %a %d/%m/%y", now); sprintf(datePrompt, "%s\n%s", date, state->password_prompt); // Measure status text const char *prompt = datePrompt; pango_layout_set_font_description(state->pango_layout, state->status_font); pango_layout_set_text(state->pango_layout, prompt, -1); int t_width, t_height; pango_layout_get_size(state->pango_layout, &t_width, &t_height); double line_height = t_height / PANGO_SCALE; // Measure processing indicator double spinner_width = 0.0; double spinner_scale_factor = 0.0; RsvgDimensionData spinner_dimensions; if (state->is_processing) { if (state->spinner_svg_handle == NULL) { state->spinner_svg_handle = load_svg_for_resource_path("/resources/spinner.svg"); } rsvg_handle_get_dimensions(state->spinner_svg_handle, &spinner_dimensions); spinner_scale_factor = ((line_height - 5.0) / spinner_dimensions.height); spinner_width = spinner_dimensions.width * spinner_scale_factor; // padding spinner_width += 10.0; } // Draw status text if (layer_needs_draw(state, LAYER_PROMPT) || state->is_processing) { const double y_position = field_y - line_height - field_padding; draw_background(state, field_x, y_position, state->canvas_width - field_x, line_height); cairo_move_to(cr, spinner_width + field_x, y_position); pango_cairo_show_layout(cr, state->pango_layout); set_layer_needs_draw(state, LAYER_PROMPT, false); } // Draw processing indicator if (state->is_processing) { SpinnerAnimation spinner_anim = get_animation_for_key(state, state->spinner_anim_key)->anim.spinner_anim; cairo_save(cr); cairo_translate(cr, field_x, field_y - line_height - 8.0); // Translate, rotate, translate; so rotation is happening about the center. double tr_amount = (spinner_dimensions.width * spinner_scale_factor) / 2.0; cairo_translate(cr, tr_amount, tr_amount); cairo_rotate(cr, spinner_anim.rotation); cairo_translate(cr, -tr_amount, -tr_amount); cairo_scale(cr, spinner_scale_factor, spinner_scale_factor); rsvg_handle_render_cairo(state->spinner_svg_handle, cr); cairo_restore(cr); } // Draw password asterisks const double cursor_padding_x = 10.0; if (state->asterisk_svg_handle == NULL) { state->asterisk_svg_handle = load_svg_for_resource_path("/resources/asterisk.svg"); } RsvgDimensionData dimensions; rsvg_handle_get_dimensions(state->asterisk_svg_handle, &dimensions); const double asterisk_height = cursor_height - 20.0; const double scale_factor = (asterisk_height / dimensions.height); const double scaled_width = (dimensions.width * scale_factor); const double asterisk_width = (scaled_width + cursor_padding_x); const unsigned int num_asterisks = strlen(state->password_buffer); if (layer_needs_draw(state, LAYER_PASSWORD)) { // Draw background first draw_background(state, field_x, field_y - (field_padding / 2.0), (asterisk_width * num_asterisks), cursor_height + field_padding); // Asterisks are all rendered in a single group so their opacity can change (password_opacity) cairo_push_group(cr); double cursor_offset_x = 0.0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_asterisks; i++) { cairo_save(cr); cairo_translate(cr, field_x + cursor_offset_x, field_y + ((cursor_height - asterisk_height) / 2.0)); cairo_scale(cr, scale_factor, scale_factor); rsvg_handle_render_cairo(state->asterisk_svg_handle, cr); cairo_restore(cr); cursor_offset_x += asterisk_width; } cairo_pattern_t *asterisk_pattern = cairo_pop_group(cr); cairo_save(cr); cairo_set_source(cr, asterisk_pattern); cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, state->password_opacity); cairo_restore(cr); cairo_pattern_destroy(asterisk_pattern); set_layer_needs_draw(state, LAYER_PASSWORD, false); } // Draw cursor const double x_offset = (num_asterisks * asterisk_width); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, MIN(state->password_opacity, state->cursor_opacity)); draw_background(state, field_x + x_offset, field_y, state->canvas_width, cursor_height); if (!state->is_processing) { cairo_rectangle(cr, field_x + x_offset, field_y, cursor_width, cursor_height); } else { // Fill asterisks cairo_rectangle(cr, field_x, field_y, x_offset, cursor_height); } cairo_fill(cr); }