import fs from "node:fs"; import { u } from "unist-builder"; import { h } from "hastscript"; import { select } from "hast-util-select"; import { toString as hastToString } from "mdast-util-to-string"; import cssesc from "cssesc"; import toml from "smol-toml"; import { toString, toMdRaw, mdToHtmlRaw } from "./to-html.mjs"; import { getArticleYear } from "./article.mjs"; import i18n from "./i18n.mjs"; const loadMD = (listFile, suffix, lang) => { const listContent = []; for (const file of listFile) { console.log(`Working on ${file}`); const content = fs.readFileSync(`${suffix}/${file}`, "utf8"); const mdRaw = toMdRaw(content); const tomlStringValue = mdRaw.children[0].value; const metaData = toml.parse(tomlStringValue); const newHTML = mdToHtmlRaw(mdRaw); const langR = lang || metaData.lang; const htmlContent = newHTML; const htmlRender = toString(htmlContent); const titleHtml = select("h1", htmlContent); const intro = select("p", htmlContent); intro.children = intro.children.filter((child) => child.tagName !== "br"); const logo = select("img", intro); if (logo && logo?.properties) { if ([0] != "/") { = `/${suffix}/${}`; } = "150"; = "150"; } const logoP = select("source", intro); if (logoP !== null) { = `/${suffix}/${}`; } titleHtml.children[0].properties.href = `/${suffix}/${file.slice(0, -3)}`; const title = hastToString(titleHtml); const domTitle = cssesc( title .replace(/\s+/g, "-") .replace(/['"#@]/, "") .toLowerCase(), ); // Maybe encodeURI console.log(langR); const readMore = h("a", i18n[langR]["read_more"]); = `/${suffix}/${file.slice(0, -3)}`; const pubYear = getArticleYear({ metaData }); if (metaData.pubDate) { try { metaData.pubDateISO = metaData.pubDate.toISOString(); } catch (error) { console.error( `Error on file ${file} with pubDate (${metaData.pubDate}): ${error}`, ); } } listContent.push({ name: file.slice(0, -3), content: htmlRender, intro: toString(u("root", [titleHtml, intro, readMore])), introDesc: hastToString(intro), imageUrl: logo?.properties?.src || "", metaData, pubYear, title, domTitle, url: `/${suffix}/${file.slice(0, -3)}`, }); } return listContent; }; export default loadMD;